Republic Acts


Part of The Lawyers Journal

Republic Acts
Republic Act No. 3600.
Republic Act No. 3677.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
REPUBLIC ACTS REPUBLIC ACT No. 3600 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE EMPWYMENT OF STRIKE BREAKERS ANt> THE TRANSPORTING OR ESCORTING BY PEACE OFFrCERS AND/OR ARMED PERSONS OR PERSONS SEEKING TO REPLACE STRIKERS IN ENTERING AND/OR LEAVING THE STRIKE AREA, AND TO PROVIDE PENAL· TIES THEREFOR. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: SECTION 1. Hereafter, it shall be unlawful for any ·employer to employ any strike breaker, or for any person to be knowingly employed as a strike breaker. "Strike breaker" shall mean any person knowingly employed for the purpC>Se of obstructing or interfering by, fore~ or threats peaceful pickcling .by employees during any labor controversy affecting wages, hours or conditions of labor; or the exercise by employees of any o! the right.s of self organization or collective bargaining. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful fo1· any commanding officer of troops in the Armed Forces of the Philippines or indki· dual soldier or any member thereof or any peace officer and/or armed person to bring in, introduce or escort in any maJJ,ner any person who seeks to replace strikers, in entering and!ot· leaving the premises of a strike area or to work in place of , the strikers. "strike area." shall mean the establishment of the employer struck against, as well as the immediate vicinity actually used by picketing strikers In marching to and fro before all·"poblts of entrance and exit to and frc;im said establishment. Nothing in this Act shall be Interpreted to prevent any commanding officer of troops in the Armed Forces of the Philippines or any member thereof or any peace officer from taking any measu're necessary to maintain peace and orde!· and/or protect u:re and property. SEC. 3. Any of the persons mentioned above violating the provisions of Section two hereof sh<.11 be deemed guilty of a felony and shall upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than five thousand pesos or imprisoned for not more tha:i. two years, or both, at the discretion of the court. If the violation is committed by a firm, association Jr corporation, the manager,. or in his default, the persons acting as suCh, sha11 be liable. SEC. 4. In case the strike be judicially declared illegal, any criminal liability arising from violation of any of the pr•J· visions of this Act shall be deemed extinguished: Provided, That during the pendency of the legality or illegality of the strike prosecution for violation of any provision shall be deemed suspended or held in abeyance. SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved. June 22, 1963. REPUBLIC ACT No. 3677 AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF REPUBLIC ACT NUMBERED TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY·SIX, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS "THE JUDICIARY ACT OF 1948, .. AS AMENDED. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: SECI'ION 1. The seventh, twelfth and fifteenth paragraphs of Section forty-nine of Republic Act Numbered Two hundred and ninety-six, as amended, ·are hereby further amen!1ed to read as follows: "The Seventh .Judicial District, of the Province of Rizal, Quezon City, Pasay City and Caloocan City, the Province of Cavlte, City of Cavite, thf! City of Tagaytay, Trece Martires City and the Province of Palawal'I.; "The Twelfth Judicial District, of the Province of Oc· cidental Negros, the Cities of Bacolod, Silay and San Carlos, the PrC"vlnce of Oriental Negros, Dumaguete City, and the Subprovince of Siquljor; "The Fifteenth Judicial District, of the Province of Surigao del Norte, Surigao del Sur and Agusan, Butuan City, the Province of Oriental Misamis, Cagayan de Oro City, the Provinces of Bukidnon, Lanao del Norte and Lanae del Sur, and the Cities of Iligan and Marawi; and" SEC. 2. The first, second, fourth, sixth, seventh, eigll~h. ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, ·thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth paragraphs of Section fifty of the same Act, as amended, are hereby funher amended to read as follows: "Ten judges shall be commissioned for the First Judicial District. Four judges shall preside over the Courts of First . Instance of Cagayan, Batanes and the Subprovlnce of Apa.ya;> in the Mountain Province, and shall be known as judges of the first, second, third, and fourth branches thereof, respectively, the judge of the first branch to preside also over the Court of First Instance of the SUbprovlnce of Apayao and the Judge of the second br&nch to preside also over the Court of First Instance of Batanes: four judges shall preside over the Court ot First Instance of Isabela, and shall be known as the judges of the first, second, third and fourth branches thereof; and two judges shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Nueva Vizcaya, to be known as the judges of the first and .second branches