An act increasing the number of the municipalities of the province of Albay by the separation from the municipality of Pandan, Catanduanes, the Barrios of Caramoan, Hilacan, Tubli, Paniki, Bocon, Supang and Gitoma and providing for the organization of these barrios into an independent municipality of Rizal, and for other purposes


Part of Diario de Sesiones de la Legislatura Filipina

An act increasing the number of the municipalities of the province of Albay by the separation from the municipality of Pandan, Catanduanes, the Barrios of Caramoan, Hilacan, Tubli, Paniki, Bocon, Supang and Gitoma and providing for the organization of these barrios into an independent municipality of Rizal, and for other purposes
Diario de Sesiones dela Legistura Filipina 1 (88) November 6, 1926
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
LEGISLA TURA FILIPINA 1949 Mr. MARCOS. Do I understand also that no construction can be undertaken by the Bureau of Public Works without any law appropriating the amount necessary? Mr. NEPOMUCENO. Yes, sir. El l'RESIDENTE. ¿Puede pasar el proyecto a tercera lectura? , · La CÁMARA. Sí. El PRESIDENTE. Léase el título. El CLERK DE ACTAS, leyendo: Ley que establece el periodo durante el cual se puede pagar el costo de construcción o reconstrucción de los sistemas de riego ya construidos .por el Gobierno o que en adelante se construyan. El PRESIDENTE. Los que estén en favor del proyecto, tal como ha quedado enmendado, digan si. La CÁMARA. Sí. El PRESIDENTE. Los que estén en contra, digan no. (Silencio.) Aprobado, SUSPENSIÓN DE LA SESIÓN Se sus:Pende la sesión por algunos minutos. REANUDACIÓN DE LA SESIÓN Se reanuda la sesión. El PRESIDENTE. De conformidad con la Orden Especial No. 67, está en orden ahora el estudio del Proyecto de Ley No. 1342 de la Cámara. Mr. MARCOS. Mr. Speaker, in view of the probability that the Governor-General will veto bilis of this nature, I move that the consideration of this bill be postponed until the next session. El PRESIDENTE. ¿Hay alguna objeción a esta moción? (Silencio.) ·La Mesa no oye ninguna. Aprobada. Está en orden el Proyecto de Ley No. 1616 de la Cámara. Léase el proyecto. El CLERK DE ACTAS, leyendo: CREACIÓN DE UN NUEVO MUNICIPIO EN LA PROVINCIA DE ALBAY HOUSE BILL NO. 1616 [lntroduced by Repreaentative Perfecto (F. A.)J ThÍs bill seeks to reestablish the old municipality of Ca· ramoran. All the barrios herein named and the territory which \bey occupy were once an independent municipality before they were fused to the municipality of Pandan. For more than ten years tbe inhabitants of these barrios worked for their independence. Their struggle, however, failed to make a response from the constituted authorities. The economic, social and political conditions of these barrios and their distance from tbe present seat of the government of the municipality of Pandan, require tbat tbese barrios should be a municipality by themselves. The welfare of the inhabitants and the collection of the revenues from tbese barrios are more . or less neglected. The undersigned believes, and the inhabitants of the said barrios also believe, that tbe creation of this new municipality would very greatly improve their conditions and will facilitate the collection of the revenues of the government. They are conscious of the coming respori.sihilities of their independent government. The new municipality of Rizal will have more than 6,000 inhabitants and an income of not less than IP5,000. The probable expenses will be about P.2,000 thereby leaving the sum of !P3,000 which may be i1tvested for improvements and other local necessities. They have a cemetery. The organization of this municipality will not aff'ect tbe political organization of the municipality of Pa~dan except the proportional reduction in territory and revenues. An immediate approval of this bill is, therefore, eamestly prayed for. (Sgd.) FRANCISCO A. PERPECTO Representative, Second District, Alba.y · AN ACT INCREASING THE NUMBER OF THE !\!U. ~~cf;Jit'iI~JfiAJ>f TriiE F~g~v~11ff ~ÓNib~~!L ITY OF PANDAN, CATANDUANES, THE BARRIOS OF CARAMORAN, HILACAN, TUBLI, PANIKI, BOCON, SUPANG, AND G!TOMA AND PROVIDING FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THESE BARRIOS INTO AN INDEPENDENT MUNICIPALITY OF RIZAL, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES;. Be i!