Guidelines for a parish pastoral council. Diocese of Borongan Eastern Samar


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Guidelines for a parish pastoral council. Diocese of Borongan Eastern Samar
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
GUIDELINES FOR A PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL DIOCESE OF BORONGAN Eastern Samar By SINCERO B. LUCERO, D.D. Bishop of Borongan ARTICLE I NAME AND NATURE Section 1. NAME — This body shall be known as---------------- . Section 2. NATURE — The Parish Pastoral Council is a planning and coordinating body of lay Catholic leaders, who under the guidance of the Parish Priest, prepares the pastoral plan for the parish and coordinates the activities of all parish organizations towards the successful implementation of the pastoral plan. It shall be understood, however, that the Parish Pastoral Councils is separate and distinct from the different parish organization which shall retain its individuality, full autonomy and internal direction. The Parish Pastoral Council also serves as the representative body of the Church in the parish which extends the Church’s cooperation to the activities of the socio-civic and governmental organizations which are intended for the welfare and well-being of the people and the community. ARTICLE H OBJECTIVES AND FUNCTIONS Section 1. OBJECTIVES — The objectives of the Parish Pastoral Council shall be three-fold: 1) To form and develop the parish into a truly Christian com­ munity of worship, witness and service. 2) To promote and encourage a spirit of unity and cooperation among the various parish organizations and to foster among its members a zeal for the apostolate. 3) To awaken among the residents an awareness of belonging to the parish and of their duty and responsibility to activity support and participate in all its activities. 484 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS Section 2. FUNCTIONS — The functions of the Parish Pastoral Council shall be: 1) To prepare plan for the parish with the three-fold aim of: a) attaining full participation of parishioners in the liturgy; b) providing catechetical instruction for the youth, opportuni­ ties for further religious training of adults, leading to the Christian formation of the families, and the promotion of vocations; and c) the social and economic upliftment of the residents of the parish through the various programs of the Church’s social act|on. 2) To coordinate the activities of the different parish organiza­ tions to Insure full Implementation of the pastoral plan with maximum utilization of available talent and resources. 3) To cooperate with the socio-civic and governmental organiza­ tions in projects intended to improve the welfare and well — being of the people and the community. 4) To prepare and implement a program for the improvement of the finances of the parish with the end in view of making it self-sustaining through the offerings of the parishioners. 5) To take charge of the physical plant (buildings and grounds) and equipment of the parish and to provide for its main­ tenance, as well as to plan and work for its improvements. 6) To manage the preparations for the parish annual fiesta celebration, and all special liturgical celebrations. ARTICLE HI ORGANIZATION AND MEMBERSHIP Section 1. STRUCTURE — The Parish Pastoral Council shall be composed of a governing body to be called the Parish Executive Board, and the membership proper which shall be drawn from all existing Catholic organizations, barangay councils, sitio and neigh­ borhood organizations, civic and school organizations in the parish. The Parish Executive Board shall be composed of all officers, both elected and appointed, fifteen (15) lay leaders in the parish appointed by the President after consultation with -the other officers PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL 485 and with the concurrence of the Parish Priest, Barangay Captains of all the barrios in the parish, school principals and the chairmen of the standing committees. Section 2. MEMBERSHIP — The members of the Parish Pastoral Council shall be appointed by the Parish Priest after consultation with the concerned organization and shall consist of the following: 1) four (4) representatives each from all existing Catholic organizations; 2) three representatives (3) each from all barangay councils, sitio and neighborhood organizations, civic organizations, school organizations, parent-teacher’s associations in the parish; and 3) the fifteen (15) laymen appointed to serve in the Parish Executive Board. In the case of religious organizations, the president, vicepresident and treasurer shall be ex-offlclo members of the Council. In the case of barangay councils and other organizations, the barangay captain, the president and vice-president of such organi­ zations shall, if willing become members of the Council; or if they are not willing or are unable to serve, they shall be asked to no­ minate their representative to the Council. Provided, however, that if any of the said officers, is already an elected officer or member of the Parish Executive Board, the deficiency shall be filled by the organization concerned; and provided further that the Parish Priest, at this discretion, may appoint more than the minimum number of members from any organization specified in sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), but in no case should there be more than ten (10). Section 3. DUTIES OF MEMBERS — It shall be the duty of members: 1) to attend and actively participate in the general meetings of the Council and in the monthly meetings of the committee to which they are assigned; 2) to disseminate information on policies and projects of the Pastoral Council to the other members of the organization to which they belong; and 3) to help in the implementation of such policies and projects through their respective organizations. Section 2. