Our struggle for independence, grade VI.pdf


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b. Dramatizing informally some of the old and new customs. c. Collecting pictures to show traces of influence of the different countries on our ways of cl. :rvTaking scrapbooks . on each of these cusliving. .. toms: Courtship, Marriage, Burial and· Health. D. Culminating Acti\'jty 1. Exhibits of things made by the children. 2. A mo\'ie based on the unit (pictures for the film to be drawn by children and short commentaries written by them, too, for each picture). The show box will be used. E. Evaluation 1. Test on whole unit. 2. Children should by the time the unit is finished show signs of: , a. appreciation for the culture of the early Filipinos. b. interest in his own report or piece of work and that of his co-members of the group. c. furtheT developments of the habit of coopera- · ti on and willingness to work; starting work on time; having a clean piece of work; and of listening with understanding. IV. A. References for Teachers and Pupils 1. Agorilla, Am~do. Stories of Our Country. Manila: Manlapaz Publishing Co., c 1951 2. Alip, Eufronio. PhiliJh1ine History (Political Social, Eco11omic). Manila: Alip. and Brion Pub!Ications, Inc., c 1940 .. ~ 3. Benitez, Conrado. Philippi11c History In Stories. 4. Beyer, H. Otley.· The Philippine Saga. Manila; Evening News Publications, c 1947 5. Fernandez, Leandro. A Brief History of the Philippi11cs. Boston: Ginn and Company, c 1917 G. Galang, Zoilo M. Eucyclopedfo of the Philip' p111es. Vol111i1e X. Manila: P. Vera and Sons Co., c 1936 B. Additional Materials 1\'Iagazines and newspapers for pictorial collections:· Sunda? Times, ·women's Magazine, Evening News, Daily Mirror, Filipino Komiks, Tagalog Klasiks, Li\Yay;vay. (Story ~s sim}Jlified by the writer) Nearly 250,000 years ago, to be exact, in the last glhcial period, the waters of the ocean surrounding the Philippines dropped at least 150 feet below present levels. Vast, wide bc1dies of land formerly under w·ater were exposed. These bodies of land connected our island~ with the mainland of Southeast Asia. Even as far back to that time; men were always looking for better life. They \Yere not contented in staying in the place where they lived. So when these vast bodies of land rose, these men used them as bridges to go from the mainland of Southeast Asia to the Philippines. These land bridges later became known as the "highway of history." (The shaded areas sho\yn on the map were dry land in that period of man's first migration.) The first wave of immigrants. was followed by another wave who came about 25,000 to 30,000 years ago. Gradually, as time went on, the ice melted over the world. Little by little the land bridges were submerged and water was all aroun'd the Philippines again but npt until Restless Man had found his way to our country. Then about 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, a· third wave of immigrants came to the Philippines from the North. The land bridges were already water, but these brave people sailed through the great seas to reach our shores. Very much, much later, people from neighboring and faraway countries like China, India, Spain, and the United States came to our country either to visit, to trade, or make their homes. Our Struggle for Independence, Grade·VI UNIT: The Philippine Struggle for Independence PROBLEM: How did the Filipinos eventually gain their independence? I. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES A. Knowledge and Understanding PAGE 34 By William A. Faculo 1. To know that even the early Filipinos desired to be free. 2. To understand the general causes of the different revolts in the Philippines during the Spanish time. 3. To understand wh~' the revolts failed. 4. To know what is nationalism, THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR 5. To understand what events led in the development of Philippine nationalism. 6. To understand why the Katipunan was orgap:ized. 7. To kn9w the leaders of the Katipunan. 8. To know the significance of the "Cry of Balintawak." 9. To know the causes of the Philippine Revolution. , 10. To understand •the causes of the PhilippineAmedcan War. 11. To understand the American policy with regards to the grant of Philippine independence. 12. To understand why the Filipinos fought side by side with American against Japan during the second world war. 13. To understand the kind of independence granted to, the Philippines l;>y Japan. 11. To re3lize that the Philippines gained fer independence from America ·on July 4, 1946. 15. To know how we may help preserve our independence. B. Attitudes and Appreciations 1. To appreciate the gallantry and work of those who died for the I sake of Filipino freedom. 2. To develop nationalistic attitude. 3. To appreciate the help of Spain in helping indirectly to unify the Filipinos. 