Long range plan in arithmetic grade V.pdf


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c. Interviews cl. Observations macle 5. Writing letters to: a. resource persons b. parents and friends. G. Writing compositions 7. Reading stories about the lives of our great national heroes. V. Expected Outcome in terms of school subjects. A. Social Studies 1. Ability to, make comparative study on the grants of independence. 2. Knov.:ledge of national heroes and their achievements. :3. Habits of sharing with others what one has. ·l. Appreciation of character traits of national heroes. 5. Nationalistic attitude G. Knowing the cliff erent resources in the community. B. Language Arts 1. Increase on one's vocabulary. ') Ability to interview. -- . q Ability to outline. ·J. 4. Ability to research. 5. Ability to take notes. G. Ability to express one's ideas. C. Arithmetic 1. Ability to estimate and compute. 2. Ability to solve problems related to the unit. D. Music 1. Ability to sing new and old national hymns and songs. 2. Ability to interpret moods. a. Ability to compose simple rhymes and songs. 4. Appreciation of Filipino and foreign national songs. E. Health and Science 1. Causes of Epidemics in Capas concentration <:amp. 2. Prevention of diseases such as: a. Beriberi b. Dysentery c. Typhoid d. Malaria VI. Bibliography 1. Benitez, Conrado - Philippine History 2. Tolentin.o, M. Arturo - Philjppine Government 4. Journal of Education - July Issue 5. Manila Times ~ July 4 issue G. Philippines Free Press - July and December issues Long Range Plan in Arithmetic Grade V lJ.NIT: FOOD PRODUCTION Introduction: In the past, Arithmetic has been taught in isolation with other subjects in the curriculum. The teachers become the slaves of textbooks and courses of study. At present, there is a felt need to arouse keener interest among the children in arithmetic lessons. It should provide the learners with rich variety of experiences so that the pupils could apply the quantitative procedures effectively in social and economic situations in life outside the school. In this connection functional unit based on community activities should be well thoughtcut. It is hoped that the following unit will in some wa~· some how help in making arithmetic lessons interesting and meaningful to children. PAGE 36 By Pedro P. Hernandez I. OBJECTIVES: A. General ··' 1. To develop in children the basic skills which will need in meeting life situations and solving problems involving number facts and processes. 2. To develop in children familiarity with the concept of 'number and its function in civilized society. :3. To develop in children the character traits which the study of the unit engenders. 4. To be able to read and listen understandingly, talk and write intelligently, and think and act wisely in solving the problems of daily life. 5. To be efficient in earning an honest living and THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR thereby contribute through productive labor and wise use and conversation of the Nation's resources to the economic well-being of the Philippines .. G. To carry healthful living in a wholesome environment so as to be physically strong and mentally fit to meet the requirements of a useful !if e. B. Specific 1. To acquire a high degree of accuracy in the .fundamental operations involving integers. 2. To be able to understand and use correctly arithmetical terms met in food production. 3. To be able to construct and read bar graghs illustrating food production. 4. To be able to know the linear measures and its relation to each other. 5. To be able to know the different plane figures. G. To. be able to find _the perimeter and area of surfaces. 7. To secure a working knowledge and thorough understanding of the measures of ·time. 8. To be able to know the different arithmetical terms involving fractions. 9. To be ab!€ to know and understand the kinds of fractions. 10. To know the proper method of changing common fraction to its lowest terms, and vise versa. 11. To know how to change mixed number to improper fraction and vise ,versa. 12. To gain skill in determining Least Common Denominator before teaching the fundamental processes involving fraction. J 3. · To be able to add, subtract and multiply fractions with accuracy and speed. 