Capiz boy makes good in Pacific Coast basket-ball


Part of The Sports Review

Capiz boy makes good in Pacific Coast basket-ball
The Sports Review Volume I (Issue No. 2) April 18, 1931
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Abril 18, 1931 Ernest Barber y Andrada, a filipino boy from Capiz, son of Mrs. Carmen Andrada Barber, cousin to Speaker Roxas, is today one of the best basket-ball players in. the Pacific Coast according to news reaching Manila from the United States. Ernest Barber is not only a star hoopster bu l also an all around man in athletics as he was chosen for three years All High School quarter-back and All High School second baseman of the Coast. In basket-ball where he is a master, Barber was for four years All High School forward. After finishing his prep course, Ernest attended the Sacramento Junior College where he easily made the base-bap and basket-ball squads. Afler the season he was chosen All Conference forward and champion hitter of the base-ball Conference tournament. Ernest graduated from Junior College last June and is dropping studies this year to rest." The SPORTS REVIEW Page 3 Capiz Boy Makes Good In Pacific Coast Basket-Ball Ernie Barber, is easily one of California's star hoopsters Ernest Barber is considered today the best all round filipino athlete in the Pacific Coast, and one of the best basket-ball players in that part of the globe notbarring American hoopsters. We are quoting a paragraph which one of the Sacramento papers have to say of Barber. ge ther for the second time this season, and by winning the Shamrockers can once again pull the purple robes of champions around them. A Julius victory would necessitate that club playing P. S. E. A. next week in a scheduled game missed early in the season and iri the event of another Julius triumph, the Haberdashers would m.eet Celtics again three weeks hence, for the title. While Julius is being given a popular edge, because of Benny Barnwell and Merrill Silva, the wise ones predict a Celt victory. Enrie Barber is the answer. The junior college forward will be in the Celt forward line. the first half, but in this final game 17 Sacramento points were acc.ounted ·to his moniker, six in the first period and 11 in the last." Wilbur Adams, sports writer for the Bee News in his write-up of the basket-ball game between Sacramento and Menlo Junior Colleges says in part; "Ernest Barber acclaimed one of the cleverest passers and deadliest shooters in college basket-ball, graduated from San Juan High School, where he learned most of his game from Phil Edwards, now assistant coach at Ohio State University. In four years of High School Barber graduated with 20 athletic letters more than an average athlete can think of possessing. Ernest B a r b e r p 1 a y e d game for Sacramento and his work was second to none. He was high point man for the team with c o n s i s t e n c y "In the scoring department Barber was the outstanding player. His passing dribbling and shooting was a constant worry to the visitors. . Coach de Groot sent in plenty of substitutes with the expressed order to guard Barber, but the Panther forward didn't mind the special attention shown him and continued to baffle the visitors and find the basket for If the Juliusers stop Barber's one and two-handed shooting, they have a good a chance to stop the Celts.'t total of 16 points." Ernest Barber no doubt is a great basket-ball player as he not only represented his school but was also a player on the famous Celtic Squad Municipal champions. of SaKirt MacBride, writing the story of a basket-ball game between Sacramento, the team Even sports critics recognize the ability of Barber as in which Barber plays and · f s t Menlo J. C .. has the following m a corner o a acramen o f th A · f" . . to say o e mencan- ipaper, a colummst who signs r . b himself Kirt under the head- ipmo oy. ing of 'The Caged Casaba" "Once again flashing a has to say of Barber." swift-breaking attack that "Three years ago, the eel- spent itself on either a long tic Athletic Club basket-ball tally by Enrie Barber or an t d d th th Of under-the basket by Jiggs Traeam ascen e e rone . the city basket-ball league. versi, Sacramento Jumor_ coT g Strong Y llege swept Menlo J. C. mto wo years a o, a . . . . . h d M. I. five gained those lau- obhv1?n I~ t e se~on game rels and last season it was of their senes last mght, 38-29. Julius Haberdashery that won The shot-master, Barber, the coveted title. Tonight at was torrid last night. Friday the main high school, the his wild scoring orgy accountCeltics and Julius come to ed for 16 ooints all of them in cramento. Ernie, as he is popularly known, left the Philippines ten years ago, back in 1920 at the age of ten years. Today at twenty, the filipino youngster is considered ace high in · basketball circles, picked on all mythical Coast selections and acknowledged as one of the most elusive basket-ball players ever to pass the pigskin around.