thereof. "S1xteen judges shall be commissioned for the Second Judicial District. Four judges shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Ilocos Norte; four judges shall preside over the Court of First Instance or Docos Sur; one judge shall pre· ~Ide over the Court of First Instance of Abra; one judge shall preside over the Court of First Instance of the City of Baguio and the Subprovtnce of Benguet; three judges shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Mountain Province with JUrisdictlon covering the whole Mountain Province, except the City of Baguio and the Subprovince of Benguet; three judges shall preside over the Court of First Instance of La Uniou and shall be known as judges of the first, second and third branches thereof, respectively. "Nine judges shall be comm.lssioned for the Fourth Judicial District. Six judges shall preside over the Courts of First In.stance of Nueva Eclja and Cabanatuan City and shall be known as judges of the flr"st, second, third, fourth, fifth and branches thereof, respectively; and three judges shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Tarlac, and shall be known as judges of the first, second and third branches thereof, respectively. "Twenty-five judges shall be commliSioned for the SIUh Judicial District. They shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Manila and shall be known as judges of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty.first, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth branches thereof, respectively. Deceniber 31, 1963 LAWYERS JOURNAL Page 377 "E1ght.een judges shall be commLssioned for the Seventh Judicial District. Twelve judges shall preside over the Courts of P'irst Instance of the Province of RLzal, Quezon City, Pa.say City and Caloocan City and shall be known as judges of the first. second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth. seventh, eighth, nintil, tenth, eleventh and twelfth branches thereof, respectively: four judges Shall preside over the Courts ot First Instance of the Prov.lnce of Cavlte and the CltJes of Cavlte, Tagaytay and Trece Martlres, and shall be known as judges of the first, second third and fourth branches thereof respectively; and two judg;s shall preside over the Court of First Instance ot Pala. wan. "Nine judges shall be commissioned for the Eighth Judi· cial District. Four judges shall preside over the Courts of First Instance of Laguna and the City of San Pablo, and shall be known as judges of the first, second, third and fourth branches thereof, respectively; three judges shall preside over the Courts of ·First Instance of Batangas and the City of IJpa, and shall be known as judges of the first, second and third branches thereof, respectively; cne Judge shall preside over the court of First Instance of Mindoro Oriental; and one judge shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Mindoro Occidental: Provkied, That the incumbent judge of the Courts of First Instance of Mindoro Oriental and Mindoro Occidental shall be given the privilege of selecting which court of first instance of said provinces he prefers to preside over. "Six judges shall be commlssloned for the Ninth Judicial District. Four judges shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Quezon, and shall be known as judges of the first, second, third and fourth branches thereof, respectively; one •judge shall preside over the Court of First Instance Of the Subprovince of Aurora; one judge shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Camarlnes Norte. "Thirteen judges shall be commissioned for the Tenth Judicial District. Five judges shall preside over the Court.~ of First Instance of Camarines Sur and Naga City and shall be known as judges of the first, second, third, fourth and fifth branches thereof, respectively; three judges shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Albay and shall be known as judges of the first, second, and third branches thereof; one judge shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Catanduanes; two judges shall preside over the Court of First Instance of the Province of Sorsogon; and two judges shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Masbate. "Fifteen judges shall be commissioned for the Eleventh Judicial Dtstrict. Three judges shall preside over the Courts of First Instance of Capiz and Roxas City and shall be known as judges of the first, second and third branches thereof, respectively; one judge shall preside over the Court of Flr.:it Instance of the Province of Romblon; one judge shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Marlnduque; two judges shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Aklan; seven judges shall pre.Side over the Courts of First Instance of the Province of Iloilo and the City of Iloilo and shall be known as judges of the first, second, thlrd, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh branches thereof, respectively; and one judge shall preside over the Court of First Instance of the Province :...l Antique. "Ten judges shall be