Our Lady of the Atonement


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Our Lady of the Atonement
Our Lady of the Atonement (Baguio)
Igorot (Philippine people) -- Religions.
Christians -- Mountain Province (Philippines)
Missionaries -- Mountain Province (Philippines)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
----~--..,,,,.. lllo-----Our Ladv· of the Atonement fo the Old Testament, whsnever the Je\\·::< had offended God greatly, they were se,·erely punished. But 11·hene1·er they did penance or atonement, Goel blessed them abundantly. Atonement seems to have a special pmrnr to obtain favors from heaven. Was not mankind redeemed by the 30 Atonement of Our Lord"? And is not prayer accompanied by penance allpowerful? The no\ena offered at the Church of Our Lady of the Atonement, Baguio, during the month of May has been once more a proof of this admitted truth. Before the novena 51 petition3 had been sent in, all asking for special favors. 13 were received to obtain the conrnrsion of sinners and non-catholics. 10 asked temporal favors, such as improvement of health, the finding of a good job, and other blessings in enterprises. 9 prayed for a vocation or progress in virtue. 13 begged the Lord for the extension of His reign thru catholic education or the establishment of catholic societies. Several of the temporal and spiritual favors were granted during the nO\·ena, others were obtained after the novena. So it n·as announced and it may easily be supposed that other favors were received which were not related. A large congregation of ir!en and women followed the novena. The songs were heautiful. Flowers and candles adorned the altar a n d church. It was very typical to hear how the rosary offered in· english was answered in spanish, english, ilocano, tagalog etc. But God understands all languages. The closing of the novena was an exceptional success. The church was c rowded . Many pious mothers had brought their little children to be blest. The derntion of the Atonen1ent pleases the people '"ho spend a fe1r days vaeation in Baguio. At any time of the clay till darkness had set in, one could always find some persons kneeling at the feet of the divine Atoner and the dear Mother of the Atonement. "\\'hat a conHolation this must ha1·e been for J esus and :\Iary, alas! so offended even by those who call themseh·es christian;;:. " 7 hat graces must have been bestowed upon these pious 1·isitors. Some lady told Father Carl u, expressing her grief antl hope : "my husband is not co111·erted yet, but I "·ill do for hilll what Saint :\Tonica did for her son Augustin. I will offer atonement and continue offering even for years if needed. I will pray together with my children for theconver.;;ion of their father. (-;.raee ilIL::n' con Ye rt hi rn". lf ire hnd some more of thi::; kind of pious mothers, God would be leRs offended and many families would he happier in this world. You, readers, who are in need nf any grace, please send in your demands per letter to Father Carlu, Baguio. Your intention will be added to the many other intentions of the novena. And if you obtain the favor asked, please send a notice so that it may be published in ''The Little Apvstle'' for the greater glory of God and the spread of the derntion to Our Lady of the Atonement.