The Church here and there - But not of this world


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

The Church here and there - But not of this world
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THE CHURCH HERE AND THERE BUT NOT OF THIS WORLD On Ash Wednesday in the basilica of S. Sabina, the Pope’s address made a profound impression on his hearers. He dwelt on the themes which for some time now have been dominant in his pastoral think­ ing. “In these our times,” he said, “we are all subject to the great temptation of modelling ourselves on others — on men, on the world about us — under the influence of the cinema, of fashion, of literature. Should one blend with this world? Should one try to avoid ‘religious alienation?’ The Church does not speak like that. One must, while living in the world, avoid acquiring what is the so-called worldly spirit. It is not a question of converting oneself to the world, but of converting oneself, of turning to Christ. That is the great lesson of Christian anthropology. Holiness is not an utopia.” A STUDY AND RESEARCH CENTRE ON ST. THOMAS In accordance with the directives of the Constitutions to renew the doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas and to enrich it with ever new treasures of wisdom, both sacred and human, the Dominican Order is setting up in Rome a study and research centre at the highest scientific level. It will concentrate on the anthropological doctrine of the Saint, the actuality of whose subject is obvious. In these days at the end of the 20th century, what engages the attention of all thinkers is the future of man; in these days when scientists have the power to manipulate man, either bv biological discoveries, or by psychological techniques, or bv social conditions, or by the sense they wish to give — or wish not to give to human life and the development of the present day world. This anthro­ pological perspective, however, will not close the door on other problems. For St. Thomas, the question of man was the definitive of all sacred doctrine. The new centre will be headed by Father Raymond Sigmond and will start to function at the beginning of the 1971-72 scholastic year.