Marketing men told: be flexible and innovative


Part of Business Day

Marketing men told: be flexible and innovative
Business Day XIV (99) July 15, 1980
Philippine Marketing Association (PMA) -- Conferences
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Page 14 Business Day Tuesday, July 15, 1980 NOTICE Press releases used, in this and other sections are not paid for. However, the editor reserves the right to edit all materials to conform with Business Day’s editorial standards. Publicity agencies and other contributors are asked to type their releases on stationery bearing the letterhead of their office. Others are advised to put their name, address, and telephone number. All press releases must be typed triple-spaced. RP trade mission to Canada in ’81 ZAMORA LOBREGAT Appointments The Ministry of Trade has asked the Philippine Export Development Association to partici­ pate in a trade mission to Canada next year. PEDA’s participation was announced by Norberto Romualdez III, officer in charge of the Bureau of Export Promo­ tion of the Ministry of Trade. Romualdez explained that it is now the policy of the ministry to have only members of accredi­ ted trade organizations, chambers and industry associations as partici­ pants of trade missions. PEDA, one of the organizations accredited by the ministry, will be represented in the Canaby dian trade mission Pedro Bautista, export manager of Adriano Mer­ chandising; Ceferino Lozano, president of Nena’s Handicraft; Angela Abris, secretary of Rammil Handicraft; Rosenda Almario, presi­ dent of Almar’s Found­ ation Garments; and Elsie Bauron, assistant manager of Elsie’s Handi­ craft Industries. Romualdez said this accreditation and recruit­ ment scheme will ensure that the participants in trade missions are pro­ perly screened, and capable of meeting the demands for their pro­ ducts, should they get favorable responses from the contacts they make. ALLIED PASAY BRANCH - Allied Banking Corporation's Pasay branch along Taft Avenue, Pasay City, was inaugurated recently. Shown cutting the ceremonial ribbon is Mrs. Jacinto Javier, wife of the president of the Pasay Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the principal sponsor. Assisting her are Willy Co, Allied Bank vice-chairman (extreme left) and the branch manager, Mrs. Jesusa Reyes. Firm now exports Warning to outdoor advertising firms -H has cqiyaMfre^ttoit^pni qf thqj©^-AP president, Andres H7 Saionga, that there are outdoor advertising companies who have not applied for membership in the Outdoor Advertising Association of the Philippines, the implementing arm of the PCPM in the enforcement of the code of ethics and standard practice, by-laws, rules and regulations promulgated by the Philippine Council for Print Media, Metro Manila Commission, and PD 1096, the National Building Code. All outdoor advertising practitioners who have not to date applied for membership with the OAAP must immediately file an application within 15 days of this notice. Furthermore, all OAAP registered firms who have outstanding accounts and payables with the association must settle their obligations within 15 days of this notice, otherwise, their PCPM registration shall be immediately cancelled, and their continued operation shall be deemed illegal and appropriate steps taken to effect their closure. Manila Machinery wins award Gerardo R. Lipardo, Jr., executive vice-president and general manager of Manila Machinery & Supply Co., Inc. (MMSCI) recently announced that the Toledo “Number One in Sales” award for 1979 went to Manila Machinery. The award was given in recognition of Manila Machinery’s sales and after-sales-service performance making it the highest rated out of 30 competing worldwide Toledo distributors. Toledo Scale Company, manufacturers of the world-renowned Toledo scales, is exclusively distributed in the Philippines by Manila Machinery. rubber belts A local pioneer enter­ prise appears to be making inroads into the export markets for rub­ ber belts which used to be dominated by highly developed countries. Philippine Belt Manu­ facturing Corp., a pio­ neer firm registered with the Board of Invest­ ments, has shipped $76,538 worth of V-belts 1 and flat transmission belts to different coun- ‘ tries including Canada ' and Australia. The company said the , Permaco Specialties Ltd. ] of Montreal, Canada, has ( placed an order for $2 2,100 worth of V- ( belts, while an Australian s firm has ordered around j 2,000 pieces through the . National Steel Trading t Corp. , Earlier, Philbelt ship­ ped $46,305 worth of . transmission belts to T.B. j Asia Jaya, a firm in i Barat, Indonesia. , M.S. Baig Bros, and 1 M.S. Chaudhry & Co., 1 both located in Lahore, Pakistan, also placed I substantial orders for 1 V-belts, the sources said. 1 Under the conditions I imposed by the BOI, i Philbelt is entitled to ex- 1 port the excess of domes- < tic demand. ' This excess is expect­ ed to increase substan­ tially as a result of a joint venture the company entered into two years ago with Bando Chemic­ als, one of the largest manufacturers of indus­ trial belts in the world. Marketing men told: be flexible and innovative The management of Tanduay Distillery, Inc., recently announced the appointment of Celso L. Lobregat as general manager of the company. Before his appointment, Lobregat was sales manager of Elizalde International Philippines, Inc., exclusive distributor of Tanduay Rhum. He has been with the Elizalde group since 1972 after finishing a masters degree in business administration at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM). Lobregat was directly involved in the introduction