Informe De Comite No. 349


Part of Diario de Sesiones de la Legislatura Filipina

Informe De Comite No. 349
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
1580 DIARIO DE SESlONES Octubre 19, 1927 SEÑOR PRESIDENTE: Se me ha o"rdenado que ponga en conocimiento de ese Honorable Cuerpo que la ·Cámara de Representantes aprobó el 18 de octubre de 1927, el siguiente Proyecto de Ley No. 8056 de la misma, respecto al cual se solicita el eoncurso del Senado: "Ley concediend_o a Pedro Giron, un privilegio para instalar, explotar y mantener en el municipio de Silang, provincia de Cavite, Islas Fili:einas, un sistema de alumbrado, calefacción y potencia eléctricos." Muy respetuosamente, (Fdo.) R. GONZÁLEZ LLDBET Secretario, Cámi.ara de Representantes Al Honorable PRESIDENTE DEL SENADO._ El PRESIDENTE INTERINO. Al Comité de Bancos. Corporaciones y Franquicias. Octubre 19, 1927 SEÑOR PRESIDENTE: Se me ha ordenado que ponga en conocimiento de ese ~ºf8rd:1:c~b~~Pde qf ;2~~ e?~'f:Ui:nt: :::;::~n~n~s!fu~i~ Concurrente No. 77 de la misma, respecto al cual se solicita el concurso del Senado: "Resolución concurrente disponiendo que la Oficina de Ciencias haga los estudios necesarios para el exterminio del "bud-rot," con el fin de hallar otro remedio que no sea la destrucción del árbol de coco y someta su informe del resultado de sus estudios en o antes de la apertura del Primer Período .de Sesiones de la Octava Legislatura Filipina." Muy respetuosamente, (Fdo.) R. GONZÁLEZ LLORET Secretario, Cámara de Representantes Al Honorable PRESIDENTE DEL SENADO. El PRESIDENTE INTERINO. Al Comité de Agricultura y Recursos Naturales. Octutwe 19, 1927 SEÑOR PRESIDENTE: Se me ha ordenado que ponga en conocimiento de ese Honorable Cuerpo que la Cámara de Representantes, el 18 de octubre de 1927, ap1·obó sin enmienda el Proyecto de Ley No. 521 del Senado, titulado: "An Act extending the time within which the appropriations made in section one, paragraphs ee-1 and ee-4 of Act Numbered Thirty-two hundred and fifty-eight may be expended." Muy respetuosamente, (Fdo.) R. GONZÁLE LLORET Secretcu·io, Cámara de Representantes Al Honorable PRESIDENTE DEL SENADO. El PRESIDENTE INTERINO. Al Archivo. Octub1·e 20, 1927 SEÑOR PRESIDENTE: Se me ha ordenado que ponga en conocimiento de ese Honorable Cuerpo que la Cámara de Representantes, el 19 de octubre de 1927, aceptó las enmiendas del Senado al Proyecto de Ley No. 3190 de la misma, titulado: tri~~~n 1~~ -~e::~~~~z~nfB~~n::~.r.esentative Election DisMuy respetuosamente, (Fdo.) GONZÁLEZ LLORET Secretatrio, Cámara de Representantes At Honorable PRESIDENTE DEL SENADO. El PRESIDENTE INTERINO. Al Archivo. PETICIONES Resolución del Concejo Municipal de San Nicolás, !locos Norte, adhiriéndose al proyecto de ley que fija en los meses de junio y julio de cada año las vacaciones grandes en tas escuelas públicas. El PRESIDENTE INTERINO. Al Comité de Instrucción Pública. Resolución del Concejo Municipal de Caittilan; Surigao, adhiriéndose a los proyectos de ley presentados por el Re~~~~~~¡:.te Ortiz, referente a ciertas mejoras para dicha El PRESIDENTE INTERINO. Al Comité de Comercio y Comunicaciones. INFORME DE COMITf NO. 349 SEÑOR PRESIDENTE: El Comité de Navegación al cual se trasladó el 5 de noviembre de 1926, el Proyecto de Ley No. 1784 de la Cámara de Representantes, titulado: "An Act to provide for marine examination and for other purposes," lo ha examinado y tiene el honor de devolverlo informado al Senado con la recomendación siguiente:. Suprimase todo lo que viene después de la cláusula promulgatoria e insértese en su lugar lo siguiente: SECTION l. S.ection eleven hundred and eighty-four of the Administrative Code as amended by Acts Numbered twentyeight hundred and ftfty-two and Thirty-one hundred and seventy-seven is hereby further amended to read as follows: "SEC. 1184. Organization of the Board of Marine E,;aminers.