Nippon-Go Manual.pdf


Part of The City Gazette

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NIPPON-GO MANUAL ESSENTIAL NIPPON -GO FOR PEACE OFFICERS FOREWORD This manual is especially prepared for the members of the Metropolitan Constabulary so that they may learn the Japanese words and phrases, which are mostly needed for their police duties. It should be used as guide for their daily conversation in Nippon-Go. CAPT. s. HORIKAWA Instructor Metropolitan Constabulary MANILA, November 3, 1942. • The preparation of this vocabulary by Mr. Alejandro Livioko, Public Relations Officer of the Metropolitan Constabulary is timely, for it will help anyone desiring to learn Nippon-Go, parti~:ularly the members of my organization who have to deal with members of the Japanese Army and civilians. It is my great pleasure to congratulate the author of this manual for the painstaking work he has accomplished. ANTONIO c. TORRES Commander, Metropolitan Constabulary PREFACE This little work is intended for the use of members of the Metropolitan Constabulary who are duty bound to possess, at least, a rudimentary knowledge of the Japanese language, which is deemed indispensable in their dealings with the Army officials in particular, and the Japanese people in general. This manual not only contains words ·and phrases which are of common use in everyday conversation, but it also explains the use of postpositions to e~able students to make a correct construction of sentences which, in the Japanese language, is irregular and complicated because of its originality. The author of this manual has devoted time and effort to make out a vocabulary of useful words and phrases to meet the daily requirements of the Metropolitan Constabulary members to whom he dedicates this humble work. Sincere gratitude is hereby expressed to Mr. Yosio Takamiya, Interpreter of the Military Police and Mr. Masao Tanaka of the Department of Information, Military Administration, for thoroughly revising this work, and also his great indebtedness to the authors whose books have been of very valuable help in the preparation of this manual. A.LEJ ANDRO LIVIOKO Public Relations Officer Metropolitan Constabulary PART I CONSTABULARY DRILL COMMANDS A tumare .................................... Fall in Kiotuke ..................................... Attention Migie-Narae ............................ Right dress Hidarie-Narae ......................... Left dress Na ore ......................... ................ Front Bango ................ ......... ................ Count off Keirei ......................................... Salute Yasume ········-~---····-··················· Stand at ease Wakare ...................................... Fall out or dismiss Wakare atumare ................... Fall out and fall in new (New place as indicated) Sonomama (or Niretu no mama) .................................. In place Motoe ......................................... As you were Kasira-naka ............................. Eyes center Kasira-hidari ........................... Eyes left Kasira-migi .............................. Eyes right Kisuu ......................................... (Odd numbers) Guusuu ...................................... (Even numbers) Close order drill without arms Migi muke-migi .................... Right face Hidari muke-hidari .............. Left face Nakaba migi muke-migi ··-~ Right half face Nakaba hidari muke-hidari.. Left half face Maware-migi ·····:····················· About face Extended order drill Mae-e-susume ................. , .... Forward march Buntai-tomare ........................ Company halt Kumi-gumi m1g1e-susume.. Column right march Kumi-gumi hidari-e-susume .......................................... Column left march Migi muke mae-e-susume.. By the right flank march Hidari muke mae-e-susume .......................................... By the left flank march Maware migi mae-e-susume ......................................... . To the rear march Migi ni muki o kae-susume .......................................... Company right march Hidari ni muki o kae-susume ...................................... Company left march Migi narabi-susume ............ Right front into line march [ 260] Hidari narabi-susume ........ Left front into line march Asi humi mae-susume ........ March time march Hotyoo-yame .......................... Route. step Hotyoo-tore ............................ A t t e n ti o n (Re s um e marching) Kakeasi-susume .................... Double time H . Q"k ayaas1-susume .................... u1c time I. Rendering Report (Hokoku)a. In case there are absenteesDai .............. tai (Han) ... Organization Sooin ................................. Number of students Ziko ............ mei.. .............. Number absent Genzai-in. mei.. ............ - Number present Izyoo nasi ......................... No unusual change b. In case of no absenteesDai .............. (tai (han) .. Organization Sooin ........... mel.. .......... Number of students Ziko nasi ........................... No absentees c. Ordinary way of reportingDai. ............ (tai (han) .. Organization Sooin .......... mei.. .............. Number of students Genzai...-.. mei.. .............. No change II. Numbers (Bango )l~iti 8-hati 2-ni 9-ku 3-san 4-si 5-go 6-roku 7-siti 10-zyuu 11-z:Yuu iti 12-zyuu ni 13-zyuu san 15-zyuu go 50-gozyuu 75-nanazyuu-go 90-kuzyuu or kyuzy¥u 100-hy,aku III. Rest19-zyuu ku 20-nizyuu 21-nizyuu-iti 23-nizyuu-san 25-nizyuu-go 30-sanzyuu 45-yonzyuu-go 200-nihyaku 500-gohyaku 1,000-sen 1. Yasume ................................ Rest or Stand at ease 2. W akare ................................ Fall out 3. Wakare atumare .............. Fall out and Fall in new place 4. Kaisan .................................. Dismiss (From Superior to next in command for execution) 5. Yasumase ............................ Rest (Idea) Army Branches Cavalry .......................................... Kihei Infantry .......................................... Hohei Artillery ··························~············· Hoohei Imperial Guard Divisio:h -~········ Konoe Sidan Quartermaster Department .... Kamotu-Syoo Manila Defense Garrison .'....... Manila Booeitai Luzon Commissoriat .................. Luzon Heitan Military Administration .......... Gunsei-kan-Bu Air Corps ...................................... Hikoo-Tai Headquarters ................................ Honbu-Sireibu Military Police ............................ Kempei-Tai The Japanese Army Headquarters ...................................... Gunsireibu Army Ranks Field Marshall .............................. Gensui General .........................................• Taisyoo Lt. General .............................. Tyuuzyoo Major General ............................ Syoosyoo Colonel ............ ....... ......................... Taisa Lt. Colonel .................................... Tyuusa Major .............................................. S~oosa Captain .......................................... Tai-i 1st Lieutenant .............................. Tyuu-i 2nd Lieutenant ............................ Syoo-i 3rd Lieutenant ............................ Zyun-i Adjutant ........................................ Hukkan Superior Rank Adjutant .......... Kookyuu Hukkan Weekly Assistant Adjutant .... Syuu-hukkan Warrant Officer ............................ Zyun-i Non Commission Officers ........ Kasikan Sergeant Major ............................ Sootyoo Sergeant ........................................ Gunsoo Corporal .......................................... Gotyoo Lance-corporal ............................ Heityoo Private ............................................ Hei 1st Class Private ........................ Nitoo-Hei Private (Superior) .................... Zyootohei Navy Ranks Admiral ........................................... Kaigun Taisyoo Vice Admiral ................................ Kaigun Tyuuzyoo Rear Admiral ............................ Kaigun Syoosyoo Captain ·········································· Kaigun Taisa Commander .................................. Kaugun Tyuusa Lt. Commander .......................... Kaigun Syoosa Lieutenant .................................... Kaigun Tai-i Lt. Jr. Grade ................................ Kaigun Tyuu-i E~sign ............................................ Kaigun Syoo-i First Class Petty Officer .......... Heisootyoo Petty Officer ............................ ...... Kasikan Government Branches Chairman of the Executive Commission .............................. Gyoosei-i-in Tyoo Secretary of the Executive Conimission .............................. Gyoosei Department of Interior .............. Naimu-Bu Department of Finance ............ Zaimu-Bu Department of Justice .............. Sihoo-Bu Department of Education ........ Kyooiku Bu Department of Health .............. Kosei Bu Department of Public Works .. Doboku Kootuu Bu Agriculture and Commerce Department ................................ N oosyoo PART II EVERYDAY EXPRESSIONS Good morning (when .meeting) .............................................. Ohayoo gozaimasu. Good afternoon (when meeting) .............................................. Konnitiwa. Good evening (when meeting) .............................................. Konbanwa. [ 261] . Good morning (when part- Sayoonara; siturei siing ................................................ masu. Good afternoon ( whQD part- Sayoonara; siturei siing) .............................................. masu. Good day (when parting) ...... Sayoonara; siturei simasu. Good evening (when parting) Sayoonara; siturei simasu. Goodbye (when parting) ...... Sayoonara; siturei simasu. Goodnight (when parting) ...... Oyasuminasai. Yes ·····-·······················-······----·········· Hai; ha. No ···································-····-···-······· Iiye; iya. Is that so? --··--·········-····---------------- Sayoo-desuka; or Soodesuka. Please; if you please ................ Doozo. Thank you .................................. Arigatoo gozaimasu. Come here .................................. Irassyai; koko e oidenasai. Look out! (Take care) .......... (0) ki o tukenasai. Quite all right ............................ Dai-zyoobu desu. Stop! ·······--······-··-························--··- Tyotto matte kudasai. Excuse me .................................. Gomen kudasai. Today ............................................ Konniti; kyoo; honzitu. Tomorrow ·-·-·····-·····-··········-········ Myooniti; asita asu. Yesterday --·········-------·····--···-······· Sakuzitu; kinoo. The day before yesterday .... Issaku-zitu; ototoi The day after tomorrow ........ Myoogo-niti; asatte. Last night ····-··-·······-··············-····· Sabukan; saku-ya. Tonight ·············-····················-··-···· Konban; kon-ya. Always ·····-··-····-··-······-·-·-···-·········· Itumo; itu-demo. Make haste! .................................. 