College Notes


Part of Forestry Leaves

College Notes
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
·~ 'itote4· The visiting professors at the College of Forestry are two of a three-man team which is to assist with teaching and resea1ch during the next three years. The third man has not yet arrived. After 18 months at the College the present men will leave and be replaced by other men who will stay for a second 18 months period. The program is arranged by a contract between the University of the Philippines and Cornell University of Ithaca, New York and is sponsored by ICA. Dr. Richard E. Pentoney did his undergraduate work in Forestry at the University of California. He received his BS in 1949, has his M.S. and his PhD in Wood Technology from the State University of New York, College oi Forestry at Syracuse University. He is at present on leave from his position at the College of Forestry where he was en- Dr. R. E. Pentoney gaged in teaching elasticity of wood and plywood, and rheology of wood and polymers. His research activities have been devoted to studies of the acoustical and rheological properties oi wood in an attempt to develop non-destructive tests for various wood properties. His position at our College is Visiting Associate Professor in Forest Products and has been assigned to work closely with Filiberto Pollisco. Dr. C. Eugene Farnworth received his B.S.F. from Iowa State College, his M.F. from Yale University and his PhD from the University of Michigan. He is at present on leave from his position as Professor of Silviculture at the State University of New York College of Forestry, at Syracuse University. At Syracuse he Dr. c.E. Farnsworth teaches courses in silviculture and is concerned with research projects in management of hardwood forests, plantation management, forest tree seed, and forest tree nursery practice. At the College of Forestry he is Visiting Professor of Silviculture. NOVEMBER, 1957 On October 22, 1957, Teodoro Delizo, Professor of Silviculture at the College of Forestry; Filiberto Pollisco of the teaching staff of the College; Dr. Richard E. Pentoney, Visiting Associate Professor oi Forest Products at the College of Forestry; Dr. C. Eugene Farnsworth, Visiting Professor of Silviculture at the College; and Dr. Paul 'Zehngraff, Forestry Consultant of ICA in Manila left Manila by air for a ten-day visit to the forest areas of Basilan Island and Eastern Mindanao. Drs. Pentoney and Farnsworth have recently arrived at the College oi Forestry for 18 months assignments under the terms of a University of the Philippines-Cornell University Contract sponsored by ICA. Dr. Zehngraff has also recently arrived in the Philippines to replace Mr. Paul Bedard who was the ICA Consultant here for several years. The itinerary of the trip was arranged through Mr. F. R. Amos, Director of the Bureau of Forestry and the representatives of the companies which the grou1, visited. On landing at Zamboanga, the group was met Ly Mr. Higinio Rebosura, District Forester of the Bureau of Forestry. After an excellent luncheon and a stimulating discussion of local forestry problems, Mr. Rebosura showed the visitors around the city and adjacent areas. Mr. Lloyd Anderson, General Manager of the Basilan Lumber Company also welcomed the group to Southern Mindanao. During the late afternoon the travellers went to Isabela on Basilan Island where they were met by Mr. Jose Claveria, District Forester, who had made the local arrangements for a four day visit. From the guest house of the Basilan Lumber Company, Mr. Claveria, with his staff, and several supervisors from local companies, conducted field trips to the operations of the Basilan Lumber Company, Western Mindanao Lumber Company, Santa Clara Lumber Company; and to several coconut, rubber, pepper and abaca plantations. The visitors were provided an excellent opportunity to see at first hand many of the local problems and to appreciate the excellent job the logging companies and the Bureau of Forestry are doing on the island. Mr. Anderson, General Manager; Mr. Donald Welsyskey, Superintendent, BPC Plant; Mr. Felisberto L. Alcarmen, Forest Engineer; and Mr. T. Ignacio, Logging Foreman of Basilan Lumber Company; Mr. Felipe Sanson, Field ManPage 63 ager; Mr. W. Agbayani, Logging Superintendent of Western Mindanao Lumber Company; Mr. F. G. Manuel, Mill Manager, and F. Santillan, Forest Surveyor of Santa Clara Lumber Company, accompanied the visitors on part, or on all of the trips to the logging operations of the local companies. On Sunday, October 27, the group left Zamboanga and flew to where Regent Florencio Tamesis, previously Director of the Bureau of Forestry and Dean of the College of Forestry, and at present General Manager of the Nasipit Lumber Company and Mr. Vicente Marababol, District Forester of the Bureau of Forestry met the plane. For the three days of the following week, Mr. Tamesis and Mr. Marababol arranged a series of field tnps, and the group was extended the hospitality of the Nasipit Company. Here also, a carefully planned program provided the visitors an opportunity to see the operations of Nasipit Lumber Company, Agusan Timber Company, Valeriano C. Bruno Logging Company, Mahogany Products of the Philippines, and Plywood Industries Inc. Mr. Marababol and his staff; Mr. Dagondon, Logging Superintendent of Agusan Lumber Company; Mr. Merin, Logging Superintendent of Bruno Logging Comp?.ny, an<i Mr. Natonton, Logging Superintendent of Nasipit Lumber Company spent a considerable time explaining the operations of their respective companies. On Wednesday, October 30, 1957, Mr. Tamesis conducted the visitors through the