World’s fastest lens


Part of Panorama

World’s fastest lens
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DEAD LANGUAGE OF ASIA, WITH 6,133 LETTERS, DECIPHERED On the main route connect­ ing China and Tibet, there was an influential minority race called Tanghut when the Sung dynasty ruled China. The Tanghut founded a king­ dom in 1032 covering ten pro­ vinces including present Kan­ su and Shensi, and was known for its own advanced culture under the influence of both the Chinese and Tibetan cul­ tures, as well as Confucian­ ism and Buddhism. This sizable kingdom used its own languages, which was composed of 6,133 letters and used in the area even for the 100 years after the kingdom fell to Genghis Khan in 1227. It then was abandoned to obscurity for several centu­ ries. WORLD'S FASTEST LENS A camera with the world’s fastest lens, 50-mm, f 0.95, which is supposed to be four times faster than the human eye, has been put on the mar­ ket by the Canon Camera Company, Tokyo, one of the leading camera makers in Ja­ pan. This new camera is equip­ ped with built-in exposure It was in 1870 that this uni­ que language, dead for over 500 years, was introduced to the world by Alexander Wy­ lie, a British scholar in Oriental studies, as the Nuchen (Jurchin) language, and 27 years later, by Jean Deveria, a French philologist. However, they failed to de­ cipher the meaning of the let­ ters, which were complicated in structure and irregular in grammar as well as pronun­ ciation. But after years of laborious studies conducted by Assis­ tant Professor Tatsuo Nishida of Kyoto University, Kyoto, who traced it with the aid of both Tibetan and Chinese do­ cuments, this extremely com(Continued on page 78) * meter together with a shutter­ dial and range finder. A sharp focus can be made at any dis­ tance, even at the maximum opening of f 0.95 in which the depth of field is extremely shallow. Among the high-class focalplain types of camera, it is the first to be equipped with such a built-in exposure me­ ter. 74 Panorama