0-hayaku; Hayaku Go slowly ...................................... (Go-) yukkuri irassyai. Go quickly .................................... (0-) hayaku irassyai. To the right ······-···········-·--············ Migi-e To the left ········--····-·············--······ Hidari-e Who is it? ·--···········-···-················· D o n a t a ( desu ka)?; Dare (desu ka)? Whose --········-·····-··-····················-····· Donata no; dare no. yours . ······-············-··-················-·-····· Anata no. Mine His ............................. --.... -......................................... .. .............................................. -............... -...... -...... .. Hers (Same as "his.") Watakusi no. Ano kata no; kono kata no; sensei no. I have some .................................. Sukosi arimasu. I have nothing ............................ Nanimo arimasen. Late .................................................. Osoi-desu. Just hold this .............................. Tyotto, koreo motteite kudasai. Can you carry it (for them).. Mote-masu ka? Won't it (or they) fall?............ Otimasen ka? No, it is (or they are) all right Dai-zyoobu desu. How are you? ............................ Ikaga desu ka? Hallo! .............................................. Mosi-mosi. Yes, I think ......................... : ........ Sayoo-desyoo or soodesyoo. ~· Left ··············---······-························· Hidari. Right ................................................ Migi. Here ................................................ Koko (or Kotira). There ................................................ Asoko; atti or atira. Tall ························--··············-··------· Takai. Low -------······------------·---··-··---------------· Hikui. Dear ·---·------·------·-··-·····------··---·····-··· Takai. Cheap ·----------------------······------··-········ Yasui. Long -------·--···-··--···-··--·-·····-·····-·-···-·· Nagai. Short ···-···.······················-·················· Mizikai. Length ·····--·······················-···-·--······ Take (or Nagasa). Width ·····--·······-············--····-············ Haba. This .................................................. Kore. That ·····················-······-··-·················· Are (or Sore). In ········--···----·------·····--····----····----------- Naka (or Uti). Out --···----······--------··---·---------------······ Soto (or Omote). Large ··············---······························· Ookii; ookina Small .............................................. Tiisai. East .................................................. Higasi. West ................................................ Nisi. South ·------··-··-·······-····--··················· Minami. North ········-······-···························-· Kita. Straight .......................................... Massugu. Four corners (crossing) .......... Y otu-kado. Second house on the left ........ Hidarino niken-me Third house on the right ........ Megii-no sangen-me. The last house ............................ Itiban-simaino uti; or Itiban saki-no uti; or Itiban okuno uti.) The first house ............................ Itiban-me no uti; Saisyo no uti. House ···-··················---·-·--··-·-·····-··-·· Uti (or lye). That house ·-·-···--··-····------··-·-----···-· Ano uti (or Ano iye) . This house ----··-··········--·····-··'·------· Kono uti (or Kono iye) . Building ··-···-···-·-··············-··---······· Tatemono. Entrance ------········--·-······················ Iri-kuti; iri-guti. Exit ····----··-····-·------·-····-···--·······-······· Deguti. W. C. --·-·--····-···--····-·········-············-· Benzyo; habakari; tearai; gohuzyoo (only used by ladies) . Automatic (public) telephone Zidoo denwa. Tram-car line .............................. Densya-miti. Steam train 'line -----····--------·--······ Kisya-miti. Crossing (railway) .................... Humikiri. Road ····-···········---······························· Miti. Street .............................................. Mati. Sidewalk ........................................ Zindoo. Safety Zone ························--·-···-·· Anzen-titai. Where .............................................. Doko (politely: -"Dotira desu ka.") Where is the shopping place, Kaimono o suru-tokoro please. wa, dotira desu ka? Where is A? ............................. ... A wa dotira-desu ka? The way to the B Hotel ............ B hoteru e yuku-miti. The way to the Railway Station -·--·---····-···-·-····-··-·······-··········· Teisyabee yuku-miti. The way to the market ............ Itibae yuku-miti. [ 262 J Th• wa1 to the ahopping place Kaimono-o suru-tokoro e yuku-miti. Please direct me to the C C Hoteru e yuku mitio Hotel. . osiyete kudasai. Turn to the left -·-···-··-················ Hidarie omawarinasai. When you come to the two Y otu-kadoe mairimasistreets crossing. tara. Enquire at the Police box Koban-de, okiki-kudathere. sai. Please excuse me but -···-··--·-··· Shitsurei-desu ga. Can you tell me where Mr. Yamada san no, o-suYamada lives. mai wa dotira-desyooka? Just n~xt door ················-··········· Sugu kono o-tonari desu. About a block further -·-·········-· Ittyoo-hodo saki-desu. Where is the Spanish Con- Spain Ryoozi-kan wa, sulate? dotira desu ka? German Consulate -··-···············- Doitu, Ryoozi-kan. Italian Consulate ........................ Itaria Ryoozi-kan. French Consulate ...................... Huransu Ryoozi-kan. Consulate -········-·················-·········· Ryoozi-kan. May I go inside? ····················--·· Haitemo yorosii-desu ka. Nearest way ··-·············-·-··-·········· Itibantika-miti. Longest way ... ········-··········-······· .. Itiban toomawari. What is the fare? ·-.... _ ............... Ryookin-wa, ikahodo desu ka? How much (is it or are they) .. Ikura desu ka? Ikahodo desu ka? I wish to buy a hat. .................. Boosio hitotu, motometai desu or kaitai desu. Where ean I buy? or Where is Dokoni utte orimasu it sold? ka? Just down there ····--·················· Sugu soko-de~u. What is the name of the store? Nanto iu mise desu ka? M:iSe-no na-wa nanto moosimasu ka? Itikawa store. Itikawa Syooten desu. Thank you very much ·--········· Domo arigatoo gozaimasita; or Arigatoo gozaimasu. lhve you handkerchiefs? ........ Hankethi-wa arimasu ka? Yes we have ._ ........ ·-···················· Hai, gozaimasu. How much a dozen? ................ Iti-daasu, ikahodo des u k a? I t i-daasu ikura desu ka? Yen:-6.-!5 ...................................... Roku-yen yonzyuu-go sen de, gozaimasu. Can you make some reduc- Sukosi, makari-masen tion? ka? Our prices are fixed ................ Syoohuda doori, negatte orimasu. What is the· news? .................... Atarasii nyuusu-ga arimasu ka? There is none at all .................. Ntmi-mo arimasen. Who are you please? ................ Anata wa donata de SU ka? I am Mr. Cruz ............................ Watakusi wa Cruz desu. Anything I can do for you, N anika goyoo desu ka, Mr. Cruz? Cruz san? I would like to have a pass to Mitio arukunoni urumove about the city unmo- saku nai yoo syomei lested. o moraitai no desu. Yes, I will give you a pass.-.... Hai, syoomei o agemasyoo. Are you a Philippine citizen? Anata wa Hiripph1-zin desu ka? Yes, I am a Filipino ........... -........ Soo desu. Watakusi wa Hirippin-zin desu. I am a business man .................. Watakusi wa syoonin desu. Then, you don't need any Sorenara syoomei wa pass. irrmasen. What you need is capital ........ Anata no irumono wa sihon desu. I want to open a general mer- Watakusi wa zakka no chandise store. What must mise o aketai no desu I do? ga donna kotoo sitara yorosii desu ka? Get a license first ........... ........... Saki ni menkyo o moratte kudasai. Go to the City Hall and they'll Soredewa Siti Hooru tell you there anything nee- e itte kudasai, mukoo essary. de hituyoo na mono o iimasu. I am sorry to give you all this Ya, tonda goyakkai o trouble. kakemasite aisumimasen. Or, Doomo ozyama simasita. Halt! (Stop) ................................ Tomare! (Sentry's Order) Who are you? ............................ Dare ka? (Police phrase) Manila Police ~--·········-·········· .. ····· Manila Keisatu Where are you going? ............ Doko e ik(imas)u ka? I am on patrol ............................ Keikai site i m a s u. (Zyunsatu desu.) I am going to the station ........ Keisatu e ikimasu. What is your badge number .... Anata no kisyoo wa nan-ban desu ka? Have you any report? .............. Hookoku ga arimasu ka? Anything I can do for you? .... Nanika goyoo desu ka? Please help me arrest a crim- Hannin-taiho ni tetuinal. datte kudasai. What is your substation num- Bunsyo no bangoo wa ber? nan desu ka? I belong to substation num- Watakusi wa busyo go ber 5. ban desu. ( 26.3 1 Why do you have firearm? Naze zyuuo motteimasu ka? I have a permit to carry fire- Watakushiwa zyuuno arm. kyoka o motte-imasu. What is your name? ................. Anata wa nan desu ka? I am Juan de la Cruz .............. Watakushi wa Juan de la Cruz desu. How old are you? .................... Otosi-wa ikutu desu ka. Are you married? ...................... Anata wa kekkon site imasu ka? I am 23 years old .................... Nizyuu san sai desu. How many children have you? Kodomo wa iku-nin arimasu ka? Where do you live? ···-··········· Uti wa doko desu ka? I live at No. 3 Daitoa Avenue Watakushi wa Daitoa Avenue san-banti ni sunde-imasu. What's your profession? -~·-······ Syokugyoo wa nan desu ka? I am a merchant ........................ Watakusi wa syoobai nin desu. I am a lawyer ............................ Watakusi wa bengosi desu. Have you any complaint? ........ Nanika sosyoo ga arimasu ka? Dooka simasita ka? What is your complaint? .......... Doo nasai masita ka? I was robbed of my furnitures Watakushi no doogu o doroboo ni toraremasita. I was also robbed of PlOO ........ Hyaku peso mo doroboo ni toraremasita. At what time more or less .... Nanzii goro toraremasita ka? At about ten o'clock last night Yuube no zyuu-zi goro desita. Could you identify the thief? Sono doroboo omitara wakarimasu ka? Yes, if l' see him ........................ Mitara wakarimasu. All right, we will investigate Yorosii-desu, kotira de and inform you about it. sirabemasu kara, ato de sirasemasyoo. PART ID THE POSTPOSITIONS DENOTING THE CASES OF NOUNS AND PRONOUNS It is a characteristic of the Japanese language that the case of nouns in a sentence is denoted by the postpositions which follow them. The use of postpositions denoting the case of a noun or pronoun requires special attention. Nominative Case: 1. Neko WA kemono desu. A cat is an animal. 