Sunshine Corner


Part of Forestry Leaves

Sunshine Corner
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
• SUNSHINE CORNER • A conservative forest ranger gave last-minute instructions to his daughter who was on her way to Manila to win a B.S.E. degree: Remember to bring home the Education but not the Bachelor! Forestry and agriculture students love to argue among themselves on which college has the higher standard, forestry or agriculture. A bright forestry student won the argument by saying, "Our college is the highest, as a matter of fact, in the entire U.P." adding quickly, "by elevation". Professor in forest finance: Give the different kinds of profit that you know. Wise student: Gross profit, net profit and no profit! Instructor reprimanding student: Look at all those bent nails, they go to waste. When hammering, use your head, ha? Student: But sir, my head is not that hard. Ezcursionist: You muat know "all the namea of these trees. Freshie, in a matter of fact way: Oh, just the scientific names. Excursionist: What is the name of that tree then? Freshie, without batting an eye: Hindicus alamus. EXCERPTS AND ... (Continued lrom Pale 42) glubJ& gave the higheat average specific adheaive stretlgth. 4. A maximum of siX;hour long aoaking in water at oi-dinary temperature did not weaken the adhesive, but aoaked longer than six hours, the glue joint weakened. • • • WOLMANIZED PROCESS EXPLAINED The Philippine Institute of Architects held a meeting at the PIA clubhouse. It was sponaored by the Wood Preservative Division of the Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Co. with Robert D. Hammond, sales representative of the division aa guest speaker. The architect-members heard Hammon explain the principlea, values and the advantages of the "Wolmanized" pressure-treated lumber process which will be undertaken aoon by his firm for local building demands. According to the extensive tests undertaken by the firm, this pressure-treatment for wood will revolutionize the cost of wood construction as the firm intends to treat only the soft-fiber woods such as October, 1953 Prof. in Spanish: Hey you, sleepyhead, what ia the masculine form of Americana? Student, to prove he is not half asleep, answers: Pantalon! A: I can't memorize that poem in Spanish by tomorrow. B: Neither can I. But if we cannot do it, we will have to write the poem a hundred times. A: I know that, but what shall we do? B: Time is fleeting, let's start writing now. Prof. Franco: What is that economic law that controls price? Half-awake senior: PRISCO sir. Ping: You say that your father handlea two joba in the government at th~ same time. How can thn be? Pong: Very elementary, you see, he is the collector of the internal and external revenue. Freshie: Boy, that 3-dimensional picture I saw was wonderful. I found the lion on my lap. Sophie (who wins every argument with a freahman): Lion, nothing. When I watched the 4-dimension show, I found an hones~ to goodness woman on my lap. Apitong, Lauan and Tanguile, both in rough stock lumber and plywood boards 10 as to protect them against dry-rot, fungi, termite and borers as well u to make them water-proof. Hammond said pressurized treated wood may be kiln-dried after treatment and may be painted with any oil-bound paint or stained and varnished according to the needs of the architect. Life expectancy of treated wood is claimed by the firm to be ten times longer than untreated wood of the same quality and under the same exposed conditions. Considering that these woods are amongst the cheapest of domestic commercial woods and the most in demand for low-cost structures, members of the institute foresee the great economic significance in the practical applications of this ne\v treatment not only for low-cost projects but alao for public housing projects of wood construction. PIA treasurer, Francisco B. Fajardo who recently arrived from an extended business and pleasure trip from the United States and Europe, also gave a brief report on his travel impressions abroad. After the meeting, architectural and technical films were projected through the courtesy of the USIS facilities. Sunday Times, Aug. 9, 1953 Pap43