B.F. Notes


Part of Forestry Leaves

B.F. Notes
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B. F. FORESTRY CIRCLE INC. Miss Carmen Parras, eldest daughter of Forester and Mrs. Vicente Parras was crowned Muse of Forestry and reigned over the coronation program and ball held by the Forestry Circle at the Avenue Hotel Royal Room. She was crowned by Mrs. Florencio Tamesis, assisted by Forester P. San Buenaventura. Miss Francisco Halabaso was crowned Princess Waling-waling by Mrs. Felix Franco assisted by For. Jose Nano; Mrs. Vicente de la Cruz pinned a corsage on Miss Clo1rita Hernandez as Miss Dapoqpula, while Miss Clarita Mallonga was given a corsage by Mrs. Edilberto Madrid as the Princess Mariposa of the evening. The opening remarks were given by Forester Florencio Assidao. Three lovely U.S.T. coeds performed a special dance number while folk dances were rendered by pupils of the Dr. Alejandro Albert Elementary School under the direction of Mrs. Juan Acogido. Director Florencio Tamesis gave the closing remarks. • • • SOCIETY OF Fll.IPINO FORESTERS Forestry Director Florencio Tamesis was reelected president of the Society of Filipino Foresters for the two year term ( 1953-1954) during the meeting of the society council members. The new executive secrtary is Forester Valentin Sajor while Forester Jose Viado is the new'' treasurer. Forester Felix Franco remains as auditor. The members of the council are Florencio Tamesis, Carlos Sulit, Eugenio de la Cruz, Placido Dacanay, P. San Buenaventura, Doroteo Soriano, Felipe Amos, Tiburcio Serevo and Florencio Assidao. • • • PROVINCIAL FORESTERS' LEAGUE The present officers of the provincial foresters' league are Forester Vicente Marababol of Misami1 Oriental, president; Forester Timoteo Quimpo of Bukidnon, vice-president; Forester Melecio Lopez of Negros Occidental, secretary; Forester Severino Nablo of Camarines Norte, treasurer and Forester Runo Sabado of Cotabato, press relations officer. • • • U.P. FORESTRY ALUMNI OFFICERS The new officers of the U.P. Forestry Alumni Association for 1953-1954 are Prof. Eugenio de la Cruz, president; Forester Felipe Amos, vice-president; October, 1953 Notes Prof. Gregorio Zamuco, secretary; Forester Jose Viado, treasurer; and Forester Felix Franco as auditor. The Board of Directors is composed of Prof. Eugenio de la Cruz, Forester F. Amos, Prof. G. Zamuco, Dean Florencio Tamesis, Foresters P. San Buenaventura, Carlos Sulit, Doroteo Soriano, and Valentin Sajor. The publication of the Asllociation's constitution and by-laws together with a directory of the members was approved durin1 this year'1 meeting. • • • LOCAL FORESTER IN U.S. HONOR FRAT Jr. Forester Juanito Merin of the Bureau of Forestry was elected into the XI Sigma Pi National Forestry Honor Fraternity for having maintained satisfactory grades in the College of Forestry of the University of Washington where he graduated last June 13 with a degree of Master of Forestry, Logging Engineering. A native of Capiz and a 1939 U.P. College of Forestry graduate, Forester Merin left for the U.S. last September 24, 1952 to further his studies under a U.N. scholarship grant. He arrived last July 2, 1953. • • • NRCP ELECTIONS The Section of Forestry and the Division of Agriculture and Forestry of the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) laid out plans for participation in the 8th Pa(!tfic Science Congress set for November 16-28 of this year in the Philippines. The Section of Forestry will present papers touching on important phases of forestry in the forthcoming Congress. Prof. Calixto Mabe88 was elected chairman, vice Forester Placido Dacanay while Forester Valentin Sajor was reelected secretary. Forestry Director Florencio Tamesis presided over the meeting of the Division of Agriculture and Forestry Vice UnderSecretary Jose Camus as chairman. Prof. Calixto Mabe88 was elected aecretary of the Division. • • • BUREAU WINS AWARD IN FAIR EXHIBITS The Bureau of Forestry was the only office under the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources awarded a gold medal by the committee on award1 of the Philippine International Fair Inc. {PIFI). Other offices under the Department who participeted • Pap 31 in the