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP — It must be understood that membership in the Parish Pastoral Council is an 486 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS opportunity for service to the people and community. Should any member fail to attend Council meetings for three (3) consecutive months without Justifiable cause, it will be taken to mean that he is unable to render service that is expected of him, and he will be considered automatically resigned. The Parish Priest will then appoint another to take his place, who shall be nominated by the organization to which the resigned member belongs. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES Section 1. OFFICERS — The Pastoral Council shall have as its officers a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, auditor, public relations officer, legal counsel and property custodian. Section 2. THE PRESIDENT — The President shall be the over­ all head of the Council and his duties shall be: 1) to preside over the general meetings of th Council and the monthly meetings of the officers and the Parish Executive Board; 2) to implement and execute all decisions of the Council and the policies and programs formulated by the Parish Executive Board; 3) to coordinate the work of the various committees; 4) to represent the Council, together with the Vice-President and Public Relations Officer, at the meetings of the Diocesan Pastoral Council, and at meetings and programs of school and socio-civic-governmental organizations in the parish when such representation are necessary and desirable; and 5) to perform such other duties connected with his office. Section 3. THE VICE-PRESIDENT — The Vice-President shall perform all the duties and powers of the President in the absence or incapacity of the latter or vacancy of the office of the President. He shall actively assist the President in coordinating the work of the various committees, and shall exercise such other functions which may be assigned to him by the President or by the Parish Executive Board. Section 4. THE SECRETARY — The Secretary shall be the custodian of all the records of the Council. His duties shall be: PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL 487 1) to prepare, after due consultation with the President and the Parish Priest, the agenda for Council meetings; 2) to send notice of meetings to the officers and members of the Council, such notice to contain the prepared agenda; 3) to record all proceedings and attendance of the Council; and 4) to keep updated rosters of members of the Council and of all existing parish organizations, which shall include such information on the members as will enable the Council to effectively marshall available talent for its program of action. Section 5. THE TREASURER — The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds of the Council. He shall discharge funds only with the joint authority of the President and the Parish Priest, such disbursement or payments to be supported by proper receipts or vouchers duly signed by the payee or creditor or hiS authorized repre­ sentative. The Treasurer shall also collect and receive any funds or contributions due to the Council and each such collection shall be evidenced by a proper receipt in the name of the Council. The Treasurer shall prepare a monthly financial report to the Council. He shall also prepare a semi-annual financial report to be duly publicized in order to make the parishioners aware of the income and expenditures of the Council. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee. Section 6. THE AUDITOR — The duties of the Auditor shall be: 1) to audit all funds in the hands of the Treasurer, examine the accountability of the latter, and to verify all collections received and payments made by him; and 2) to make an annual inventory of all equipment in the hands of the Property Custodian, such inventory to be submitted to the Council. The Auditor shall also be an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee. Section 7. THE PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER — The Public Relations Officer shall be ex-officio chairman of the Committee on information which shall be created to handle the publication of a parish news bulletin. He shall publicize the policies, programs, and worthwhile activities of the Council in the said news bulletin, as well as in newspapers. He shall be the liaison officer of the Council 488 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS with the various parish organizations, and he may be called upon by the President to attend the meetings of these organizations to explain the policies and programs of the Council. Section 8. THE LEGAL COUNSEL — The Legal Counsel shall act as the representative of the Council in all legal matters affecting the Council and the parish and shall prepare all legal documents which the Council may require in its operations. Section 9. THE PROPERTY CUSTODIAN — The President, after consultation with the Parish Executive Board, shall appoint a Council member in good standing as Property Custodian who shall be respon­ sible for the safekeeping of the Council’s equipment. The term of office of the Property Custodian shall be coterminus with the term of the appointing officer and upon the appointment of his successor, the Property Custodian shall turn over to him all equipments of the Council which he may have in his possession. ARTICLE V ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE Section 1. ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE — All the officers enumerated in Section 1 or Article IV, with the exception of the the Secretary and Property Custodian who shall be appointed by the President with the concurrence of the Parish Executive Board, shall be elected on the (day and month) for which a meeting of the entire Council shall be called. The election shall be by secret ballot under the strict super­ vision of an election committee composd of four (4) members of good standing in the Council who shall be appointed by the Parish Priest immediately before the election. Each office shall be vote upon separately in a general ballot and the candidate obtaining the highest number of votes for each office shall be declared elected. Section 2. WHO SHALL VOTE — All officers and members of the Council, including the duly appointed members of the Parish Executive Board, shall be qualified to vote. ARTICLE VI COMMITTEES Section 1. STANDING COMMITTEES — The Parish Pastoral Council shall have the following standing committees: PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL 489 1) Worship Committee which shall plan and coordinate with the various organizations their programs a) to increase parish consciousness; b) to secure greater attendance and increased participation in liturgical and paraliturgical activities of the parish, with special emphasis on family participation; and c) to strive and strengthen all worship organizations. 2) Education Committee which shall plan and coordinate with the various organizations their programs a) for the catechetical instruction of children in the public school of the parish and of out-of-school youth; b) for the continued religious training of adults through study clubs and the dissemination of Catholic magazines and periodicals; c) for the Christian formation of family life; d) for the promotion of vocations; and e) for the establishment of reading centers in the parish. 3) Social Action (or Service) Committee which shall plan and coordinate with the various organizations their programs a) for the socio-economic upliftment of the residents of the parish, like the Alay Kapwa program, Nutrition program, Credit union and Consumers’ cooperatives, farmers’ and fishermen’s development program, evacuees’ rehabilitation program, workers’ and employees’ program, the hospital and jail apostolate: b) for community development and beautification; c) for the maintenance of peace and order; d) for the protection of the youth of the parish from immoral and destructive influences; and e) for the protection of the oppressed from injustice. 4) Finance Commltee which shall a) plan and implement through the various organizations an expanded Sunday offering program for the support of the parish; b) solicit donations and contributions for the religious activi­ ties, socio-economic and building projects of the parish, and c) coordinate the fund-raising activities of the various parish organizations. 490 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS 5) Committee on Information which shall a) publish a news bulletin that is within the financial capa­ bility of the Council and which shall publicize the worth­ while activities of the various parish organizations and the policies and program of the Council; and b) to prepare the printed program of the annual parish fiesta celebration. 6) Building Committee which shall manage all parish construc­ tions and repairs and shall oversee the beautification of the Church and plaza. 7) Evaluation Committee which shall a) evaluate the performance of the officers, the Parish Execu­ tive Board and the other standing committees; b) check on the attendance of the meetings of the Parish Executive Board and the standing committees; and c) make semi-annual reports and recommendations to the general membership of the Parish Pastoral Council. The Council-may also create other committees as the necessity arises. Section 2. COMPOSITION — The Worship, Education and Social Action Committees shail be composed of at least one representative each from the organizations enumerated in Article II, Setion 2. The Finance Committee shall be composed of the Parish Pastoral Council Treasurer, the Council's Auditor, the Treasurers of the various Catholic organizations, and such other members as the President, with the concurrence of the Parish Priest, may appoint. The Evaluation Committee which shall have three (3) members, shall be elected by the Parish Executive Board from among its fifteen (15) appointed lay leaders during its regular meeting. The members of this committee shall be chosen for their known qualities of fair­ ness, impartiality, and expertise on organizational managment. The various committees, other than the Review Committee, shall be constituted not later than the (day and month). After the com­ mittees shall have been formed, they shall promptly elect from among their members a chairman and secretary, with the exception of the Committee on Information which shall be headed by the Public Relations Officer of the Council. Section 3. PROGRESS REPORTS — The chairman of each com­ mittee shall see to it that his committee is a working committee. At each meeting of the Parish Executive Board, the committee PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL 491 chairman shall submit a progress report on the work performed by their respective committees. The progress report shall include a summary of problems with the proposed solutions for action by the Board. Any committee which fails to report after its organization may be reorganized by the President with the approval of the Parish Priest. ARTICLE VII MEETINGS Section 1. COMMITTEE MEETING — The various committees enumerated in Article V, Section 1, shall hold regular monthly meetings as follows: a) the committees on Worship and Information on the first Saturday or Sunday of the month; b) the committees on Education and Finance on the second Saturday or Sunday of the month; and c) the Social Action and Building Committees on the fourth Saturday or Sunday of the month. Section 2. MEETINGS OF THE PARISH EXECUTIVE BOARD — The Parish Executive Board shall hold regular meetings every third Sunday of the month at 9:00 A.M. at the Parish Rectory or