Campus Notes


Part of Forestry Leaves

Campus Notes
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• CAMPUS SBO ELECTIONS On July 8, the student body held the elections for the officers of the student government for the school year 1953-53, first semester. Elections were conducted at the old college building, now being rehabilitated and upended. Winning over their respective opponents by wide margins, the following were elected officers: President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Primitivo Galinato Vice-President . . . . . . . . . Feliberto Pollisco SecttJtary ............. . Treeaurer ..........•.. Auditor .............• · Athletic M atllf'8r ..... . Sit& at anns •...•••••• Rep. to the Philippine Fortunato Arcangel Rosalia Goze Artemio Cabanday Marciano Antonio Filamor Yadao & . Romeo Ulangkaya Collelian . . . . . . . . . . . . Felipe Abraham Jr. Senior U. P. Student Council Rep. . . . . . . . . . Benjamin Bataan Junior U.P. Student Council Rep. . . . . . . . . • Juan Galo Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prof. Jose B. Blando Due to new UCCSOA regulations, no freshman was allowed to vote. The same disqualified . an elected student officer because he is only carrying 10 units load so that the loser won by technicality. This made a complete victory for the Dipterocarp Party. Professor Blando is again Adviser, he having had no opponent in the line-ups. CLASS OFFICERS The different ~ elected thair officers for tha fint semester, 1954-1955 shortly after cl- started. Results of the elections are as follOWL Senior Clut1 PtNident Vice President ....•..•. SecttJtary •.........•... TrelUIUl"8r ............ . Auditor .............. . Rep. to the SBO ...... . Reps. to the U.P. Sr. Council •...•.••.•• , . PRO ..........•...... Advi&er Marciano Guile Florencio P. Mauricio Eduardo Llapitan Kaspa Aganidad Patived Arayasastra Artemio Cabanday Pelagio Bautista & Florencio P, Mauricio Benjamin Bataan Prof. Jose B. Blando Junior Clut1 President . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jose Malvas Vice-Pl"&flident . . . . . . . . . Meliton Battad Secretary . • . . . . . . . . . . . • Melania Alconcel Treuurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . George Bataan hphmber, 1954 NOTES Auditor Rep. to the SBO ..... . PRO ................ . Bu&inesa Manager ..... . Slt•.-at-anna .......... . Reps. to the U.P. Junior Council Adviser • Roberto Espiritu Modesto Tobias Francisco Empedrad Generosa Caileda Simplicio Alegre, Jr. & Alfredo Eugenio Rogelio Baggayan & Felipe Abraham Jr. Dr. Artemio V. Manza Sophomore Clasa President Vice...Pre&ident ........ . Secretary ............. . Trea.urer ............ . Athletic Manager ..... . Auditor .............. . Bu•. Mir. and PRO .... . Rep. to the SBO ...... . s1ts.-at-arma .........• Adviser Fortunato Arcangel Edmundo Cortes Filamor Yadao Rosalio Goze Herman Agpawa Bienvenido Lomibao Marciano Antonio Mariano Valera Tomas Tolentino & Hermites Cuenca Dr. Artemio V. Manza FruJunan ClUll President Vice-Pl"&flident ........ . Secretary ............ . TreaBlll"ftr ............ . Auditor .•............. Rep. to SBO ........ . Slt•.-at-anz111 . . . . . . . . . . . Adviser Leonardo Angeles Max Oro (left) Remedios Feliz Marcelina Espregante Policarpio Narciso Leonardo Angeles Avelino Rufo & Mario Ebron Dr. Artemio V. Manza * • • 1954-1955 PENSIONADO CLUB On July 16, the CF Penaionado Club was reorganized and the following were elected as officers: Prident-Lucio Quimbo, Vice-Pres.-Modesto Tobias, Sec.-Fortunato Arcangel, Treas.-Kaspa Aganidad, Auditor-Antonio Lizardo, PRO-Edmundo Cortes. Bus. Mgr.-Rogelio Baggayan, Adviser-Prof. Teodoro Delizo. The Club is composed of BF, Local Government and foreign pensionedos. Incumbent members are: Seniors: K. Aganidad - Thailand, P. Arayasastra - Thailand, B. Bataan - Abra, P. Bautista - Tarlac, A. Cabanday - Abra, F. P. Mauritjo-.Tarlac; Juniors: F. Abraham, Jr.Tarlac, S. Alegre Jr.-N. Vizcaya, R. BaggayanCagayan, L. Quimbo-Samar, M. Tobia11-I. Sur; Sophomores: M. Antonio-Baguio, F. Arcangel-I. Norte, T. Binua-Rizal, A. Caronan--Cagayan, R. Chavez--Quezon, E. Cort-Masbate, J. GumayapyN. Vizcaya, M. Licayan-Zamboanca. A. LizardoPage, 53 Zamboanga, A. Mariano--Zamboanga, B. Meimban -Pangasiiian, C. Padron-Iloilo, B. Paragas-Zamboanga, A. Pintor-Panay, G. Principe-Marinduque, A. Sanchez-Mindoro, A. Sison-Pangasinan, V. Soriano-I. Norte, R. Ulangkaya-Cotabato, M. Valera-Masbate, and F. Yadao-Cagayan; Freshman: G. Ortega-I. Norte and F. Llapitan-I. Norte (Sr.) The club expects to donate a stand for the stage in the ampitheater of the new College building. Can afford.