commissioned for the Twelfth Judicial District. Seven judges shall preside over the Courts Of First Instance of Occidental Negros and the Cities of Bacolod, Silay and San Carlos and shall be known as judges of the tlrst, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh branches thereof, respectively; and three judges shall preside over tM Courts of First Instance of Oriental Negros, Dumaguete City, and the Subprovince of S'iquijor. "Seventeen judges shall be commissioned for the Thirteenth Judicial District. Eight judges shall preside over the Courts of First Instance of Samar and Calbayog City and shall be known as the judges ot the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eight branches thereof, respectively; and nine "judges shall preside over the Courts of First Instance of Leyte, Southern Leyte and the Cities of Onnoc and Tacloban, and shall be known as judges of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eigl,lth and ninth branches thereof, res. pectlvely. "Fourteen judges shall be commissioned for the Fourteenth Judicial District. Eleven }udges shall preside over the Courts of First Instance of the Province of Cebu, the City of, Cebu and Toledo City, and shall' be known as judges of the. first, second, third, fourth, f1fth, sixth, seventh, eighth, nlneth, .. tenth and eleventh branches thereof, respectively; and three judgf"s shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Bohol · "Thirteen judges shall be commissioned for ~he F«:~~nth Judicial District. Three judges shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Surlgao del Norte; one judge shall pi:esid(? over the Court of First Instance of Surig'.ao del .S:ur; two 'j~dges shall preside over the Courts of First Instance of Agus3n and Butuan City and shall be known as judges of the "first and second branches thereof, respectively; four judges shall ·preside over the Courts of First Instance of Oriental Misamls, C1.gayan de Oro City and Bukldnon, and shall be known as judges of the first, second, third and fourth branches thereof, respectively; and three judges shall preside Qver the Courts of First Instance of Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur and the Gltles of Marawl and Illgan, and shall be known as judges of the first and second branches thereof. "Eighteen judges shall be commissioned for the Sixteenth Judicial District. Four judges shall preside over the Courts of First Instance of Davao and Davao City to be known a"-s judges of the first, second, third and fourth branches thereof; four judges shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Cotabato, to be known as judges of the first, second, third and fourth branches thereof; three judges shall preside over the Courts of First Instance of Occidental Mlsamis and Oza.mis City to be known as judges of the first, second and .thil"d branches thereof; two judges shall preside over the C.QU.rt of First Instance of Zamboanga del Norte to be known as judges of the fil"st and second branches thereof; one judge sliall pre. side over the Court of First Instance ot Zamboanga: de~ Sur; one judge shall preside over the Court of First Instance of Basilan City; and two judges shall preside over the cOurt. af First Instance of S"ulu, to be known as judges of the first and second branches thereof." · SEC. 3. The first, second, third, fow-th, fifth, seventh, eigth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth. thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth paragraphs of Section fifty.two of the same Act. as amended, are hereby further amended to read as follows: "For the first Judicial District, the judge of the first branch of the Court of First Instance of Ca&"ayan and Batanes and the Subprovince of Apayao in the Mountain Province shall be stationed in the Municipality of Tuguegarao, Province of Cagayan; the judge of the second branch, in the Municipality of Aparri, same province; the judge of the third branch, in the Municipality of Sanchez Mira, same province; and th~ judge of the fourth branch, In the Municipality of Tuao, ·same province; one judge shall •be stationed tn the Municipality of Ilagan, Province of Isabela; one judge shall be stationed in the Municipality of Cabagan, same province; one judge shall be stationed at Cauayan, same province; the judge of .the fourth branch shall be stationed in the Municipality of Roxas, same province ;and two judges, in the Municipality of Bayombong, Province of Nueva Vizcaya. "For the Second iudicial District, three judges shall be stationed in the Municipallty of Laoag, Province of Docos Norte: one judge shall be stationed In the Municipality of Ba tar, same province; one judge in the Munlcip8;1tt:v of Vlgan, ProPage 378 LAWYERS JOURNAL December· 31, 1963vi.nee of !locos Sur; one Judge in the Municipality o( Nar. vacan, same province; two judges ln .tP.e Municipality .of pandon,. same province; one judge In the City of Baguio; one judge in the Municipality of Bontoc, Subprovince of Bontoc; one judge·. in the Municipality of Kiangan, Subprovince of lfugao; one · judge ·in:· the Municipality of Tabuk, Subprovtnce of Kallnga; one judge in the Municipality ·of Bangued, Province ·of Abra: two judges in the Municipality of San Fernando, Province of La Union; . and one judge in the Municipality of Agoo, same province,· "For· the Third Judicial District, two judges shall be sta. tioned in the Municipality of Ltngayen, Province of Pangasi· nan; three judges shall be stationed In the City Of Dagupan: two judges, in the Municipality of Urdaneta, Province of ·Pan. gasinan; one judge in the Municipolity of Tayug and another in t-he Municipality of Alamlnos, same province; the judge of ~be flrst branch Of the Court Of First Instance of Zambales ~hall be stationed in the Municipality of Olongapo, Province of, and the judge of the second branch, in the MunicipalitY · of Iba, same province. "For the Fourth Judicial District, three judges shall be :Stationed in the City of Cabanatuan; one judge in the Munici· pality· .. of G.uimba, Province of Nueva Ectja; one judge in the Municipality of Ga pan, same province: one judge in the Muni· cipalill!" .of. Sto. Domingo, same province: Provided, That as soon as the cour:troom is constructed in the barrio of Baloc, Municipality of Sta. Domingo, same province, the judge shall· be stationed in the said barrio; and three judges, in ttte Muni<:i· • pa.Iity of Tar lac, Province of Tarlac. "For the Fifth Judicial Di.strict, two judges shall be sta· itoned in . the Municipality of San Fernando, Province af Pam~ panga; ·.and one judge shall be stationed In the Munlclpallty of Guagua, Province of Pampanga; one judge in the Municipality of Balanga, Province of Bataan; two judges in the Municipality Of MaJolos, Province ot Bulacan; and the judge of the third branch, in the Municipality of Valenzuela, same province .. "For the Seventh Judicial District, six judges shall be sta· tioned in the Mwlicipalily of Paslg, Province of Rizal; two judges sh~ll be stationed In Pasay City; three judges in Quezon City; and one judge in Caloocan City; one judge, in the Mtm.lcipallty of Puerto Prlncesa, Pale.wan; one judge in the Municipality of Brooke's Point, same province; two judges, in the City of Ca· vite; one judge in the City of Trece Martires; and one judge in Tagaytay City. "For the Eighth Judicial District. one judge shall be stationed in the Municipality of, Province of Laguna; two judge& shall be stationed in the Municipaltty of Sta. Cruz, same province and one judge, in the City of San Pablo; the judce of the first branch of the Court of First Instance of Batangl'ls shall be stationed in the Municipality of Batangas, Province of Batangas; and thOlle of the second and third branches, 1n the a.ty or Lipa and the Municipality of Balayan, Province Qf Batangaa, respectively; one judge, in the Municipality of CaJE.. .. pan, Province of Mindoro Oriental: and one judge in the Muni· cipality of Mamlburao, Province of Mindoro Occidental. "For the Ninth Judicial District, the two judges shall be stationed in the Municipality of Lucena, Province of Quezon; one judge each shall be stationed in the Municipalities of Gumaca and Calauag, in the same province; one judge, in the Municipality of Baler, Subprovince of Aurora; and one judg~. in the Municipality of, Province of Ce.marines Norte. "For the Tenth Judicial District, three judges shall be stationed in the City of Naga; one judge each shall be Sta.· tioned in the Municipalities of Tigaon and Llbmanan, Province of Camarlnes Sur; three judges, in the City of Legaspi, Pro· vince of Albay; one judge in the Municipality of Virac, Pro. vince of Catanduanes; one judge each in the Municipalities of Sorsogon and Gubat, Province ot Sorsogon; and one judge each, in the Municipalities of Masbate and catatngan, Province of Masbate. "For the E;levent.b Judicial District, two judge.s shall be statioiied tn Roxas City; one j.udge !n the Municipality of Mam. buaao. Province of Caplz; one judge in the Municipality of Romblon, Province of Romblon; one judge in the Municipality of Boac, Province of Maitndu<i,ue; and two judges in the Municipallty of Kallbo, Province of Aklan; seven judges in the City ot llollo; and one judge, in the Municipality of San Jose de Buenavtsta, Province of :Antique. "For the Twelfth Judicial District, four judges shall be stationed in the City of Bacolod; one judge in the City of Sllay; one judge in San C&rlos City; and one judge in the Municipality of Himamaylan, Province of Occidental Negros; and three judges in the City of Dumaguete. "For the Thirteenth Judicial District, one judge shall be> stationed in the Munictpallty of Catbalogan, Province of Samar: one judge in the Municipality of Borongan, same pro. vince: one judge in the Municipality of Laoang, same pruvince: one judge in the Municipality of Catarman, same province; one judge in the City of Catbayog; one Judge in the Municipality of Guinan, Province of Samar, one judge in the Municipality of Allen, same province, and one judge in the Municipality of Oras, same province: three judges shall be stationed in the City of ·Tacloban; one