Activities of the locan governments and their officials.pdf


Part of The Local Government Review

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Activities Of The Local Governments And Their Officials Miwutes of the Conference of >Provincial Governors and City Mayors held in Ml1Jl'l!ila from Oct-0.ber 4 to 9, 1948 (Continued from May number) NO. 29. WHEREAS, this 'B:ody is cognizant of the numerous differences relative to the appointment of ~eachers in the !Public School System between th.e Division Superintendents of SchooJ.S on one hand and the Provincial Governors and / or CHy Mayors on the other hand; WHEREAS, to efficiently carry out the purposes and aims of the public school system, it is imperative, that Governors and/ or City Mayors should work in a spirit of ~mutual help and coc(peration, if not as one; WHEREAS, to iron aut such differences or to forestall subsequent differences that may arise, a policy in the matter of appointing teachers be :idopted; NOW, THEREFOR!E1 , in consideration of the foregoing premises, the Conference of Provincial Governors :rnd City Mayors has Upon motion by Governor :Felipe Azcufia of Zamboanga RESOLVED, as it hereby resolves, to request the Honorable, the Secretary of Education, Manila, to instruct the Division Superintendent of Schools to get the recommendation of the Provincial Governors and/ or City Mayors relative to the appointment of teachers in their respective divisions. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward cqpy of this resolution to the Honorable, the Secretary of Education, Manila, for his information and appropriate action, furnishing copies hereof. to all Members of this Convention. Carried. NO. 30 WHER!E1 AS, in order to fully achieve the aims of which this Convention was called and to fully carry out the plans of this Convention as embodied in each resolution, a Committee need be formed for the purpose of working for the approval of all the resolutions passed JUNE, 1949 during the 1st convention and of this convention; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premise, this 'Dody has Upon motion of Mayor Esteban Mayo of Lipa City RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, to create a Committee to be called "Committee on i Action" to work for the :ipproval and carrying out of all the rewlutions passed during the first convention and those of the present convention of Provincial Governors and City Mayors. RESOLVED 'FURTHER, that the committee thus created shall compose of the following: Go vernor 'Enrique Braganza of Pangasinan, Chairman; Governor S•ixto Antonio of Rizal, Member; Mayor !Ponciano Bernardo of Quezon City, Member. RESOLVED FINALLY, to furnish copies of this resolution to the Chairman and Members of the Committee on Action created by this resolution for their information and guidance. Carried. NO. 31 WHEREAS, that on the morning of September 15, 1948, while the Provincial Governor of Laguna was in the office of Mr. Jose C. Aguila, Division Superintendent of Schools, for the purpose of conferring with said official on matters affecting school affairs, and while the Governor was making query relative to some school problems, the Division Superintendent was apparently very discourteous in his· reply, so the conference developed into a heated discussion; WHEREAS·, in. the course of the discussion, Mr. Aguila uttered ins• ulting remarks to the Governor which offended not only the humble person of the Governor but also the majesty of the authority of the Chief Executive Page 341 of the Province, and then and there Mr. Aguila attempted to draw his revolver, but cooler heads intervened and prevented the premeditated criminal design against the person of the Governor; WHERE,AS, such behavior of the Division Superintendent of Schools shows lack of courtesy in his dealing with his fellowmen, much less with the Chief Executive of the Province, a showing of hi& unbecoming a respectful public official-such act evidently cannot be tolerated; 'WHIE:RE!AS, with the present state of affairs existing between the Governor and· the Division S'uperintendent of Schools in the person of Mr. Aguila, the cooperation, 'llnity and harmony, so indispensable in the accomplishment of the fu'naamental objectives for which this administration has been devised cannot be achieved, and based on this fact, the~ two responsible officials cannot stand side ;by side with the other officials of the province and work and cooperate together for the benefit and welfare of the whole province of Laguna, consequently one must stEjp out fo preserve the cooperative spirit, harmony and unity among the officials in the execution of a common p·lan; WHEREAS, the Governor being elected by the people, and by the dictates of the law, he must stay until his term of office expires, and so the only alternative in a conflict of this nature is the one who holds office by the grace of an appointment must necessarily step out for the good of the i;ervice, so much so, that the people may be fortunately blessed with peace and the full promise of real security and genuine stability; NOW, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing considerations the Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors has Upon motion of Governor Felipe Azcuha of Zamboanga RESOLVED, as it . hereby resolves, to request as it hereby earnestly requests the Honoraible, the Secretary of Education and the Director of Public Schools, Manila, that for the good of Page 342 the service, Mr. Jose C. Aguila be immediately transferred from the province of Laguna. . RESOLVED FURTHIE,R, that this Body renew as it hereby renews its pledge of cooperation and loyalty to yoU'r program of sound and good government in dealing with the public school system. RESOLVED FINALLY, that copies vf this resolution be furnished the Honorable, the Secretary of Education, the Director of 'Public Schools, Manila, and Honorables, Congressman ,Barretto and Fernandez of Laguna, for their information and action. Carried. NO. 32 WHEREAS, alien properties such rts land, buildings, and other improvements, have been confiscated from the enemies during the last war and turned over to the Philippine Government; 'WHEREAS, Provincial and City governments in whose