Mailbag of the Little Apostle


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Mailbag of the Little Apostle
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
31 l\AILBAG Of THE L ITTLE APOITlE For all COJ"l"P':iPOllclence with ""THE LITTLE APOSTLE", send your lettel's to Tl1~ Little Apostle. Box 1393. Jlanila. Dear Little A post I es of the Mountain ProYince : When the Independence Commission su1ded its famous dril·e for 1:'500.000 three months ago, I watched carefully tile papers of the different political creeds. Some said the Filipinos would never raise that sum. Others answered the.1· would oversubcribe it. Here was at s take <1 1H' of the noblest e11d:o- a 1w11ple can foster : 1 he indepN1dence o f their country. Np1·ertheless some papers rereat ed the Filipinos would not make the sacrilke of P500,000. I watchl'd and ~n\\· hci11· from the Yery Ii rst da ,. s the Independence Comm i~­ sion 01:ga nized a 'committee. 1 'his Co111n1ittee organized ot hers all 01 ·er the country. .\. t tliis sight I !Jad no clouhl but t l1at the subscription would Ile a ~ucces.~ and a g-reat success. The results have shown J wa!' not mistaken. Why tha 1 success? First : the end in view was a \"ital one. Second: a great man_\" individuals took the collection to heart. Third: the Filipino citizens wei·e organized. Here now comes ' ·The Little Apostle of the ' fountain Province". I ts purpose is the conversion of 300,000 F'ilipinos, of the Mountain Pro>ince. Inst.ead of asking P 500,000 for the redemption of 300,000 souls, it asks only 5.000 subscriptions. Shall this appeal be a failure or not? Some say : yes, others say: no. '·The Little A postle" sa~·s: it all depends on the organization that works for that number of s·ubscriptions. If each catholic school and eollege of the Philippine Islands had one or more active students willing to collect subscriptions : the number 5.000 would pretty soon be reached. One parochial school subscribed already for 25 copies and the director said : it was onl~· a beginning. A certain catholic college of Manila hoped to reach the number of at leai::t 2.)0 subscriptions. One very acti Ye g-i rl brought in 25 sub~criptions from a sing-IP town : several of the sullscriptions were paid for two and more years. She said she would send i11 nwre. A teacher of a catholic school in a far away province writes to "The Little Apostle" that she hopes to collect a good number of subscriptions. An American lady asked for 27 copies. And yet when all these subscriptions we1·e taken "The Little Apostle" was still unborn. With such enthusiasm, at the 1·ery beginning, no doubt the number 5,000 will soon be reached. So "The Little Apostle" feels enthusiastic and therefore promises the following: tive prizes shall be sent to the lhe patriotic and God-loYing subscribers who on the 25th of Dec. shall ham sent in the greatest number of subscriptions. " The Little Apostle" calls these subscriber 32 patriotic. because tl1ey "ill c·oo1 e 1 ate with the )fissionaries of thP .\1ou11tain Pro,·ince for the ci rilizat ion or :300.000 Filipinos. And at the same ti me they w il I C(lorera te ~1• ith God to sare many souls. To wock then, you patriot ic and God-loving students: do something fo r ~·our countt-y and God. If you do not succeed in getting one of the the beautiful prizes, you certainly will be rewarded by the sa tiEfaction of your conscience and b~· God who '"ill not leave without ib reward e\·en a g-laEs of water given in His na,rne t o a poor pe rson. !'The Little .\postle"' is also glad to announce the receipt of the first gifts collec-te<l for the mission or the )fountain ProYince. For the of the Bokocl r!I" Blessed Little F/ou;er's J1ission. )Tiss Emilia Laranaiw. Lira: P0.50. Miss Rita [{atigbak, Lipa : P0.40. 'Ihe brave boys of St. Mary's school of Kitchener, Canada: P 10.00, a sum collected thrn the sale of old tires, papers and other such things. May God bless those generous benefactors as well as those who subseribe to '·The Little ApostlP" and aboYe all those who send in the great numbers of subscriptions as gi wn be1·e" ith. Catholic colleges and schools : do something for your eountry and God. Catholic boys and girls : to work. Where there's a will, there's a way. Remember the prizes, but remember above all God's reward and the good done to poor souls for which a Godman gaYe even as for you His own life. 0. Vnndewalle. P. S. LA TEST NEWS. The Little Apostle is glad to announce the names of those who won the honor of the greatest number of subscriptions sent in and who, consequently, would have won also the five promised prizes if Lhe contest only were closed right now. A Fi lipino lacl.1· wlto wishes to remain unknown sent in H sul)i"C'riptions. Student:; of ea thol ie C"olleg-es and sehools. ('311 you beat th:it? The seru11d is :vtiss l~alie Guttenberg with :!I ~ u bseriptiom. She Ii Yes in tile Cnit<:'d States. Y es. tltt> 'Cnited Stat es' catholies take interrst in the conversion o r pag-ans. although not belonging- to their eonntry. Tbe third b Fallter H uhaux frolll Pasig. He spreads the re1·ie11 anH"1g the pupils uf l1i1> s(·hool: a)!'nocl idea: it hel ps tu t e:1eh thP l"11ildren charity. Tlte funrlh is Falhe 1 · Graham, the Ame riea11 p;istor CJf OICJng-apo. :'lli1>siom1ry hin1;.elf. lie helps !he :'llbsionaries of the :\fountain Pw,·ince: sucl1 clisinten•!'led tinanc·ial ltelp must hri ol! God's hle~si1 1g o\·er his pari ~ l1. l•:1·erytlli11g· gin' n to God if' returned a h undreclfolcl. The lift 11 i- Fat lier :'11 artf't1s rru111 Tubao. H P eould easily use 1 he price of these sub~eriptions lo ,;11ppr,1·t his schools. :\Ia.1 · God ble~ ~ Iii ,; s<1erifiee. The interest in the miFsioos must tirst be shown by 1 he priests. I 11 many European countries existstlw Cnion or tl1t> <'lerg-y for the Propagation or t lw Faith. a society of priest.~ wlio help tl1e mbsi011•Hies in foreig11 ('OLilllrie;.. These priests nvt only help rhru tl1eir personal contribution;. but tliE>y be!!· [01· the rnissioni-. they preaeh al.Jou! the missions: in one word Lhey are actiYe missionaries at home. To the tiYe above mentioned acLi\·e promote rs the most sincere congratulations and t he heartiest tha nks of the Little Apostle'. May others imitate their example, for the g·lor.\' of God and the C'onversion of pagans.