Sunshine Corner


Part of Forestry Leaves

Sunshine Corner
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
• SUNSHINE CORNER • -----------------By RAFAEL MOLINO----------------BIG HOUSE A freshman was bragging to another, one day, that his uncle lives in a big house. So big indeed that it would take one two days to walk to the kitchen and another two days to return from where he came from. "But that is nothing compared to the house a friend of mine entered", replied the latter. "How?", the former asked. "My friend entered 20 years ago but he has not come out yet'', the latter boasted. "How come?" the former amazingly asked "Where?" "In ... Muntinglupa," replied the former with entire satisfaction. A TREE SEEDLING Professor-"Differentiate between a tree and a seedling?" Student-"A tree is a big seedling, while a seedling is a small tree." WHO HAS THE BIGGEST Preshie-"I bet, my father at home raised the biggest camote." Sophie--"Hell, that's nothing compared with the biggest pot my father made." Freshie-"Huh ... how so?" Sophie-"Well, for cooking that camote your father raised." PASSED ALL After an examination, a student passed by his friend who was silently seated on a Teak root with worried eyes directed at the Registrar's office. "How?", he greeted. "Did you pass the test?" "Yes, I am very, very sure", the other answered absent-mindedly. "But ... " "So ... why worry? Coop na tayo!" "My notes", murmured the sad-faced fellow. "What about them?", the inquisitor quarried. "I passed my notes too." EVIDENCE A class in Forest Administration was lengthily deliberating on how a kainginero can be put to trial inasmuch as the kaiiigin, which was the only evidence, cannot be presented before the court to substantiate the charge. After a long silence, a student's voice was heard from behind. "All right," the professor said with a nod, "what will you do?"' September, 1954 "In that case, sir", bluntly answered the student, "bring the court to the evidence." NO SE ACUERDA A test in Spanish 10 was in progress when one of the students came across one of the questions that runs this way: "Que son las partes principales de la cara?" Confidently, the student wrote: "Las partes principales de la care son Ia irente, la boca, las orejas y Jos ... " For some moments he pondered what could be the other parts. Finding that his memory has failed him, he finally wrote: "Los Baiiotl' on the last blank space. GOOD GRADES A mother of a forestry student met the principal of the high school where his son graduated from and told him proudly: "Mr. Valdez, my son got all high grades this semester in the College of Forestry. Imagine thatthat is a college of the University of the Philippines!" "Congratulations, Mrs. We should be proud of your boy. His Alma Mater should be proud of him. Eh ... how high?" "He got all S's except in ROTC and PE where he got 3's only. According to his letter I received 2 days after the Registrar sent me his grades, 5 is the highest grade. I am really proud. That boy has a head" DUAL PURPOSE "Why did you come to study here in Fprestry, Miss ... ", Johnny asked a chic freshie co-ed who was very interestedly looking at the few pictureframes with very few graduates during registration day. "Forestry is my ambition. I like the course ... " came the ready reply. "Eh. . . supposing the course is kind of hard to get," Johnny persisted. "Well ... , in that case, maybe a fore~ter will then be easier to get. I am afraid to go home alone, eh," the beauty countered. PESSIMISM: Blowing out the light to see how dark it is. IDEALIST: One who tries to keep politics out of politics. Page 61