Sunshine Corner


Part of Forestry Leaves

Sunshine Corner
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
• SUNSHINE CORNER • A candidate for i:;raduation went to see his professor in lumbering and said with dignity: "Sir, I do not believe I deserve that grade of 5 you gave me. Replied the professor: "Neither do I, but that is the lowest grade the U.P. cOde allow• me to give you. • • • The class in hu:nbering 2 was having its mid-semester e:a:am. One particularly witty student was stumped by a question whi<;h read: "State the number of board feet of lumber e:a:ported to the U.S. for any given year." Finally, the student's face briithtened and he Wl'Qte: "1900--none." • • • Tha class in Spanish i• a source of un~d things. Une day the professor asked: "Que es el arroyo?" The student who answered emphatically said: "El perro es un dog." • • • Here's another-"Ben," said tha Prof., "give the 111,1bjunctive of the verb "abrir." Obviously Ben did not know so the professor asked, "From where are vou .Ben?" "Abra, sir." "Correct, you knew it all the ·time, after all," said the professor. • • • At last, after a lengthy e:a:planation illustrated by tWo blackboard.full of equations, Mr. Recto said, . "fki riow you see that X is equal to .11ero." A bored wtudent let out a long sigh and said, "All that work for nothing." • • • A.n instructor was boa.Un& that a fool can 11111' more questions than a wise man Can anawer. . To which a •tudent remarked unthinkini:;ly~"Ah, that's wlw so many of us fail in the uams you give us. • • • When Dr. Tan asked Mr. Malaba10 why he gave "· 4 to a forestcy freshie taking P.lj:., Tutirig demurely fll11wered: I caught him cheati.Qg in the exam; he . was couritin.g the teeth in hill mouth when he came · to the question "How many teeth does a normal . adult have?" • • • A faC1:1lty member of the College got in line and after more than half an hour of sweating, elbowing and edging forward, he reached the ticket booth or . the Holiday On Ice show at the Boys' Town Festival. Just then, to his chagrin and frustration, the ticket aeller closed tha ticket window and hung the "All seats taken" sign! Can you identify him? . GRADUATION Issus-APRIL, 1954 A college fraternity was on the carpet for its objectionable ilnitiation practices and a sophomore was being investigated. The forester in charge, red with rage continued, "So you c..>nfess that this poor neiophyte was brought bodily to the carabao wallow and dumped in? Now what part did you take in this disgraceful incident?" Answered the sophie (very meekly) : "The left leg, sir." • • • Laundrywoman to student living in Dorm I, "And shall I take this little rug and wash it too?" Student: "Oh no, that's my roomate's towel.'. * • * Glancing at his watch, the professor saw he had only half a minute to make the 6:45 bus. Taking 11 gulp of coffee while reaching for his hat, he dashed out the door and down the street but when he looked for the bus stop that was not there, he remembered he was in the province on vacation. • • • When "Boss" Juinio was still here in college, he got the goat of the traffic policeman at the Junction one day while hurrying all the way from Bay in his Ford sedan to his classes in Forestry. Said the traffic cop, "I signaled you tQ stop but you didn't." "Did you not see my hand?' Answered ''Bosa,"_:_"How could I, with your gloves on?" "Boss" was absent that day. • • • A. student was trying to convince his profe11sc.r that he actually added a series of fi&Ures. How do I know you added them five times, as you claim," said the professor, eyeing. the student narrowly. "Here sir, are the five different answers I got." • • •• Young boy to another: My brother in college is an author. He has published many articles and stories. Other boy: Does he write for money? First boy: Sure, he does. In every letter to Dad. • • • Forestry student to high school classmate of hu;; "And what are you taking now?" "Medicine," replied the other. "Why, are you sick?" queried the forestrian. * * • Freshman home on vacation when asked by his father how he stood in class said proudly, "On top of the list" and then quite inaudibly, "of those who failed.'' Pap 39