2. Neko GA tabete imasu. The cat is eating. Possessive Case: Anata-NO hon wa kirei desu. Your book is pretty. Objective Case: (often the word "O" comes after the object-word.) Tomodati-ga hon-o yomi-masu. A friend reads a book. A noun OT pronoun is in: 1. The Nominative Case when followed by the postposition WA or GA. 2. The Possessive Case when followed by the postposition NO. 3. The Objective Case when followed by the postposition-0 or-Nr, the former denoting the direct object and the latter the indirect object. As the use of postpositions is the hardest and the most important part of the Japanese language, we shall try to explain their use with other parts of speech as much as possible. The postposition-WA is used in order to denote that the preceeding noun or pronoun is in the Nominative Case. And a sentence as a rule begins with a noun or a pronoun. Kore wa nani desu ka-What is this? (kore wa-this; Nani-what; Desu-is; Ka-interrogation.) The fundamental difference of the construction of a sentence makes it harder to Filipinos to express the idea in Japanese. , The nominative postposition-GA in its grammatical relation is used in just the same way as WA, but the ideas expressed by each differ somehow. When-GA is used, the subject of the sentence is comparatively or specially emphatic; and WA is used in a sentence the predicate of which is comparatively or specially emphatic. Dare GA iki-masu ka? Who will go? Watakusi Ga yiki-masu. I shall go (It is I that shall go). Anata WA lki-masu ka? Will you go? (Others need not go) . Watakusi WA iki-masen. I'll not go. (Others may or may not go). An interrogative pronoun, when it becomes the subject of a sentence, must be followed by GA while, in a sentence which contains an interrogative pronoun as a nominative complement or in other cases, the subject of the sentence is to be denoted by WA. 1. Nani GA-what; Dare GA-who; Dotira GAwhich; Dore GA-which. 2. Anata WA (not:-GA) DARE desu (ka)? Who are you? Kore WA (not:-GA) DARE No boosi desu (ka)? Whose hat is this? The Possessive Postposition NO is used to denote that the preceeding noun or pronoun is in the possessive case, as: [ 264] Dare NO boosi. Whose hat. Watakusi NO hon. My book. Hito NO karada. A man's body, etc. The Objective postposition 0 is used to denote that the preceding noun or pronoun is the direct object of the predicate verb, for example: Anata-wa kono hon 0 yomi-masita ka? Have you ever read this book? The Objective postposition NI is used to denote that the preceeding nouni or pronoun is the indirect object of the predicate verb, for example: Kono tokei 0 anata-NI age-masyoo. I'll present you this watch. In ordinary conversation, KA for the interrogative sign is generally omitted in a sentence containing an interrogative adverb or pronoun which is to be specially accented, while, in a sentence without any interrogative adverb or pronoun, it must always be used. Conjugation of Masu Masu is an auxiliary verb, used in conversation, by the conjugation of which the tenses of the verb and of negative expressions are denoted: Present ...................... Masu Past .............................. Masita Future ........................ Masyoo Past supposition ...... Masi ta desyoo (or Masitaroo) I. The present tense MASU denotes(a) present facts or actions; (b) future events or actions foreknown or predestined; (c) general truth. Inu-ga hasiri-MASU. A dog runs. Meusi ga mizu 0 nomi-MASU. The cow drinks water. Inu ga hasiri MASITA. A dog ran. II. The past tense :MASITA. Inu ga hasiri Masita. A dog ran. Koko ni hon ga ari-MASITA. There was a book here. III. The future tense,-MASYOO denotes-A .. Probability of actions and facts present and future, when used with the 3rd person. Present probability. Otoosan wa tadaima o-uti desu ka? Is your father at home now? Future probability. Taroo wa asita ki-MASYOO. Taro will come tomorrow, probably. B. Wish, intention, or supposition of ability, when used with the 1st person. Kono hon-0 kai-MASYOO. I (or we) will buy this book. C. The future tense,-MASYOO is never used with the second person except in the imperative expression, meaning let us in English. Tanaka san! Sanpo 0 si-MASYOO. Let us take a walk, Mr. Tanaka? IV. The Past Suppositional, MASITA DESYOO or -MASITAROO denotes-A. Past supposition: Mosi kane ga attara (arimasita naraba) kaiMASITA DESYOO. If I had had money then, I should have bought it. ' B. The same in an interrogative expression. Ano hito wa ie 0 uri MASITAROO. He has sold his house hasn't he? The Negative Form of "desu" and "masu" MA SEN Present ................................ Masen Past ...................................... Masen desita Future ................................ Desyoo, or masumai Past supl. .......................... Masendesita desyoo (roo) DE (WA) ARI MASEN Present ................................ de (wa) arimasen. Future ·······-··········-··-··-··· de (wa) ari-masen desyoo. Past ...................................... de (wa) ari-masen desita. Past supl. .......................... de (wa) ari-masen desita desyoo (roo) PART IV ENGLISH-JAPANESE VOCABULARY A Abduction-Yuukai. Abductor-Yuukaisya. Abuse-Hazukasimeru. Or Gookan (raping). Abuse of confidence-Sin-yoo o uragiru. Accident-Ziko, Hui no koto; Igai no koto; Omoigakenai sainan. Accomplice-Doorui; Guru. Accomplice in crime-Doohansya; Kyoohansya. Accusation-Uttae; sosyoo, (charge)-Zaisyoo. Accuse-Kokuso; uttaeru. Actual-Zitu no; honto no; makoto no. Additional arrest-Tuika kinko. Admit-Syoodaku suru; mitomeru. Adultery-Kantuu; mittuu; maotoko. Advocate-Bengoosuru. Again-Mata. Against-Ni mukatte,-ni taisite,-nisakaratte. Alias-Henmei. Alibi-Huzai-syoomei; aribai. Alien-Gaikoku-zin; gaizin. Arms-Buki. Harmful arms-Kyooki. Arrast-Taiho. Arrest at the complaint of A-A no kokuso ni yoru taiho. Arson-Hooka. Crime of arson-Hookazai. Assassin-Hito-gorosi, . satuzin. Assault-(of a fortress)-Koogeki; (of a person)-Tyootyaku. Assemble (of persons)-Atumeru. (of things)-Matomaru. [ 