Statistical review


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Statistical review
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume 6 (No. 7) July 1926
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL July, 1926 THE COMEBACK The comeback must be the right comeback. Your printed product must be the no come­ back kind—when the work is done and deli­ vered there is no comeback except another job and a boost from you. The right comeback is the comeback we try to get from you—the comeback of a customer thoroughly satisfied, of good opinion, of more orders. The job that has no comeback but a come­ back customer is the kind that builds our business. Hammering away every minute to get the right comeback puts the quality in our work, puts the promptness in our service. It takes work and pep but it’s worth it—it wins your good opinion, and that’s the comeback we want. THE TIMES PRESS Cosmopolitan Building, Manila, P. I. Ynchausti Rope Factory Manufacturers of high grade Manila Ropes Contractors to the U. S. Army and Navy and the Philippine Islands Government (Complete stocks carried by Messrs. Guy T. Slaughter & Co., of 210 Cali­ fornia Street, San Francisco, Cal.) Prices and Samples Mailed on Request Ynchausti y Cia. 945 M. de la Industria cTWanila, P. I. STATISTICAL REVIEW /.V RESPONDING TO ADVERTISEMENTS PLEASE MENTION THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 35 PEINCIFAD IMPORTS. Nationality 1,143,181 1,417,165 4.913 3,778 31,789,587 CARRYING By Freight ............ 18,134.305 By Mail ................ 618,133 30,973.288 97.4 22,571.279 95.2 816.299 2.6 1.099.511 4.8 Total ................... 18.753.438 100.0 31,789.587 100.0 23,670,820 100.0 TRADE WITH THE UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES Oountriea M"}’ ,92° — Value % Value % Value %