-There shall be maintained in the Btireau· of Customs at Manila an Office of Ma1-ine E:r:aminers which a-hall be occupied and u.sed by the Board of Mcwine E:r:aminers for Deck Ojficers and the Boa1·d of Examiners for Engineer Officersthe former to consist of three master marinera and the latter of three chief engineers. The members of the two boards above-mentioned shall be appointed by the Secretary of Finance within not mor~ than one month be/ore each ca,ll and shall automatically cease. upon submission of their certifi,ed repo1·t, under oath, of the result of the e:r:amination. The Insular Collector of Customs shalt appoint, with the apj>roval of the Secretary of Finance, an ofticer or employee of the Bureau of Customs to act as Secretary of the Boarda of Marine Examiners. lt shall be tM duty of the Secreta;ry to record, take charge of, and keep all p-i:oceedings, documenta, and other 'fJapers of the Boarda of Marine E:r:aminers to pass 1u~J!s ª'!Jlfk:t~~e{°:r11"':tri;;n:~a;n=:~s::ite sr,f ~o!~~6: tion with marine e:r:aminations other than as a marim exa,miner. Provided, That no master ma.rimr or chie/ engineer shall ~e qualifi,ed for appointment upon any Board of Marine E:t:aminers who sha.ll belong to the qualified Civil Servic.e. or to tlu facu.lty of or have any interest or connection with any nautical school or college training candidates for marine e:t"am.inations, either privately or publicly." SEC. 2. Section eleven hundred eighty-five of the Adminis. trative Code as amended by Act Numbered thirty-one hun~ dred and seventy-seven is hereby further amended· to read as follows: "SEC. 1185. Functions of the Boards.-It shall be the duty of said Boards o/ Marine Examiners to conduct m<wine examinations of persons applying for certiñcates as deck or engineer officers under the provisions hereof, to impose corrective measures in connection with such e:r:aminations as ma.y be necessary, and to certify under oath the successful candidates in such examinations for certificate as master, mate, marine engineer, motor engineer, or patron, as the case may be." ist~::Í~:·!o~~tl~nh:!:b;n a~~~~~d t~i~:!~-~~f0}1~;~~ Admin"SEC. 1189. E;llamtination into moo·al and te.chnical qual~ fications of applicants.-Except as otherwise specially provided, an applicant for a marine certificate shall be required ·to undergo a technical exammination on the subjects hereinafter stated. To obtain a certificate he must show a proficiency in the subjects upon which he is examined and shall answer correctly at least seventy-five per cent of the questions propounded to him.· It shall be' the duty of the Boards of Marine Examiners to make a thorough inquiry into the character of the applicant and to consider the evidence he presents in support of his application and such other rele· vant evidence as the Boards shall deem proper. In this connection the Boards may consider the statement, written or oral, of any person cognizant of the qualifications of the applicant1 and may, in its discretion, require the production of the sh1ps' journais and logbooks for inspection. . "The Board of Examiners for deck offi.cers in examining an applicant for a certificate as master or mate shall inquire .into bis knowiedge of seamanship and navigation in its LEGISLATURA FILIPINA 1581 various branches, bis capacity and skill in the lading and :ii1ª::~:r ºi~~~:d;d ~~ichi!1n~~º\~::d ª1:~i~0 v~sfrh~gh;h::i~ possess in ord,er to properly perform bis duties as master or mate. "An applicant for the certificate as patron in the major coastwise trade shall prove to the satisfacfilon of the Board that he possesses the know1edge necessary for navigating in ali the Philíppine seas. · "An applicant for .certifica te as patron in the li.mited coastwise trade shall be required to show to the Board that he possesSes practical knowledge for navigating on the limited Waters for which he request.s a certificate. "An applicant for admission to the examination as patron for harbor, bay, lake, and river shall produce to the eVldence, satis~actory to it, showing that he possesses