judge in the Munictpa. lity of Maasin, Province of Southern Leyte; one judge in the City of Ormoc, who shall hold court sessions in the Municipality· Qf Palompon at least two months every year; one judge in the Municipality of Carlgara, Province of Leyte; one judge in the Municipality or Baybay, same ~rovince; one judge in the Municlpallty of Burauen, same provi.nce; and one judge in the Municipality of Naval, Subprovince of Biliran. "For the Fourteenth J.udiclal District, six judges shall be stationed in the City of Cebu; one judge shall be stationed. In Toledo City; one judge each shall be stationed in the Municlpalities of Barili, San Francisco, Bantayan and Bogo; Province of Cebu, one judge in the Municipality of Tagbllaran, Province of Bohol, one judge in the Municipality of Tubigon, same province; and one judge in the Municipality of Taltbon, same prDvince. "For the Fifteenth Judicial District, two judges shall be stationed in the Municipality of Surlgao, Province of Surlgao del Norte: one judge shall be stationed in the Island ot S'iargao, Municipality of, same province; one judge shall be stationed in the Municipality of Tandag, Province of Surigao del Sur; one judge shall be stationed in the City of Cagayan de Oro; one judge in the Municipality of Malaybalay, Provine~ of Bukldnon; one judge in the Municipality of Medina, Province of Misamis Oriental; and one judge shall be stationed in the Municipality of Catarman, Camtguin Island, subject to call for sen-ice by the Secretary of Justice to Cagayan d(: Oro City; one judge shall be stationed in the City of Mara.wt; one judge shall be stationed in the Municipality of Ganassl, Province of Lanao del Sur; one judge in the City of Illgan; and two judges in the City of Butuan. ''For the Sixteenth Ju<licial District, three judges shall be stationed in the City of Davao; one judge in the Municipality of Me.ti, Province of Davao; one judge shall be stationed in the City of Cotabato; one judge shall be stationed in the Municipality of General Paulino Santos, Province of Cotabalo; one .iudge each shall be stationed in the Municipalities of Pagalungan and Sultan as Barongis; two judges shall be stationed in the Municipality of Oroquieta, Province of Occidental Misamis; one judge shall be stationed in Ozamis City; two judges in the Municipality of Dipolog, Province of Zamboanga del Norte; one judge in the Municipality of Pogadian, Province of Zamboanga del Sur; one judge in the City of Zamboang-a; one judge in the City of Basilan; one judge in the Municipality of Jolo, Province of S'ulu; and one judge in the Municipality of Sias!., same province. (Coiitinued 384) LAWYERS JOURNAL for the oppositor. Interpreter: Witness wants to call the attention of the Court that in Exhibit "A-1" in.writing his surname, he committed an error and wants to point to the Court that the correct figure will be •.. Asst. Fiscal: We wlll request that· the same be marked c:,s Exhibit "8-A'' - ·Moises and as Exhibit "8-B" --=- Tumale. (T.s.n., June 18, 1963; pp. 2-3). Moreover there Is one important factor ·which the Court can not dlsc~ur!t nor be obllvlous of. It should be emphasized that to grant the herein petitions would be to" establish a precedent tho.t would pave the way for similar petitions on the part. of others, who may be fascinated and intrigued by this new fangled Idea, whether Under claim of religious convictions ingenioi.Jsly felgn~d or otherwise. To limit the grant of such petitions to those who may be affiliated with this religious sect would not only lay the Court open to the charge of discrbpin&tlon and inconsistency but would, moreover, controvert the very contention of counsel for herein petitioners that freedom in the choice of religious beliefs is beyond the pale of legislative regulation or judicial determination. Furthermore, such cir'Cum.scription to affiliates of this sect would be viols..tive of the 1njwictlon that o: person should not be unduly deprived of the e..xercise of his prerogatives on account of his religious belief or political opinion (Art. 39, Civil Code). . PurSued down to its ultimate conclusions, one need not necessarily be endowed with a fendd Imagination to be able to -envisage the perplexing eituations; the unpleo.sant predicaments; the chaos, confusion and dili'orders that would be generated by the frequent repetition of such unimaginative device in the style of names, In substitution ot conventional appellations. Such, indeed, would be the resultant and far-reaching chaotic effects were the Court to acquiesce to these arbitrary permutations of the letters of the alphabet. What may be a novelty for the present, could in the future, be a parody ot the past. · To grant the petitions at bar would be to subserve sound public policy In pla~e of emphasis to delaUs of personal motlvatiom>· under the .simple exped1ent that the s&me are blended with certain religious connotations. In concluding, the Court wishes to reitera(e that, as hereREPUBLIC . . . (Continued from page 379) SEC. 4. The eleventh and thirteenth paragraphs of Sec· tion