Showa Line to expand RP services


Part of Business Day

Showa Line to expand RP services
Business Day XIV (99) July 15, 1980
Shipping -- Philippines
Philippines -- Foreign economic relations -- Japan
Showa Line
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SHIPPING AND TRADE TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1980 PAGE 13 W^eastern shipping lines w Philippine flag carriers MANILA/KOBE DIRECT SERVICE SEMI CONTAINER VESSELS VOY Closing CFS/CY MANILA CEBU KOBE E. SATURN 34 CN July 17/18 July 17/19 — July 25/27 E. POLARIS 13 CN July 22/23 July 21/24 July 25/26 Aug. 1/3 E. SATURN 35 CN Aug. 1/2 Aug. 2/4 — Aug. 10/12 E. POLARIS 14CN Aug. 7/9 Aug. 9/10 Aug. 13/14 Aug. 17/22 MANILA YOKOHAMA EXPRESS SERVICE SEMI CONTAINER (ALSO CALLING NAGOYA’ KOBE) VESSELS VOY Closing CFS/CY MANILA CEBU YOKOHAMA E. MARINER 50N July 18/19. July 18/20 Aug. 5 E. SATELLITE 52N July 25/26 July 22/29 July 29/30 Aug. 20 E. JUPITER 32N Aug 5/6 Aug. 5/8 Aug. 9/10 Aug. 30 E. METEOR 33N Aug. 7/8 Aug 7/10 -- Sept. 5 PHILIPPINE/JAPAN DIRECT SERVICE (YOKOHAMA, NAGOYA, KOBE) VESSELS Other Ports Other Ports VOY Yokohama MANILA E. MARS E. ADVENTURE 46N E. CLIPPER SERPENS E. ORION E. APOLLO July 17/25 Aug. 8/10 July 20/21 July 22/26 July 21/23 July 25/27 July 22/23 94N July 29/1 35N July 31/2 39N Aug. 15/1 INPORT Aug. 10/12 Sept. 14/16 3/15 Aug. 19/16 Aug. 24/26 MANILA HEAD OFFICE CEBU BRANCH CAG. DE ORO BRANCH Tel. 40-10-81 48-88-13 Tel. 7-49-59; 7-49 50 Tel. 41 34 For Booking & Freight Information pH. call Rene Velasquez or Mari* Ortega (Member: Philippine Ship Age at s Association) SURCHARGE HIKE HONG KONG (Reuter) — The Hong Kong/Europe Freight Conference said it is in­ creasing its congestion surcharge for Tripoli to 20% from 10% and for Benghazi to 30% from 20%, both effective July 23, because of deterior­ ating port conditions. The Hong Kong/Gulf of Aden and Red Sea ports conference said it will introduce a 10% sur­ charge for Hoddeida, also effective July 23, be­ cause of deteriorating port conditions. TANKER CONTRACT KUWAIT (Reuter) - The state-owned Kuwait Tanker Company (KOC), awarded a Japanese firm, IHI, a contract to build two tankers at a total cost of $170 million, the Kuwait News Agency reported. It did not say when the 290,000 deadweight ton vessels would be deli­ vered. The company said the national tanker fleet is being strengthened be­ cause buyers of Kuwaiti crude are required to transport the oil in Kuwaiti ships. EAC LINES-CANADA/USA TEL. 58-38-44, 58-51-54, 59-79-41/51 EXPORT FEEDER SAILS PORTS OF CALL SAMOA V-028 XIJIANG V-19N JULY 18 P. ABOITIZ V-16 JULY 19 VACOUVER B.C. SEATTLE TACOMA LONGVIEW PORTLAND LOS ANGELES AND SAN FRANCISCO OTHER AREAS VIA OCP, MICRO BRIDGE OR MLB SARGODHA V-030 N. ZIRCON V-15 JULY 21 IMPORT FEEDER ARRIVAL SIMBA V-023 P. ABOITIZ V-16 JULY 24 SIENA V-025 P. ABOITIZ V-18 AUG. 6 Showa Line to expand RP services Showa Line, one of the biggest shipping com­ panies in Japan, is plan­ ning to expand its Phil­ ippine service, says Bunsho Abe, the firm’s managing director. “We intend to stay in the Philippines and to expand tonnage,” Abe said. “The Philippine ser­ vice has great potentials and we are committed to it. ” Abe, together with other officials of