the lmowledge necessary for navigating in the harbor, bay, lake, and river for whiCh he seeks a certificate. "The Board of Examiners for Engineer Officers in examining an application for a certificate as marine engineer shall inquire into bis theoretical and practical knowledge of the operation and repair of ali classes of marine machinery; also into bis practical experience, character, and habits, and the Board may, in its discretion, make such practica} tests and examination of the applicant as it may deem necessary to demonstratc his fitness for the pi;isition for which he seeks a certificate. "The Board in cxamining an applicant for certificate as ntotor engineer shall inquire into his theoretical and practical knowledge in the operation and 1·epair of internal combustion cngines bis practical experience, character, and ha bits, as the Board may believe that he should possess in order to prope1·ly perform hi8 duties as such motor engineer. • 0The exam~nations shall be theoretical and practica} for ma.ste1·s, mates, marine engineers, motor enginee1·s, a.nd major pa.trons, and practical only for mino1· pa.frons, bay, 1-iver, and lake patrons, and bay, river, and lake motor engineers. Theoretical e:rantinatiom sha,ll be made in writing. Practica! exa,minations míl!J¡ be made omlly. There shall be an extensive permanent schedule of subjects prepared for each certificate, which shall not be modified or extended within six montha' notice imnnediately befo1·e the holding of such examination. The examination papers shall not be signed and the authors thereof shall be identified by means of slips enclosed in envelopes which shall not be opened until a/ter the ratings have been given. In orde1· to determine the general a11e1·age of eaclt candidate such oral examination a.a in the opinion o/ the Boards may be necessary shall be conducted in the presence of aU the members of the corresponding Boru·d, but no rating above twenty per cent shall be given to any oral examination. The schedule and regulations by which 111arine examinations are to be governed shall be promulgated by the Secretary of Finance, and for thi.s purpose he shall from time to time a8 may be necessary and convenient appO'int a committee to study, reví.se, and pi·epare such schedule and 1·egulations. Marine exaniina.tions · shall be held nearly during the month of April at the p1wt of Manila. The da.te of examinations to be determined by the Chafrman of each Board and approved by the Sec·retary of Finan.ce.'' SEC. 5. Section eleven hundred ninety of the Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 1190. Reservation in favor of American Office1·s.The holder of AN UNEXPIRED LICENSE as master. mate or engineer o/ ai¡.y ocean issued under the laws of the United States shall be entitled to obtain a certificate of the same grade in the Philippine Islands without being subject to the requirements HEREINABOVE SPECIFIED other than the physical examination and the payment of the required fees.'' SEC. 6. Section eleven hundred ninety-one of the Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 1191. Qua.lifications reqUired of cundidatefi" for master, mate and pafron.-Besides the physical cxmnination and other evidence relative to habits ami charactei· herein required, candidates for master, 1'1iade, and patron, shall have the following qualifications: "(a) Master: An applicant for a certificate as master shall be not less than twenty-five years of age at the time of filing bis application, and shall pi-oduce to the -Board :v~~~~~~;a;~~~:rf:Ythi: ci!p:~~;i~f fi~~~t n!1:teh~it~er;r~~~c ti.cate as such, ONE YEAR OF WHICH SHALL BE ON VESSELS OF NOT LESS THAN FIVE HUNDRED GROSS TONS. m:~! b !h~:r~r:O!:: t~0th~p~~C:rdt :~fde~c~~r~!ti~}~c~~;r~ it, showing that he has served on a seagoing vessel in the capacity of second mate, with p. certificate as such, for at least one year. " (e) Second mate: An applicant for cetj;ificate as second mate shall produce to the Board