/~h;tpth/íJ:,r!:s 8inn°i:u"1~t!':'::s:fnbfeT:::rt,;,ti;:; authority of the same: SECTION 1. The twenty-two municipalities of the Pr.ovince of Albay, as established and organized, shall in accordance with the provisions of this Act, be increased to twenty-three, ;~i:f,ªB~~~:, ~~pa~~1:1"~~d 0~i~::f~~:1· tl!n:~:Ícii1~\t~ of Pani;lan, C:atanduanes, which are hereby organized as an independent municipality of "Rizal" with a seat of the municipal government in the barrio of Supang. The municipality of Pandan shall consist of its present territory minus the territory comprised in the barrios of Hilacan, Caramoran, Tubli, Paniqui, Bocon, Supang, and Gitoma. The municipality of Rizal shall consist of tbe territory comprised in the barrios above mentioned. SEC. 2. The elective municipal officials of the newly organized municipality of Rizal shall, as soon as this act is approved, be appointed by the Governor-General with the consent of the Senate, ·upon the recommendation of the Provincial Board of Albay .and shall hold o:flice untill tbeir ~h~c;::~Ísi:~~ ~fly th~e~:ctÍ~: t~~~fie~~~ ~~c;::~tlo:1~ the municipality of Rizal shall not aff'ect the political organization of the municipality of Pandan and its present municipal officials shall continue tbeir offices, until their successors are duly elected and qua1ified in accordance with law. SEC. 3. All "the provisions of the Administrative Code as amended and which are applicable to the regularly organ~d municipalities shall be applicable to the new municipality of Rizal. SEC. 4. The funds and obligations, as well as the properties belonging to the municipality of Pandan and to tb.e new municipality of Rizal, shall be distributed, equitably between both munieipalities in the form and manner that may be recommended by the Insular Auditor approved by the Governor-General. SEC. 5. This Act shaU take eff'ect on its approval. Approved, El PRESIDENTE. Tiene la palabra el Comité. . Mr. TORRALBA. If there is no objection I move that the bill be approved. El PRESIDENTE. ¿Puede votarse el proyecto? La CÁMARA. Sí. • El PRESIDENTE. Léase el título del proyecto. El CLERK DE ACTAS, leyendo: An Act incr"easing the number of the · municipalities of the Province of Albay, by the separation from the municipality of Pandan, Catanduanes, the barrios of Caramoran, Hilacan, Tubli, Paniki, Bocon, Supang, and Gitoma and providing for the organization of these barrios into an independent municipality of Rizal, and for other purposes. El PRESIDENTE. Los que estén en favor del proyecto, digan sí. La CÁMARA. Sí. 1950 DIARIO DE SESIONES El PRESIDENTE. Los que estén en contra, digan no. (Silencio.) Aprobado. Está en orden el Proyecto de Ley No. 1650 de la Cámara. Léase el proyecto. CREACIÓN DE UN NUEVO MUNICIPIO EN LA P¡tOVINCIA DE CEBÚ El CLERK DE ACTAS, leyendo: BOUSE BILL NO. 1650 [lutrodueed b7 Repreeenta.tive Gullas] This bill is but the reelection and erystalization of the wishes of the inhabitants of Santa Rosa, Kaubian, Pangan-an, Caojagan and Sulpa islands which are :ftung in the middle of the ocean midWay between Cebu and Bohol and far from the mainland of Cebu and the mainland of Mactan. The reasons behind the bill are various. GEOGRAPBICAL. The islands of Santa Rosa, Kaubian, and their tieighboring and sister islands are over ten miles distant from the mainland of Opon. The wide stretch of water that separates said islands from Opon works a terrible hardship on the inhabitants of said islands. During stormy weatber tbeir lot becomes very hard indeed. Tbere is no steamboat or even a launch that periodically ·comes to said islands. Tbe barrios in said islands are almost isolated and out of from the poblaci6n of Opon. ECONOMICAL. The proposed municipality of Lapulapu has a sufficient number of inhabitants and extent of territory and taxable property necessary to constitute an independent municipality. It has an approximate area of 700 bectares. lts population is approximately 6,000. It has a taxable property worth 'P'lll,180. At present, about 'PS,000 are collected from tbe inhabitants of said islands as real property and personal taxes, internal revenue collections from tuba, weights and measures, cockpits, dealers, ftsberies, private markets, and otber municipal licenses. No INSULAR DEBTS. Another good reQson tbat entitles the said islands to form themselves into an independent municipality is that the present municipality of Opon owes notbing to the Insular Government. Tbe only debt it. owes is 'P'4,500 to tbe Province of Cebu. FINANCIAL STANDING OF OPON. Still another strong reason that justiftes the constitution of an independent municipality of those islands is found in the fact that the municipality of Opon has an annual gross \ncome of about ,.30,000 general fund and 'P'l0,000 school fund. The Muncipal Council of Opon indorses the idea behind this bill, by its Resolution No. 30, series 1926, of June 13, 1926. The following is the yearly groas income of the municjpality of Opon from 1911-1925: y..,, 1911 .... . 