An act creating an additional municipality in the province of Masbate to be known as the municipality of Baluf, out of the municipality of Milagros


Part of Diario de Sesiones de la Legislatura Filipina

An act creating an additional municipality in the province of Masbate to be known as the municipality of Baluf, out of the municipality of Milagros
Diario de Sesiones dela Legistura Filipina 1 (88) November 6, 1926
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
LEGISLATURA FILIPINA 1951 El PRESIDENTE. Los _ que estén en contra, digan no. (Silencio.) Aprobado. Léase el Proyecto de Ley No. 626 de la Cámara. CREACIÓN DE UN NUEVO MUNICIPIO EN LA PROVINCIA DE MASBATE El CLERK DE Á.CTAS, leyendo: HOUSE BILL NO. 625 Untrodueed by Repre1entative :Marcaida) BXPLAJil'ATO&Y NOTB It is proposed in the attached bill to create !'º additional municipality in the Province of Masbate. It Wlll be form.ed out of these remote barrios now belonging to the municipality of Milagros and will be called the municipality of Balud. Said barrios are located in isolated regions about thirty kilometers from Milagros. There is no road connecting them with the población. The places lying between these barrios and Milagros are isolated and during rainy season are almost impassable. For these reasons the inhabitants of the barrios are not only deprived of a ready police protection and prompt municipal health service but also are rendered helpless to re~L~rt:at!\ii':h:i~!>t°~fe:~e ~~~ ~~nki;~ii%,ª1ofB:i::1~Í~i not only secure protection to life and property in Balud ªJ?.d nearby barrios but will also open the way toward a raptd development of the regions in the western pa.rt _of Mas~ate. In view of the above reasons the enclosed btll ts subm1tted to the House for approval. (Sgd.) EDUARDO MARCAIDA Representati1Je for Masba.te AN ACT CREATING AN ADDITIONAL MUNICIPALITY IN THE PROVINCE OF MASBATE, TO BE KNOWN AS THE MUNICIPALITY OF BALUD, OUT OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF MILAGROS. Be it ena.cted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authorit71 of the swme: SECTION l. A new municipality is hereby ereated in the Province of Masbate, to be called the municipality of Balud. The new municipality of Balud shall consist of the present barrios of Balud, Canomoy, Jintotolo, Jangan,. Mandaon, and Pulanduta, which are hereby declared separated from the municipality of Milagros in the same pr~v~nce,. The seat · of municipal government of the new mumc1pahty shall be at Balud. SEC. 2. The provisions of ·the Administrative Code and amendatory "acts thereto, in so far as they are applicable to regularly organized municipality, shall apply to the Government and operation of the municipality of Balud and to the election and appointment of the officers thereof. The municipal election for the new municipality of Balud shall be held at the next general election and, until the oflicials elected for the said municipality shall have qualified, the present organization of the municipality of Milagros shall continúe. SEC. 3. The funds and obligations and the property of the present municipality of Milagros shall, upon the es~blish­ ment of the new municipality of Balud, be distributed equitably between the two municipalities by the Insular Auditor. SEC. 4. The Act shall take effect on its approval. Approved, El PRESIDENTE. Tiene la palabra el Comité. Sr. TORRALBA. Si no hay objeción, pido.que el proyecto sea aprobado. · El PRESIDENTE. ¿Puede votarse el proyecto? La CÁMARA. Sí. El PRESIDENTE. Léase el título del proyecto. El CLERK DE ACTAS, leyendo: An Act creating an additional municiJ:?ality in the Province of Masbate, to be known as the munic1pality of Balud, out of the munieipality of Milagros. El PRESIDENTE. Los que estén en favor del proyecto, digan sí. La CÁMARA. Sí. El PRESIDENTE. Los que estén en contra, digan ·no. (Silencio.) Aprobado. Está en orden el Proyecto de Ley No. 1681 de la Cámara. CREACIÓN DE UN NUEVO MUNICIPIO EN LA PROVINCIA DE SURIGAO El CLERK DE ACTAS, leyendo: BOUSE BILL NO. 1681 ' [Introduced by Repreeent.ative Ortiz) The purpose of the attached bill is to reestablish the former munieipality of Tagana-an whieh has been in existence during the Spanish regime until the year 1906 when its territory was divided between the present municipalities of Surigao and Placer by the annexation of the barrio of San Jose and the sitios of Kabongbongan, Navago and Panalsalan to Surigao, and the barrios of Tagana-an, Talavera, Bamban, and Himamaug to Placer. The interest and welfare of these barrios demand that they be. organized as. in former times into one independent municipality. These barrios are very far from the municipalities of Surigao and Placer and the only means of communication is by sea, which is often times perilous. Due to their distance from either the municipality of Surigao or Placer the said barrios neglected and its was rare that the same were given any amount for publie works by the mother municipalities. It is for these reasons that the inhabitants of the above named barrios have always been clamoring for separation from the municipalities of Placer and Surigao and for their organiza¡tion into one independent municipality in order to be able to attend properly to their own aft'airs and interests and 'to do ali the improvements possible within their own territory. The proposed municiPa1ity·of Tagana-an has a population of four thousand peopte and counts with sufficient income :e:~in~l°p:e~:n~uf6eº1!ut:i~i;:ttl;i~!1":~0!~!i~::l b~ird~ with a plaza of one hectare in front, a concrete school building likewise with its corresponding plaza of one hectare, a muniCipal cemetery and a site near the bank of the river especially appropriate for a market, all of which are owned by the barrios of Tagana-an. Approval of this bill is urgently recoinmended. (Sgd.) MONTANO A. ÜRTIZ Representative for Suriga.o AN ACT TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF MUNICIPALITIES OF THE PROVINCE OF SURIGAO FROM SEVENTEEN TO EIGHTEEN, BY SEGREGATJ;NG FROM THE MUNICIPALITY OF SURIGAO THE BARRIO OF SAN JOSE AND THE SITIOS OF KABONGBONGAN, NAVAGO, AND PANALSALAN, AND FROM THE MUNICIPALITY OF PLACER, THE BARRIOS OF TAGANA-AN, TALAVERA, BAMBAN, AND HIMAMAUG, AND ORGANIZING THEM INTO AN INDEPENDENT MUNICIPALITY OF TAGANAAN, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representativcs of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same: SECTION l. The seventeen municipalities of the Province of Surigao as has already been estab1ished and organized shall in accordance with the provisions of this Act b.e increased to eighteen by separating the banio of San Jose and the sitios of Kabongbongan, Navago, and Panalsatan from the municipality of Surigao, and the barrios of Tagana:f• i'1~~~~~r~hf~m::~ ~~~~imoa;;::~e1 Jº: t~: ind~i~;~~l~~~ municipality of "Pagana-an," with a seat of municipal government in the barrio of Pagana-an. The municipality of Su