265] Badie-Kiayoo. Bail money-Hosyaku~in. Beat-Utu; naguru Beggar-Koziki. Bertillon-Kansiki-ka. B Board of Directors-Rizikai zyuuyakukai. Body (Police)-Kei-tai. (Military )-Gun-tai. (Human)-Sintai, Karada. Bogus-Nisemono (noun) ikasama-no (adjective); intiki-no. (For instance, Bogus medicine-intikino kusuri) . - Boots-Kutu; amiagegutu. Bootlegger-Sakemitubai-sya. Bottle-Bin. Brave-Tuyoi; isamasii; yuukan-na. Break in-Sin-nyuu. Bribe-Wairo o suru. To bribe-Wairo o yaru. Bribery-Wairo. The offence of giving bribe-Zoowaizai. The offence of taking bribe-syuuwaizai. Burglar--Yatugoro; doroboo. Burglary-Yaeirikiri; osikomi. c Caliber-Kookei. Capital-Sihon; sihonkin; motode. Capital City-Syuhu; shyuto. Capture--Toraeru, tukamaeru. Car (motor)-Zidoosya. Career-Keireki. Carretela-Basya. Carrying prohibited arms-Kyooki-Syozi-Zai. Case--Ziken (like the Erafia Case) Erafia Ziken. Cash-Kane; genkin. Cell (prison)-Kanboo. Chairman-G:ityoo. Charge (trustee)-Azukari mono. ( accusation)-Uttae. Charge with a crime-Tumi o owaseru. Chauffeur-Untensyu or untensi. Chemistry-Kagaku. Chief of Police-Keisatu syotyoo. Chief of section-Katyoo, butyoo. Chips or any part of a game-Tobaku-doogu. Circumstantial evidence-Zyookyoo-syooko. Citizen-Simin. Citizenship-Kokuseki; siminken (the right to be a citizen). City Mayor-Sityoo. City Fiscal-Si-Kenzi; Si-no Kenzi. Civil status-Mibun. Clothes-Yoohuku. Cochero-Basya-ya .. Cock-figthing-Tori no kenka; tookei. Collicion--Syoototu; tuki-ataru koto. Commerce--Syobai, syoogyoo. Committed Crime-Hanzai. Complaint-Kokusozyoo, sozyoo, Complain-Kokusonin. Condemn-Togameru. Condemn to death-Sizai ni sadameru. Condemn to hard labor-Tyooekini sadameru Conductor-Syasyoo. Confess-Hakuzyoo suru. To confess a crime--Tumi o hakuzyoo-suru. Confine-Rinkon (su-infinitive and present tenae). (si-past tense). Confiscate-Bossyuu. ·• Consent-Sansei. Constable-Zyunsa. Contempt of Court-Kanri-buzyoku. Contraband-Kinsei-no (adjective). Contraband goods-Kinseihin. Convict-Hannin. Cooperation-Kyooryoku. Coroner-Kensi-kan; sitai-osiraberu yakunin. Court-Saibansyo. Court. of Common Pleas-Minzi saibansyo. Court of Appeals-Kooso-in. Supreme Court-Daisin-in. Counterfeit money-Nise-gane; ganzoosihei. Credentials-Ininzyoo. Crime--Zai; tumi. Crime record-Zen-zai. Criminal (person)-Zai-nin. (case )-Keizi-hikoku-ziken. Crook-Magari; yugami. Custody-Kango; kankin; Kinko. Custom-Syuukan (in the customs of the West) Custom-house--Zeikan. Death-Si. Sudden death-Tonsi. Violent death-Hensi. D Decease-Sinu Koto; siboo Deceive-Damasu; damakasu. Decision-Kettei; (judgement)-Hanketu. Defend-Mamoru. Defense-Boogyo. National Defense-Kokuboo. Delinquence-Hanzai. Denial-Hitei. Dependent-Keirui; miyori. Detective-Tantei. Disarm-Teppo o toriageru. Dice-Saikoro. Discharge-(from service)-Hima o dasu. Disobedience-Huzyuuzyun. Disobey-Sitagawanai. Doctor-Isi; isya. Drop the case-Sosyoo-o kyakka-suru. Drum-Taiko; (musical instrument) Doo. Drunken state-Y opparai, Deisui. Misbehavior in drunken state-Yopparai-no kekka ranboo o hataraku. [ 266] Duplicate-H:utatu no (adjective). Utusi (noun-copy). Duplicate key-aikagi. During absence-RusU-tyuu. Duty ( obligation)-Gimu. (tax)-Zei. To be on duty-Tooban de aru. To be off duty-Hiban de aru. E Embargo-Syhukkoo-teisi. Embezzlement-Itakukin-sisyoozai. Embezzlement of goods-Itakuhin-tyakuhuku or sisyoo. Embezzlement of money-Itakukin-sisyoo or tyakuhuku. Employee-Siyoonin; yatoinin. Employer-Syuzin; _yatoinusi. Enemy-Teki. Enlist-Kakaeru; tunoru. Error-Ayamati, matigai. Escaped convict-Datugokunin. Escape of place of conviction-Engoku su. Espionage-Supai-kooi. Estafa-Sagi. Evidence-Syooko. Evident-Akiraka-na (adjective). Examine a criminal-Tumi-bito o ginmi suru. Hannin o torisiraberu. Execute-Kei'.'"no-sikkoo o suru. Execution-Kei no sikkoo. Expose-Arawasu; miseru. F Fact-Zizitu. False accusation out of revenge-Hukusyuu ga mokuteki no nureginu (name) False name-Gimei. Family-Kazoku. Farmer-Hyakusyoo, Noohu. Fatal-Inoti ni kakaru; timeisyoono. Fight-Kenka; sensoo, tatakai. Fine-Bakkin. Fingerprints-Simon. Fire (noun)-Hi. To fire a gun-Teppoo o utu. Firearms-Teppoo. Fire-cracker-Kansyaku-dama. Fire Department-Syooboosyo. Firearm-Syoboohu. Flog-Muti-utu. Footprints-Asi-ato. Force-Tikara. Police force-Keisatsu-tai. Military force-Guntai; Heiryoku. P'oreign-Gaikoku no. Foreigner-Gaikoku-zin Forestry Department-Sanrin Kyoku. Forge-Niseru. Forged seal-Bo-han. Forged writing-Bo-syo. Forged money-Ganzoo. Forger-Gizoosya. Forgery-Gizoo-zai. Franchise-Senkyoken. Fraud-Sagi; ituwari. Free-Hanasu. Set free-Hoomen-suru. Fugitive-Nigeru-mono; tooboonin. Funeral-Soosiki. G Gambler-Bakuti-uti; bakuto. Gambling-Bakuti; tobaku. Gambling house-Bakuti-yado; toba. Gang-Totoo; gyangu. Gasoline-Gasorin. Gasoline Drums-Gasorin-kan, daramukan. Go-between-Sewanin. Grand Jury-Baisinkan. Groundless accusation-Kyohoo. Guard (verb)-Mamoru. (noun)-Mamori; banpei. Guil t-Keirio, Y uzai, tumi. Guilt of a crime-Hanzai. Guilt (to confess one's guilt)-Hukuzai. Guilty-Yuuzai. Not guilty-Muzai. Gun-Teppoo. Artilery gun-Taihoo. H Habit-Kuse; syuukan. Habitual delinquent-Zyoosyuuhan. Harm (verb )-Gai-suru. (noun)-Gai. Harmful-Gai no ooi; yuugai-no. Harmless-Gai o sinai, gai no nai. Hate-Nikumu; Hatred-Nikumi. Headquarters (police )-Keisatu-honbu. Health Bureau (Dept.)-Kooseikyoku-syo. Held by the Military Police-Kenpeitai Kosiu-jesi. Help-(Verb )-Tetudau; tetudai o suru. To call for help-Sukui o motomeru. Hide (t. v.)