From the mail bag


Part of Forestry Leaves

From the mail bag
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
RAMON MA GSA YSA Y 187-B Manga Avenue, Sta. Mesa P.O. Box 1290 Manila, Philippines December 13, 1953 Dear Mr. Cenabre: I am exceedingly pleased to receive your letter of November 15th. Thank you for your kind wishes which have given me more strength and inspiration rto face the task that lies ahead. With respect to your request, I deeply regret that ·1 cannot yet a<"cord it the attention it deserves, as at the moment, there are pressing and vital matters in my hands t1 . ! need immediate action preparatory to the tum-over of administration. May I suggest, then, that we thresh this out sometime in the future? Allow me to extend to you my sincerest wishes and best regards. Cordially yours, (Sgd.)RAMON MAGSAYSAY • • • Bur~au of Forestry, November 15, 1953 Mr. Ramon Magsaysay President-Elect of the Philippines 187-B Mariga Avenue, Sta. Mesa Manila My dear Mr. President: Manila With reference to your letter to the undersigned dated October 17, 1953, in connection with your recent candidacy for the President of the Philippines: Please accept my heartiest congratulations for your presidential landslide victory in the last elections. The people have spoken freely arid spontaneously in your favor and I am so happy for you. You indicated in your letter the sorrowful plight of our brothers in the barrios and I know you will take great interest in their welfare now that you are chosen head of the Philippine Republic. You have seen the conditions of the country in general during your campaign and perhaps you also have aeen how our forests have been so devastated on the mountains and hillsides. I speak as one connected with the Bureau of Forestry where I have spent the best years of my life as a devoted public servant. This letter is being written to you therefore to congratulate you firstly for your howling success in the last Presidential elecrums and lo request you GRADUATION ISSUE-APRIL, 1954 secondly, to remember to say something about the importance of our forests in your messages in the future so that the people will know the value of forests, that is direct and indirect benefits derived from the forests by the community and the people in general. The people of the Philippines should be made to know of the value of conserving said forests. A word from you Mr. President now before your assumption to Office and again after about these will save the public forests and established national parks from further wanton destruction. With best wishes for a successful forthcoming administration, I am • Mr. Nicanor P. Lalog 704 Lowich Building 2026 St. Charles Ave. Ne>w Orleans 16, La . Dear Lalog: Yours very sincerely, (Sgd.) AGAPITO L. CENABRE • • I received your letter of January 6, mailed at New Orleans, Lousiana, U.S.A. We appreciate your constant and continued interest in our work out here and for all the arrangements you have been making to improve our working facilities and conditions. We will include the Southern Forest Experiment Station, 704, Lowich Building, 2026 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans 13, Lousiana, in the mailing lists of the Philippine Journal of Forestry, Forestry Leaves, and Filipino Forli"Jters. We will look forward to the receipt or arrival of the 1952 Annual Report of the Station which will certainly help us in our work. I am very glad to hear about Mr. Wakely and of his book on Silviculture, perhaps mainly based on the Southern States conditions. If you see him again, please tell him I am inviting him to come out here and help us. This letter may also be a reply to your letter . of December 1, 1953. I may inform you that the experiment station buildings at this place and at the four other stations will be started soon, to be finished about June 30, 1954. The Forest Products Laboratory .is about 20 percent up. Forester Amos is the new Director of Forestry. Write us again. Sincerely yours, ( Sgd.) FELIX FRANCO Chief, Division of Forest Investigation Page 37