Cebu 1938 Carnival will surpass others.pdf


Part of The Guard

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October, 1937 GUARD Entered at the Manda we Bost Office, as Second Class Mail Matter GUARD Subscription Kates by mail Six Months.......... .P .60 Qne Year ................Pl.00 VOL II W NO. 3 CEBU’S POLITICAL BAROMETER PUZZLES THE PEOPLE Hardly two months the elec­ tions for the provincial and municipal officers well be held in the Philippines. Ac­ cording to the law passed by the Natio al Assembly the election will be held on December 14, 1937. After the date for election was set by our law making body, the candidates for the different > positions are busy canapat-gning. Political pro pa • gatftlas* and platforms are already distributed by some candidates. Electioneering speeches were had in pobla­ ción® and barrios in order to propagate the candidacies of the municipal and pro­ vincial candidates. In Cebu almost all the municipalities have their line up of| candidates The local Candidates ure already on the firing line of the political field But the thing that puzzles the people in Cebu is the silence of the campaign per­ taining the provincial candi­ dates. Until now there seems to be 11 O’ activity in the province. The Popular Front Nolascs Has Fair Chanco for Reelection Of the present members of the municipal board in Cebu City, ^Councilor Jose P. holasco is one of those who will have a chance fur reelec­ tion. Councilor Nolasco is known to be an honest and hard working public servant. He is popular among all classes of people in trie city because of his adjustable character. As a social worker and a public administrator, Coun­ cilor Pepe Nolasco could hurdiy be surpassed in the City of Cebu so that many expect him to get elected next election. who have organized the line­ up seems to sleep in oblivion. 1'he candidates of the Popu­ lar Front for the provincial board composing Atty Vicente Sotto as governor and Dr. Cesar Piloteo’ and Miss Felicidad Climaeo as board members are about to be forgotten by the people. The same is true with the other side. The fusion can­ didates composing Hon. Bue­ naventura Kodriguez as govincial board composing Ass. Buenaventura Kodriguez as governor and Messrs. Manuel Climaco and Vicente Lozada as board members donot move until now. It is rumored that Hon. Buenaventura Kodriguez does not campaign for his candi­ dacy because he is still doubt* ing as to whether or not he will run for governorship. A going to be surprise then in Cebu is the unexpected fight between the two strong candidates for governorship, l’he anti faction Í3 urging Secretary Mariano Cuenco to run for governorship. Many of Secretary Cuenco’® fol­ City Roads Will Lead to City Theatre When the names of Pio Knbahar, Ipyon Canania, Doring Silloria and many other Pramatists in Cebu will be mentioned as partakers of a -certain drama, the people will resolve to leave their homes temporarily so as to witness the drama which will beyond reasonable doubt jusfify their money a» d time. Next November 16. the dra­ ma called LU NO written by Mr. Jose J. Sanchez will be staged at the spacious City Theatre in Juan Lunn in the city. And due to the partici­ pation of the noted dramatists in Cebu, the people have already bought their tickets (Continued n lowers are still behind him assuring the victory of the public works and communi­ cations secretary. Secretary Cuenco is known to be a good politician in the Philippines. So that when he will be convinced by his admirers to launch his candi­ dacy for governorship, it is believed that he will be forced to leave the high position he is holding and give way to the prayer of his hencemen. And due to the inducement of the Cuentista® in Cebu, there is probability that he will throw his hat to the political ring and seek elec­ tion for gubernatorial chair. When the new® will be­ come true that Secretary Cuen­ co is launching hi® candidacy for governorship, the pro faction in Cebu will be obliged to have Governor Sotero Ca’bahug to run for reelection because the pros know that Secretary Cuenco is the strongest candidate in the anti side and the incumbent go­ vernor is the timber to chal­ lenge the biggest politician in Cebu. Manager Sayo of The City Theatre is Here For important business which has connection with the City Theatre, Manager Maria­ no Sayo went to Manila du­ ring the last few week®. After securing the good pictures for the coming month he return® here with the