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Language Materials .for UN Week 'J"'l-IESE exercises are' suggestive· exercises which ma~· be userl in Language in connection with Social Studies. I. Arrangin~ words in alphabethical order Direction : Here are some new words you will meet in ~-our study of the U11ited Nations organization. Tr~· to arrange them in ~the correct alphabethical order. organs international charter preamble tolerance security assistance languages judici;il council disputes non-self governing recommendation emblazooned lI. Dividing words \\'ith s~·llables specialized universal fundamental maternal trusteeship bodies advisory Direction: This time, try to find into how many syllable:-: each word is divided. (When you are not sure of how to divide it, look it up in the dictionary.) permanent generations humanitarian refrain committees disasters opinion assembly ideals equality necessary provide inhabitants conference II [. Reorganizing sentences maintain representatives elected accordance technical territories organization Directiun: Hewrite each paragraph. Put a period after every group of words which you think is a :-:entence. Capitalize every first word of the senll'nce, too. PAGE 30 By Tar .. iana. I. HrH'S 'A. The Reel Cross is the symbol of service through the years . of its existence it has worked for peace and security it takes care of refugees and helps families of prisoners of war to find wher~ they are and get packages it inspects prison camps to see that they meet certain standards in peacetime it helps to fight epidemics and famine and comes to the assistance of people who .are homeless or hurt because of floods earthquakes and other disasters in wartime it is a source of relief and comfort to unforhmate human beings wherever they are there is almost no limit to the services the Reel Cross performs. B. The United Nations is an or~anization of nations for the maintenance of wor1d peace the name was devised by the late President Roosevelt it was first used in toe Declaration by United Nations of .January 1, 1942 when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting against the Axis. IV. ·Spotting the correct spelling Directions: A-In this paragraph are some words that are not spelled correctly. Underline each. Then get a piece of paper and try to write the correct spelling of each word. When you are not sure of the right spelling, always use the dictionary. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) "·as stablished by the General Assembly on December 11. 194G. It aims to bring aid to child vectims of war and for child health porposes generally. It is now helping with child care prugrams in 75 contries and territorries of Asia, Africa, Urope, Laten America and the Eastern Mediterranean Area. This aid is mainly for contrul of such diseasis as malaria ' tubercolusis, and yaws; for seeting up maternal and child wellfare centers and training midwifes and narses' aide:<; particularly in rural areas. THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR B-In these exercises, underline the word in parenthesis that is correct!~' spelled. 1. The United Nations Day is cel.~brated on (Octobre, October, Octuber) 24, the birthday of the UN. 2. A United Nations flag was adopted by the General Assembly at (Flashing Meadoo, Flushing Medow, Flushing Meadow.) 3. The UNO is financ.ed by (contributions, cuntrebutions, contrivusions) from Member states. . 4. The United Nations charter was drawn up by the (reprisentatives, representatives, rjpresentatives) of 50 cou;ntries at the Conference in International Organization' which met at San Francisco from April 25 to June 26, 1946. 5. One of the purposes of the UNO is to develop (frindly, friendly, freindly) relations among nations. 6. Al_rpost all (business, busines, bussiness) done by the United Nations passes through the Secretariat. 7. The UNO has specialized (agincies, agensies, agencies) to help if carry out its policies. 9. The F AO tries to eombat (ipidemics, epidemics, epidfmics) of animal diseases such· as rinderpest in many countries. 10. The Unitecl Nations symbol is a (folar, pular, polar) map of the world embraced in twin olive branches. V. Punctuating sentences Direction: Put the co~rect punctuation marks where they are needed. A. I am War Wherever I am fought there is suffering destruction and death I have fought for many reasons for religion for loot to gain more territory to acquire land and raw materials Have I not worked for Peace After ~ War there follows some sort of Peace until I am around again B. vYait Do not !'eave in despair Look. They have applauded you What does that mean means they recognize an important work you have done League of Nations VI. Rearranging words to make a complete thought. Direction: These, words are not put in their proper order so there is thought expressed. Rearrang€ them so there will be a complete t,hougltt or idea expressed. 1. composed memb'ers is five the Council permanent Security of. 2. the System encourages human respect Trusteeship and. rights interdependence recognition peoples of the work! of the. 3. the Court judges cannot international during of .Justice term their engage if office other occupation any. 4. present Dag Hammarskjold of Sedetary-Geneeral Urihed Nations the organization the is. 5. United Nations freely the and gives thought OCTOBER. 