Activities of the local government and their officials.pdf


Part of The Local Government Review

extracted text
ACTIVITIES OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND THEIR OFFICIALS Minutes of the Convention of Governors and City Mayors held at the Mansion House, Baguio, City on May 5-6, 1949 PRESENT: Hon. Manuel Cuen<!o .................... President " Jose B. Lingad ................ Vice-President " Perfecto Faypon........................ Secretary " Six1:o Antonio .................... Treasurer " Manuel de la Fuente ........ Auditor Governors and City Mayors ........ Members The meeting were called to order by ~he Chairman at 10 :00 o'clock Ante Meridian. The minutes of the last Convention were read and signed .No. 1 WHEREAS, Honorable lcasiano Bernardo, while in the company of Dofia Aurora Aragon· Quezon and her party on their way to ·Baler to inaugurate the new Hospital in Baler, was brutally and treacherously murdered e;n April 28, 1949, in Bongabon, Nueva EciJa; ;WHEREAS, Mayor Bernardo, aside from being an active member in good ~tanding and Treasurer of the Con· ference of Governors ·and City Mayors, was also a nationaJ. figure in his own right, having been identified with a number of important undertakings of natiOnwide appeal and importance; WHEREAS, the untimely demise of Mayor Bernardo at a time when the Conference of Governors and City Mayors is mostly in need of his valuable services; NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved, as it is hereby resolved, by the Conference of Governors and City Mayors in convention as!'lembled to. express, as it hereby ex· presses, the profound grief of this iBody on the death of Mayor Ponciano Eernardo; Be it finally resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the bereaved widow and children of the late M:ayor Ponciano Bernardo and another copy to the Municipal Board of Qi;ezon City. Carried unanimously. WHEREAS, Dofia Aurora IAragon Qut:zon, widow of. the first President SEPTEMBER, 1949 o.r the Commonwealth of the Philippines, Manuel Luis Quezon, her oldest daughter, Maria Aurora Quezon, and son-in-law, Felipe Buencamino Ill, were vidims of a brutal murder at Bongabon, Nueva Ecija, on April 28, 1949, while on their way to !Baler to inaugurate the new Hospital in Baler; •WHEREAS, Mrs. Quezon was not only the Chairman of the Philippine REd Cross, but was also a great social worker who devoted the greater part of her time and efforts to alleviate the sufferings of those in need: WiHEREAS, Mrs. Quezon for many years was the chief counselor and adviser of her husband, the late !Pres· ident Quezon; was a dutiful wife and loving mother; and was the embodiment of typical Filipino womanhood; NO;W, THEREFORE, Be it resolved, by the Governors and City mayors in convention assembled, as it is hereby resolved, to convey to the members of her family its condolence; Resolved, furtber, that this convention devote a minute of silent ;prayer for the .peaceful repose of their departed souls; Resolved, finally, that copies of this resolution be sent to the su•rviving family members of the late Mrs. Aurora Aragon Quezon. CARRIED UNrANIMOUSLY. . No. 3 WHEREAS, Col. Primi'tivo San Agustin, Lt. Col. Antonio San Agustin. Lt. Diosdado Lacson, Lt. D. M. Arabejo, Lt. Col Antonio San Agusrino AJmerino, Pfc. Brigido Valdes and Mr. Pedro Payumo, while in the company of Dofia Aurora Aragon QuePage 469 zon and her party as their escort, were brutally and treacherously murdered· on April 28, 1949, in Bongabon, Nueva Ecija;; WHEREAS, these brave men lost their lives while giving protection to our most revered, most respected and most beloved Chairman of the Philip· pine Red Cross; NOW' THEREFORE, RESOLVED, as . it is hereby re· solved, by .the Governos and City Mayors in convention assembled in. the City of lBaguio, to convey to the members· of their family its c'ondolence, RESOLVED ·FURTHER, that this convention of Governors and City Mayors devote a minute of silent prayer for the peaceful reP.ose ~f their de· parted souls ; RESOLVED FINALLY, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to each of the surviving family members of the late brave men through the good offices of the Chief, lf'1hi!i.ppine Constabulary, Camp Crame, Quezon City. CARRIED UNANIM;OUSLY. No. 4 WHEREAS, by the provisions of the constitution and ~-Laws of the Conference of Governors and City l\Iayors provides that the tenure of office of. the Officers will be for a period of one year ; and WHEREAS, the tenure of office of the elective Officers of the Conference of Governors and City Mayors will last until today necessitating the election of new officers; and 1 WHEREAS, there is an imperative need to elect the officers before the conference can proceed to act on new