-Baggie • • • COLLEGE WEEKLY SHOWS To buy a new public address system to be used in College affairs, the student body under Prof. Jose B. Blando has agreed to sponsor weekly shows. P2.00 entitled every student for 10 weekly shows. The shows started on July 31 and shown on Saturday evenings. The present public addreBS system is now worn out and about to pass its usefulness so that a new one is imperative. With the enthusiasm the whole forestry community is welcoming the shows every Saturday, a new public addreBS system is expected with the completion of the new College building.-FPM • • • TEN RANGER-TRAINEES IN THE FmLD Because of their unsatisfactory scholastic standing for one year in the College, ten Ranger-trainees were called to serve the Bureau in the field for at least two years. These young men were anigned to the different fol"!st districtJI. They are: Benjamin Boncato, Wilfredo Espino, Antonio Jusi, Wilfredo Lalog, Florentino Loyola, Victor Gabuco Jr., Apolonio Salanga Jr., Victoriano Tarroza, Ricaredo Monsanto and Santiago ZayaL-R.U. • .. • FOUR NEW PENSIONADOS Felipe Abraham Jr., and Rogelio Baggayan, members of Ranger Class '54, were &elected by the Scholarship Committee of the College of Forestry to continue the ~.S.F. course as Belo Boys. Also of the same class is Simplicio Alegre Jr., recipient of the Santa Clara Scholarship. To take the Ranger Certificate is Guillermo Ortega, a freshman, a pensionado of the Office of the President. Awardees of the Belo Fund of the Bureau last year were: Pelagio D. Bautista and Florencio P. Mauricio, both of Ranger Class '53. Now enjoying the pension,doship of the Office of the President are: Benjamin Batoon, Artemio Cabanday and Romeo Ulangkaya.-R.U. • • • THREE NEW FACULTY MEMBERS Three fresh graduates are now with our faculty. They are: Napoleon Vergara, Lucio Quimbo and Modesto Tobias. Mr. Vergara, of ClaBS '54 and holder of the Sta. Clara Scholarship for the B.S.F. Page 54 Course, was recommended by Prof. Zamuco as instructor in lumbering and is now assisting in that subject after aerving the Sta. Clara Lumber Co. for four months. Mr. Quimbo and Mr. Tobias, both of Ranger Class '54 were assigned by our Forestry Director to be members of the teaching staff. Mr. Quimbo is assisting in Dendrology and Mr. Tobias in Spanish.-FPM • • • SMOKERS RALLY On July 31, the faculty and student body held the traditional Smokers Rally, the purpose of which was to admit formally the freshmen into the College. Dean Felipe R. Amos took time out from his multitudinous duties in the Central Office in Manila to advise his "sons". Introduced by Forester-inCharge Calixto Mabesa, he admonished the enrollees to plow deep and straight in the difficult field of the course towards their chosen goal despite the hardships they are bound to meet. He informed the assemblage of the kind of men needed in the field - honest, alert and sturdy technical men to manage our vast forests to insure their perpetuation by wiae use. He gave them valuable words of encouragement and wished them Godspeed • The evening was highlighted by the identification of the freshmen contest wherein Miss Herminia Jundos, lone Forestry lady instructor, won. Skits from each of the classes and regional singing conteaf".a were also shown. Siamese dances were done by 5 Siamese U.P. students.-A. Mariano * * • WORLD HEALTH DAY CONVOCATION The Forest Administration la Class under Prof. Valentin Sajor, Chief of the Division of Forest Investigation, held a convocation on the evening of July 23 in connection with the celebration of World Health Day. The guest speaker of the evening was Miss Jesusa Bagan, a charming nurse in the U.P. Los Banos Infirmary. She emphasized that health is the wealth and life of the world. So let us be healthy so that the world will live. Professor Sajor said the convocation was an experiment on public relations. The convocation was a succe-which means a forester can PR a nurse to bring health to the forest in order to be a wealth.-A. Mariano • • * EIGHTEEN NEW BETA SIGMANS The Beta Sigma Fraternity, Forestry Chapter, accepted this year as new members the following: Manuel Barlicos, Jose Baniqued, Tomas Binua, Avelino Caronan, Edmundo Cortes, Ruben Cubero, Adolfo Galam, Antonio Lizardo, Conrado Padrones, Gregorio Principe, Bienvenido Paragas, Alfredo Sanchez, Cleto Sapiera, Pelagio Sumabat, Isabelo Tobias Jr., Patrocinio Ragus, Mariano Valera and Car(Continued on page 57) FORESTRY LEAVES CAMPUS NOTES . (Continued from page 52) los Wandisan. Both Agriculture and Forestry neophytes had their final initiation at the Agriculture Library building last July 25, 1954. In the evening, a supper was tendered in their honor at the Molawin Mess Hall.