-Kakusu. (i, v)-Kakureru. Hideout-Kakurega; kakure-basyo. Hire (borrow )-Kariru. His Imperial Majesty's Order-Tyokurei. Hit-Utu; Butu. Homicide-Hito-gorosi; satuzin. Honest-Syooziki-na. Honor (verb)-Uyamau; agameru. (noun)-Sonkei; sontyoo; meiyo. Hound-Kari-inu, Ryooken. Hush money-Kutidome-kin. [ 267] I Identical-Onazi. Identify-Mitomeru. Ignorance-Siranu koto; muti. lgnorant-Mugaku-na. Illegal-Muhoo; huhoo-no. Illegal sale of counterfeit money (or cigars)-Gizoosihei siyoo. illegitimate-Huhoo-na. Immoral-Hugyooseki-na; Hudootoku-na. Impartial-Katayoranu; Koohei-na. Impostor-Sagisi. lmpression-Insyoo. Imprison-Rooya ni ireru; toogoku-suru. Imprisonment-Nyuugoku, Toogoku. Indorse-Uragakisuru. Inforce (Enforce )-Zikkoo-suru. Inform (report to)-Ni hookoku suru. (against another )-Mikkoku. In front of-No mae ni (de) . Inhuman (cruel)-Mugoi; hizindooteki-na. Injustice-Yokosima na koto; Husei; hukoohei. Innocent-Muzai-na; tumi no nai. Inquiry-Tori-sirabe; tyoosa. Insane-Hakkyoo-sita; kino kurutta. Inspect-Kensa suru. (goods)-Aratameru. ( documents)-Kensa-suru. Inspector-Kensa-suru hito, kinsakan. (of police )-Keibu. (of weights and measures)-Kentei-kan. Chief Inspector of Police-Keibutyoo. Insubordination-Huhuku; huzyuuzyun. Insult-Buzyoku. Intelligence Department-Zyoohookyogu. Interference with Police duty-Keisatu-gimu-sikkooboogai. Intoxicated-Yotte oru; meiteisite oru. Investigate (a case)-Ginmi-suru. Investigation (of a case)-Ginmi; sinri. Involve (in trouble)-Makikomu. J Judge (noun)-Hanzi. (verb )-Saiban-suru. J udgment-Hanketu. Jury-Baisinkan. J ustice-Seigi. K Kidnap-Kadowakasu. Kidnapper-Yuukaisya; kadowakasu hito. Kidnapping-Kadowakasi; yuukai. Kill-Satugagi-suru; korosu. Killer-Satugai-nin. Killed and wounded-Sisyoosya. Know-Siru. (recognize )-Mitomeru. Knowing it is false-Husei to siritutu. L Label (noun)-Sage-huda, nihuda. (verb)-Nihuda o tukeru. Laboratory-Kenkyuuzyo. Chemical-Kagaku. '"' Larceny-Settoo. Laundry-Sentakuya. Law-Hooritu. Lawful-Goohoo-na; seitoo-na. Lawless-Muhoo-na; rihuzin-na. Lawyer-Bengosi. Leader-Sidoosya. Leave-Kyuuka. Living place-Zyuusyo. Legal-Seitoo-na. Lend-Kasu. Letter of Appointment-Ninmeisyo. Libel-Zangen. License-Kyoka-suru; menkyo-suru, yurusu. Licence-Menkyo; kyoka. Lie (noun)-Uso. (verb)-Uso o tuku. Loot-Ryakudatu. Looter-Ryakudatusya; doroboo; nusubito; toozoku. Loss-Songai. Lottery-Muzin; hukubiki. Lumber-Zaimoku. Dealer of lumber-Zaimoku-syoo. M Malicious-Syuunenbukai; urami o iclaku. Manslaughter-Hito-gorosi, satuzin. Mayor-Sityoo. Memorandum-Oboegaki; kakituke. Middleman-N akagai; baikaisya. Military Administration Department-Gunseibu (before) Gunseikanbu (now). Militaryman- (soldier )-Gunzin. Misbehavior (in drunken state)-(Yopparai no kekka ranboo o hataraku. Misconduct-Hugyoogi; hu-mimoti. Mischief-Gai; itazura. Mischief maker-Itazurasi. Mistake (noun)-Ayamati; matigai. (verb)-Ayamaru; gokai-suru. Money-Kane. Paper money-Sihei; satu. Ready money-Genkin. Money-lender-Kane-kasi. Mortgage (noun)-Teitoo; teitooken. Motive (object)-Meate. (of action)-Dooki. (reason)-Riyuu; ryooken. Municipal Board-Siyakusyo; mati-yakuba. Murder (noun)-Hitogorosi. (verb)-Hito o korosu. To commit murder-Hitogorosi o suru. Murderer-Satugai-nin; hitogorosi. [ 268] N Name-Namae. Nation-kuni, (country); kokumin (people). Neglect-Okotaru. Negligence-Okotari; hutyuui. Negligent-Soroo-na. To be negligent-yudan-site oru. Newspaper-Sinbun. Night-Ban; yoru. Last night-Sakuban; sakuya. Tomorrow night-Myooban; asu-no ban. Tonight-Konban, Kon-ya. Night attack-Yo-uti; yasyuu. Night robber-Yatoo. Whole night-' Yodoosi. Noise-Oto. (disturbance )-Sawagi. Noon-Mahiru; hiru; syoogo. Notify-Tassuru, tuuti-suru. Notorius-Nadakai (in a bad sense). 0 Obedient-Sunao-na; zyuuzyun-na. Obey-Sitagau. (a law)-Mamoru. (a person)-(No) iu koto o kiku. Obligation (duty )-Gimu. Observation-Miru koto; kansatu. Observe-Kansatu-suru. Obstruction (street obstruction)-Sinkoo-boogai. Occupation-Syoobai (business); Senryoo (Occupation of Singapore) . Offence-Tumi; toga. Offender (against regulation)-Hansokusya. ( criminal)-Hanzaisya. Official-Seisiki-no. (noun)-Y akunin. - - communication-Koobun. --- duties-Syokumu. - - report-Koohoo. One (thing)--Hitotu. (person)-Hitori. Opium-Ahen. Opium (narcotic) Law-Mauakurei. Opium poisoning-Ahen-tyuudoku. Oppression-Assei; appaku. Order-Iituke; sasizu;· meirei. (New Order)-Sin-tituzyo Ordinance-Hukoku. (regulation)-Zyoorei. ' Organization)-Kumitate; sosiki. Original copy-Genpon. Other details-Sonotano kuwasii koto. Overcharge-Kakene-suru. Overdue-Nitigen o koeta. Own-Motu; syoyuu-suru. Owner-Syoyuusya; syozinin. p Padlock-Daruma-zyoo, nankin-zyoo. Parade-Seiretu; kanpeisiki. Paragraph-Koo. Pardon (verb)-Yurusu; yoosya-suru. (noun)-Yurusi; yoosya. • (a criminal)-Syamen-suru. (of a criminal)-Syamen. Pass-Nyuuzyooken (entrance ticket). Passenger...:_Zyookyaku. Pay (salary)-Kyuukin; gekkyuu. Payday-Kanzyoobi; gekkyuubi. Peddler-Gyoosyoonin; daidoosyoonin. Pedestrian-Tuukoonin. Penal laws-Keihoo. Penalty-Kei; batu. Penitentiary-Rooya. People-Kokumin (nation) ; People at large-Hitobito. Permit-Kyoka. Persecute-Hakugai-suru. Personal-Honnin-no; sinten. Petition (noun)-Tangan; Negai. (verb)-Tangan-suru; negau. Physical injury-Syoogai. Pickpocket-Kintyaku-kiri; suri; tyakkiri. Pickpocketing (thief)-Suri (surinin). Piece-Ko. Cylindrical object-Hon (except ippon which means one piece) . Flat object like paper-Mai. Cubic object like basket-Ko. Pipe-Kuda. Plumber-Enkan-ya. Poison-Doku. Kill with poison-Dokusatu-suru. Police-Keisatu. Police-chief-Keisatusyo-tyoo. Police