ful­ lest'of satisfaction that the City Theatre can please it® thousands of customer®. With the abled management of Mr Sayo and the coopera­ tion of the partners of this theatre, the public has noted a lot of improvements regar­ ding accommodation and the beautiful pictures that are al­ ways shown in City Theatre, Filipino pictures will only be shown in the City Theatre according to him Until náw Governor Cabahug does not have a bit in his mind in running for reelection because of the pros pect that be will be appointed judge in the court of first instance for Bohol. But when Secretary Cuenco is really launching, Governor Cabahug will turn his face from the bench and eve for political position just to hear the will of his friends. He is accor­ ding to rumor, to sacrifice judgeship and prefer the gov­ ernorship. Due to the strong rivalry between the Cuenco faction and Cabahug’®, the political barometer in Cebu ha® be come an unfathomable enigma. Every faction expect® it® victory in «the gubernatorial race in this province. And as such each one of them strengthens the po 1 i tica 1 trench ready for next fight which will be the greatest political battle that Cebu will be able to witness if the news of the Cuenco-Cabahug political struggle be realized. Cgbsi 1938 Carnival Will Surpass Others According to Director Jose P. Nolasco, the 1938 carnival in Cebu which will be held from March 12 to March 27 will the liveliest carnival that Cebu can witness. He antici­ pated this because of the novel idea that the carnival next year is going to have. The carnival offers so mai-y prizes to ticket holder®1 Theee holder are entitled to free ad­ missions and as well expect beautiful prize® with the little amount of money they pay after drawing numbers from the ticket sellers who are going around the province. And due to many ticket hol­ ders who are given several (Continued on vqqc 18) 18 GU A R D Ojto', 1937 A. Fortüna, EpiTOR 0. Ba/, Ai). Manager KEEP IT UNDER YOUR HAT I by ----------------------Taga-KOTTA Jr. —------------------- ' 6 s ÍJ N B £ E T C W ” The Oct. 11, numbej of the Bisaya runs /the picture of one Monica among the beau­ ties in the Bjctorial Section of said monthly. It said among other things that she was a queen in one of the barrios of Leyte, but of all things we know is that she is a “cabaret dancer” of no mean ability, as alleged. You may cross legs with her at the cabaret in Cebu tonight with al] your money’s worth. But before going we may impart into that coco o f yours that the place is where we are treated best and grum­ bled the most. Did I say she is a bailarina! Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. don’t tell me. Social Note A handsome young but mar­ ried^ man is always seen going with skirts (not his wife) in his car. The car bears the ensigna of the Manila Trading and we suspect that he is working in said firm. The beautiful thing who is going with him is probably working in the sime company. We suspect, however, it’s no more than an auto-riding. We hope we are allowed to think we were born yesterday. Private 'tens bun Chief Vergara of the City Police Dept is some guy all right The trouble with us is that we developed a strange liking for the Chief. But we are told that the missus would try the rolling pen if he comes back home late is it then, any wonder that we would be forever chasing the Chief for news? The Fien Lost Not so long ago when we were idling at Eden in com­ pany with an army officer, a physician came in and I had ask^d the officer who that doctor was and he replied that he was an alienist. “Let him examine you,” I muttered, “you think as any other army officer do, you are Quezon”. But all humors ended in a glass of beer. Tit for a Tat The burglar, sensing that his power of committing crime is little less slim on the establishment of the Barben Detective Agency, took occa­ sion in displaying his wares in the heart of the City. In this connection, we hope to say whether it was a case of a man bites a dog and not a dog bites a man in which case constitute a news. Don’t tell me. Talk about detection. Very Pond. VVe are looking forward to seeing Chief Vergara in the Front Page Faces in a Manila weekly. Oh, this strange feeling, this striking admiration for hipa equal to our hatred of the Castor Oil. My nerve, my nerve! Front Page Faces When Mayor Jacinto was pointed out in this column to have become a meniature Kandolph Hearst of this side of the globe on account of the