evidence, satisfactory to it, showing that he has served on a seagoing vessel in the capacity of third mate, with a certificate as such, for at least one year. "(d) Third mate: An applicant for a certificate as third mate shall be not less than nineteen years of age and shall produce a certifica te of graduation from the Philippine N autical School or FROM ANY OTHER officially 'flecognized nautical school a/ter hcivinU _ completed the second year high school or its equivalent, and sha,ll further be requü-ed to p1·esent to :::v:t::~d a':~~!:iJ~!istz':t~:1o!':s~;,,i~7º;'!fte~::r,~ sailor at leaat eighteen montha in a seagO'ing sailing vessel, 01· at least twenty-fom· montha in a sea.going steam or motor vessel. MAJOR PATRONS WHO ON THE APPROVAL OF THIS ACT WERE ACTING AS MASTERS ON VESSELS OF ONE HUNDRED TONS OR OVER MAY APPLY FOR EXAMINATION FOR A THIRD MATE'S CERTIFICATE AFTER TWO YEARS OF SUCH SERVJCE. Provided, That apprentice ma.tes who a1·e actually navigating as such on or 'f)rior to the approval of thi8 Act sha.ll be required 00 present to the Board evidence, satisfactory to it, shoWing that he has successfully pa,ssed the secomi year high school or its equivalent in any recognized school, and tkat he has shipped or acted as 'agregado' or 'piloto' for at least fJwo years on a seagoing vessel. "(e) Patron: In order to be admitted to e:ica·mination for patron in the majo1· coastwise trade, the applicant shall be at least twenty-five years of age and shall produce to the Board a certificate, satisfactory to it, showing that he has passed the intermedia;te school or its equivalent in an officially recognized school and that he has navigated in the major coastwise trade as boatswain, quartermaster, sailor, or ªPP1"entice on a seagoing vessel navigating in the Philippines coastwise trade of not less than two hundred fifty tons gross for a period of at least five years, or that he has navigated as patron 01• mate in the coastwise trade with a certifica.te o¡. niinor patron for at least three years. "An applicant for admission to the examination for patron in the minor coastwise trade shall be not less than twentythree years of age, and shall produce to the Board evidence, · satisfactory to it, showing that he has PASSED THE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL OR ITS EQUIVALENT IN AN OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED SOHOOL AND THAT HE HAS navigated on a SEAGOING vessel of thirty gross tons or over for a period of not less than years as boatswain or quartermaster or sailor. An applicant for admission to the examination as patron for harbor, bay, lake, and river shall be at least twentythree years of age, mmt know how to read and w1-ite English, Spanish, or any local dialect, and shall p1·oduce to the Board evidence, satisfactory to it, showing that he has navigated ON BOARD OF a vessel or launch of th1·ee tons 01· ove1· for a pe1-iod of not less than years as quartermaster or sailor.'' SEC. 7. Section eleven hundred ninety-two of the Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as fo110'Ws: "SEC. 1192. Qualifications required of candidates for the C<Wtificate as engineer.-BESIDES THE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION AND OTHER EVIDENCE RELATIVE TO MORAL QUALIFICATIONS HEitEIN REQUJRED, CANDIDATES /01· marine and moto1· engineers shall have the following qualifications: "Marine engineers: ''(a) Chief engineer: An applicant for certificate as chief · enginee rshall be not less than twenty-five years of age at the time of filing ..bis application and shall be required to produce to the Board evidence, satisfactory to it, showing ~·~~~N~8:n~~~e:~. ~ith ~e~;~!flea~e~~e~u!h, t¡oer ':fi:!!