From the mail bag


Part of Forestry Leaves

From the mail bag
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Diliman, Quezon City February 16, 1954 Dear Congressman Gonzales: I am happy to learn that you have consented to sponsor a bill appropriating !"200,000.00 for the reconstruction and expansion of the College of Forestry Building in Los Banos. I wish to thank you for the interest you have shown in our University. Our present budget does not provide any item to meet this expense which would be needed to push through the reconstruction and expansion of the present building. I trust that you will succeed in this undertaking and wish to assure you of the gratitUde of your Alma Mater. Sincerely yours, (Sgd.) VIDAL A. TAN President Congressman Jacobo Z. Gonzales House of Representatives Manila College of Forestry Legislation (Passed) H.B. No. 324 * Hon. Jacobo Z. Gonzales House of Representatives Manila * * May 15, 1954 My dear Congressman Gonzales: Allow me to thank you for your deep interest in the College of Forestry by sponsoring H. B. No. 324 and working zealously for its passage. The new building will serve as a monument of your great contribution to the cause of forestry and will always be a source of pride for the Province of Laguna and our Alma Mater, the University of the Philippines. The College's faculty, alumni and student body will always remember your indefatigable efforts in making the dream of every alumnus a reality. Please accept our warmest regard, best wishes and thanks. Page 62 Very sincerely,_ FELIPE R. AMOS Director of Forestry Dean, College of Forestry College of Forestry Legislation (Passed) H.B. No. 324 Hon. Dominador Chipeco Sta. Cruz, Laguna May 15, 1954 My dear Governor Chipeco: I have the honor to thank you, on behalf of the Bureau of Forestry and the College of Forestry, for the help you have unselfishly rendered for the cause of forestry education, having been instrumental in securing for us President Magsaysay's certification to the urgency of H.B. No. 324 which seeks the allotment of !"200,000 for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the College of Forestry. Without presidential certification, it would have been difficult for the bill to have been passed by both houses. This thought alone makes us, the faculty, the alumni, the student body a~d our friends, deeply grateful, indeed, to you for the eloquent plea you have made on our behalf to the President. Very sincerely yours, * * FELIPE R. AMOS Director of Forestry Dean, College of Forestry * University of the Philippines COLLEGE OF FORESTRY College, Laguna March 26, 1954 My dear Governor Chipeco: Allow me on behalf of the faculty, alumni and student body of the College of Forestry, U.P. to thank you ever so much for the appeal you put in on our behalf in your very touching letter to the Preside~t. We feel that you have our interest at heart perhaps more than the President of the University of the Philippines. It may be because you share with us our great concern and love for our forest resources. And anything that will contribute to the welfare of the nation, coming as it does from Laguna, will always be a source of pride for all of us, and surely the greater share of the honor will belong to you who had to go out of your way to helps us in our hour of need. While it is true that the bill has already passed the Lower House Committee on Public Works which has promised to report it out soon, without the President's backing and certification that it is a "must" bill, it will, like most bills as expressed in September, 1954 popular parlance, never "reach first base". With your appeal, we are sure that the President will be touched and, being a man of action, he will do something for our cause. As you said, your having to see the President personally on a certain matter was a blessing in disguise for it would give you a chance to put in a good word or two for us. This was something which far exceeded our expectations. And it is because of your ever ready help and sympathy with our cause that has touched our hearts. We cannot express to you in words our deep gratitude, but please believe me if I say to you that your solicitude for us has endeared you to the whole College, the Bureau of Forestry, the Alumni and our friends. Very sincerely yours, ( Sgd.) CALIXTO MABESA Forester in Charge Hon. Dominador E. Chipeco Provincial Governor Sta. Cruz, Laguna College of Forestry Legislation (Passed) H.B. No. 324 Mr. Jose Bautista The Manila Times Manila * * * May 15, 1954 My dear Mr. Bautista: I wish to convey to you the heartfelt thanks of the Bureau of Forestry, the College of Forestry and the alumni, for the keen interest the Manila Times has shown in forestry. It cannot be denied that one of the most powerful media in the dissemination of the principles of forest conservation and