Executive determinations.pdf


Part of The Local Government Review

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EXECUTIVE DETERMINATIONS CONDONATION OF LOANS-NO LAW AUTHORIZING.-There is no Jaw authorizing the condonation of foans. However, Republic Act No. 205 remits the interest which accrued from January 1, 1941, to June 13, 1946, on all obligations contracted by the local governments in favor of. the .national government or of any governmentowned or conti:olled corporation and extends for a period' of four years and six ·months the payment of such obligations.-6th Ind., Undersecretary of Finance to Mun. Coumcil of Sta. Barbara, Pamgasinan, dated November 11, l948. EXPENDITURE OF MUNICIPAL SHARE IN THE GASOLINE AND MOTOR VEHICLE F'UND -INTERVENTION OF DIRECTOR OF 1 PUB· LIC WORKS NOT NECESSARY; DISTRICT ENGINEER TO ACT IN ADVISORY CAPACITY.-RespectfuL Jy returned to the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, Manila, with che information that the fund given to the Municipality of ·Bobon as its shares from the gasoline and motor vehicle fund as provided for in Commonwealth Act No. 466, as amended by Republic Act No. 314 may be expended ·by the Municipal Council of Bobon, Sa· mar for the construction and maintenance of its roads, str0 ets and bridges, without the intervention of this Office. It may be stated in . this conmction that the District Engineer shall act in an advisory capacity upon re· quest by the Municipal Council in con· nection with the construction, repair ;::nd maintenance of the roads and bridges of the municipality, pursuant to Section 1912 of the Revised Administrative Code.-4th Ind., May 3, 1949, of Dir. of Pub. Works to the Sec. of the Int. VOLUNTEER GUARDS AND AIR RAID "lARDENS-SERVJCES O:F1 CONSIDERED HONORARY .AND A RESPONSE TO PATRIOTIC DUTY. -* * *, please be advised that in acrnrdance with the letter from the OfJUNE, 1949 fice of the Presiaent, dated June 27, 1946, quoted in the Unnumbered I P'rov· incial Circular, dated July 8, 194.6, of this Department, volunteer guards and air raid wardens are not entitled to compensation, their positions being considered honorary and a response to patriotic duty.-From letter dated May 31, 1949, of the Undersecretary of the Interior to Mr. Paciano M. Miralles of Alamigalang, Leyte. OFFICIAL RANK OF MUNICIPAL MAYOR TO I B:E MAINTAINED.-.Jt is noted that the salary of the municipal mayor is lower than that of the municipal treasurer, contrary to the spirit of Republic Act No. 103. It is therefore suggested that steps be taken so that the official rank and salary scale established in said Act could be main+ained.-From letter dated May 26, 1949, of Undersecretary of Finance to Mun. Council of Lilio, Laguna. TRANS:FER • FROM PERMANENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FUNDWHEN M1A Y BE MADE.-This Department is not inclined to recommend tavorable consideration of the salary increases as provided for in the attached supplemental budget No. 1, gen· era! fund, of the municipality of Ma: bitac, Laguna, it appearing that the amount being made available therefor is ta:ken from the permanent public improvement fund, by transfer to the ['eneral fund. As may be noted from the existing provisions of law (Sec. 2291 (A) of the Administrative Code), :; portion of the permanent public improvement fund not actually needed may be transferred to the general fund only for the peremptory needs of the municipality.-lst ln.d., dated Feb. Z, 1949, of Sec. of Int. to Sec. of Finance MUNICI'P'AL BUDGETS AN D PLANTILLAS, APPROVAL OF' BY PROVINCML TREASURER NO LONGER NECESSARY.-If has been :ioted that you have been approving, r.s it used to be before the enactment of Republic A ct 238, municipal budgets and plantillas submitted to your Page 309 office. As under this Act municipal budgets and plantillas do not require the approval of the Provincial Treasurer you should simply forward them to this Department, with your comment and recommendation, .when submitted for action in accordance with Section 648 of the Revised Manual of Instructions to Treasurers.-Letter dated May 14, 1949, of Undersecretary of Finance to the Provincial T1:easurer of Sa11mr. MUNICIPAL TREASURER'S REVENUE ESTIMATE-LIMIT OF INCREASE THEREOJF BY MUNICIF1AL COUNCIL.-Your revenue estimates from land faxes (current and preceding years) and municipal licenses appear to be inflated. Under Republic Act 238 you may inerease the revenue estimate made by your municipal treasurer by 20 % thereof, only. As your budget does not show the estimates made by the municipal treasurer, the estimates made by you may be considered as in order if the same do not exceed the aforementioned percentage. Otherwise, said budget should be adjusted accordingly.-From letter dated May 4, 1949, of Undersecretary of Finance to Municipal Council of Zumarraga, Samar. POSITION OF ASSISTANT SANITARY INSPECTOR-CREATION OF BY MUNICIPALITY CANNOT BE iAPPROVED.-The position of assistant sanitary inspector can not be approved, as under existing law such positions are to be paid from the provincial health fund to which each mu· nicipality has to contribute. If the provincial health fund is not in a position now to maintain an additional vosition of assistant sanitary inspector for that municipality, the contribution cf that municipality to the said fund may be increased by such amount as may be needed for that purpo~e. The provincial board may then be requested l:o create the position needed. The rernlution of the provincial board should be submitted to this Department as usual.-From letter dated May 4, 1949, of Undersecretary of Finance to the Municipal Council of Borongan, Samar. Page 310 CAESAR'S WliFE SHOULD BE ABOVE .SUSPICION PUBLIUS CLODIUS, Roman patrician, made ,Jove to Caesar's third wife, the charming Pompeia. To outwit Caesar's mother ·Aurelia, who kept close watch on her daughter-in-law, the young profigate in the disguise of a singing girl ventured into Caesar's house while the Roman women were celebrating the festival of Bona (goddess of the earth). If detected, he risked death, for it was a capital offense for a man to pollute these ceremonies with his presence. 1-Iiis voice betrayed him to be a maid, and he was thrown into the street. News of the scandal quickly spread, and Caesar promptly divorced Pompeia. He asserted at the trial, however, that he knew nothing of her alleged [•.ttachment to Clodius. Why, then, he was asked, had he cast her off? !Because Caesar's wife should be above suspicion, he replied. Satisfied with having vindicated his honor, Caesar refused to sanction the prosecution of Clodius, probably because the culprit was a useful agent of his own policy. By direction of the senate, however, .the reckless gallant was ·put on trial, but escaped convicton by bribing his judges-with money which, the historian Merivale suspects, he ob1.ained through Caesar himself. CREDIT THERE is a bit of good, sound philosophy in the following sign recently observed· in a Chinese laundry: You want credit, Me no give, You get sore. You want credit, Me g,ive, You no pay, Me get sore; B~tter you get sore.-Scholastic. 1·~:=~~-~1~-::~~1 ~ City of Cebu ~ i ............................................................................. ~ THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW
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