~ two years. " ( b) SECOND engineer: An applicant for certifica te as SECOND engineer shall be required to produce to the Board evidence, satisfactory to it, showing that he has served on a seagoing stearner in the capacity of THIRD engineer, with a certifica te as such for at least one year. " (e) 'DHIRD engineer: An applicant for certifica te as '11HIRD engineer shall be required to produce to the Board evidence, satisfactory to it, showing that he has served · on 1582 DIARIO DE SESIONES a seagoing stearner in the capacity of FOURTH engineer, with a certificate as such, for at least one year. ( d) FOURTH engineer: An applicant for certifica te as FOURTH engineer shall be at least nineteen years of age at the time of filing bis applications and shall produce. to the Board evidence, satisfactory to it, showing that he has passed the second year high school course or its equivalent, or has graduated from an offi.cially recognized marine engineers' school and that he has serv0 ed at least six monthB on a seagoing moto1· vessel and eighteen months on a seagoing steam vessel a,s apprentice engineer, machinist, or oiler, after having served two years in a marine shop as a,pprentice or fitte-r (operario). Provided. That apprentice marine engineers who are actual~ navigating as such on 01· prior to the ap~ proval o/ this Act, are 1·equired to preaent to the Board evidence, satisfa,ctory to it, showing that he has pa8sed the prima.1'11 school or ITS equiva,lent in an officially recognized school, and that he has served on steam launches or vesse]s as agregado, OILER or fi.reman for at least two years- and has worked for two years in a machine shop as operative and he must be ast least nineteen years of age. Sec. Act No. 3177 sec. 4. "Motor engineers: "(a) Chie/ motor engineers: An applicant for certifica.te as chief motor engine_er shall not be leas than twenty-five years of at the time of filing hi8 application and shall produce to the Board evidence, satisfactory to it, showing that he has se1-ved on a seagoing vessel in the capacity of SECOND motor engineer with a certifica.te as such for at least two years. (b) SECOND motor engineer: An applicant for certifica.te as SECOND motor engineer shall produce to the Board evidence~ sati.sfactory to it, showing that he has served on a seagoing vessel in the capacity of THmD :motor engineer with a certifica.te as such for at l·east one year. "(e) Tamo motor engineer: An applicant for certificate as THIRD motor engineer shall produce to the Board evidence, satisfactory to it, showing that he has served on a seagoing vessel in the capacity of FOURTB motor engineer with a certificate as such for at least one year: Pro-vided, That t.tht:ey:o;:rh1'::;~:,,e:8J~~~!~~y~%evV:t1:a;1se~e ~1::t":e~~ tijicates for the grades held as of N'ovember twenty-fowHh itineteen hundred and twenty-fom·. Such certifica.te shaU "be· obtained not la.ter than December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and TWENTY-EIGHT. "(d) Ba:y, ri.ver, and lake motor engineer: An applicant for certificate as bay, river, and lake motor engineer must be at least ninettien yea1·s of age, must kn.ow how to read and write Spani8h, English, or any local dialect, and shall produce to the Board evidence~ satis.factory to it, showing that he has served on a seagoing motor vessel in the capacity o/ oü.er, machinist 01· apprentice moto1· engineer for at least two years after ha'Ving worked as apprentice mechanic or fitter in a marine shop for at lectst one year." SEC. 8. An additional section to be known as section eleven hundred ninety-two and one-half is hereby inserted into the Administrative · Code to read as foUows: "SEC. 1192§. Adm1'ssion fees.-Applicants for marine e:eaminations must pay the following admission fees: "Fo1· master, chie/ mm-ine engineer and chie/ moto1· engineer, fifteen pesos. , · "FOR FIRS'J' HA.TES, SECOND MARINE AND MOTOR ENGINEERS AND MAJOR PATRONS, TEN, PESOS. "FOR MATES, THIRD AND FOURTH MARINE AND MOTOR ENGINEERS AND MINOR PATRONS, SEVEN PESOS FIFTY CENTAVOS. FOR RIVER, BAY AND LAXE PATRONS AND MOTOR ENGINEERS, FIVE PESOS." SEC. 9. Section eleven hund'ed ninety-three of the Administrative Code is hereby amended to read !J.S follows: "SEC. 1193. Certification of applicants.