fifty.four of the same Act, as amended, is hereby furtnE-l' amended to read as follows: "Eleventh Judicial District: At Culasi, Province of Anti· que, on the first Tuesday of December of each year, a special term ot court shall be held at least once a year on dates to be fixed by the district judge. Special terms of court sha11 also be held at San Agustin, Province of Romblon, on the third Tuesday ot August, December and April of each year; and at Odlongan and Cajldioean, same province, at least once a year on dates to be fixed by the judge, "Thirteenth Judicial District: The Calbayog branch to hold court at Basey, Sa.mar, on the first Tuesday of January of each year; the Laoang branch, at Gamay, same province, on the first Tuesday of July of each year." SEC. 5. Section of the same Act, as amended, ls hereby further amended by adding another paragraph ther~­ to which shall read as follows: "No person shall be appointed judge ot the municipal court of any chartered city or justice ot the peace of any provincial capital unless he is (1) at least thirty years of age; (2) a citizen ot the Philippines; (3) of goad moral character and has not been convicted of any felony; <4> has been admitted by the Supreme Court to the practice of law; and (5) has- practised law In the Phlllppines for a period of not less than five to fore s~ated, the issue In the present cases does not cqne:em the establishment of a particular :rollgion nor with th~: .q~­ tion of one's views of his relations to his Creator, and to the obligations they impose of reverence for Hi• Being arid : thai"acter, and of obedience to His will. Neither is the cou'rt ·Concerned with the free exercise thereof and the form of whl'ship that is imposed to the followers of this particular religio"us· sect as approved by their judgment and conscience; nor to the mode by which they may exhibit their sentiments in re».:tion thereto insofar as they do not undermine public policy cir subvert the welfare ·or the rest· of the community. ·. Parenthetically, neither <>re the Votaries of his religion, .<ie~ied the right to appropriate to themselves a shibboleth to ~der;i_tlfy or designate the particular religious denomination to which .they may belong, as for example, that of being Lutheran, a CalVinist; a Baptist, a Methodist or &n Aglipayan. Premises alluded to, it is the considered opinion : of the Court that two or more detached and separated letters' df' the alphabet do not constitute a name; and, that the intent by'\i.ihich any speciric combination of letters ls used is immaterial Provided their use tends, as a matter of fact, to deceive or· td·'Confuse. · As the declared purpose of proceedings for change of name is the ~revention of fraud, rules enacted in connection therewith are valid exercise of the ·police power of the State; and, sinee the change of name of person may affect hts business and social relations, the rule allows any interested person, besides the Solicitor General or the proper provincis..I fiscal, to appear at the hearing and oppose the petition. (Rule 103, sec. 4, Ri.lks of Cburt), , Furthennore, it is settled doctrine that an order changing the name of·the applicant is a matter of judicial discretion and not of right and that the Court; is not subject to the whims· Of every petitioner, hence, it may make 11.n order dismissing the applico.tion, as the Court may deem right and proper. (38 Am',1 • Ji.Jr., P• 610; 45 C.J., p. 382). . . In view of all the foregoing considerations, the Court· is constrained to. deny, as it hereby denies, the two herein petitions for change of names. . Without pronouncement as to costs. · SO .ORDERED. Sta. Cruz, Laguna, November 1, 1963. years." ALBERTO J. FRANCISCO Judge SEC. 6. Wherever an additional braneh or branches of the Court of First Instance is or are established In this Act in the same place where there is an existing court or courts Of first instance, all eases already filed in the latter Court or courts shall be heard, tried and decided by such latter ·court or courts. SEC. 7. The stenographer ot a Court of First Instance shall receive a" compensation ot not less than four thousand eight hundred pesos per annum except the stenographers of the Courts of '.Fl.rst Instance of the City of Manila, PasaY: City, Quezon City, Caloocan City and the Provinces of Rizal, Cebu, Negros Occidental, Iloilo, Le'yte and Davao who shall reCeive a compensation of not less than six thousand pesos per annum: Provided, That no salary shall be paid to a court stenographe!· µ.nless he submits a sworn statement to the effect that he has given requesting parties copies ot transcript of stenographic notes upon payment of proper fees, and transcripts have been completed z.nd attached to the records of every appea.led case within sixty days after receipt of notice from the appellate courts. SEC. S. Such swns as may ~e necessary to carry out the puri:mses of this Act is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated. SEC. 9. This ~ct ~~al~ take effect upon its approval. Approved, June 22:. 1963. I,AWYERS ~OURNAL