1957 without of returns. 6. righb the man all are for of distinction without. 7. everyone right has of religion freedom to the. 8. General Assembly the town world of the i:-i meeting. 9. international United the is Nations organization an. 10. the health Organization helps World improve teaching to health. VII . Correct Usage Direction: Underline the word in parenthesis that will make the sentence correct. 1. The charter of the UNO (was, 1is) signed on June 26, 1945. 2. The Security Council (is, are) composed of 5 permanent members and 6 non-permanent members. 3. The International Labor Organization is (help, helping) organize the training of skilled labor. 4. The fight against illiteracy is an important (work, works) of UNESCO. 5. The F AO gives technical assistance to. peoples throughout the world to (raised, raise) more and better food. . 6. (Many, Much) milk is given to undernourished children by the UNICEF. 7. There are more than sixty nation (member, members) of the UN. 8. The judges of the International Court of Justice (serve, serves) for a h:~rm of nine years. 9. The Secretary-General submits a (reports, report) every year to the General Assembly about the work of the UNO. 10. (Much, Many) lives are usually lost during the war. KEY I. II. 1. advisory 1. per-ma-nent 2. assistance 2. ge-ne-ra-tions 3. 'bodies 3. hu-man-i-ta-rian 4. charter 4. re-frain 5. council 5. com-mit-tees 6. disputes 6. dis-as-ters 7. emblazooned '7. o-pin-ion 8. fundamental 8. as-sem-bly 9. international 9. i-cleals 10. judicial 10. e-q ual-i-ty 11. languages 11. nec-es-sary 12. maternal 12. pro-vi de 13. non-self governing 13. in-hab-it-ants 14. organs 14. co~-fer-ence 15. preamble ' 15. main-ta in 16. recommencla ti on lG. rep-re-sen-ta-tives 17. specialized 17. e-lect-ecl 18. security 18. ac-cor-clance PAGE 31 19. tolerance 19. tech-ni-cal 20. trusteeship 20. ter-ri-to-ries 21. universal 21 . or-gan-i-za-tion III. A-The Red Cross is the symbol of services. Through the years of its existence it has worked for peace and security. It· takes care of refugees and helps families of prisoners of war to find where they are and get packages. It inspects prison camps to "' see that they meet certain standards. In peacetime it helps to fight epidemics and famine and comes to the assistance of people who are homeless or hurt because of floods, earthquakes and other disasters. In \vartime it is a source of relief and comfort to unfortunate human beings wherever they are. There is almost no limit to the services the Red Cross performs. B. The United Nations is an organization of nation::; for the maintenance of world peace. The name \Vas clevised by the late President Roosevelt. It was first usecl in the Declaration by United Nations of January 1, 1942, when representatives of 26 nations pleclged their government to continue fighting against the Axis. IV. A. established victims purposes programs Europe B. 1. October 2. Flushing Latin territories countries Mediterranean control Meadow '" contributions " . 11. representatives 6. 7. 8. 9. 5. friendly 10. diseases tuberculosis welfare midwives nurses business agencies knowledge epidemics polar V. A. I am War. Wherever I am fought, there is suffering, destruction and death. I have fought for many reasons: for loot, to gain more territory, to ac-. quire land and raw materials. Have I not worked for Peace? After a War there follows some sort of Peace-until I am around again. B. Wait! Do not leave in despair. Look! They have applauded you. What doe~ that mean? That means they recognize an important work you have done, League of Nations. VI. 1. The Security Cotmcil is composed of five permanent me:rpbers. 2. The Trusteeship system encourages respect of human rights and recognition of the interdependence of the peoples of the world. 3. The judges of the International Court of Justice cannot engage in any other occupation during their term of office. 4. The present Secretary-General of the United Nations is Dag Hammarskjold. 5. The United Nations gives freely and without ·· thought of retur~s. 6. The rights of man are for all without distinction. 7. Everyone has the right of the freedom of religion. 8. The General Assembly is the town meeting of the world. 9. The United Nations is an international organization. 10. The World Health Organization helps improve the teaching of health. VII. 1. was 6. much 2. is 7. ·members 3. is 8. serve 4. helping 9. report 5. work 10. many Integrated Unit in Social Studies UNIT: Our Changing Ways of Life and Customs About Courtship, Marriage, Burial and Health I. Objectives A. Knowledge and Information: 1. To know who the early inhabitants 1of the Philippines were - their characteristics, ways of living, PAGE 32 By Rosario I:· Cruz (dress, shelter, food), and customs about courtship, marriage burial and health. 2. To learn how other countries like China, India, Spain and the United States have influenced our ways of life and customs (as mentioned in No. 1). B. Attitudes and Appreciations: 1. To appreciate the early culture of our ancestors. THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR
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