-If the boards of Marine Examiners shall fi.nd that the experience, habits and character of an applicant are such as to warrant the belief that he can safe]y be entrusted with the duties and responsibility of the po"sition for which he makes application, and that the applicant has in other respecta comp1ied with the requirements hereof, it shall so certify and thereupon issue an appropriate certifi.cate." SEC. 10. Section eleven hundred ninety-four of the Administrative Cede is hereby amended. to read ·as follows: "SEC. 1194. Issuance of certificates.-(a) Candidates fo'r mate or master having passed the requisite examinations shall be entitled to have the proper certificate issued to them which shall entitle them to na viga te IN ANY OCEAN. "(b) CANDIDATES FOR PATRON IN TBE MAJOR COASTWISE TRADE HAVING PASSED THE REQU1SITE EXAMINATIONS SHALL BE ENTITLED TO HAVE THE PROPER CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO TBmt AUTHORIZING THEM TO NAVIGATE IN" TBE PBILIPPINE COASTWISE TRADE. "(e) CANDIDATES FOR PATRON IN THE MINOR COASTWISE TRADE HAVING PASSED THE REQUISITE EXAMIN:A.TION SHALL BE ENTITLED TO HAVE THE PROPER CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO THEM WHICH SBALL AUTHORIZE THEM TO NAVIGATE UPON THE SEAS, HARBORS, BAYS, RIVERS, OR LAKES FOR WHICH TilEY BAVE SHOWN PROFICIENCY AND A TBOROUGH PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGt. º(d) CANDIDATES FOR MARINE ENGINEERS HAVING PASSED THE REQUISITE EXAMINATIONS.SHALL BE ENTITLED TO HAVE TBE PROPER CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO TBEll WHICH SHALL AUTHORIZE THEM TO NAVIGATE AS SUCH ENGINEERS ON VESSELS o:F ANY TONNAGE PROPELLED BY ANY KIND OF MACHINERY. . "(e) CANDIDATES FOR MOTOR ENGINEERS BAVING PASSED THE REQUISITE EXAllJNATIONS SHALL BE ENTITLED TO HAVE THE PROPER CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO THEM WBICH SBALL AUTHORIZE THEM TO A<Yr AS SUCB MOTOR ENGJNEERS ON VESSELS OF ANY TONNAGE PROPELLED BY JNTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES ALL CERTIFICATES AS MASTER, MATE, OR ENGINEER IN THE COASTWISE TRADE EXISTING BEFORE THIS ACT BECAME EFFECTIVE ISSUED BY THE INSULAR COl.t,LECTOR OF CUSTOMS, SHALL ENTITLE THE HOLDERS OF SUCH CERTIFICATES TO BAVE TBEM EXCHANGED FOR CERTIFlCATES OF THE SAME CATEGORY TO NAVIGATE ON ALL SEAS WlTHOUT THE NECESSITY OF FURTHER REQUIREMENTS, EXCEPT THE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION, EVIDENCE AS TO CHARACTER, AND THE FEES AS REREINAFTER PROVIDED. 11THE PRESENT HOLDERS OF LICENSES AS PATRONS ON ~S, BA YS, RIVERS, OF LAKES, WlTH THE RIGHT TO COMMAND VESSELS OF LESS THAN ONE HUNDRED TONS, SHALL BE. ENTITLED TO :&"AVE SAID LICENSES EXCBANGED FOR CERTIFICATES AS PATRONS IN THE MINOR COASTWISE TRADE, WHICB SHALL AUTHORIZE THEM TO ACT AS MASTERS ON STEAMSHlPS OR SAILING VESSELS OF LESS THAN ONE BUNDRED GROSS TONS 0-N THE SEAS, RIVERS, AND LAKES WHERE THEY HAVE ACQUIRED THEIR EXPERIENCE; AND THE PRESENT HOLDERS OF LICENSES AS PATRONS ON VESSELS OF FROM ONE HUNDRED TO ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE GROSS TONS AND FROM TWO HUNDRED TO TWO HUNDRED ANJ> FIFI'Y GROSS TONS SHALL BE ENTITLED TO HAVE SAID LICENSES EXCHANGED FOR CERTIFICATES, THE FORMER AS PATRON IN TBE MINOR COASTWISE TRADE, AND THE LATTER AS PATRON IN 'I'BE MAJOR COASTWISE TRADE, WHICH CERTIFICATES SHALL AUTBORIZE THEll TO ACT AS MAS'Í'ERS ON SAILING VESSELS OR STEAMSBlPS OF THE SAME TONNAGE ON WHICH THEY ARE NOT ENTITLED TO NAVIGATE, ON THE SAME SEAS OR PARTS OF THE SEA ON WBICH THEY ARE N'<>T AUTHORIZED TO DO SO. "ANY PERSON HOLDING A LICENSE AS RIVER AND BARBOR ENGINEER SHALL BE ENTITLED TO HAVE SAID LICENSES EXCHANGED FOR A CERTIFICATE AS FOURTH ENGINEER, WHICB SHALL ENTITLE HIM TO PROMOTION UPON EXAMINATION, AS HEREINBEFORE PROVIDED IF HE IS DULY QUALIFIED. AND PERSONS HOLDING LICENSES AS CBIEF INGINEER ON VESSELS OF TWO HUNDRED TONS (CHIEF ENGINEER OF TWO HUNDRED TONS) SHALL BE ENTITLED TO BAVE SAID