4. To appreciate the help given by America in preparing the Filipinos to be independent. C. Habits and Skills 1 . To develop: - a. The ability to follow instructions. b. The ability to research. c. The ability to interview. d. The ability to outline. e. The hal;>its of working cooperatively. f .. The habit of planning before executing. II. POSSIBLE APPROACH A. Initiation of the Unit 1. Field trips to - a. Near by local battlefields b. Army cemetery c. Nearby army camps d. Other historical places. 2. Structuring the room a. Posting on the bulletin board pictures and clippings related to the development of the unit. B. Possible Problems 1. What is meant by independence? 2. Why did Lapulapu kill Magellan? 3. What were the causes of the different revolts? 4. Why did the different. revolts fail? OCTOBER, 1957 5. What is meant by Nationalism? 6. What events brought about Philippine nationalism? 7. Why was the. Katipunan organized'? 8. What steps were taken by the United States in preparing the Filipinos to be independent? 9. Why was the indepencl'ence granted by Japan not a sincere one. 10 .. When was the Philippine granted independence by United States? III. SUGGEST~D ACTIVITIES A. Gather data activities 1. Taking notes from lectures and observations. 2. Reading from resource materials - a: Philippine History b. Philippine Government c. Magazines and news papers, etcs. 3. Interviewing resource persons a. The Provincial ·Secretary b. The Justice of the peace. c. World War II veterans cl. Other resource persons. 4. Field trips to - i;l· The Rizal Monument b. Army Camps c. National Library 5. Doing research work on th~ development of the unit. G. Making studies on the problems of national unity and other problems affecting our Independence. 7. Inviting resource persons and conducting open forums in school. 8. Listening to reports: . a. On fields trips made b. On intetNiews made. c. On researches made. B. Construction and Collection Activities 1. Making projects in connection with the unit: a. movie rolls b. picture albums of national hcruc's and local heroes. c. Making scrap books. C; Expressional Activities 1. Recitiiig poems and rhymes on nationalism 2. Singing national songs and hymns. 3. Writing simple stories about a. Battle of Mactan b . .The Fall of Bataan C· What independence means to me fl. Why the early Filipino rev,olts failed. 4. Making oral and >vrjtten reports based on a. research b. Field trips P~GE 35 c. Interviews cl. Observations macle 5. Writing letters to: a. resource persons b. parents and friends. G. Writing compositions 7. Reading stories about the lives of our great national heroes. V. Expected Outcome in terms of school subjects. A. Social Studies 1. Ability to, make comparative study on the grants of independence. 2. Knov.:ledge of national heroes and their achievements. :3. Habits of sharing with others what one has. ·l. Appreciation of character traits of national heroes. 5. Nationalistic attitude G. Knowing the cliff erent resources in the community. B. Language Arts 1. Increase on one's vocabulary. ') Ability to interview. -- . q Ability to outline. ·J. 4. Ability to research. 5. Ability to take notes. G. Ability to express one's ideas. C. Arithmetic 1. Ability to estimate and compute. 2. Ability to solve problems related to the unit. D. Music 1. Ability to sing new and old national hymns and songs. 2. Ability to interpret moods. a. Ability to compose simple rhymes and songs. 4. Appreciation of Filipino and foreign national songs. E. Health and Science 1. Causes of Epidemics in Capas concentration <:amp. 2. Prevention of diseases such as: a. Beriberi b. Dysentery c. Typhoid d. Malaria VI. Bibliography 1. Benitez, Conrado - Philippine History 2. Tolentin.o, M. Arturo - Philjppine Government 4. Journal of Education - July Issue 5. Manila Times ~ July 4 issue G. Philippines Free Press - July and December issues Long Range Plan in Arithmetic Grade V lJ.NIT: FOOD PRODUCTION Introduction: In the past, Arithmetic has been taught in isolation with other subjects in the curriculum. The teachers become the slaves of textbooks and courses of study. At present, there is a felt need to arouse keener interest among the children in arithmetic lessons. It should provide the learners with rich variety of experiences so that the pupils could apply the quantitative procedures effectively in social and economic situations in life outside the school. In this connection functional unit based on community activities should be well thoughtcut. It is hoped that the following unit will in some wa~· some how help in making arithmetic lessons interesting and meaningful to children. PAGE 36 By Pedro P. Hernandez I. OBJECTIVES: A. General ··' 1. To develop in children the basic skills which will need in meeting life situations and solving problems involving number facts and processes. 2. To develop in children familiarity with the concept of 'number and its function in civilized society. :3. To develop in children the character traits which the study of the unit engenders. 4. To be able to read and listen understandingly, talk and write intelligently, and think and act wisely in solving the problems of daily life. 5. To be efficient in earning an honest living and THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR
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