News of the week


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News of the week
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Septiembre Es la de la asociación de los alumnos de Farmacici de la Universidad dz Sto. Tomás. La nueva fecha fijada ]Jctl'U su celebmción es la del cinco de octubre. Se lleva·1·á a cabo en los a.mplios salones del edificio del Colegio MédicoFa,.macéutico. Celebrando su cumpleaño. El lunes el Sr. D. Joaquin Mencarini, joven y digno directo1· de la agencia local de la "lnte,.national Con·espondence School" celebró una gmfísima reunión en su residencia con motivo de su cumpleaños. Le ayudó a brindar unas horas agmdables a sus pa·rientes y amJigos que fueron a felicitarle, su b,ella esposa Da. Angustias Vaca. Tan agradable fiesta f0;miliar, durante la cual se improvisa1·on divulidos juegos, terminó a las _ocho de la noche. AJ festejado vayan nuestros deseos por que goce d13 larga y venturosa e.dstencia. Segundo éxito. Como predijimos, la segunda re7Jresentación de "La Canción del Olvido" ha sido un segundo éxito. Y si se 1·epresenta por tercera vez sel'á ot7·o nu.evo éxito. El Opera House estuvo el domingo materialmente lleno. MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMIA, Sept. 18.-The American flyers landed here at 5 :22 o'clock this afternoon ·a flight through the midwest from Fort Crook, Nebraska. The airmen left Fort Crook at 10:41 o'clock this morning, lunched at St. J oseph, Missouri, landing there at 12 :29 o'clock and left again at 1 :26 o'clock this afternoon. WISCACETT, MAINE, September 19.-Information which will be of great help to navigators the world over was obtained by the MacMillan expedition into the far north, M,cMillan sta-ted today on bis arrival here. CONSTANTINOPLE, September 19.-0f the 49 villages on the banks of the river Aras in Armenia, 37 have been destroyed by recent earthquakes. Vol. IV ESTUDIO La concurrencia, como era de suponer, la integró en su mayoría todo lo granado de nuestra sociedad. Aplausos entusiastas m,erecieron todos cuantos toma1·on pa1·te en la interpretación de la obra y en la ejecución de los divel'sos números del prog1·ama. Y no pudo menos ele ser así, ¡1orque la interpretación fué, si cab,e, mejo1· que la del día. del estreno. Repetimos nucst ros plácemes a lo1; artistas aficionados, y al organizado1· de la función el Profeso1· Cuerva. Un jira amena. Se cel,'!bró el domingo. Los e.uursionistas escogieron el apacible pueblo de Pansol, de la provincia de La Laguna, como el luga1· de la jirct. Iniciadora y 01·ganizadora de la fiesta fué la distinguida Sl'ta. Conchita Salinas con la cooperación valiosa del joven D. Alfredo P. d1~ Tagle. Prtrtieron de Manila los excursionistas a las seis de la mañana, llegando al punto de destino a las nueve. Entre conversaciones y bailes pasaron el tiempo los concurrent,es hasta la hora de comer. Los manjares servidos fueron todos o casi todos de arte culinario filipino, siendo los vrincipales el lechón con su indispensable pesa de gallina. D,espués de la comida se tuvieron números de canto y música d.e los que se encargaron varios aficionados que figuThe shocks continue in the district and also at Kars where large fissures have appeared in the ground. MADRID, September 19.-Spani:sh has begun an important military ope;:ation against the rebellious Morocco tribesmen, it was officially announced here today. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Seplember 19.--John M. Schaeberle, astronome1-, discoverer of three comets, and in charge o.f eclipse expeditions of Lick observatory to Chile and Japan, died here today at the age of 61 years. He has born in Germany but moved to the United States at an early age. GENEVA, September 19.-Members of the disarmament subcommitee of -1527, 1924 ntbccn entre los concu1Tentes. Hubo también danws clásicas y jueyos malabares, aun c1tando entre lo.s t.i:cursionistas ·110 había ningún 111alabctr. Pero et todo esto aun no hemos hecho c01wtar que la. rara donde .se tuvo tan amena fiestn fué la del distiny11iclo Sr. D. Ramón Ramos, cuyas amable:; hijct.s se desvivieron poi· agasajar a todos los c.i:cursionistas. f_,a fiesta tel'minú a fa:; .seis de lct larde, hora en que los e.~cursionislas emprendieron el viaje de vuelta a Manila. Omitimos los nombres de las bellas y simpáticos señoritas y de los distinguidos jóvenes que participaron en la .iira en g>'acia a la brevedad. Una boda en Antipolo. A niÍnciase para el elfo 11 del mes de Octub1·e. Y ante la 11 enercwdr1 imagen milagrosa ele la Virgen de A ntipolo. [,c1 nvvia es ln h iju del conocido pofíti,~o D. Jwm Swnulong, llamada familia1:mente Metring. Ei novio es el Sr. D. José Coj11mzgco natural de Paniqui, Tarlac. Se preparan fiestas 01'ir¡i11ales para. celebrar el acontecimiento, fie.stcrn que comenza1·án en Antipolo, continuar1ín en lllunila y terminarán en el pueblo del novio. A ntio:ipadamente deseamos mil vent !tl'US a los fu tu rosos esposos. the League oí Nations today stated that the international conference for reduction of armaments will be sumrr.:med to meet by June 15, 1925. The council of the league postponed decision on approval of the treaty of Mesopotamia and Great Britain, virtually entering a military alliance. Under the treaty Great Britain agrees to recognize JMlesopo.tania's independence within four years. EL PASO, September 20.--The American flyers arrived here at 6: 15 o'clock tonight from a one stop flight across the plains of Texas. A great crowd was assembled to meet the men who are rapidly nearing their goal of a flight around the world. The flyers landed at Sweet-water, Texas, at 12 :25 o'clock this afternoon to refuel their planes. They left Dallas Núm. 91 Septiembre whcre they spent the night after flying from Mu!;kogee, Ohio, at 9 :40 u'cloC'k this morning, heading due west into a strong headwind. LONDON, September 20.