Brave brother IN Little stories for little people [column]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Brave brother IN Little stories for little people [column]
Aunt Julia
Volume 1 (Issue no. 8) September 1935
Children's stories
Courage in children
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SP.ptembe1·, 1935 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 197 LITTLE STORIES FOR LITTLE PEOPLE · BRAVE BROTl-IER By Aunt Julio ·"MOTHER, please let' me chop the firewood for you." Ernesto begged. "No, my boy, you are too small. Run along and play." "But, Mother, I am five years old. And I am strong. The other mothers let their boys go to the sea. They catch fish and crabs. They pick up clams and shells." "Later when you are bigger, my little ·man will work for me. Just now you can only play with your sister." Ernesto's sister was only three years okL He followed her around. · He would hold her arms and say, , "Don't go there, Baby. You will fall." When Baby put her finger in her mouth, he would say, "Don't do that. You will get sick. You must listen to me. I am older." . Ernesto felt he was a man. He thought he must always watch Baby. He would often say to Father, "If I did not take care of Baby very well, she would fall down the stairs." One day Ernesto and Baby were playing oli,the sidewalk. A big boy came. At first he watched them. Then he picked up Baby's shells and threw them into the middle of the street. "You bad, bad boy!" Ernesto cried. The boy ran away, sticking out his tongue at Ernesto. Ernesto stamped his feet. "Come back here. I'll sock anybody who is mean to my sister." Ernesto was a brave boy. He would not cry even when he was. hurt. He was not afraid of bad men. He was not afraid of giants and witches. But he was afraid of the dark. ·He could not go into a dark room alone. He would rather go without drinking if he had to get up when the lights were out. One night after the children had been put to bed, Baby called her grandmother, "Lola, please give me a drink." The grandmother did not answer. She thought Baby just wanted to play. , "! want a drink. I want a drink." Baby repeated. The older people would not pay attention to Baby. She had II\any ways ·of playing tricks on them. Ernesto got up and felt his. way to Baby's bed. · "Come, Baby, I'll take you downstairs,"' he whispered. E:mesto took Baby by the hand. The~­ walked slowly out of the· bedroom. They felt their way down the stairs. The dining room was dark. Ernesto took a glass from the cupboard. He walked carefully. He left Baby in a corner. "Stay here, Baby," he said gently. 'I'll get some water for you." In a minute, E~nesto was back. He held (Please turn to page 217) Septcmbc1 ·, 1.9.j5 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 217 1 " e uoot1c vn.oto represents the young 1 >eople of a num1.1cn· of 0 10- prt>min.ent Manila fcm ilies. Tkese boys and girls het·e shown in the costumes in which they pm·tici1,ated .in a prov)·am of the Cosmopolitan Bnltcr and Dancing Sch"ol of n.•hich Mme. L. Adameit is the Principal insfructrcss. Jn this grand opening scene of the Doll Shop Ballet 1z,ppcared the following bo'JIS and gfrls: DOLLSHOP: Shephcnl!-Pacita Ubaldo and Sally Hardem; M(ckeu Mouse-Mila Cach-o; Mini Lasa; Rabbits-Ma1·11chi Cacho, Luisa Lichauco, Cecilia Elizalde, John Stewart, Chcuito Ba.utista; Polka Coquet-Mitos Sison; R11mba-Ma,.iles Cacho; Dutch Ensemble-Alice Morales, Teresila Fabella, Candida Roa, Com::on Tnlio, Annie Matias, Gilda Macara.ig; Toe Doll-Delie Cacho,· T1·01npe1·-Ccirmrm La&a. The ARMY~· The Commanding Gcneml-Ca.rlos Rom11{0, Jr. ; The P.rivates-Titi 1tnd Toti Sison, N eno and GoUo Abn rn, Han-y Mage and Gnigorio Ramu.lo; Marquiz and Mat·qulztt-Virginia Macondg mid A urnea. Tulio; Danciti.fJ Dolls-Valeria and Mimi Hvidt, Regina Ab1·eu and Elcnita Eliza{de, IA1cy Mro·phy and Amaya Jnchausti, Glorin Avecilla ond Hildeptu·d K,·ohn. 18t row-Gloria Alvear, Rafael TriaS, Jr., Arc:adio Zavalla, Francisco Trias, Ca1·los Alvear, Jr. (the hos f) , Tito Ca1·lola, Generoso V illmmeva, Jr., Raul Fores, Mitos Sison. 211d row-Buddy Gonzalez, Josy Gonzalez, Litri Ganzo11, Maria Lu.Ua Dnmian, Rene Celeste, Hilario Clemente, Jr., Jean and Jo Ann Alviado, Baby Li?njap, Glmia Castro, Elsa Santos, Zena1'da Gfl.rcia. St·d row-Donati L111u:m·, Man1tel Gnnca.yco, Pila.,·ing Carlota, DelJJ Zn:valla, A,·cadio Zavalla. Mancia Gnn::hitonm a, RosaU'rtda So1· Rosm·io Castro, Pacitn: Abadilla, Luz Goitcayct>, Margarita Ga.rch1torena. 4th 1 ·011J- Pepe Carlota, Tito Clemente, Nen~ Ca.1·lota, Betty Alvear, Jennie Dn1ett. BRA VE BROT HER HELPFULNESS- THE stop in just planning and making (Continued frnm page 1.97} (Continued from page 1.95) the garden. Each group of children the glass to Baby's mouth. In that they can suggest this plan to their should take turn to take care of way Baby got a drink that night. pa-rents. th plants and gardens throughout At the breakfast table the next le would be a good idea if schovl the year. morning. Baby said. children can group together and Planting trees along the main "Papa, Brother is very brave. He r:)Jke it their own project to plant ro..:ds or- str<>Ns would add ·to the took me downstairs last night. h flowering plants. around a menu· beauty of the t6wn. was very, very dark." m~nt, make a garden in thr pla7.J, Surely the children and the grownln front of the church. the market, ups, the whole people of the commu"Were you 'noi: afraid?" Papa the presidencia, and their school. nity, wilt be happy and healthy if asked. "No. I was not afraid. Brother Of course the project should not their town is clean and beautiful. held me by the hand. We walked "Of course. Brother is brave." Let us help make our own town vrry, very slowly. We did not fall. Mother said. "Brother is brave like or barrio clean and beautiful. even though it was very. very d;irk." Papa ... · Dr. I. PANLASIGUI