Showa, visited the country re­ cently to confer with local shippers in line with the company’s practice of sending its top men to the Philippines once a year to assess business conditions. Showa belongs to what is known in Japan­ ese shipping circles as the “Big Six.” Included in this group are NYK Lines, Kawasaki and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, all of which operate in the major seaports of the world. Showa started its local . service six years ago with ,1.5 sailings a month. Today, it has three sail­ ings a month. Abe said these will further be aug­ mented “in the near future.” The shipping line services the following routes: Philippines-Taiwan, Philippines-Japan, Philippines-US West Coast, Philippines-US East Coast and the Mexi­ can Gulf ports. The RP-Taiwan ser­ vice is direct while the service to the US West Coast is done via feeder ships from the Philip­ pines to Japan and then by mother ships from Japan to the West Coast ports. For the East Coast service, the mini land­ bridge is usgd. The RP-Japan service covers two major ports, Kobe and Tokyo. Showa is represented in the country by the Philippine Ocean Lines, a subsidiary of Eastern Shipping Lines. EVERETT LINES -531 EVERETT STEAMSHIP CORPORATION t0 39 AGENTS 290 Atlanta St. Port Area, Manila AUSTRALIA-WEST PACIFIC LINE FULL CONTAINER SERVICES LOADING FOR ALL AUSTRALIAN MAIN PORTS COMBO/JUMBO SERVICE VESSELS BRISBANE SYDNEY! MELBOURNE FREMANTLE MANILA TAMARA NAGARA M. MONSOON TAMARA July 14/15 Aug. 13/15 Sept. 13/14 Oct. 13/14 July 19/18 Aug-. J 6/18 Sept. 15/11 Oct. 15/17 July 19/22 Aug. 19/22 f Sept. 19/20 Oct. 18/20 July 20/27 Aug. 2S/27 Sept. 26/27 Oct. 26/27 Aug. g/io Sept. 9/10 Oct. 9/10 Nov. 9/10 VESSELS Sydney MELbourne Ade­ laide Burnle pore p.k< Pensinf Manila ANDROS ADVARA Sailed July 19/22 Sailed July 24/25 Sailed July 29/30 Sailed July 26/27 Sailed Aug. io Sailed Aug. 11/12 July 24/25 Sept. 3/4 PHIL/AUSTRALIA E>[PRESS SEF(VICE VESSEL Manila Taiwan |Hongkohi Sydney Melbourne Burnie Adelaide ANDROS AOVARA July 24/25 Sept. 3/4 1 1 Salls Via West Australia Salls direct to Sydney 22/25 Sept.. 16/19 Aug. 16/18 Sept. 21/23 19/20 Sept. 24/25 Aug. 14/15 Sept. 27/28 ** Brltbane cargo acceptable via Sydney EVERETT ORIENT LINE WEEKLY EXPRESS SERVICE CONTAINER/BREAKBULK/REEFER BRAD EVERETT VOY. 25 FERNANDO EVERETT t VOY. II ROSS “EVERETT— VOY 25 ' LEONOR r EVERETT " VOY. 26 YOKOHAMA Sailed Sailed Sailed July 16 NAGOYA Sailed Sailed Sailed July 19 KOBE Sailed Sailed July 13 July 20 MO JI Sailed Sailed July 16 July 23 MANILA Sailed July 15 jjiiy 22 July 29 CEBU Sailed July 11 omit Aug. 1 DAVAO July 16 July 21 Omit , Aug. 4 YOKOHAMA July 23 July 30 OSAKA July 29 Aug. 1 3 FERNANDO EVERETT VOY-11 ARRIVING MANILA TUESDAY JULY 15 FCL CLOSING TIME 1600 JULY 16 New weekly direct sailings to: FRIDAY ,10 AM l k SAN JOSE A PUERTO W PRINCESA W CORON WEDNESDAY 11 A.M. WILLIAM LINES, INC. THE DOMESTIC CONTAINER SHIP­ PING FIRM OF THE YEAR. SOON! FULL CONTAINER SERVICE FROM MANILA TO ZAMBOANGA CONTAINER SHIPPING COMPANY OF THE YEAR AWARDEE. Philippine Porta Authority WILLIAM LINES INC. Pkt |4 Nonh Harbor Teh 20-71W. 21*1393. 21*9921 ioM 329 San Fernando. Bmondo Teh 40-$424, 48-3393. 40-5654, 40-SM3 \__________________________ y