-A Daily Mail dispatch frvm Berlin reports that Grand Duke Cyril, has signed a proc!amation, declaring himself emperor of ali Russians and that he will devotc his life to liberating. Russia from. the com:nunists yoke. SYOSSET, NEW YORK, Septeml:e;· 21.-The Prince of Wales today left by train for Quebec, enroute to Calgary where he will spend his vacation on bis ranch. He has been attending the international polo games at Westbury. · GENEV A, September 21.-The disarmame11t commission of the assembly of the league of nations will probaly be divided into three groups-naval problems, land armament and control of traffic and manufacture of arms. The United States will attend th!l arms control although it has been invited to attend ali three discussions. The assembly of the league of nations reconvened yesterday after a· week's suspension. China started a move to regain her place in the conccrn over the continued production of opium in China. ESTUDIO WASHINGTON, September 21.Harry M. Daugherty former attorney general, issued a statement today, containing a signed statement by Gaston Means regarding ·the testimony at the senate committee investigation in the Teapot Dome case. Means' statement was incorporated in a letter from Daugherty to John W. Davis, Democratic presi<lential candidate taking Davis to task for statements alleged to have been made in campaign speeches. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, SeptemlÍer 22.-The American army round the world flyers arrived at San Diego at 10 :34 o'clock this. morning, leaving Tucson, Arizcna, at 7 :28 o'clock. The flyers will hop to Santa Monica tomorrow. MANILA, September 22.-The submarine squadron of the American Asiatic Fleet will soon be back in Manila Bay, the first division possibly arriving tomorrow. The squadron has been in China waters during the summer, centering around Chefoo. The return of the submarines will mark the beginning of the return of the Asiatic Fleet to Manila. MANILA, September 23.-·Manila will soon have a tourist guide service of its own, distinct froni the similar service of the bureau of commerce and industry. Mayor Romualdez has under •,11,11 111,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,1,,r, 111,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,r1ori.u011,11o11,11,11 111 111,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11, TODO ES UNO Y LO Ml~MO Todo 10 que cabe ambicionar en los bienes terrenos, es verse a cubierto de la miseria. Es uno de ]os medios más seguros y que cabe emplearlo por el más necesitado, el ahorro. Y lo mismo-salva la suma--puede ahorrar el pob1·e que el rico. · PROCEDIMIENTO Sucribirse por el numero de acciones que cada uno pueda, segun sus fuerzas. Las hay desde -P-1.00 hasta · P-200. OO. El_J HOGAR Fll_JlPIJVO Sncrn[lAD '.\turíÍA n:•: CONS'l'[tur·c1óN Y PRt~s'l' .. Mos A. Melian, Manuel M. Rincon, PHESI Ol<:N"i'I': GP:HENTF. --- - ·- --------------------------·EL HOGAR FILIPINO Hogar, :\fanila. Fec!t11 SírvHs~ enviarme gratis el Prospectos de Tnversiones de esa Sociedad. Kombre C'iudad ....... . ..··. Pro1•incia ... : ............................ . ESTUnlO Seoti•rnbre 27. 24. No. 4 •u•il'u'••'••'••'•••u•u•u•u•u•11•11•11•u•u•11•11•u•u•u•11•11•u•u•u•u•11•u•u•11•11•11•11•11•u•u•u•u•u•u•u•11•u•u•111u 1u•u•u•u•u•11•11•u•11•H11t•11•u•u•· Vol. lV -1627, 1924. consideration a plan to organize a society to take charge of the municipal tourist guide service. This society will be composed of Manila newspapermen, social women wo;rkers, business men and property owners. The society will offer to guide visitors in the city and show them the historical and interesting places of the city. MANILA, September 23.-The Philippine national night radio program in Wa;;;hington was listened to by "25,000,000 radio fans", most of whom ''ere se• well pleased that repetition of the program has been requested, according to a cable received by the independen:ce commission yesterday. The program included Philippine music, songs and typical native dances. Vallejo, the .hoy virtuoso, now taking advanced studies in violin in New York made a hit which was especially applauded, it is stated. Senate President Quezon spoke en the petition of Filipinos for independence urging early settlement. MANILA, September 23.-Gcvernor General Wood has just ruled that the city of Manila should pay for water service rendered by the metropolitan water district. This ruling settles a long co11troversy over the payment of the city's water bill amounting to approximately one-half million pesos. The chief executive in his ruling declares that the water district is nota municipal property or a municipal corporation and that the city as an entity independent from the district is under c.bligation to pay for whatever service it receives. MANILA, September 23.-The La Salle football aggregation trounced the Chinese Star team Sunday afternoon in a fast football game played on the former's ground, score 1-0. The Chinese fought desperately and put up sorne admirable defense work but up their efforts pre.ved fruitless. Montinola, star forward of the La Salle squad was responsible for the winning goal scored during the last minute of the game. Ugarte, Valdes, Ching and Ledesma of the sam.g crew did creditable work in their respective places. LONDON.-The British navy. will have almost as many crusiers as the combined. fleets of. the Uni~d States and Japan when the five cruisers on which bids have been asked have been built. Answering questions in the House of Commons recently the parliamentary secretary of the admdralty said the number of cruisers and light cruisers in the world's great navies was at present as follows: British Empire, 48; United States, 29; Japan, 28: France, 16. Núm. 91