into the market of Tanduay ESQ and ESQ Premium. RATE:' METRO MANILA P200/ONE YEAR PROVINCIAL (BY MAIL) P285/ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION COUPON businebsoay 113 WEST AVENUE, QUEZON CITY TELS. 99-15-46 to 49, 99-05-44 99-98-53, 99-99-02 •WITH BO FILE ADD P55/YEAR I I DATE FOREIGN RATES: GENTLEMEN: PLEASE ENTER MY SUBSCRIPTION TO "BUSINESS DAY" FOR ( ) ONE YEAR: I HAVE ENCLOSED THE CORRESPONDING CHECK PAYMENT. N. AMERICA/ EUROPE MIO. EAST 8630/ONE YEAR NAME/COMPANY (IN PRINT) S. AMERICA, AFRICA S780/ONE YEAR DESIGNATION/PROFESSION LINE OF BUSINESS ASIA, PACIFIC S450/ONE YEAR NATIONALITY ADDRESS/TELEPHONE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Marketing practition­ ers in a crisis environ­ ment have to be flexible and innovative in order to respond properly to the exigencies of the times, PMA’s 11th national marketing con­ ference chairman Gre­ gorio Araneta II, said. The occasion was a luncheon hosted by Ara­ neta for a briefing on the forthcoming 11th nation­ al marketing conference scheduled for July 22, 23 and 24, 1980, at the Phil­ ippine Plaza, under the auspices of the Philippine Marketing Association (PMA): II PMA’s annual confer­ ence is expected to draw some 300 delegates from the country’s marketing practitioners, from both the private and the gov­ ernment sectors. Elaborating on his statement, Araneta, who is also deputy minister of tourism, cited' the unpre­ cedented success of the country’s tourism indus­ try. This success, Araneta said, can be traced back to how extensively MOT’s marketing pro­ gram was planned and implemented, promoting the Philippines as, among other things, Asia’s pre­ miere convention center. Norman Tsui, Burroughs, Limited general manager, recently announced the appointment of Florencio S. de la Cruz as field engineering manager, Philippine subsidiary, in line with the company’s objective of extending excellent customer services. De la Cruz, a product of the Mapua Institute of Technology and an 8th placer at a mechanical engineering board exam, has been with the company for 30 years starting as an F.E. trainee. He has been designated zone F.E. manager, F.E. sales manager, to F.E. manager, the last position he held prior to his new post. Araneta also under­ scored the significance of government concern and support of the program, specially that of Pres­ ident Marcos and the .. First Lady, and the dedi1- cation of Minister Aspiras, in seeing to it that the plans are implement­ ed. He pointed out the need for marketing plan­ ners to be flexible and decisive. In a crisis environment caused by worldwide developments, we can no longer just rely on what textbooks say, rather, we have to be innovatjvf “and- be,ready to adjust, "or act upon exigencies as they arise, Araneta added. Too many corpor­ ations, the 11th NMC chairman said, have gone ; -----”* —1 down the drain because International, District 380, at the 75th anniversary thev failed to keen tuned RotarY International Convention held in Chicago, to the times Ulinnis TT.QA lacf Juno 1-A 1 Qftfi .QiRai la fko The 11th national ----. y—7”y~----- _ '—7----------------------'-----» — marketing conference he President of Phoenix Press, Alemar’s Makati, Inc., said, has been m’eti- Cpnt;’’al Rr>r'v r »•”'---- - culously planned in sup­ port of this argument, as gleaned from the various subjects included in the three-day program. ---------------------The 11th NMC chair- Dennison International Company, Carter’s division, man invites all the coun- was in town to finalize negotiations with Rolland R. try’s marketing men to Thompson, president of The Rennolds Enterprises, join this conference, by Inc. for its marketing expansion. They discussed the getting in touch with the launching next month of Carter’s Supermidnight 11th NMC secretariat, Film Carbon which is made with miracle Mylar tel. 86-17-71. polyester film. Nigel M.S. Rich, president of Lincoln Philippine Life Insurance Co., Inc. (LPL) has announced the appointment of Ramon A. Zamora to the new position of group life manager of the company. Rich said the creation of the position is in line with the company’s expansion thrust in the area of group life insurance. At present, LPL is the country’s third ranking life insurance firm in terms of ordinary __ ________ in-force business. Zamora is a BSC Management we have to be degree holder of Trinity College and has trained ‘ ™ j With Travellers Insurance Company in Hartford, wi aw upon Connecticut. Election Lawyer Jose Agaton “Tony” R. Sibal was recently elected district governor of Rotary Illinois, USA last June 1-5, 1980. Sibal is the vice-chairman of Alemar’s (Sibal and Sons) Inc., and president of FiiOeiiui Press, Alemar’s ivrakaii, Inc., Central Book Supply and Central Lawbook Publishing Co., Inc. His term of office is from July 1, 1980 to June 30, 1981. Business talks Glenn M. Cooper, export sales manager of MOSLER CONSULTATIONS - Executives of Fuji-Seiko, a joint venture of Mosier Safes, USA, were in Manila recently for consultations with officials of Elizalde International, Philippine distributors of Mosier safes and vault doors. They visited the new head offices of the Bank of P.l. where Mosier physical equipment is extensively used. Heading the Fuji-Seiko delegation is Kinichi Sawai, chairman of the board (fifth from right). With him are Kiyohiko Yokoi, overseas department manager, and Toshiro Inada, managing director. Others from left are Vicente Aquino, senior vice-president, BPI; Ramon Llanos, assistant general manager, Elinter; Ariston Estrada, Xavier Loinaz, executive vice-presidents, BPI; and Jesus Bilbao, general manager, Elinter.