International Fair were given bronze medal&. Recipient& of awards under the Bureau of Forestry booth were: Rattan Art, bronze medal; Nicfur furniture, Florentino's, Gonzales' Toys, and Lumber and Plywood Industries were awarded diplomas of merit. The Department itself was awarded a gold medal under the agriculture class and another one for the architectural designs of its pavilion which was constructed by the Bureau of Forestry. * * • DIRECTOR TAMESIS RECEIVES AWARD Director of Forestry Florencio Tamesis was awarded a Presidential Medal of Merit last July 3, 1953 for being selected by the Committee on Awards of the Civic Assembly of Women of the Philippines as the "Most Outstanding in the Field of Public Service for 1953." He was represented by his son Dr. Benjamin Tamesis at the presentation ceremony at Malacaiian Palace because Director Tamesis was out in the field at the time. · The Civic Assembly of Women has been granting awards to persons who have accomplished work redoundable to their country and the community since the first anniversary of the Republic of the Philippines. * * * T. A. SANTOS NEW PRO Asst. Forester Teofilo A. Santos was designated Acting Chief, Public Relations Section of the Bureau of forestry under Forestry Special Order No. 48, vice Jr. Forester Segundo· P. Fernandez who was assigned in the Division of Forest Management. Until his designation, Forester Santos was with the Division of Reclamation and Reforestation. * • • LADY RANGER AT WORK Ranger Rosie Caiieda, the only one of her kind in the country, is now with the Public Relations Section of the Bureau of forestry. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sinforoso Caiieda, Rosie plans to take up a· course in Chemistry. • • • IN-SERVICE TRAINING Asst. Forester Teofilo A. Santos and Atty. H. Cepnio of the Bureau of Forestry attended the Supervisor's course for In-Service Training at the UP Institute of Public Administration from May 25 to May 29, with 25 other employees from different government offices. • • • LAND CLASSIFICATION Land classification work is now in full swing, giving prompt attention to the classification of areas along proposed roads, it was revealed by Sr. Forester Doroteo Soriano, Forest Coordinator of Philcusa Land Clasaification Counterpart Project No. 19. Forester Soriano, accompanied by Dr. Rizalino Tuico, inspected the various land classification projects in Mindanao. People from different parts of Page 32 the country, according to to areas along proposed Compostela and Butuan. him, are steadily moving roads especially between It was also learned that there are now 3 7 land classification parties scattered in the various parts of the country: 6 in Luzon; one each in Mindoro, Palawan, Panay, and Negroa; 2 in Samar; and 25 in Mindanao. With 3 more in the process of organization, it is ezpected that a total of 40 land classification parties under this Project will be working full blast by July. • • • ASIDDAO AND LALOG TO GO ABROAD AS MSA TRAINEES Sr. Forester Florencio Asiddao and Nicanor P. Lalog will go abroad sometime this month, to acquire further knowledge along, their respective lines of work under the MSA Technical Assistani:e Program. Forester Asiddao will undertake atudies on forest· silviculture and management in India and Malaya, and Forester Lalog on forest finances in the United States. The former is at present the assistant chief of the Bureau of Fotestry's division of sawmills and utilization, while the latter is ~e District Forester of the newly created Forest District No. 44 comprising the island City of Basilan and other aurroundinc islands. • • • WEST BASILAN TIMBER DONATES ELECTRIC BELL The Bureau of Forestry was the recipient of one electric bell generously donated by the West Basilan Timber, Inc., in Basilan City. The bell which is being used now was personally delivered by Mr. Alvaro Pastor. Director Florencio Tamesis 118Dt a letter of thanks to the donor in behalf of the bureau and that of his own. • • • NEW COMMISSION CREATED Dentist-Forester Vicente de la Cruz was designated Officer-in-Charge of the Commission on Parks and Wildlife under the Office of the President. The commission was created in pursuance of Republic Act No. 826, transferring