Center. The Parish Priest and/or his assistant, and the chairman of the standing committees shall attend these meetings. Special meetings may be called by the President or by at least five (5) members of the Parish Executive Board in order to treat on any urgent matter needing the attention of the Board. Section 3. GENERAL COUNCIL MEETINGS — The entire Coun­ cil membership shall meet thrice a year: on the third Sunday of July for the purpose of electing the Council officers; on the third Sunday of November for the purpose of ratifying the pastoral plan prepared by the Council for the coming year: and on the third Sunday of January for the purpose of evaluating the progress made in the implementation of the pastoral plan. At the July and January meetings, the semi-annual financial statement prepared by the Treasurer and the Auditor, and the semi-annual reports of the Review or Evaluation Committee shall be presented to the Council. 192 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS Special meetings of the entire Council membership may also be called by the President or by the Parish Priest in case there should be matters which require the approval or ratification of the Council. Section 2. QUORUM — Thirty (30) members of the entire Coun­ cil shall constitute a quorum for general meetings. In the meetings of the Parish Executive Board and the standing committees, a simple majority shall constitute a quorum. Section 5. ORDER OF BUSINESS — The following shall be the order of business: 1) Opening 2) Roll Call 3) Reading of the minutes of the last meeting 4) President’s Time 5) Progress reports of the chairman of the various standing 6) Discussion of prepared agenda 7) Parish Priest’s Time 8) Other Business 9) Closing Prayer and Blessing Section 6. HOW MEETINGS ARE CONDUCTED — The rules of parliamentary practice as laid down in Roberts’ Rules of Order shall be followed in all meetings of the Council. ARTICLE VH THE PLANNING AND COORDINATING FUNCTIONS OF THE COUNCIL Section 1. THE PARISH PASTORAL PLAN — The Parish Pas­ toral Plan is a blueprint of parish activities which provides the Parish Priest and the Parishioners opportunities of exercising in a coordinated manner their respective roles in building up the parish into a genuine Christian community. It will consist of four programs, namely, the Worship Program, the Christian Education Program, the Social Action Program, and the Sunday Offering Program. Section 2. PREPARATION OF THE PARISH PASTORAL PLAN — The Parish Executive Board, through the Secretary, will request the various parish organizations to submit a general program of PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL 493 action for the coming year, with a list of the specific projects they propose to undertake. These shall be submitted not later than the third week of September to the Secretary of the Council. Based on these programs submitted, the Council will prepare an over-all parish plan which shal have the four programs abovementioned. Each program may have: a) projects to be undertaken by the different organizations separately; b) projects to be undertaken jointly by several organizations when joint action is necessary for greater effectiveness and to avoid waste of time and effort through unnecessary dupli­ cation; and c) projects to be undertaken by all the organizations under the direction of the Council itself such as the Sunday Offering Program. After the Parish Pastoral Plan has been prepared, it will be submitted to the entire Council membership which is representa­ tive of all parish organizations for ratification and subsequent implementation. The various organizations have the freedom to refuse any project that the Council may ask them to undertake. It should be understood, however, that serious consideration be .given to such projects or proposals before they are rejected or turned down. Section 3. IMPLEMENTATION. — Implementation of the various projects of the Parish Pastoral Plan will be left to the organizations concerned. The Council, however, through its various standing com­ mittees, will coordinate their efforts and enlist the help of other organizations, when such help is required for the successful realiza­ tion of the project. Section 4. FUND RAISING — Fund raising to be undertaken by any organization shall be submitted to the Council for approval be­ fore it may be implemented in order to avoid simultaneous fund raising projects which will be a burden to the parishioners. It shall be the Council which shall determine priorities. Whenever its help is solicited, the Council will also enlist the help of other organiza­ tions for any approved fund raising project. Ten percent (10%) net of any funds raised, except those speci­ fically intended for parish construction, shall be given to the Council for its operating expenses and to enable it to carry out its various projects under the Parish Pastoral Plan. 494 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS ARTICLE IX AMENDMENT AND EFFECTIVITY Section 1. AMENDMENT — Any provisions of this Constitution may be amended by a two-third (2/3) vote of all the members of the Council present in the meeting at which the amendment is prepared. Section 2. EFFECTIVITY — This Constitution shall take effect upon approval of a majority of the entire Council. Approved this_____________ day of_____________, 19---Ratified this______________ day of_____________, 19__ (SGD.)_________________ (SGD.)___________________ Chairman, Constitutional Amendments President Members: (SGD.)_______________________ (SGD.) _ __ _ ___________________ (SGD.) __________________ Parish Priest September 8, 1977 — Feastday of Our Lady of Nativity Borongan Town Fiesta The Seventy-Ninth Day of Our Episcopacy In The Diocese of Borongan Eastern Samar (Sgd.) SINCERO B. LUCERO, D.D. Bishop of Borongan
Date Issued
Volume LII (Issue No. 585-586) August-September 1978