Local sweeptake has new manager.pdf


Part of The Guard

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October, 1937 G U A R D 17 MUSSOLINI, HITLER SECRET MILLIONAIRES ------- 000------THE POPULAR FRONT’S AIMS By Atty. PEDRO A. SANTOS Kings, even ex-kings have fabulous fortunes. So have dictators. The only difference, it seems, is that while the riches of monarchs and royal families are of common knowledge, the proportions of dictators’ financial assets are little known. Two of the world’s greatest “iron men” today—Mussolini and Hitler —are secret millionaires, ac­ cording to a correspondent of the London Daily Herald. While II Duce’s annual sa­ lary as Premier of Italy is only §5,250 and he does not draw any salary for his other cabinet positions, he has other sources of income. He owns the newspaper Popolo <PItaliay which has a vast circula­ tion and high advertising rates. He has large farms. His are the highest paid articles in Italian journalism. His speeches, which are printed and bound in book form, sell like hot cakes. From these inexhaustible sources of revenue is being salted away a private fortune worthy of the founder of the Roman Empire. The Nazi Reichfuehrer’s in­ come compares favorably with his Italian colleague. Hitler is in fact contented with his private earnings and does not Local Sweepstake Due to the resignation of Hon. Antonio Mansueto as manager for the Chari t y Sweepstake Office for the Vi­ saras and Mindanao, Mr. Kleuterio Viilarosa has suc­ ceeded the vacant post. The new manager has taken his job since the beginning of draw his §20,000 pay. He is a partner in the publishing house of the Nazi party, the Franz Eber Verlag. This makes the two dictators about even in so far as publishing income is concerned, In ad­ dition, there have already been sold more than two and a half million copies of the German edition of his Mein Kamvpf which were disposed of at prices varying from 7 to 12 marks. Millions could have easily been obtained from the royalties accruing from the huge sale. More­ over, royalties will ever be piling up as every newlymarried German couple must buy a copy of the master­ piece. Besides the royalties from the German edition, there are those from transi ­ tions. So far the Mein Kampf has been translated ani published in the United States, England, Denmark, Italy, Hungary, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, and Sweden. There is also an Arabic trans­ lation. No fairly accurate est'mates of Hitler’s and Mussolini’s fortunes can be made, but in­ ternational observers fgreed they have enough for the proverbial rainy day. Has Nsw Manager thia month. Prior to the appointment of Mr. Viilarosa as the sue cessor of Hon. Mansueto, he has been connected in the Sweep stake Office with splendid records 'The new manager hails from Carcar in this province. JPs-Representative Of late news items have ap­ peared in the papers concern" ing the activities of the Pop­ ular Front which show a lack of understanding of the char­ acter and objectives of this movement. The Popular Fro­ nt movement has originated in France, but has since been adopted in several countries. These movements are generally coalitions of the democratic, liberal and progressive group against the forces of reaction, privilege and dictatorship. In terms of the local political si­ tuation, the Popular Front is an alliance of the various op­ position and minority groups organized present solid front against the reactionary polic­ ies and fascist tendencies of the two major parties’ lcoalition government. The Popular Front has adopted a program or plat­ form which sets forth its aims and objectives This plat­ form declares that the Popular Front is primarily for im­ mediate, absolute and com­ plete independence. This dec­ laration, as contrasted with the provisions of the* Tydings-McDuffie Law regard­ ing eventual independence, re­ veals that the groups form­ ing the Popular Front will not be received by any so called independence plan which at the same time tends to perpetuate the control of American monopoly of capital over the economic life of the islands They want a real not only a formal independence, which would enable the Philippine government to pursue its inde­ pendent policies in the politi­ cal and economic field as well as in foreign relations without domination or controlling in­ fluence of any foreign interest. from Pampanga For thus only can the Filipino people achieve real freedom to direct and shape their na­ tional life and destiny. The next concern of the Popular Front, according to its program is the betterment of the condition of the masses, especially the workers and tenants. In this connection, in its program, the Popular Front states that “it will strive for the extension of public works, the popular education, higher wages, equi­ table taxation with graduated increase of income tax, im­ provement of the standard of living of the workers, social security, old-age pension, strict enfoicement o f the workers’ compensation law, unemployment insurance and relief, strict regulation and eventual government owner­ ship of public utilities and care of destitute children Hn public institutions ” Lastly, the Popular Front will strive to preserve and safeguard the democratic rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution nnd “shall oppose laws and measures ten­ ding to abridge the exercise of civil rights such as free­ dom of the press, academic freedom and freedom of as­ sembly. The objectives which have been stated constitute the basic points of the program of the Popular Front. The program is, however, much more com­ prehensive for it aims exten­ sion of popular suffrage, com­ plete equality between men women, greater protection and opportunities for the youth of the land, introduc­ tion of the jury system and abolition of capital punish(Continued on page 18} UM BONFING Y HNOS., INC. Has thousands of cu&tomers because of its various kinds of goods, whioh áre sold at reasonable prices. Come and see the things and you will bo induced to buy some of them. LIN YOK SU, Gen. Manager Tel. 2 P. O. Box 14 193 Magallanes, Cebu City, Philippines Warehouse Tel. 293
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