LICENSES EXCBANGED FOR CERTIFICATES AS THIRD ENGINEER. PERSONS HOLDING LICENSES AS CHIEF ENGINEER FOR VESSELS OF MORE THAN· TWO HUNDRED TONS UP TO FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY, INCLUSIVE, SHALL HAVE SAID LICENSES EXCHANGE FOR CERTIFICATES AS SECOND ENGINEER. HOLDERS OF LICENSES AS FiftST ENGINEER ON VESSELS OF OVER FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY" TONS SHALL BE ENTITLED TO HAVE SAID LICENSES EXCHANGED FOR CERTIFICATES AS CBIEF° ENGINEER. THE FORMER SBALL BE ENTITLED TO promotion upon examination as- hereinbefore provided, if they a1·e duly qualified. All rights 91·ctnted by thi8 section shctll expire on december thirty-first, 'l'l.ineteen kundred and twenty-eight." SEC. 11. Section eleven hundred and ninety-five of the Adminisfrative Code i8 hereby ctmended to read !l8 follows: "SEC. 1195. Fo1-m o/ certificates.-The severa! certificates provided for shall be issued in the' form of diplomas by·the CHAIRMEN o/ the RESPECTIVE Boa1·d and shall be signed by him and countersigned by the Secreta1-y o/ Finance, and shaU entitle the ho1ders thereof to navigate in accordance with the AUTHORITY contained in them and shaU not be suspended nor revoked except as HEREINAFTER provi~d." SEC. 12. Sectitm eleven hum:fred and ninety-six of the Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 1196. Physical examination of holder of certificate.-One in every five yectrs ctll holders of marine certificates shall be required to undergo a physical eximantion to LEGISLATURA FILIPINA 1583 determine their fitness to continue navigating. Any person who upon sueh examination is found to be physically unfit for the service shall thereafter be disqualified from engaging therein; P1·ovided, That the Bocu·d may at any time in its discretion require tite physical examination to be had of any holder of any ·marine ce1·tificate." SEC. 13. Section eleven hundred and ninety-eight of the Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEc. 1198. Marine invesUgation and suspension or re11okation of marine ce1·tificates.-FOr the purpose of investigating marine accidenta or of charges preferred a:nd fUed with the Insul(W Collector of Customs, or with the Collector of Customs of any sub-port, there shcdl be maintained in the Bureau of Customs a.t Manila a Board of Marine Inquiry to of five members to with: The SU1·veycn· of the Port as chairman, one maste1· marine1· and one chüf engineer of the Division of Hulls and Boiler, Bureau of Custom.s, and one master mariner and one chie! enginee1· of ~:e tf:h~!~ff;:d ~~~iihS~!-v~:~:, :,;! ~~l s;eai;;:¡n::á°b~ the Secretary of Finance. The two latter m.embers shal~ receive a. per diem of twenty pesqs fo1· each da..y of not less than seven hours of service rendered in connection with such marine investigation. Such Board shall the power to investigate into the professiona,l conduct o/ marine olftcers, giving the party affected a.n opportunity to be heard in his defense, and the decision of this Boa1·d by which any marim certificate may be suspended or cancelled on a,ccount of misconduct, intemperate habits, or inattention to duty, shcUl be appealable to the Department Head whose Decision shall be. final in all cases. Rules amd regulations governing· the procedure of the marine in'Vestigation and the proceedings of the Board shall be promulgated by the Secretary o/ Finan.ce." SBC. 14. Section twelve hundred of the Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 1200. Fees for issuance of certifi,cates.-Any pel'son to whom any certificate as master, mate, patron or engineer is issued, upon aamination or by way of exchange, shall pay: "For a certificate as "Master for any ocean, fifty pesos. "First, second and third mates for any ocean, and major patron, thirty pesos. "Chief marine engineer, fifty pesos. "Second, third and fourth marine engineer, thirty pesos. "Ch:ief 11U1to1· engineer, forty pesos. "Second, third, and fourth motor engineer, twenty-five pesos. "Briy, 1"Íve1", and lake motor enginee1· and pafrons, twenty pesos." · SEC. 16. Section twelve hundred and one of the Administrative Code, as amended by Act Numbered Twenty-eight hundred and fifty-two, is hereby further amended to read as follows: "SEC. 1201. Compensation of Members of tlie Boards of Marine Enginee1-.