14. To· understand further and be able to apply the logical steps in solving problems of daily life. 15. To be able to solve two-or' three-step problems in food production involving integers and fractions. II. SUGGESTED CONTENTS: 1. Reading Bar Graphs 2. Finding the Perimeter 3. Exercises in Column Addition 4. Plane Figures 5. Linear Measures G. Fractions 7. Measuring Time 8. Terms in Fraction 9. Exercises in Adding Large Number 10. Reduction of Fractions 11 . The Least Common Denominator 12. Adding Similar Fractions 13. Miscellaneous Problems in Food Production 14. Exercises in Subtraction 15. More Practices in Interpreting Problems lG. Adding Mixed Numbers 17. Practice in Multiplying OCTOBER, 1957 18. Adding Unlike Fractions 19. Short Method in Multiplication & Division 20. Exercises in Addition of Fractions 21. Subtracting Fractions 22. Practice in Short Division 23. Miscellaneous Problems About Poultr~' 24. Multiplying Fractions 25 . Findi:\lg Areas 26. Problems in .Areas of Plane Figures III. Suggested Activities: A . Readiness 1 . Discussion to realize the importance of the unit and to create a desire for food production projects. 2. Field trips to food production projects found in the locality, school and home garden, poultry house, piggery, etc. 3. Presentation of the arithmetical terms that will be met in the study of the unit. · B . Developmental 1. Questions to be presented by the teacher a. Concerning graphs, plane figures, standard units of measure, and area and perimeter of surfaces. 1. What is a graph? 2. What are the kinds of graphs? 3. What should be remembered in constructing a bar graph? , 4. What are the different plane figures? 5. What are the linear measures? 6. How can we change a higher unit to a Imver unit of measures and vise-versa? 7. How can we find the area of surfaces? 8. ·How can we find the perimeter of sui·faces '? 9. What are the measures of time and its relation to each other? 10. How can we find the difference between two dates? b. Concerning fraction: 1 . What is a fraction ? 2. What are the terms of a fraction? 3. What are the kinds of fraction? Identify each. 4. What should be remembered in changing the form of· a· fraction? 5. What should be remembered in making a good problem? 2. Discussion, interpretation, and illustration of knowledge gained and principles acqt1ired'. C. Mastery 1. Constructing bar graphs concerning food production.· PAGE 37 2. Measuring and finding the perimeter and area of garden plots, poultry house site, orchard, home g"<'-rden, etc. ~. Mastery in the four fundamental operations with integers. 4. Performing exercises involving fraction. 5. Solving and making problems regarding food productioI).. D. Maintenance 1. Oral and written test of the pupils knowledge about the unit. 2. Finding out from the results, the weaknesses encountered by the pupils in the performance of the test. 3. Further development of the items and principles pupils have difficulty with. E. Integration 1. Actual measurement of the garden plots, school garden site, orchard, etc. . I 2. Solving problems concerning the raising and selling of products raised from the different food production projects found in the locality. 3. Observing and finding out the length of time needed in raising certain crops. F. Evaluation: 1. Ob~ervation of proper behavior: a. honesty of doing their own work b. neatness of their work c. initiative in performing their work 2. Testing on: a. Arithmetical terms and symbols learned in the study of the unit. b. fundamental operations. c. problem solving concerning food production. IV. Expected Outcomes in terms of: A. Attitudes and Appreciations 1. Appreciation of: a. the value of food production. b. the works of junior citizens in promoting food production. 2. Attitude: a. willingness to perform manual labor. lJ. pl'Omptness · and thoroughness in th'e performance of assigned task. PAGE 38 B. Knowledge aild Information: 1. Knowledge of: a. the economic importance of food production. b. the essential information regarding the size of the site of poultry, piggery, and crop raising. c. the proper procedure in making food production projects. cl. chemical solution to· be used for plant pest. 2. Information of: a. the different ways of getting rid of plant pests and animal diseases. b. the planting calendar. c. the different units of measure-linear measure and measure of time. C. Abilities, Habib~, and Skills 1. Abilities to: a. construct, read and interpret bar ~raph. b. measure surfaces. c. in the manipulation of the fundamental processes of a fraction. cl. interpret and solve problems regarding food production. e. make original problem$ involving daily processes that are used at home, in the school, in the market, etc. 2. Habits of: a. acquiring at all times valuable and up-to-date information. . b. accuracy, speed, neatness and cleanliness of their daily work. 3 . Skills in: a. manipulation of the fundamental processes involving integers. b. the construction of vegetable graden and poultry house. V. References: 1. Philippine Life Arithmetic-Grade V 2. Course of Study in Arithmetic for the Intermediate Grades. 3. Stone Winkle-Intermediate Arithmetic Grade v 4. Baguio Curriculum --:- 1956 5. Polley and Mfiler Intermediate Geography THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR
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