the functions and duties vested in, and exercised by, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Forestry Director to the new Commission, relative to the maintenance, operation and improvement, supervi• sion, etc., of parks and wildlife. Assistant Attorney Hermenegildo R. Cepnio, incharge of the national parks section of the Bureau of Forestry, was transferred to the Commission which absorbed his section. • • • "MOST ORIGINAL" FLOAT The forestry float put up by Forest District No. 35, Pto. Princesa, Palawan, under District Forester Julio de Luna, was selected by a board of judges FORESTRY LEAVES as the "most original." The float was a contribution of the local forestry office for the July 4th celebration in the capital. (See pictorials). • • • ILAGAN FAIR llqan, lsabela-Thru the initiative of the local forestry force under District Forester Francisco Siriban, the District Office was able to participate in the Fair from May 27 to 31, 1953, in connection with Ilagan town fiesta. • • • SORIANO AND SAJOR IN DAVAO In line with the policy of the District Office under District Forester Cayetano Macaraeg to create favorable public opinion on the importance of forests and forestry, Forest Coordinator Doroteo Soriano and Sr. Forester Valentin Sajor spoke over DXMC in Davao City last May 9, thru arrangements made by Forester Macaraeg. Soriano was interviewed and interrogat~d on land classification and necessary balance of soil cover which he also took up with the Davao Rotarians earlier.-TAS • • • ENTRANCE SALARY The entrance salary for eligibility in the Assistant Forester Examination, which is a technical examination of the assistant grade, is P2400 per annum, it was learned from the Bureau of Civil Service. Forest District No. 18, Albay.-Ranger-Scaler Segundino Regondola of the local forestry office advised graduates to take up forestry courses in a convocation held by the Albay High School on April 9, 1953. Regondola underscored the important role played by foresters and rangers in the proper conservation and wise utilization of our forest resources and concluded his speech with emphasis on the benefits derived from well-managed forests. .. • . SPEAKERS Forest District No. 17, Daet.-Deputy Forest Guard Candido Perez pointed out the evil effects of kaingin-making to his audience in Himanag, Lagonoy, Camarines Sur, on April 28, 1953. Ty. Ranger Pedro Gallego's talk la1t February 7 dwelt on forest protection, while that of Officer in charge Ildefonso Y. Basadre of Salay Forest Station, District No. 38, touched on Commonwealth Act Nos. 100 and 447. The Lagangilang Forest Station in Abra had also two speakers in the persons of Officer in Charge Juan Balbuena and Ranger R. Astudillo. • • • FORESTRY CLINIC CREATED Thru the initiative of district forester Mamerto Villanueva Forestry Circle president, a medical clinic was established to look after the health of the employees of the forestry bureau. The clinic had been a pet pro.ject of past officers of the Forestry Circle but due to financial difficulOctober, 1953 ties, it failed to materialize. The incumbent officers headed by Forester Villanueva pushed the plan through. Maintained on the second floor of the forestry building, the clinic by arrangement is staffed by Dr. Rizalino Tuico, medical officer of the PHILCUSA Land Classification Project and a part-time nurse, Mrs. Belen Brilliantes. • • • B.F. PERSONNEL COUNCIL In accordance with Executive Order No. 94, the Bureau of Forestry employees elected Acting Jr. Forester Maximo Reyes and Property Section Chief Jose Salvador as technical and clerical representatives respectively, to the Bureau of Forestry Council of Personnel Administration for the fiscal year 1953-1954. Sr. Forester Porfirio San Buenaventura, administrative division chief, is the council chairman. The election committee was composed of Acting Jr. Forei;ter Irineo Espiritu as chairman; and Atty. H. Cepnio, Jr. Forester Rodrigo Valbuena, Messrs. Alfonso Arce, Rafael Alimusa, Luis Gaduang, and Victoriano Oropilla, members. District No. 3, Bangued, Abra.