Officer-Zyunsa. Police night stick-Keikan. Police Patrol-Zyunsa. Police stand-Koo ban (syo) . Prison-Kangoku; Keimusyo. Prisoner-Zainin; syuuzin. Proclamation-Sengensyo. Prefession-Syokugyoo. Profiteering-Boori; huseiritoku. Prohibit-Kinsi-suru. Promotion-Syusse; sinkyuu. Promulgate-Happu-suru. Proof-Syooko. Proprietor Syozinin. Property-Zaisan. Prosecution-Kiso. Prosecutor-Kenzi. Prostitute-Inbaihu; inbai. Public-Ooyake no; koozen no. --- Service Regulations-Kansei. --- opinion-Yoron; kokuron. --- property-kookyoo-zaisan. service-Kooyoo; goyoo; koomu. - - spirit-Kookyoosin. [ 269] Publish-Hakkoo-suru; happyoo-suru. Punish-Bassuru. Punishment-Batu. Capital .................... -. Sizai; sikei; kyokkei. - - by hard labor (15 years)-Yuuki-tyooeki. (for life)-Muki-tyooeki. Additional ............ -Hukakei. Disciplinary ............ -Tyookai-syoobun. Pursuit-· Tsuiseki. Put into custody of responsible person-Sekinin. Q Qualifications-Sikaku. Qualify-Gookaku-suru; hituyoo-na sikaku o otaeru. Quality-Hin-ihinkaku. Quarantine (of persons)-Teiryuu. (of a ship )-Teisen. Quarrel-Kenka. (verb )-Kenka-suru. R Racketeer-Huseitorihikinin. Radical party-Kagekitoo. Raid (by the police )-Teire. Railroad Station-Teisyazyoo; teisyaba. Rape- (offence )-Gookan-zai. (verb)-Gookan-suru; tegome ni suru. Read-Yomu. Ready-Sitakuosuru; yooi ga· -yoi. Ready at hand-Tezika ni aru~ Reappoint-Hutatabi ninmei-suru. Recommendation-Suisen; suikyo; torimoti. Letter of Reconi.mendation-Suisenzyoo. Record-Kiroku; ziseki. Red Cross-Sekizyuuzi-sya. Reform School-Syoonen-kankain. Registration-Tooroku. Regulation-Kisoku. Release-Hoomen; syakuhoo. To be released on parole-Sensei-kaiho o ake-ru. To release on bail-(ni) hosyaku o yurusu. To be release on bail-. Hosyaku o yurusareru. Renew-Sinaosu. Reply- (verb )-Kotaeru. (noun)-Kotae. Report- (noun)-Hookoku; todoke. (verb)-Hookoku-suru; todokeru. Annual report-Nenpoo. Monthly report-Geppoo. To make a verbal report-Kootoo-hookoku o suru. Representative-Dairi. Repression-Seisei. Residence-Teitaku, zyuukyo. Resisting the Police-Keikan ni teikoo-suru koto. Responsible-Sekinin no aru. Return-Kaesu; kaeru. (the first verb is transitive while the second is intransitive) . Revenae-Hukusyuu; sikaesi. Reward-Hoo bi. Ringleader-Tyoohoonin; syukai. Riot-Abareru; ranboo-suru. To cause a riot-Sawagi o okosu. (offense )-Kyoto-syoosyuzai. Road-Miti; doo; gai. Rob-Nusumu. (verb)-Nusumi o suru. To be robbed-Doroboo ni au. Robbery-Gootoo; toonan. Runaway-(A prisoner runaway )-Datugokunin. Runaway lovers-Kakeotimono. s Sack-Hukuro. Safe-Kinko (where you keep money). (adjective)-Anzen-na. Salute-Aisatu. Sanitary Department-Eisei-kyoku. Scandal-Sosiri; syuubun. Scene of the accident-Genba; genzyoo. Scream-Sakebu (verb). Search-Soosa; sensaku; soosaku. Search warrant-Kel;taku-soosaku-reizyoo. Secret Service-Kootoo-keisatu. Secretary of the Budget Commission-Y osan Kei Kei In. Secretary of the Executive Commission-Gyosei-ku Syokikan-tyoo. Section-Bu; ka. Sentence-(Ni) senkoku suru. (noun)-Senkoku. To sentence to death- (Ni) sikei o moosiwatasu. Shoplifter-Manbiki. Shoplifting-Manbiki. Signal (noun)-Aizu; singoo. (verb)-Aizu o suru; singoo o suru. (Police )-Keikoku. Silver-ware-Ginsei kobutu. Slander-Zangen; zanso. Slums-Binboo-mati; hinmin-kutu. Smoke (verb)-Suu; nomu (Tabako o nomu). Special Police Officer-Tokubetu Keikan. Squeal-Naku; himei o ageru. Stab-Tuku; sasu. To stab to death-Sasi-korosu. Stabbing-Ooda. Stabbing while asleep-Suimin-tyuu o ooda suru. Station-Teisyaba; eki. Steal-Nusumu (same as rob) . Stenographer-Sokkisya. Stop (Stop!)-Tomaru (tomare!-imperative form). Strangle-Sime-korosu; kubiru. Street-Mati; toori. Street Obstruction-Sinkoo-boo~ai. Sue-Uttaeru; sosyoo-suru. Suicide-Zigai; Zisatu. (verb )-Zigai-suru. [ 270] Supression-Sin-a tu. Surrender- (of one's person)-Koosan. Suspicion-Utagai (verb) Utagu. Swindle-Kataru. (noun)-Katari. Tariff-Zeiritu. . . . Tax-Zei. l\lJ:µnicipal tax-Sizei. Nat.i9nal tax-Kokuzei. T Temporary-Kari no; itizi-teki no. Term-Kigen; kikan. Theft-Settoo. Thief-Do.r;oboo Thief-caicher-Okappiki. Things of v~lue-Kityoohin. Threat-Odokasu. Torture-Kurusimeru; goomon ni awasu. (noun)-Kurusimi. Tough-~tai. Tough guy-Urusagata. Trade-Booeki (means foreign trade) . Trail (noun)-Komiti. Trainin~-Sikomi; kyooiku; kunren. Training School-Kunrensyo. Trcun car-Densya. Tram conductor-Syasyoo. Translator-Honyakusya; honyaku suru hito. Transportation-Unsoo un-yu. ' Transport a criminal-Tuihoo-suru. Treasurer-Kaikei-Kan. Trespass-Midari ni hairU'. Trial-Ginmi; tamesi. (inquiry into a case)-Sinri. Public trial-Koohan. Truck-Toro; torokko. Trustee-Hyoogiin; rizi. • Unadulterated-Mazemono no na1; zyunryoo-n.a. Unconscious-Mu-isiki na. Uniform-Seihuku. (Adjective)-ltiyoo no; kawaranai. Unlawful-Huhoo-na. Unlicensed-Mu-menkyo; menkyo no nai. Unofficial-Hikoosiki no; koozen de nai. Usurer-Koori-kasi. Usury-Koori. v Valid (sound)-Tasika na. Having legal force-Kooryoku no aru. Vagrancy-Huroo. V erdict-Saiketu. (of public opinion)-Seisai. Verify-Siraberu; tyoosa-suru. Very first-Saisyo. Very last-Saisyuu. Vexation-Kutaku; gohara. Vice--Hu-mimoti. (Evil propensity)-Kuse. Vicinity-Atari; kinboo; hukin. Victim-Ikenie; gisei. Violate the law-(Ni) ihan-suru. Violator-Ihansya. V oter-Senkyonin. w Warehouse-Sooko; kura. Warrant-Kooi.nzyoo; taiho-meirei. Watch (Act of watching)-Ban. Watchman-Bannin. Whereabouts-Dono hen ni. Witness-Syoonin. [ 271]
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