-R.U. * * NEW UPSILONIANS Nine forestry students who had had no red marks for one or two semesters or with an average of at least 2.5 prior to the initiation rites, were admitted into the Upsilon Sigma Phi (Los Banos Chapter) on July 18. They are: Fortunato Arcangel, Ruben Chavez, Wilfredo Chavez, Gregorio Francia Jr., Julian Gumayagay, Angel Mariano, Victoriano Soriano, Romeo Ulangkaya and Filamor Yadao. They were honored with a supper at the Molawin Mess Hall after the final initiation rites.-R.U. * * * FIRST ZETA BETA RHO SWEETHEART The Zeta Beta Rho Fraternity, a fraternity exclusively of this College, unanimously elected Miss Remedios Felix, a freshman co-ed, as their fraternity sweetheart this year. This is the first time that the Zeta Beta Rho has a fraternity sweetheart. Congratulations!·-R.U. * * * ZETA BETA RHOANS The Zeta Beta Rho Fraternity admitted eleven new regular members and eight new honorary members this year. To be qualified, a student must not have acquirad any red mark for two consecutive semesters prior to admittance for regular membership, and only one removal or condition for honorary. The new members are: (Regular)-Fortunato Arcangel, Ruben Chavez, Teodoro Eusebio, Juan Galo, Primitivo Galinato, Julian Gumayagay, Angel Mariano, Isidro Serrantes, Anastacio Sison, Victoriano Soriano and Filamor Yadao; and (Honorary) are: Wilfredo Chavez, Gregorio Francia Jr., Francisco Rendorio, Macario Sana, Josue Tadle, Romeo Ulangkaya and Azuero Vedad. Old members are (Regular)-Felipe Abraham Jr., Simplicio Alegre Jr., Benjamin Batoon, Pelagio Bautista, Artemio Cabanday, Rosalio Goze, Jose Ilagan, Eduardo Llapitan, Florencio P. Mauricio and Feliberto Pollisco; while (Honorary) are: Kaspa Aganidad, Patived Arayasastra, Juan Galo and Nester Santos. Elected officers for 1954-1955 are: President-Pelagio Bautista, Vice President-Feliberto Pollisco, Exec. Sec.Felipe Abraham Jr., Recording Sec.-Florencio P. Mauricio, Treasurer-Juan Galo, Auditor-Eduardo Llapitan, PRO-Fortunato Arcangel, Sgts.-at-armsTeodoro Eusebio and Anastacio Sison, and Adviser -Dr. Artemio V. Manza.-FPM September, 1954 THE AID HAS COME Visitors to the campus today would hear busy construction noises instead of the usual quiet of yesterdays. When they stop at Post No. 1 to pay tolls, they would wonder at the grandeur of the imposing building of the Forest Products Laboratory; following the road to the Rubber Plantation about 150 meters ahead, they would again see the busy construction of the College building; and when they go home they will also pass by the construction of the building to house the Forest Experiment Station about 50 meters before Post No. 1 to the right of the road. They will say: "Why, this place has waken up!" Yes, the aid has come! Under a contract of P391,000 by Engr. Moises Carandang, contractor of Tanauan, Batangas, the Forest Products Laboratory building is nearing completion, the work being begun last November. Of three stories, it is the first of its kind in the Philippines and it will determine the different properties of our Philippine woods as well as their uses. After samples of species left before by lumbermen in the forest has been subjected to tests by the Laboratory's technicians, these species will be potential raw materia.1 for our industries. Its sawmill and veneer plant will be supplied with timber and lumber from neighboring forests and all those in the Islands for scientific studies. The College building, when completed, will be an imposing two-story structure which will accommodate three times its present enrolment, with modem facilities and provided with an ampitheater of 400 capacity. Construction has begun since July 8 and is expected to be finished by this New Year. Being built by the Age Construction Company of Manila for P299,850, the new building will be a realization of the dreams of forestry-spirited citizens who have exerted all their efforts for the approval of H.B. No. 324 in Congress which authorized the rehabilitation and expansion of the old, ruined building. The two-story building to house the Forest Experiment Station is under construction since July 6 and expected to be finished by November by Isabelo Ong, contractor of Siniloan, Laguna. So situated about the middle of the Archipelago, it will enable a more integrated and intensive study of the forests south of Manila and neighboring islands like Catanduanes and Mindoro. Results of different observations and tests by the Station's technical personnel will be compiled and interpreted for practical applications. We, indeed, could now say that in the future years, we can welcome our visitors with "This is our campus, now it is yours!" and proudly show them around.-FPM Page 57