the importance of forests to the nation is the press. Toward this end, the Manila Times has consistently "betted" for us. Your recent editorial urging congress to approve H. B. 324 has resulted in the swift and smooth passage of the bill in both houses. For this great service to the cause of forestry education, the Bureau, the College and the University of the Philippines are deeply grateful to you. Sincerely yours, FELIPE R. AMOS Director of Forestry Dean, College of Forestry * * * Republic of the Philippines HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Manila February 24, 1954 My dear Mr. Blando: I am in receipt of your resolution and letter dated February 11, 1954, asking me to support H. R. Bill No. 324 seeking to appropriate P200,000 September, 1954 for the reconstruction and expansion of the College building in Los Banos and for other purposes. In this connection please be informed that I am doing my best, as a good alumnus, to help push through the same. With assurances .of my sincere cooperation, I am Sincerely yours, (Sdg.) LEONARDO B. PEREZ Congressman, Nueva Vizcaya Mr. Jose B. Blando College of Forestry Los Banos, Laguna * * * Republic of the Philippines OFFICE OF THE MAJORITY FLOOR LEADER House of Representatives Manila Mr. Jose M. Ilagan College of Forestry University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City Dear Mr. Ilagan: February 9, 1954 This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated February 3, 1954, asking for my help with respect to a bill attached thereto, regarding the rehabilitation of the College of Forestry of the University of the Philippines. I am very glad you took the initiative in crusading for the rehabilitation of the College of Forestry of the University of the Philippines. It shows your interest, not only in a particular college or university, but in a field of learning which is of great importance to our country. Please rest assured that your proposal shall be given due consideration. Very truly yours, (Sgd.) ARTURO M. TOLENTINO * * * Republic of the Philippines HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Manila March 16, 1954 My dear Primo, I am in receipt of your letter dated February 16. I am indeed very glad to hear from you. Of course I am with you on our belief that the College of Forestry in Los Banos should be given all the aid by the government, especially in the reconstructions and expansions of its buildings. Up to this writing, the said Bill has been acted upon by the Committee on Public Works and that the College has been required to itemize the projects for which the intended sum should be spent. I wish to assure you that in my humble capacity as a member of the House of Representatives, I will support the approval of the said measure. Page 63 Hoping to hear from you, and with my sincere personal regards to you and family, I remain Sincerely yours, (Sgd.) CORNELIO T. VILLAREAL Mr. Timoteo Quimpo Bureau of Forestry Malaybalay, Bukidnon * * * Republic of the Philippines HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Manila April 5, 1954 Dear Mr. Siriban: I received your letter dated March 26, 1954 concerning H. No. 324 wherein the sum of P200,000.00 is proposed for appropriation for the construction and expansion of the College of Forestry. I am very glad to know your interest in the above legislative measure and I. assure you of my full support to this bill. I wish to convey to you and to the personnel of your office my warmest personal regards. Very sincerely, (Sgd.) SAMUEL F. REYES Con1tressman for Isabela Mr. Francisco Siriban Ilagan, Isabela • * • June 28, 1954 Dear Dean Amos: It is a source of gratification on our part to report to you that the trees and palms donated to the L VN by the College of Forestry thru your courtesy are now all safely planted and will eventually add to the beauty of our campus; and we take pride to state that our small "forest," that you helped in its realization, will be ·one of the attractions of the studio. To you, therefore, we wish to convey our sincere gratitude and warm appreciation. To Prof. Jose Blando, to Mr. Felix Franco and to Mr. Ildefonso Palisoc, we want to express here our debt of gratitude and to thank them, thru your office, for their invaluable services in making our "forest" possible. We wish to commend most enthusiastically the unselfish efforts and extra work that Mr. Palisoc devoted during his personal supervision of the digging, transporting and planting of the trees. The deep interest of Messrs. Franco, Blando and Palisoc, in the realization project, will always be remembered by L VN as long as those trees that they helped to plant. last Very sincerely, (Sgd.) JOSE P. GENEROSO Production Mana.lier Republic of the Philippines HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Manila February 26, 1954 My dear Mr. San