The World today


Part of Panorama

The World today
Coronet Editorial
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
TM PHILIPPINE MAAAX1M OP MOB UAMNS Vol. XVII MANILA, PHILIPPINES No. 9 THE WORLD TODAY The world today needs men who believe that this is a good world and who will work to make it a better one; men to whom honesty is not a policy, but their normal state of being; whose consciences respond to right and truth with the steadiness of the needle to the pole; men who have the courage of their convictions and dare to pro­ claim them though the heavens totter and the earth yawns; men who prefer honor to wealth, truth to sophistry, kind­ ness to covetousness, modesty to vaingloriousness, service to recognition, humility to grandeur, usefulness to reward; men who have found their business in life and attend to it; who neither lie, shirk, nor meddle; who have a definite aim, go straight for it, and treat failures as stepping-stones to success; men who dare to think for themselves, to drink out of their own wells and eat thfeir own sweet bread, earned by the toil of willing hands and brains; men who, surrounded by barnacles, bores, busybodies, fanatics, knaves, pests, triflers and wiseacres manage to maintain their faith in God and the high destiny of the human race. — Coronet Editorial.