business; NOW!, THEREFORE, UPON motion of Governor Jose de! Gallego and seconded by Mayor Jose Carino, RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, to nominate and reelect the old officers and to elect Governor Sixto Antonio •·•s the new Treasurer, vice the late Honorable Ponciano Bernardo, as follows Page 470 1,. Gov. Manuel Cuenco-President 2. " Jose IH. Lingad-Vic.e-Pres. 3. " Perfecto · Faypon-Secretary 4. " Sixto Antonio-Treasurer 5. " Manuel de la Fuente-Auditor DIRECTORS 1. Gov. Jacinto Borja 2. " Gregorio Santayana 3. " Maria 'Flenaflorida 4. " Nicasio Arranz 5. Paciencio Y salina 6. " Jose de! Gallego 7. " Jose Madarang 8. " Enrique Braganza 9. " Vicente Pimentel 10. Mayor Jose Carino 11. " Vicente Suarez RESOLVED FURTHER, that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to each of the above-mentioned elected offic'ers of the Conference of Governors and City Mayors for their infor· ma ti on. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY; No. 5 WHEREAS, the country is now aware of .the courage, sincerity of purpose of His Excellency, President Elpidio Quirino to strengthen the confidence of the people in the govern" ment; WHEREAS, in his honest desire to strengthen that confidence, his poiit· ical enemies are condemning him of ma!-administration to besmirch his sterling integrity and to . belittle his capabilities as the pilot of the shi·p of . i;:tate; WHEREAS, inspite of the censure and rebuff that his politic'al detractors are concocting, just only to drug d'own the .good name of the Pres.ident due to personal lust for power which is in contravention to the exalted policy of President Quirino to establish a clean and honest government"; WHEREMS, in the internecine strife the •President had with his envious political detractors, he came out more revered, more esteemed and more determined to follow his good policies ; licies ; now therefore, Upon motion of Governor Pimentel Seconded by Governor Madarang THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, to reassert and reaffirm the confidence, cooperation and total support of the Conference of Governors and City Mayors to the administration of His Excellency, President El· pidio Quiirino, RESOLVED F'URTHER, to for· ward copies of this resolution to His Excellency, President Elpidio Quirino for his information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. No. 6 WHEREAS, His Excellency, the President of the Philippines has given the assurance that peace and order is already estab.Jished in the country; WHEREAS, a certain number of his detractors have· made assertions and ch:irges to the contrary merely for the purpose of political expediency and to frustrate the well-intentioned aims of the administration for the attainment of such ends; Vv'HEREAS, this Body censures and condemns the unwarranted act of these Congressmen who presented a resolution in Congress to deinand the resig· nation of the Honorable, the Secret· ary of the Interior and the Chief, Philippine Constabulary, for alleged failure to- restore peace and order; WIHEREA:S, this assertion of the unwarranted resolution is contradictory to the actual state of peace and order as being confirmed by this Body who are more responsible of the peac~ a~1d order situation in our respective provinces and cities; and therefore, Upon motion of Governor Chioco of Nueva Ecija and seconded by Governor Madarang of Nueva Vizcaya be it RESOLVED, as it i~ herehv resolved, to assert and affirm full confidence of this Body to Honora!ble So· tero :Baluyut, Secretary of the Interior and to General P.Jherto Ramos, Chief, Philippine Constabulary, RESOLVED 1FURTHER, to forw11rc1 with copies pf this resolution to the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, Manila, and to the Chief. Phil· ippine Constabulary, C:11rnp Crame, Quezon City, for their information. SEPTEMBER, 1949 Carried unanJmously. . No. 7 WHEREAS, there is room for im· provement of the state of peace and order in Central Luzon by strengthening and reinforcing the Philippine Constabulary; WHERElAS, it is known that the budget of the Constabulary is likely to be reduced by the Congress of the Phi-lippines with the result that a great number of the Constabulary and members of the Philippine Army may be laid off and its equipment and supplies coi;:respondingly reduced; WHEREAS, the Constabulary deserves, more ·than any branch of the Government, a bigger budget for its operation and expenses, taking into ~.ccount the sporadic restlessness in certain parts of the country; W.HEREAS, it is necessary, for rea· sons of national security that the members of the law-enforcing agencies should not only be given the necessary superior arms and equipment for military operation but also radios, tanks, jeeps, trucks, and airplanes, to