Luis, • It was a pleasant surprise to hear from you and be reminded of our college days. Please be assured that I shall support the passage of Bill No. 324, regarding the expansion of the U.P. College of Forestry. This is my duty as a loyal alumnus of the University of the Philippines. More especially so, when the call to duty is sounded by a friend. Regards to you and your family. Sincerely yours, (Sgd.) DOMOCAO ALONTO Mr. Mario F. San Luis Administrative Officer Bureau of Forestry Iligan City * * * Republic of the Philippines HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Manila Mr. Gregorio Labitag, et al Forestry Alumni Legaspi City My dear friends: March 12, 1954 I have received your letter of the 25th of February last requesting the appropriation by Congress of the Counterpart Fund for the rehabilitation of the College of Forestry in Los Banos. In this connection I wish to inform you that I shall give the matter my whole-hearted support. With the aasurance of my services, I am Sincerely, ( Sdg.) J. NUYDA Con1tressman, Albay * * * Republic of the Philippines HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Manila Messrs. Gregorio J. Labitag Gregorio J. Arizabal Edilberto Borja Vicente A. Ramirez anq Segundino Regondola March 3, 1954 cl o Office of the District Forester Legaspi, Albay Dear Sirs: I am just in receipt of your letter of February 25, urging me to support the bill appropriating the ~m of P200,000.00 for the reconstruction_ of the FORESTRY LEAVES Forestry building at Los Baiios, Laguna. Please be assured of my support without any conditions or strings. Sincerely yours, ( Sgd.) Plu DURAN * * * Dear Fellow Foresters: The age limit, for the service to which you and I have devoted and are still devoting the best years of our life, has overtaken me at last, and I am now retired since February 28, 1954. Of course the reality of such severance is poignant indeed minimized only by the thoughts that I always did my best in the interest of our country and the forestry profession. I cease to be an employee of our bureau, but my love for forestry will always remain, as well as the warm association I had with you. Above all, of course, I wish to thank you and those who have worked with me directly during all these years for their cooperation, and those other co-workers in the Bureau with whom I have come in contact, for all the help, courtesy and understanding extended to me. This severance is, however, not the parting of my ways {rom yours. I find my mind and body still responsive to our work and I believe I can still be of service to forest users in a private way. I have THE GROWTH OF ... (Continu.ed from page 68) tion aims. More than that, this active participation serves notice that the administration is prepared to provide vigorous leadership in the whole field of renewable natural resources. (3) A notab1e advance in the last decade is the fact that former mistrust hetween public and private forestry is rapidly being dispelled. Consensus was that a true meeting of minds was achieved that will prove to be a historic milestone in forestry progress. "We can only conclude that the American public is ready to advance a cooperative program for forestry that will further accent accomplishment in the nation's woodlands,'' executive director-forester Lowell Besley, of the AF A, stated at the conclusion of the Congress. "We believe that on the basis of September, 1954 FSBO Participates U .P. Diliman A & L Day Essay Contest Winners The Forestry Student Body Organization will participate actively in the Loyalty and Arbor Day Celebration in U.P. Diliman on September 18, 1954. The Forestry students balled the santol seedlings to be planted during the celebrations and two students will be assigned to help supervise the planting of trees by each U.P. organization. In the recent Arbor Day Writing Contest, 3 members of the English 2 class who won 1st, 2nd & 3rd prices respectively are the following: Feliberto Pollisco, Cl. '56, Generosa Caiieda, Cl. '56, Modesto Tobias Cl. '57. not yet found a convenient, modest place for such a private service, but in the meantime my temporary address is: c/o Bureau of Forestry, Manila. Thanking you again for your very kind cooperation, I remain Sincerely yours, (Sgd.) AGAPITO L. CENABRE the enthusiasm a~d understanding shown at the Congress that all elements of forestry are ready to move ahead in a great groundswell of progress. We are well aware that the Congress poses a great challenge to the AFA. We accept that challenge. The plan for a new campaign is now being drafted. And it is abundantly clear that the architects of forestry and related management programs are ready to roll up their sleeves and carry that program forward.'' IN MEMORIAM Forester NICANOR P. L1\LOG Died September 9, 1954 Mr. OBIDIO B. BELLO Died June 22, 1954 Page 65