Chapel built in Dalupirip, Benguet


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Chapel built in Dalupirip, Benguet
St. Paul’s Institute (Manila)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
When one considers that by far the greater number of pupils of St. Paul's are little children, one can hardly realise how these 500 pupils managed to build a church. No doubt the good Sisters impressed upon the minds of their pupils that they must economize and give for the sake of God.
25 Chapel Built . IR Dalupirip, Benguet lJy the pupils of /:it. Paul's Institiite, Herran Street, Manila. Jesus duri11g His public life always showerl a particular predilec1 ion for little children. They are so pure, RO lovely, so virtuous.. And today Hii' Love for chilclren is the same. Quite recently in one of the churches of Rome a big image of C'hrist 1YaR seen lowering Its right arm from the cross to Pm brace a little girl \Yho had been praying to Jesm~ crucified. Jesus foved that prayer because it came from a Yirtuous pure littie girl. And during the past n:,ionths how Jesus must have bestowed His blessings upon the little ones of St. P<wl 's Institutel And 1Yhy? In a few months they gathered up, cent by cent, and peseta by peseta, tnough to build a gem of a chapel (as seen on the picture above,) whi<"h is now erected at Dalupirip, Benguet. ·when one considers that by far the greater number of pupils of St. Paul's are little children, one can hardly realise how these .500 pupils managed to build a church. No doubt the good Sisters impressed upon the minds of their pupils that they must economize and give for the sake of God. The good Mere Marthe always so generous preached to her pupils' generoRity by word and example. And animated by such a Superior and by such teachers, the little girls set to work to have their chapel somewhere am0ng the pagan Igorots: the chapel of St. Paul's Institute, which would stand and rem.ain as a proof of its pupils' love for God and their brethren in 26 C'h rist. Rut, how <'<mlc1 thr fn!lrth ({ni<Ie gnther 'P HiO.Oll ·) H,>\\. ("()Uld the fifth grnde bring in 'P 100.00 ·? fI my <·c1uhl the little one:-: of the thin1 gradr (·oiled 'P;).'J.00 ·) In the fourth grat1e there were :\fisse,; Amalia l'rqui("(> and Carolina Torre:-: and other;; who be<·nrne leaders and orgctnizt'r" among their elar:srnate:<. Follo1ri11g their example the other l'hildren or~;rnize<l little feao;t:-: at ho111e. The children 1rho c·o11curred had ;: pleasant time and ga1·e ;.:ome :1li11s. ~ow and then it wat=: an in1Hwr11t raffle for little trifles ll"hich brought r:o111e gain to the charitable orga11izer. C'an yon beliere it, you ll"hn kn""" h(m- ehildren like pidures "? :::lo111l of the l'hifrlren of :'t. !"auT's :-:oU tlwir ni('est pil'lme;::, ju-t to h:11·<:> some n1011 e.1- to offer fc>r the building of U0<l'::: hol1~e. That 11-a;; the 11·:t.1~t. P:i.ul's [nstitnte g-atherrd in tlw hig snm whic·h the <·hapeJ of D:dupirip has ('nst. After Rueh sanitiers Je,;u,:: mu,-t hleRs nF11·e lhan e1·er the pupils who built Him a h·rnsr,. and the whnle Institute ll"hil'h knows ho11· to implant ge1wrosity a11d charity in the tender hearts uf those. 11·h., responded so 1Yell to its tea\'.hing. \rhene1·er .Jesus use!" Hir: h·ou;.:e of Dalupirip, may He at the f'arnc tinw :-lio1Yer His t hoicest lJle;;si nµs on the He1·erernl ~isters and the pupils of :-;t . Paul's Institute.