From the mail bag


Part of Forestry Leaves

From the mail bag
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Editor Forestry Leaves College of Forestry College, Laguna Dear Sir: June 29, 1953 On the eve of my departure for the United States and completion of tour of duty here in the Philippines, I wish to express through the Editor of "Forestry Leaves,'' in behalf of Mrs. Gooch and the writer, our warm thanks for the many courtesies extended in the past two years. We will take with us many delightful memories of the association with faculty members and students of the College of Forestry, Los Baiios, and the personnel of the Bureau of Forestry both in Manila and in the field. The Forest Products Laboratory equipment is now on order and a few pieces are already arriving. The construction of the Laboratory Building is in the planning for the fiscal year 1953-1954. The programme for rehabilitation of the College of Forestry is underway. Procurement of school laboratory and engineering equipment has been approved in Washington. The initial project in the building programme is the reconstruction of the College Building. This has been acted upon by PHILCUSA and will be presented to MSA for final approval. This and other construction, it is hoped, will be underway during the coming fiscal year. As a cross section of Philippine citizenship, I regard those in the forestry profession about as fine and high standing a group as is to be found in thi1 country of yours. You are the guardians of the forest wealth of this nation. In private or public service, keep those professional ideal• high. The public looks upon to you for guidance on mattera of forest policy. Education of the public through better public relations in forestry~lient facts on utilization and management-needs substantial strengthening in the Philippines. You have a wonderful story to tell Get it to the higher political councils of the Government through a better informed public. Exploitation of the Philippine timber resources is a big business. The lumber people will give you every help in maintaining this highly valuable forest production. They are looking up to you for leadership. Goodbye and Good Luck. Water the Gooch memory trees. Home is West Point, Virginia. Sincerely, (Sgd.) MR. AND MRS. WIN. L. GOOCH October, 1953 FORESTRY LEAVES College of Forestry, University of the Philippines College, Laguna, Philippines Forester Winslow L. Gooch West Point, Virginia United States of America Dear Sir: July 1, 1953 We here in the college were very glad to read your letter. It has given us assurance of the Forest Products Laboratory's realization and renewed hopes for the rehabilitation of our College Building. Increased student population has to be met with more rooms and facilities. M. S. A. aid to our building will be a great boon to us. In this dream of ours, we know how instrumental you were in backing us up. Allow me then to extend to you the many thanks and praises that students and faculty membera have for you. The Gooch memory trees are doing fine. It is hoped that both you and Mrs. Gooch are doing just as well It was a mighty fine advice you gave us in your letter. We will have it in mind whenever we perform our professional duties. Thru the courtesy of Kaspa Aganidad, the Thai student who took them, I am sending you a couple of snapshot• taken during the last convocation we had with you. Warm regards we send you and Mrs. Gooch, we hope for your retum someday to re-live the plea1&Dt times we enjoyed with you. Sincerely yours, (Sgd.) BERNARDO AGALOOS Editor Personnel Tamayo, G. B. Asst. Forester Gerardo B. Tamayo Office of the District Forester Bacolod City My dear Tamayo: Aucust 28, 1953 I wish to thank you for your letter of August 17, 1953, and to atate, in this connection, that it has always been this Bureau's policy to promote its deserving men who have shown good work and unstinted loyalty to the service. You have to thank also yourself for having qualified in the proper civil service e:samination and for deserving such a promotion. Promotion is a recogaition of an ezcellent service in the past but it should also be looked upon the more as an incentive to do better in the future. Promotion comes when there is vacancy in the upper Page 37 grades but it does not come as a matter of course. If one performs only the ordinary work ·assigned to bis position, he does not deserve promotion; if the quality and quantity of his work show that he has given and is giving more than the ordinary, he deserves a promotion; and if he lags around, he is and should be demoted, not necessarily in salary but may be in position, and more unfortunately, in the way his chiefs and even his co-workers would regard him because if he does not perform his duties well, he is merely showing the work to his chiefs and co-workers who have to do the work for him. I hope, therefore, that you, as well as others who have been as fortunate as you, would prove that such a promotion is only one among others that you would deserve in the future. Very sincerely, (Sgd.) FLORENCIO TAMESIS Director ol Fore.try REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources BUREAU OF FORESTRY Office of the District Forester D-29, Persoonel Tamayo, G. B. Bacolod City Dear Director Tamesis, Aupat 17, 1953 I have been patly touched with the ardor and effort that you have exerted on my case. Today, I received my appointment as Assistant Forester. With thankfulness, I have to seclude myseli from the office for about ten ( 10) minutes and humbly thank in prayer that greatest ARClllTECT, our "GOD'', for not letting me down and further thank HIM for the benevolence you have so kindly extended to me. ,. Deep down in my heart is overflowing with gratitude towards you and those who made possible that promotion. With my best wishes and regards, I thank you all, Sir. -- Very sincerely yours, (Sgd.) GERARDO B. TAMAYO Asst. Forester University of the Philippines COLLEGE OF FORESTRY ALUMNI ASS'N College. La111na September 1, 1953 Dear Fellow Alumnus: I wish to inform you that the U.P. Alumni Association is undertaking the construction of the U.P. Alumni-Student Council Clubhouse on the University campus, Diliman, Quezon City. The cornerstone of Pap38 the building has already been laid during the last alumni reunion on April 12, 1953. From the sale of the U.P. Alumni Building in Padre Faura, Ermita to the University of P50,000.00, the amount of P30,000.00 will go into the funds intended for the Alumni Clubhouse. The U.P. Student Council will contribute Pl0,000.00 every year for five years. These, however, are not sufficient to cover the cost of the building which is estimated at P200,000.00. To help in the campaign for the raising of f~nds for this worthy project, a nine-member Executive Committee has been appointed last August 1st consisting of the following: Prof. Bienvenido Y. Diaz as Chairman, Mr. Marcelo S. Balatbat as Vice Chairman, and Dean L. B. Uichanco, Dean Tomas S. Fonacier, Dean Hilario Lara, Dr. Gumersindo Garcia, Dr. Rosendo R. Llamas, Prof. Juan C. Perlas, and Prof. Armando J. Malay as members. Sub-committees were also designated with all Presidents of College or School Alumni Associations and the City and Provincial Chapters as Chairman and the latter are to select their own members in the sub-committee. Knowing the spirit of helpfulness and loyalty of our forestry alumni, I am confident that with your cooperation, the Forestry Alumni Association will not be far behind other associations in contributing its share to this important undertaking. I understand that the proposed Clubhouse which will be the first of its kind in this country, will include the following features and facilities: alumni secretariat and offices; student council office; conference room; social hall; recreation center, incl~ding bowling alleys and billiard tables; rooms for alumni transients; reading room; open terrace; adequate kitchen; adequate toilet facilities; and probably a swimming pool In this connection, may I also request you to pay your Forestry Alumni fees in the amount of P3.00 (P2.00 for entrance fee and Pl.DO annual fee for 1953) if you have not as yet done so. If you have already paid your fees, kindly remind other forestry alumni to pay theirs. The amount is not much but, it will identify you as an active member of the forestry family and it will also be of great help to the Association in meeting its obligations and in pe~­ forming other worthy projects. It might be of interest for you to know that the Forestry Alumni Association is still lacking P256.35 to complete its pledge to the Carillon Fund. Please fill out the enclosed form and give it to the member of the sub-committee in your region. If more convenient, you may send your remittance direct to the undersigned. Very sincerely yours, (Sgd.) EUGENIO DE LA CRUZ .President FORESTRY LEAVES