1912 ......... . 1913 •............................. 1914 ............................. . 1916 ... : ............ . 1916 .... . 1917 1918 1919 • 1920 ----·---·---·--1921 .................... . 1922 ............................. . 1923 ······························ 1924 ............................. . 1926 ··········•··················· General Fund Pl0,536.78 10,326.44 8,560.79 9,269.56 10,404.50 10,409.63 13,774.87 16,621.08 18,204.67 20,021.45 I9,864.12 21,272.61 22,278.80 26,475.24 29,240.28 1 Record not available. School Fund '1"3,052.81 2,780.83 3,164.48 2,664.49 3,072.39 2,366.18 (') (') (') 6,631.43 4,787.63 s,517.47 7,920.18 8,617.62 . 10,374.97 PnESENT FACILITIES. There are two big barrios, Santa Rosa and Tiñgo, any one of which can be the seat or tbe capital of the municipality. They have the necessary men capable of taking over the administration of the affairs of the proposed municipality. MATTER OF JuSTICE. Santa Rosa or Oañgo group of is. ~~:O:easa/º: :::i~ci~~li;1~~til ~;¿~~!\e:n itin;~ef~:: with the municipality of Opon. Cordova· had likewise been a municipality; but like Santa Rosa, was fused with the municipality of Opon. But in 1913, Cordova got back its municipal independence. Santa Rosa did not. , Cordova is right in the mainland, on the islands of Mactan, but a few kilometers from the poblaei6n of Opon. On the other hand, a wide gulf separates Santa Rosa, and tbe adjacent islands from the mainland of Mactan. So Santa Rosa and her sister islands and barrios have better reasons !bebfu~;cd=!~u¿:~~::Otb~Y ib:ií~~~eh!cr~~~~!.1'~!~~u~~i;:r independence. (Sgd.) PAULINO GULLAS Revresentative, Second District, Cebu AN ACT TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF MUNICIPALITIES OF THE PROVINCE OF CEBU FROM FIFTYTWO TO FIFTY-THREE BY SEPARATING FROM THE MUNICIPALITY OF OPON THE ISLANDS OF SANTA ROSA, KAUBIAN, PANGAN-AN, CAOJAGAN, AND SULPA AND ORGANIZING THEM INTO AN INDEPENDENT MUNICIPALITY TO BE CALLED AS. THE "MUNICIPALITY OF LAPULAPU," AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o/ Representatives ':fut~ri'f:ii!1~":s8::n,8~egislature assembled -and by the SECTION l. The number of municipality of the Province of Cebu is hereby increased from ñfty-two to fifty-three by separating from the municipality of Opon, the Islands of Santa Rosa, Kaubian, Pangan-an, Caojagan, and Sulpa together with all the barrios ·in the said islands, which are hereby organized as an independent municipality to be known as the "Municipality of Lapulapu," with a aeat of municipal government in the barrio of Santa Rosa, !stand of ·Santa Rosa. The Municipality of Opon shall consist of its present territory, lesa the teITitory comprised by the Islands of Santa Rosa, Kaubian, Pangan-an, Caojagan, and Sulpa. SEC. 2. Ali tbe ·provisions of the Administrative Code, as amended, which are applicable to the regularly organized municipalities, shall govern the new municipality of Lapulapu. SEC. 3. The funda and obligations as well as the properties that pertain to the municipality of Opon shall be equitably distributed between both municipalities of Opon and Lapulapu in the form and manner recommended by the Insular Auditor and approved by the Governor-General. SEC. 4. The elected municipal officials of the newly or- · ganized municipality of Lapulapu shall be appointed, as soon as this Act shall have been approved, by the GovernorGeneral with the consent of the Philippine Senate upan the ·recommendation of the Provincial Board of Cebu and shall hold office until their successors are duly elected and qualified in accordance with the Election Law. SEc. 6. The organization of the municipality of Lapulapu shall not affect the political organization of the municipality of .Opon, and its present municipal officials shall continue to hold their offices until their successors shall ha.Ye duly qualified. SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect on its approval. Approved, El PRESIDENTE. Tiene la palabra el Comité. Sr. GULLAS. Si no hay objeción pido que el proyecto sea aprobado. El PRESIDENTE. ¿Puede votarse el proyecto 7 La CÁMARA. Sí. El PRESIDENTE. Léase el título del proyecto. El CLERK DE ACTAS, leyendo : An Act to increase the number of municipalities .of the Province of Cebu from fifty-two to fifty-three by separating from the municipality of Opon the Islands of Santa Rosa, Kaubian, Pangan-an, Caojagan, and Sulpa and organizing them into an independent municipality to be called as the "Municipality of Lapulapu," and for other pu,rposes. El PRESIDENTE. Los que estén en favor del proyecto. digan sí. La CÁMARA. Sí.