An explanation


Part of Panorama

An explanation
Panorama XX (6) June 1968
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
about man — whether he is a machine or a piece of chemical apparatus — it is because scientists have not yet succeeded in telling us what life it. If we knew what life is we could tell better what kind of a contri­ vance man is. — By Waldemar Kaempffert in N. Y. Times, Sept. 10, 1950 maga­ zine (copdpnsed). AN EXPLANATION Do you ever try to give explanations? Do you ever listen to explanations? Some people are always trying to explain things — why they’re late, why they forgot, why they failed, etc. Too much “explaining” is often an “alibi.” But many times, the explainers are just wast­ ing their time and their breath. Why? There gre other people who simply do not listen to ex­ planations. When these “other people” are one’s boss or best friend, or wife or husband or children, then you can really have a situation on your hands. One of the biggest mistakes that we can make as human beings, I think, is to deliberately cut ourselves off from other human beings — by re­ fusing to listen to the explanations of others. How quickly, how easily, how definitely we just clamp our hands over our ears and shout: “No, I don’t want to hear any explanations.” What a tragedy — this is how so many former good friends today find themselves so lonely, yes, even in the very midst of the so-called “population explosion” with its dire predictions for the future. — by Paul Sheehan in Philippines Herald. June 1968 19