fact that he became the pub­ lisher of the “Timog” another budding writer crop up in the person of Chief Vergara. But we shall not forget that Vergara is still a poor writer and like a poor athlete, he is celebrated for his stamina at mealtimes. And when he writes on things aside from police training, it’s just like listening t » Jack Dempsey lecturing on compa­ ny of matters -a case away from pugilism. We add that on reading Chief Vergara’s, I felt I was listening to prea­ cher talking on matters of fi­ nance. Breast Up We do not harbor any fond feeling for Segundo Abellanosa but just the same we put our hat off to him for his celebrated evasion from con­ viction of the crime in con­ nection with his former posi­ tion in the government service. There are people who still brush elbows with the Cebu’s 400-seemingly unaware of the past. But the people know where they stand and S. AbeL lanosa’* presence keeps on reminding them of the City Hall’s scandal greater than the Engineer Island could ever sto mach. Life of the Party She is Meding by the name. Never mind the full name Let it go at that. She belong® FRAGV1 AT1SVI Current history points out oft-trodden maiu-rut*ub to poweT. O e ia direct- the other, subtle. Only the peculiar temparament of the particular nation being broken for the yoke and harness determines the choice as to which road is going to be followed. What­ ever means is followed, the suc­ cess attained will be no posi­ tive: for Politics is the one game where “the end justifies the means”, obviously. The direct method to poli­ tical power is founded on the psychology of fear. It is at­ tained by the unhesitating use of military power and devious trickery, often under the guise of intense nationalism. The subtle method is a slo­ wer process, but it is more insidious and often leads to a more absolute dictatorship than is possible in the direct method. It is founded on class feeling, op the basis of intensely awakened hatred of one class for another, kt is, above all, founded on the suc­ cessful winning of the confi­ dence of a large sector of the public, often at the expense of the right of the others, and of truth. Both are different raods that lead to the same end; they both result in the complete route of democracy. Which method would any one desiring to the social cream, so she thinks. She would cut short some too ambitious young men in search for her favor, ehy, a dance. The impostors, she thinks. Not of my kind, she would add. She goes to the “cozy corner.”- She is seen together with the boys of her kind, with the same dress on for always, yet she has the nerve to cut short these am­ bitious young men. She has decided to put on new dresses but she is of limited income. A practising attorney steps in the scene. But the 1-wyer knows his onions Climax: She’s heading for the column of Rafael Bautista in the Daily Gossips, A D VERTIS ER. Curtain falls down. Deaf ening applaus Incore, Incore IN POLITICS to reach that end use in our country? The year of Spanish domination would suggest the direct method: those years have left behind a people well broken to the yoke. But the presence of American sove­ reignty changes the picture entirely. Ooviously, no raw direct method would be suf­ fered to go unmolested and abetted by American acquiesence. Hence the subtle, the insidious method is the only one left available. Those who believe in demo­ cracy, therefore, must be on the watch, constantly and aler­ tly, for the shadow that creeps in the night. They must be taught to fear the poisoned sugar as well ns the whip. — o — Cebu 1938... (Continued from page /) —o — admissions to the carnival ground and so many sideshows that are coming so as to par­ ticipate the carnival which is intended for the Rizal Me­ morial, it is believed by many Cebuanos that the carnival will be the most successful of all the carnivals held the Em­ pire Province of Cebu. Cebu Road.. (Continued, from page /) —o— and decided to proceed to the City Theatre when the drama colled LUNO will be staged on November 16, 19^7. The Fopukr... (Continued from page 17) ment It opposes the use of firmed forces against nationals in strike and conflicts between 1 r. bi^r aid ca pi tn 1. As it is seen, the Popular Front is for freedom and pro­ gress in a true and real demo­ cracy and, therefore, it de­ serves the support of all those who want “a government of the people, by the people and for the people.”
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