maintain peace and order, all these things being indis·pensa'hle to an effective military force· to combat lawless· ness and banditry sporadically occur· ring in some of the Central Luzon province; now therefore, On motion of Governor Chioco, se· conded by Governor Madarang, RESOLVED, as i-t is hereby resolved, that the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, make the neces· sary representation to His Excellency, the 'President of the Philippines, in order that the latter may prevail upon the Congress of the Philippines to increase the present •budget of the Con· stabulary, in order that these entities may be able to acquire all the necessary military equipment aforementioned to be able to maintain peace and order, RESOLV:ED .FINALLY, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honorable, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Honora· bk, the President of the Senate, MaPage 471 nil a. Carried unanin:1'msly. No. 8 WHEREAS, the Administration is always amenable to the policy of granting greater autonomy to the Provincial and City Government in the exercise of their prerogatives; WHEREAS, it has been always the desire of the Governors and City Ma· yors to ·be granted more local autonomy in the exerl!ise of their powers and prerogatives over matters affect.ting. their respective provinces and ci· ties; . i\VHEREAS, the Provincial or CHy Boards charged with the preparation of the budget of the province or city, m:iy create, abolish,· increase or diminish appropriations in the provin· cial or cHy budget; 'WHEREAS, the Governor or City Mayor, being the Chief Executive of the province or city has great sway for the creation, appropriation, and authorization of any of the provincial or city funds of the province or city; now therefore, Upon motion of Governor Pimentel and seconded by Governor Ribo ; RESOLVED, as it :is hereby resolved, to request the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, ManiJ.a, to draft a Bill to amend Section 2681 of the Revised !Administrative Code em. powering the Governor or City Mayor to appoint all employees drawing salaries or wages from any of the prov:ncial or city funds, RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward copies of this resolution to the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, Manila, for his information and favorable consideration. Carried unanimously. No. 9 WHEREAS, we are aware of the unquestionable character, integrity and .sincerity of ·Flresident Elpidio Quirino, both as a citizen and as the Chief Magistrate of the land, coupled with his bri.Jliance and distinguished abilities in the administration of the government affairs of our Republic ; Page 472 WHEREAS, we are in full accord with the policies of His Excellency the President with respect to the iil!ternal as well as the external relations and foreign .policies of the government; WHEREAS, we believe in the wisdom of the means ·adopted by His Excellency the President in the restora· tion and maintenance of peace and or· der throughout the l!ountry as· well as in the restoration and strengthening of the confidence and faith of the people in this government; WHEREAS, through the "complete and concrete economic and industrial· ization program" of His Execellency the President we foresee progress and prosperity in the future of our country, cbnducive to the happiness, con· tentment and honor of the Filipino people, thereby making the election of President Quirino a public necessity; W:HEREAS, by virtue of :the maniI.est and sincere d·esire and effort of His Excellency the President to clean the government of graft and corrup· tion he has earned for himself the •·espect, admiration and faith of our people in his -leadership; NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved, as it is hereby resolved, that the Governors and CiLy :Mayors in conference assembled, no· minate and endorse, as they hereby nominate and endorse, His Excellency !President Elpid-io Quirino as their o~ficial candidate for the Presidency of the Republic of the Philippines in the forthcoming national elections; Resolved further, that each and every member of the Conference of G<>vernors and City Mayors will spare no effort in the furtherance and carrying j.nto effect this resolution upon their respective constituencies; Resolved finaHy, that copies of this resolution he furnished to the President of the Philippines, His Excellency Elpidio Quirino, to the Honor· able Senate Presdent Mariano Jesus Cuenca, and to the Honoraob1e Speaker of the House of Repre~entatives Euyenio Perez, and that this resolution be given the widest publicity possible. (To be continued) THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW
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