-The members of the Boards of Marine examiners shall 1·eceive a per diem of twenty pesos for each day of not less than seven hou1·s of service rendered in connection with the wo1·k and duties as marine examdners." SEC. 16. All acts or parts of any acts inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed. SEC. 17. This Act shall take effect upon its. approval. Er PRESIDENTE INTERINO. Al Calendario de la Cámara. INFORME DE COMITÉ NO. 350 SEÑOR PRESIDENTE; El Comité de Bancos, Corporaciones y· Franquicias, al cual se trasladó el 23 de septiembre de 1927, el Proyecto de Ley No. 496 del Senado, titulado: "Ley concediendo a Francisco Enage de Jesús un privilegio para instalar, explotar y mantener en el municipio de Naval, provincia de Leyte, Islas Filipinas, un sistema de alumbrado, calefacción y potencia eléctricos," lo ha examinado y tiene el honor de devolverlo inforinado al Senado con la recomendación siguiente. Que sea aprobado sin enmienda. Respetuosamente sometido, (Fdo.) JOSÉ ·B. LEDESMA Chaiil-man, Comité de Bancos, Corporaciones y Fmnquicia.s Al Honorable- PRESIDENTE DEL SENADO, Manila. El PRESIDENTE INTERINO. Al Calendario de la Cámara. PROYECTOS DE LEY EN PRIMERA LECTURA Del Senador De los Reyes (S. No. 523, 7.• L. F.), titulado: Ley que enmienda el inciso (a) del artículo dos mil cuatrocientos ochenta y dos de la Ley Número Dos mil sete .. cientos once, comúnmente conocida por Código Administrativo, y para otros fines. (Sobre bienes raíces exentos de contribución.) El PRESIDENTE INTERINO. Al Comité de la Ciudad de Manila. Del Senador Galicano (S. No. 524, 7.• L. F.), titulado: Ley que c1·ea una Comisión ,FerroViaria para ~studiar y trazar un plan general de ferrocarriles en la Isla de Mindanao y dirigir la construcción de las lineas, cuya ejecución sea llevada a cabo por la administración. El PRESIDENTE INTERINO. Al Comité de Comerci~ y Comunicaciones. El PRESIDENTE INTERINO. Está en orden la continuación de la consideración del Proyecto de Ley No. 1859 de la Cámara de Representantes. Tiene la palabra el Comité. El Sr. DE LOS REYES. El ponente ahora de este proyecto, señor Presidente, es el Senador por el Sexto Distrito (Sr. Vera.) (Continuación de la consideración del Proyecto de Ley No. 1859 de la Cámara de Representantes.l · INFORME ORAL DEL PONENTE, SR. VERA El Sr. VERA. Señor Presidente, acepto gustoso la designación que acaba de hacer recaer en mi persona el distinguido Presidente del Comité del Trabajo· e Inmigración del Senado para sustituirle en la ponencia del Bill No. 1959 de la "Cámara de Representantes, hoy objeto de nuestra consideración. Señor Presidente, aunque ya hemos entrado en la discusión de este proyecto hasta tal extremo que ya aprobamos algunos artículos del mismo, voy a solicitar de nuevo la benevolencia de la Cámara para que se me permita decir unas cuantas palabras en lo que respecta a este proyecto de ley. No precisamente para ilustrar a los distinguidos caballero¡:; que coffiponen el Senado ni para facilitar la comprensión de las disposiciones que contiene este proyecto, por lo mismo que tengo la· seguridad de que eno-s· comprenden mejor que yo esas disposiciones. Si insisto en mi ruego, es sólo para hacer constar en el Diario algunas consideraciones que sirvan de base a cualesquiera interpretaciones que se pudieran hacer sobre este prOyecto en el .caso de convertirse en ley por actuación positiva y afirmativa de las dos Cámaras. Pero antes de hablar sobre este proyecto, dese1> someter las siguientes enmiendas que el Comité ha creído oportuno introducir en las disposiciones del bill, y esas enmiendas están en el proyecto recientemente roneado en donde las palabras que