News of the week


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News of the week
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Julio ESTUDIO 26, 1924 í~s oF Ttti~~W~Eil\l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! July 18. The first setback in the inter-allied conference carne today when an unsuccessful effort was made to iron many differences between the French Italians and British as to how to deal with possible German defaults under the Dawes scheme and the method of inflicting penalties for such delinquences. Unofficial American suggestions laid before the experts did not produce a compromise agreement. B. Aires. July 19. The corrispondent of La Nation who arrived today from Santos Brazil, reports heavy tro·op mocements are procceding from Santos to aid the sisiege by the rebels of Sao Paulo. He said the morale of gobernment troops was excellent. Trustworthy inform3.tion from Brazil today indicates that the rebels are getting· the upperhand at Sao Paulo in the fighting "'ith the federal forces. McAlester, Okla. July 18. 300 armed men stormed today a force of nonunion worke kers at a mine. The guards were disarmed and forced to accompany the assailants into Latimer county. B. Aires. July 20 Uncensored dispatches from Brasil tode¡y say the rebels have 20,000 armed men awairing an attack from the federals in strategics points about the city of Sao Paulo with artillery on cliffs. Washington July 19. President Coolige today expressed the opinion that Republican prospects were hopeful. John W. Davis, Democratic nominee for president will make his keynote and acceptance speech on August llth. London July H!. Owen D. Young today made public a message from Charles G. Dawes declaring he is optimistic on the reparations settlement. Athens, July 19. The Greek cabinet has fallen. A crisis has been threatening since the resignation of the ministers of war and finance in June. Vol. IV Donde quier~ 4"'8 vtrue Vd Lea Heletu y f)r~ulet RIU r Of~n ComodKh~d y Seguridad. -:,.: 1':... 0.1.StuLlCllUD'TO ftLJOi SUl?IJO U '; ~.._,, GUARNICIONES - \- MONTURAS POLAINAS·. LATIGOS PORTFOLlOS CINTURONES~~E3 CARTERAS [ j y PORTA/IONEDAS They alleged that the government was encouraging communism. Three courts-martial will be necessary to kandle the cases of the 253 conscientious objectors in the Philippine Scout regiments at Fort McKinley, the mayority charged with failure to repoi:t for duty, others charged with holding secret meetings regarding miIitary affairs. Speaker Manuel Roxas in a threehour speach at the Club Filipino advocates continuance of Missions in United States, and discusses Independence question. He cited many of the difticulties he and the rest of the Mission met with and said that the opponets of Filipino freedom are divided into seveal classes, he maned. The speach was delh;ed after the banquet given in his honor the day of his arriba! into the Islands from. Amerka. Washington July 20. Former Pr2sident of Hunduras, General Emilio Chamorro is planning a revolution in Salvador, according to reports reached this city. A quantity .of munitions are said to be secretly stored at Chantales. President Martinez has summoned General Chamorro to appear before him and answer question in reference to this. Teheran, July 20. Martial Law has been declared on account of the disturbances in connection with the kilIing of Robert W. Imbrei, American Vice-Consul by a move lat friday. Three filipinos have been arrested for an investigation by the police of Honcfolu on what is understood to be ª'1 alleged conspiracy to blow up the home of Cayetano Ligot, Philippine Labor commissioner, what has been opposed to the strike. Secretary of the Interior, Agoncillo, refuses to be dragged to Inquisitorial Session, invoking the principie of separation of Powers. He is uphed by · Governor General \Vood, who reaiterates that the Department Heads are responsible to him only. New York, July 22. The promise of American assistance to Europe and growing confidence that the present allied conference in London will provide aid for Europe to accord with the Dawes plan, carried demand sterling above 4.41 today. Tokyo, Ja pan, Jtily 22. J apanese Nationalist urge a clase pact with Germany and Russia, "the three orphans of the world", for their common protection against Anglo-Saxm:~ domination. -7iD. Manuel Araullo ha muerto! El integérrimo presidente de nuestro Tribunal ~upre= mo, el probo juez, el perfecto caballer", el modelo de es= posos y padres de familia, el católico convencido, ha entregado su a'm11 a Dios rode~do de su amantísima familia y asistido con los auxilios de nuestra sacrosanta l?eligión oor el Padre Prior de Santo Domingo Re= verendo Fr. Jesús Bort y de su confesor el P. Vebenes. La pertinaz y grave dolen= cia que desde hace tiempo le aquejaba se hizo gravísima estos últimos días venciendo a la naturaleza desgastada del anciano jurisconsulto (tenía 72~años) y a los esfuerzos sobre humanos de la Ciencia. ESTUDIO envía a la dis= tinguida familia del difunto la expre~ión de su sentida condolencia y ruega a sus lectores que el~ven sus preces al cielo por el alma del finado. R. l. P. Suscribas e a ESTUDIO Núm. 82