Literary attempt


Part of Forestry Leaves

Literary attempt
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Literary Attempt A SOPHIE SPEAKS ROMEO ULANGKAYA I am not a college scholar, but I passed all my subjects. Although this is an accomplishment not to be crowed about, still it is something not to be sneezed at, either. If you only take a stock of the mortality of the College freshies, you'll note that allmost fifty per cent go home before they get the ranger's certificate. Why? It is not because the scholastic rules are tough, the faculty members tough, the subjects tough, or the freshies mushy-brained. No, not by a long shot. The long and short of it is just this: The new students don't know how to study. Some are still deluded with the idea that they are in the high school where one can pass without even as much as scratching one's back. Some relegate their preparations to the eve of exams, relying on their old friend, Mr. Cram. Some believe that there's a holy ghost which infuses one with wisdom at the quiz hour. Some . . . . well, why go further. After all, you know the different types of students that make the schoolworld, a small world indeed, but rich in brain specimens. As I said before, I am no scholar but believe you me when I tell you that more is accomplished by wise planning and time budgeting than all the cramming and cribbing put together. Cramming i"!I OK, but after the exams you get the KO. Cribbing is fine as long as your Professor is near sighted and his assistant dumb, so dumb he thinks Alfalfa is a fraternity or UPSCA is a branch of the K.K.K. So cramming and cribbing should be out of the question. Now, going down to brass tacks. I'm supposed to let you into the secret of successful studying. September, 1954 In the first place, it will be a wise step for you to have a study schedule. A definite time to study-a definite time to go to bed -a definite time to get up--a definite time to take your meals. If you have exercises to write, don't wait for your pen to tickle your ears and tell you to get moving. Don't wait for the inspired moment to write your themes. Themes are products of perspiration not inspiration. Even sitting besides a charming classmate cannot inspire you with beautiful thoughts. Remember gals are the antonyms of clocks. While these remind you of the time, Eve's daughters make you absent-minded. So, you~ Romeo, forget the gals in the meantime. Figures may be good to, study, but too much concentration on figures have dizzying effects. One fellow cannot imagine how he became cross-eyed since he had been seeing 3-D figures on the campus on Sundays. This reminds me: don't have any pin-up girl hanging around you. If you do, your pin-up will pin you down. And once down, you are down and out. Have your own textbook. Buy one even though you have to forego to the bed-bug ridden Cine Jerry on Sundays. Keep a small desk calendar in your room in the dormitory or wherever you do your studying. It is wise to mark the date on which an assignment is given, the date in which it is due and the latest date on whic~ you are supposed to get warmed up. During vacant periods, use your time \Visely, instead of frittering away time reading comics, doodling, lingering around or daydreaming. And if you still have homework to do, set aside a definite time and place to Pace 45 get it done. Don't tell your prof you forgot it at home. He is wise to that. He may ask you to go home and get it. Then you'll feel like a nickel with a big hole in it. Working in the same place and at the same time each night is an important thing in forming regular study habits. And have all your equipments on hand, i.e., paper, pencil, pen and ink, and textbooks, if you have them. If you don't have them, borrow. Don't pilfer. They might catch the goods on you. And if they do, holy cow! "Damonio!" is the word. So ·have everything from pencil to dictionary on hand so that you won't have the excuse for jumping up and down, instead of fully concentrating on your studies. Set aside also your clothes exclusively for field work. Wear your Makiling tuxedo. It has the color and odor of the mountains. But wash it at least once a month. Otherwise some one might think a musang had got lost in the dormitory. This course of ours needs a great patience and determination in order to get the fruit of the tree. You may be compared to a tolerant tree possessing the inherent capacity for growth, development and reproduction in spite of competition. A tolerant tree, as you know, is very patient and has the determina· tion to grow. That is the type you should belong to. Tolerant_but not dumb. Never get dismayed if you happened to get low grades in the examinations. After all, we know of someone who got S's. If your professors insist in giving 5, don't worry. When you get through, get yourself appointed as U.P. President then kick the hades out of your professor, i.e., if he's still round. If he's no longer around, why worry? After all 'twill already be too late to worry. -oOo-HAND KERCHIEF CODE By SHE In this column, I shall let you in to the secrets of that little flag-the handkerchief. I don't endeavor to tantalize you, only to Pep 46 let you know-so that, in case, you will know what to do-because I believe in the old saying that FORW ARNED IS FORARMED. Sometimes, not always remember, the Juliet of a Romeo's heart is heavily chaperoned-they can secretly understand each other by these: If a handkerchief is: - 1. Drawn across the lips-it means-Desirom of an acquaintance. 2. Drawn across the eyes-I am sorry. 3. Dropped-We will be friends. 4. Taken by the center-You are too willing. 5. Twirled in both hands-Indifference. 6. Drawn across the cheeks-I love you. 7. Drawn through the hands-I hate you. 8. Rested on the right cheek-Yes. 9. Rested on the left cheek-No. 10. Twirled in the left hand-I wish to be rid of you. 11. Twirled on the right hand-I love another. 12. Folded-I wish to speak with you. 13. Drawn across the forehead-We are watched. 14. Drawn over the shoulder-Follow me. 15. Opposite corners in both hands-Wait for me. 16. Placed on the right ear-You have changed. 17. Letting it remain on the eyes-You are cruel. 18. Winding it around the finger-I am engaged. 19. Winding it around the third finger! am married. Now you know. But don't be too sure. Don't dive so quickly. After all-she or he may not be familiar with the code! The three efficient virtues are : KNOWLEDGE, HUMANITY and ENERGY; and they are to be united in practice: do not attempt to split them apart one from the other-Confucius. FORESTRY LEAVES