-The Lagangilang Reforestation Project in miniature was the main feature of the forestry booth prepared by the district in connection with the Provincial, Agricultural, and Industrial Exposition held in Bangued last February 20-28, 1953, it was learned from provincial forester Alejandro Tremor. Exhibits displayed in the forestry booth were furnished by the Vigen district headquarters and the Caniaw Reforestation Project. Lumber dealers and forest licensees donated materials and exhibits. District No. 37, Cagayan de Oro City-Forestry activities in the district recently were a series of speeches and radio chats by the provincial forester. Provincial forester Vicente R. Marababol explained the varied activities of the Bureau of Forestry in a talk at the Lourdes College on the occasion of that institution's foundation day. A 3.0-minute radio interview in Visayan over radio station DXCC, was given by the provincial forester on the subject of the DACAMS and its functions. It was also reported that Forester Marababol was the recipient of a silver thanks badge from the National Council of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines for his "continued outstanding service in the interest of scouting''. • • • SFF PRESENTS RESOLUTION During the last meeting of the Society of Filipino Foresters held in Diliman, Quezon City last April 14, 1953, a resolution wa~ passed requesting the President of the Philippines to retain the services of Director of Forestry Florencio Tamesis after November 7, 1953 at which date the Director is due for retirement by virtue of Republic Act No. 660. The Society of Filipino Foresters has presented the rePage 33 solution to the President thru a delegation composed of the members of the Society last July 14, 1953. A letter received by the Society from the Assistant Executive Secretary informed that the resolution has been referred to the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources for comment and recommendation with a statement that the Society's recommendation be given due consideration. A report from Distrcit V, Echague Forest Station informed of the death of Mrs. Aurelia B. Manzano, wife of Officer in Charge Toribio V. Manzano last June 28, 1953, from cerebral hemmorhage due to hypertension. • • • AMBASSADOR SPRUANCE VISITS FORESTRY BUREAU Ambassador Raymond C. Spruance of the United States made an unofficial visit at the Bureau of Forestry last Friday morning. He was accompanied by Mr. Edward Prentice, chief of the Foreign Operations Administration (former MSA) and by Mr. Paul W. Bedard, also of the FOA as technical adviser on forest management. Ambassador Spruance revealed to Director Florencio Tamesis that his call . wa1 only a personal one and did not elaborate further on this point. He is very interested in forestry and his initial visit was for the purpose of personally familiarizing himself with the functions and operationa of the local forestry office. He was taken around the bureau by Director Tamesis and was shown the various samples of Philippine woods and different media of information in the bureau. • • • FORESTER CENABRE GRANTED EXTENSION OF SERVICE Forester Agapito L. Cenabre was granted continuance of service in 1;!:ie forestry bureau beyond August 18 this year, as an exception to the Cabinet Resolution adopted on December 19, 1952. The forester meets all the requirements for retirement with 45 years in the Government service to his credit, and having attained the compulsory retirement age of 65 years at the close of the office hours of August 18, but due to an exception of cabinet resolution, he has been authorized to continue his service until further advice from the Office of the President. • • • FORESTRY CIRCLE DONATION The 1952-53 officers of the Forestry Circle donated one electric bundy clock to the bureau of forestry last August 28 during which a simple ceremony for the purpose was held at lunch-time. The donation was made by Forester Mamerto M. Villanueva, president of the organization, in behalf of the Circle, and was formally accepted by Dlrector Florencio Tamesis, in behalf of the bureau. Director Tamesis; in his letter of thanks to the Circle president, commended the organization for living up to Page 34 its good aims and objectives for which it was organized. A club of the forestry employees, the Circle was also responsible for the establishment