Epigrams from Rizal's works.pdf


Part of The Local Government Review

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EPIGRA. MS FROM RIZAL'S WORKS By the Orden de lc• s Caballeros de Rizal ( 194,7). "Where are the youth who will consecrate ttieir golden hours, their dreams, and their enthusiasm to the welfare of their native land ·1 \'V'here are the youth who will generously pour out blood to wash away so much shame, so much crime, so ;much abominaition? Pure and spotless must the victim be ! Where are you, youth, who will embody in yourselves the vigor of life that has left our veins the purity of ideas tha.t has been contaminated in our brains, ·(he fire of enthusiasm that has been iUenched in our hearts? 1 We await you, U You1 th ! Come, for we await you! * * -* ' "Love of country can never be erased once it has entered the heart, because it carries with it a divine stamp which makes it eternal and imperishable." * * * "I have always loved my poor motherland, and I am sure I shall always love her to the last moment even though perhaps men are unjust to me; and my future, my life, my joys, all I have, I sacrificed for my love of my country." * * * "For our country in war .For our country in peace The Filipino will be ready, 'While he lives and when he dies." * * * "I shall never be the man to lead the multitude to obtain by force what the government does not consider convenient to give." * * * "When Education reigns on .lofty seat, Youth blossoms forth with vigor and agility." * * * "So education without stint or measure gives seeurity and peace to lands in which she lives." * * * "Hold high thy brow serene 0 Youth, where now you stand; Let the bright sheen Of your grace be seen Fair hope of. my Fatherland!" JUNE, 1949 "The just and the worthy must sufier so that their ideals may be known and disseminated. You have to strike the case and break it to release its per· fume. You have to smite the rock in order to draw the spark. There is something providential in the persecution of tyrants." * * * "A man keeps his independence while. he holds his own way of thinking." * * * "Every country has its morals like its climate and its infirmities." * * * "A man ought to die for duty and his principles." * * * "It is a useless life that is not consecrated to a great idea." * * * "Knowledge is the heritage of mankind, but only the courageous inherit it." * * * "Evils are not remedied by other evils, and in our misfortunes each of us has his part of the blame." * * * "Always remember that charity be· grns at home for man ought not to seeK on earth more than the greatest amount of happiness for himself." * * * "Mutual sacrifices and benefits enr-ender affection." * * * "Every country gets the fate it deserves." * * * "- .. light is the most beautiful thing in creation .... " * * * " ... necessity is the most powerful divinity the world knows ... " * * * "In order to read the destiny of a people, it is necessary to open the book of its past." Page 315 "What matters death, if one dies for what one loves, for native land and beings held dear?" * * "I <lie without seeing the Day dawning on my country." * * * "Without education and liberty, that soil and that sun of mankind, no reform is possible." * * * "What good would the Philippines be without the Filipino!" * * * "'We young Filipinos are trying to make over a nation." * * * " ... like people, like government ... " * * * " ... genius is like light and air, the patrimony of all." * * * "The prestige of the nation is pre· ferable to that of a few individuals." * * "Justice is the foremost virtue of the civilizing races." * * * "Law has no skin nor reason nostrils." * * * "Without light there can be no way." * * * " ... to sacrifice one's life for light is worth while." * * "My career, my life, my happiness all have been sacrificed for love of my native land." "Not all were asleep in the night of our anr.estors !" '' ... woe unto those who found their strength on. ignorance and fanatiGism." * '* * "No one censures the pilot wli.o makes for a port at the first gust of the whirlwind." * * * • "To stoop as the bullet passes is not cowardly." * * * "Show us the schools of a people and we will show you what the people is." * * * "A people without character, a nation witl)out liberty." * * * "Language is the thought of the people." * * * "Liberty is to man what education i8 to the intelligence." * * * "Resignation is not always a virtue; it is a crime when it encourages tyrants; there can be no tyrants where there are no slaves." * * "Gambling breeds dislike for steady and difficult toil by its promise of sud· den wealth.'" * * * "Then 'twill not matter thou forgettest me! Through thy clear space and o'er thy vale I'll sweep! A vibrant, limpid note to thine ear I will be; Fragrance, light, color, song, lament, and plea, Ever repeating the faith that with thee I keep!" ... : ... ::: .. :: .. :: .. ::: .. :: .. :: .. :: .. ::,: .. :: .. :: .. :: .. :: .. :: .. :: .. ::.: .. :: .. ::: .. :: .. :: .. :: ... ::: .. :: .. :: ... ::: .. ::.: .. :: .. :: .. :: ... :.:: .. ::: ... ::: ... :::,::,:: .. :: ... ::: .. :: .. :: .. :: .. :: .. :: .. :: .. :: .. ::.: .. ::: .. ::.: .. :: .. :: .. ::.: .. :: .. :: .. :: .. ::.:: .. :: .. :: .. :: .. :::.: .. :: .. ::.: .. ::.: .. :: .. :: .. :: .. ::.:,:.: .. ::.:::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'!• Compliments of: TEL-340 KEE DIRECT-IMPORTER AUTO & DIESEL SUPPLY 17 F. Gonzales Street CEBU CITY j P. 0. Box 109 " ;::;: ::;;; ~;; Page 316 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW
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