jurisdiction those alien properties are situated, have urgent and important uses for them ; WHiEiREAS, housing facility for the poor and under-privileged is now a reeognized function and responsibiJ.ity of the government; and WHEREAS, it is the intention of provincial governments to subdivide these alien lands, if acquired, and dis;;ribule them at reasonable prices as lots to the poor and -the homeless, or to construct low cost housing on them to be either sold at low installment payments, or rented to poor and low incomed employees or residents; WHEREAS, it has come fo our knowledge that these alien properties are being sold to private parties through competitive bidding thereby making it necessary for the provincial or city governments to purchase these lands from private parties, or acquire other land at a high price whenever acquisition becomes necessary; NQiW THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing consideration the Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors has Upon motion by Mayor Ponciano Bernardo of Quezon City, be it THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW RESOL V:E[), as it hereby resolves, by the Convention of !Provincial Governors and City Mayors now assembled, to ' request His Exceilency, President Elpidio Q'llirino, to donate any or all ·alien properties confiscated from the enemies of the last war to the provincial or city governments concerned. RESOLVED F'URTHER, to forward copies of this resolution to His Excellency, the President, thru the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, Manila, for proper action. Carried. ·No. 33 · WHEREAS, the economic stabihty of the country depends in ·large measure upon the develqpment of infant industries and strengthening of industrial establishments designed to help rehabilitate the economic life of the people; WHERiE.AS, the Rehabilitation FinJUNE, 1949 ;mce Corporation was founded among other things to extend loans to industrial establishments needing financial help in order to en~llble them to stand en their own feet and be able to contribute to the general welfare of the people; WHEREAS, the present p~licy adc;pted by the said Rehabilitation Finance Corporation regarding loans granted to industrial concerns is very severe in that it allows only a maximum period of five years within to pay such loans granted in addition to impossible requirements; WHEREAS, the short period of five years is not enough to put industrial establishment into profitable enter-· prises or develop infant industries into successful business concerns that can help promote the economic -welfare of the people; WHEREAS, the said Rehabilitation Page 343 Corporation is granting Jong term Joans to private individuals for the construction of their homes or their houses designed for rent; WHEREAS, we find no justification for the Rehabilitation Finance Corporaton to adopt stern measures on in<lustrial loans which discourage development of infant industries; On motion by Governor Perfecto Faypon of Ilocos Sur, the Conference of Provincial Gover·nors and City Mayors RESOLV1 ED, as it is hereby resolved to request the Board of Governors of said Rehabilitation Finance Corporation to revise its adopted policy by granting more liberal and longer term of loans to industrial establishments in order to accelerate the economic development and industrialization of the country and in order to avoid the suspicion that said bank is discriminating against small industrial ventures. RESOLVED FURTHER, to furnish copies of this resolution lo His Excellency, the President of the \Philippines and to the Honorable Members of the Board of Governors of· the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation for such ac·~ion as they may wish to adopt in an <:;ffort to encourage the development of infant industries and industrial establishments requiring help from the government. Carried. No. 34 WHEREAS, this Body is cognizant of the acute unemployment problem th~t presently grips the whole country; WHEifEAS, the Government should find a way to ameliorate such situat"ion by providing work for those who are unemployed; WHEREAS, one of the ways by which the Government can provide jobs or work for the unemployed is by the undertaking of public woriks projects; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises, this Body has Upon motion of Mayor Ponciano 'Biernardo of Quezon City, unanimously RESOLVED. as it hereby resolves, .to request the Honorable, the Secretary Page 344 of Public 'Wiorks and Communications, Manila, to release all funds for public works. · RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward this resolution to the Honorable, the Secretary of P.ublic Works and Commuriications, Manila, for his information and favorable consideration. Carried. No. 35 WHEREAS, this Body is cognizant .1f the fact that our native industries are not receiving sufficient protection from foreign competition; WHEREAS, it is fully imperative that our. native industries should be developed to the fullest extent, a condition necessary to have a balanced national economy; WHEREAS, to achieve these ends ndive industries should receive impetus in 1he form of an association the sole purpose of which is the protection 0£ such industries: 'WHEREAS, before the last World War there hase been an association formed for the above-mentioned purposes; NOW, THEREl FORI~\ in considera! ion of the foregoing premises this Body has Upon motion of Governor Faypon of Ilocos Sur, unanimously RESOLVED, as it hereby resolves, to reques1 t the Honorable, the Secretary of Commerce and Industry, Manila, to revive the National Economic Protectionism As1sociation (NEPA). RES'OL VED FURTHER, to forward a copy of this resolution to the Honorable, the Secretary of Commerce and Industry, Manila, for his information and kind considera:tion. (To be continued) r .... .....,...... .......................................................................... -j . . ~ ~ Compliments of ~ • RAPID BROKERAGE ~ • • ~ CO., INC. : : ~ ~ CUSTOMS BROKER ~ • • ~ 239 Dasmarifias St. Manila, P . I. : • TEL. 2-95·55 • ~ : ~AAAAAAA ........ £A+++++++++4++++•~ THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW
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