of a clinic in the annex building of the bureau. • • • PROPOSED EXAMS FOR FORESTER AND RANGERS All forestry and ranger graduates who are still non-civil service eligibles and who have met the min• imum qualifications for assistant forester and ranger are apprised to take the civil service examinations which Director Florencio Tamesis had proposed to the Commissioner of Civil Service. The proposed date for such examination is set not later than December 12, this year, and it may be held at the following places: Laoag, Vigen, Tuguegarao, Baguio, Manila, Naga City, Iloilo City, Bacolod City, Cebu City, Tacloban, Butuan City, Cagayan de Oro City, Zamboanga City and Davao City. • • • JEEP-TRUCK DONATED TO BF A brand-new jeep-truck was donated to the forestry bureau recently by Mr. Lloyd Anderson, manager of the Basilan Lumber Co. It was turned over to Forester Martin Reyes, acting provincial forester of Basilan in a simple but impressive ceremony held at the Company compound. "I wish to acknowledge with thanks," wrote Director Tamesis, "your generoua donation and to express in the name of the Bureau of Forestry our appreciation and gratitude for your generosity and spirit of cooperation which will redound to our mutual interest and benefit." • • • Republic of the Philippines Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources BUREAU OF FORESTRY Manila FORESTRY ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 8-3 July 16, 1953 SUBJECT: REORGANIZATION OF THE BUREAU OF FORESTRY 1. For the information and guidance of all concerned, the following is the new organization of the Bureau of Forestry in accordance with Republic Act No. 906 (Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1953-54): OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION General Service Section Legal Section Property Section Records Section Collection and Disbursement Section DIVISION OF FOREST MANAGEMENT Management Plan Section Public Relationa and Statistics Section Forest Reserves Section FORESTRY LEAVES DIVISION OF FOREST CONCESSIONS AND SAWMILLS Licenses Section Lumber Inspection Service Section DIVISION OF FOREST .INVESTIGATION Silviculture Section Forest Products Research Section Forest Pests and Diseases Section DIVISION OF FOREST LANDS AND MAPS Special Uses Section Claims and Registration Section Mapping Section DIVISION OF RECLAMATION AND REFORESTATION DIVISION OF LAND CLASSIFICATION PROVINCIAL SERVICE ( 46 forest districts in accordance with Forestry Administrative Order No. 8-2, dated February 20, 1953) 2. For purposes of administration, there shall be an Advisory Staff of which the Director shall be the Chairman and an Inspector Service headed by the Division Forest Inspector under the Office of the Director; and also the following units: (a) Afforestation and Reforestation, (b) Cooperative Planting, and ( c) Cinchona Plantation under the Division of Reclamation and Reforestation; and (a) Land Classification (PHILCUSA-MSA Fund) and (b) Kinds. Land Classification (Regular Funds) under the Division of Land. Classification. 3. This Forestry Administrative Order shall take effect as of July 1, 1953. (Sgd.) PLACIDO L. MAPA Actinl Secretary ol Alriculture and Natural R88DIU'C89 RECOMMENDED BY: (Sgd.) FLORENCIO TAMESIS Director ol Foretdry • • • Re.yubtic of the Philippines Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Manila Forestry Administrative Order No. 4-3 June 17, 1953 Subject: Amendments to Forestry Administrative Order No. 8-3, known as the Revised Re,Wations Governing Special Uses ol Fore.t Lands. 1. Section 3, of Forestry Administrative Order No. 8-3 of July 1, 1941, known as the Revised Regulations Governing Special Uses of Forest Lands, as amended by Forestry Administrative Order No. 4-2, is hereby further amended to read as follows: "3. Sch«lule ol lees, rentals and area. Ezcept as hereinafter provided, the forestry fees, rentals and maximum area for each kind of 1pecial uses of forest land• shall be as follows: Forestry lee (a) Rental (y) Muiarum per hectare area in or fraction hectare lor each application P5.00 Bathing Establishment ....................... . P5.00 24 Hotel Site .................................. . Nipa and/ or other palma and bacauan plantation Private Camp or residence· ..... : ............. . Right-Of-Way ............................... . Saltworks ................................... . Sanatorium ..... ·: ............................ . Sawmill Site ................................ .. Lumber Yard ............................... . Timber Depot ............................... . Logging Camp Site .......................... .. Log Pond ................................... . Kaiiigin ..................................... . Lime and Charcoal Kiln ..................... . Pasture ..................................... . Plantation of medicinal plants or trees of 5.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 (b) 5.00 3.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 0.60 24 200 24 200(x) 200(x) 24 24 24 24 24 24 1 24 2,000 economic value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) 0.60 2,000(x) 24 Other (uses) lawful purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 00 2.00 N.B.-(a) Payable only to the Director of Forestry, Manila. (b) Five pesos (P5.00) for every 500 hectares or fraction thereof. (x) Republic Act No. 121, June 14, 1947. (y) May be paid to the Municipal Treasurer. 2. Date ol Talcina Ellect. Thi1 Order shall take effect on July 1, 1953. RECOMMENDED BY: CScd.) FLORENCIO TAMESIS Director ol Foreatry October, 1953 (Sgd.) PLACIDO L. MAPA Actina Secretary ol Alriculture and Natural Reaourcn Pa1e 35 Republic of the Philippines Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources BUREAU OF FORESTRY FORESTRY ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 8-2 Manila February 20, 1953 liUBJECT: AMENDING PARAGRAPH 1 AND REPEALING PARAGRAPH 2 OF FORESTRY ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 8-1, DAT~D FEBRUARY 7, 1951. 1. Paragraph 1 of Forestry Administrative Order No. 8-1, dated February 7, 1951, is hereby amended insofar as further amendment of the division of thePhilippines into forest districts and classification of same are concerned, as follows: District No. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Provinces and Cities llocos Norte llocos Sur Abra Cagayan and Batanes Isa be la Mt. Prov., City of Baguio and La Union Nueva Vizcaya Pangasinan and City of Dagupan Nueva Ecija and City of Cabanatuan Tarlac Zambales Bataan City of Manila (a) Pampanga (b) Bulacan (c) Rizal and Quezon City and Pasay City Class c c c A B A B B B c B B B Laoag Vigan Bangued Aparri Ilagan Headquarters City of Baguio Bayombong City of Dagupan City of Cabanatuan Tarlac Iba Balanga City of Manila (d) Cavite and Cities of Cavite and Tagatay 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ( e) Batangas and City of Lipa Laguna and City of San Pablo Quezon Camarines Norte Camarines Sur and City of Naga Albay and City of Legaspi Sorsogon Catanduanes Mas bate Marinduque Oriental Mindoro Occidental Mindoro Romblon ·.· Antique Capiz and Roxas City lloilo and City of lloilo Occidental Negros and Bacolod City Oriental Negros and City of Dumaguete Cebu and City of Cebu Bohol Leyte and City of Ormoc Samar and City of Calbayog Pala wan Occidental Misamis and City of Ozami1 Lanao and Cities of lligan and Dansalan Or. Misamia and Cag_pyan de Oro City Bukidnon Agusan and City of Butuan Surigao Zamboanga del Norte Zamboanga del Sur, City of Zamboaaga B A A B c c c c .c B c c c c B A B B c B B B c B A c A A c Sta. Cruz Lucena Daet City of Naga City of Legaspi Sorsogon Virac Mas bate Santa Cruz Calapan Mamburao Romblon San Jose de Buenavillta Roxas City City of Iloilo Fabrics City of Dumaguete City of Cebu Tagbilaran Tacloban Catbalogan Pto. Princess City of Ozamis City of lligan Cagayan d1t Oro City Malaybalay City of Butuan Surigao Dipolog and Sulu A City of Zamboanga 44 Basilan City A City of Basilan 45 Cotabato A Cotabato 46 Davao and City of Davao A City of Davao 2. Paragraph 2 of Forestry Administrative Order No. 8-1, dated February 7, 1951, is hereby repealed and in its stead Paragraph 23 of February Administrative 01'4er No. 1-5, dated July 1, 1940, i1 hereby revived. 3. This Administrative Order shall take effect March 1, J953. Recommended by: (Sgd.) FLORENCIO TAMESIS Director ol Forestry (Sgd.) FERNANDO LOPEZ Secretary ol .44riculture and N atur.Z RNOUl'CN