World peace through law


Part of Panorama

World peace through law
Marshall, Thurgood
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Vol. XX TMI raiumwv MAflAzmi Of eooo bsawno Entered as second class mail matter at the Manila Post Office on Dec. 7, 1955 MANILA, PHILIPPINES No. 5 WORLD PEACE THROUGH LAW ... 1 speak to you tonight under the auspices of the Philippine Constitution Association dedicated to the defense and preservation of your constitution and the leader in the never ending crusade for the respect of the rule of law. The contribution of this association is not only working toward law and order in the Philippines; it is also making a real contribution to peace through law throughout the world. For, we know that wars settle little. We must realize by now that peace will only come through law. World peace through law must become the goal for/all freedom loving people .., What we need more than anything else is faith in our own governments — faith in our own Constitutions — faith in our own laws. Secondly, we need determination and willingness to work within these laws. We must insist on government of laws — not government of men. Thirdly, we must realize that true democracy, a lasting peace requires hard work by all peoples. . So, I close with two final admonitions. One is an old true statement: “Eternal Vigilance is the price of Peace.” And another old but true statement repeated by President Johnson just a week ago: “No Country and no man ever stands as tall as when he falls on his knees before God.” — Thurgood Marshall. Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, from his speech before the Philippine Constitution Association.