Agreed statement on baptism between the Philippine Episcopal Church and The Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Agreed statement on baptism between the Philippine Episcopal Church and The Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines
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AGREED STATEMENT ON BAPTISM between THE PHILIPPINE EPISCOPAL CHURCH and THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE PHILIPPINES The fundamental meaning of the Sacrament of Baptism is incorporation into Christ, and thus incorporation into the Church which is his Mystical Body. Baptism is the effective sign of our participation in the Passion. Death and Resurrection of the Lord, whereby the baptized receives adoption by the Father and becomes a child of God, receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, obtains the for­ giveness of sins, shares in Christ’s eternal priesthood, participates in his messianic mission in the world, and becomes an Inheritor of God’s kingdom. Therefore, our two Churches, recognizing the necessity of Baptism and affirming our common doctrine and practice In respect to this Sacrament as borne witness to by our common tradition and by various dialogues and agreements, do declare; 1. That our two Churches mutually recognize and respect each other's Rite of Baptism as contained in the Book of Common Prayer and in the official Roman Catholic Rite of Baptism; 2. That the Rite of Baptism performed by our two Churches la valid and therefore is not to be repeated even conditionally; 3. That although our Churches have always recognized the Sacrament of Baptism administered according to the New Testa­ ment, his present declaration constitutes an act whereby our Churches mutually give guarantee of the validity of the Baptism administered by their respective ministers; 4. That baptisms administered by our respective ministers are to be duly recorded in the proper registry-books, and certificates of Baptism delivered to all who are baptized. The presentation of the said Certificate of Baptism shall be deemed sufficient evidence of the fact and validity of the Baptism. We agree, in cases of real doubt, to consult one another in these matters; AGREED STATEMENT ON BAPTISM 143 5. That we commit ourselves to earnest and continual prayer, consultation, and working together, especially in those areas of Church doctrine and life in which real and serious different between us still exist, that we may come to that fulness of our unity in Christ of which Baptism is the foundation, the impetus and the pledge. In testimony thereof, we affix our signatures this 20th day of January, in the year of the Lord 1980, at the Cathedral of St. Mary and St. John, Quezon City, Philippines. FOR THE PHILIPPINE EPISCOPAL CHURCH: The Most Rev. Constancio B. Manguramas, Prime Bishop and Bishop of the Southern Philippines The Rt. Rev. Richard Abellon, Bishop of the Northern Philippines The Rt. Rev. Manuel C. Lumpias, Bishop of the Central Philippines FOR THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE PHILIPPINES His Eminence, Jaime Cardinal L. Sin, D.D., Archbishop of Manila; President, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines The Most Rev. Cirilo R. Almario, Jr., D.D., Bishop of Malolos; Secretary Gen., Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines The Most Rev. Cornelius de Wit, M.H.M., D.D., Prelate of San Jose, Antique, Chairman, Bishops’ Commission for Prom. Christ. Unity