plant of the Nasipit Company. at Nasipit. On the next day, the trip was ended by flying back to Ma.nila. The three men from the United States were greatly impressed by their first opportunity to visit the forest operatives and the mills of the Mindanao area. The size and quality of the timber, the amount and quality of logging equipment, the scale of the operations, and the general acceptance of the principles of selective logging combined to demonstrate the scope and progress of the work of the Bureau of Forestry and the Lumber Companies. The men who were privileged to make the trip, felt they had been provided an unusual opportunity to see at first hand many of the forestry problems of the region. There was an excellent opportunity to meet and visit with past students and graduates of the College of Forestry. A partial list of these is provided below: Zamboanga City:Page 64 1. Higinio D. Rebosura, District Forester, Bureau of Forestry. 2. Lucilo Torrea, Administrative Officer, Bureau of Forestry. 3. E. Mangantulao, Ranger, Bureau of Forestry. 4. M. Ellazar, Ranger, Bureau of Forestry. 5. J. Camacho, Ranger, Bureau of Forestry. Basilan City:1. Jose R. Claveria, B.F. 2. L. Diaz, Administrative Officer, B.F. 3. F. P. Mauricio, Forester, B.F. 4. D. U. Antonio, Forester, B.F. 5. F. Barrer, Forester, B.F. 6. M. Valera, Ranger, B.F. 7. M. Abundo, O.C. Parks & Wildlife 8. Q. Tan, Ranger, B.F. 9. D. Rojas, Ranger, B.F. 10. B. Paragas, Ranger, B.F. 11. J. Orallo, Ranger, B.F. 12. A. Turqueza, Ranger, B.F. 13. B. Gutierrez, Ranger, B.F. 14. W. Agbayani, Logging Superintendent, Western Mindanao Lumber Company. 15. Forester N. Denoga, Manager U.P. Land Grant. Agusan:1. V. Marababol, District Forester, B.F. 2. F. Abraham, Jr., TMA, Forester, B.F. 3. L. Zapanta, Forest Guard, B.F. 4. A. Sison, Ranger, B.F. 5. F. Tamesis, Gen. Manager, Nasipit Lumber Co. 6. D. Dagondon, Logging Supt., Agusan Lumber Corporation. 7. J. Natonton, Logging Supt., Nasipit Lumber Co. 8. Forester Merin, Logging Supt. Valeriano C. Bruno Logging Operation. * • • FORESTRY ALUMNI DIR:jOCTORY For the past months, the forestry alumni throughout the country and abroad were requested to fill in and send in their personal information sheets in connection with the par~ ticipation of the College of Forestry Alumni in the "giant" University Alumni ·Directory. Up to the present, only about 50% of the expected 924 rangers, 329 B.S.F., graduates and a considerable number of non-graduates have responded. These alumni include those who are already in the field, in the army, in the different bureaus of the department and in foreign countries. According to Professor Gregorio Zamuco, Secretary of the Forestry Alumni Association, the main problem is the inability or indifference FORESTRY LEAVES of the alumni to respond after receiving the necessary forms, while others have filled twice or even thriee the personal data forms. This is the reason for the difficulty encountered by the committee in preparing the list for the directory. However, the alumni directory must be submitted whether complete or not by 1958 when the University celebrates its Golden Anniversary. It will be inclu~ed in the university Alumni directory and in the special issue of the Forestry Leai•es in connection with the Golden Anniversary of the University of the Philippines. -A. G. Mordeno .. * .. FORESTRY DAY ACTIVITIES The traditional Forestry Day reels off again in a two-day celebration. As usual, the whole affair will be opened by the general cleaning of the surroundings by the students in the morning of the first day. Then, local cage followers will be treated to a double header at the Forestry Basketball court pitting the speedy Forestry Midgets against the visiting Ateneo de San Pablo Jr. in the opener. Main protagonists in the second game will be the vaunted Forestry Goldies, runner-up in the last intramurals against the Ateneo de San Pablo Alumni selection. During the evening, amateur singing and instrumental contest will be held at the Forestry auditorium. Talented Forestry students are expected to show their wares to win the prizes that will be given to the winners. Beginning at 6:30 a.m. of the second day, there will be an open house of the college building and dormitories. Floral offering at the cenotaph will then precede the convocation to be held at the auditorium with Undersecretary Trinidad as guest speaker. Luncheon will be served at the Mess Hall after the convocation. In the afternoon games will be played on the campus. At the basketball court, the Forestry Selection takes on the Calamba selection, while the Forestry Swatters will cross bats with the Forestry Products Research Institute softball team. The softball game is expected to be a rubber-match because both teams met last Forestry Day but the game ended in a tie. The "grand finale" of the whole affair will be a dance at the Forestry Swimming Pool sponsored by the student body. Prizes will' be awarded to the winning pairs and participants of the contests during the dance. -A. G. Mordeno NOVEMBER, 1957 PENSION ADOS Mr. Domingo Lantican and Mr. Osiris Valderrama, both members of the College of Forestry staff, left for the Uni~d States last September for their Master's degree under the !CA grant. Mr. Lantican is enrolled at the New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse University for his graduate study in Wood Technology, while Mr. Valderrama at the School of Forestry, University of Michigan for his M.A. in Forest Management. The grant will finance, besides, educational fees, the living expenses for the recipients throughout their stay abroad. Mr. Lantican before leaving for the United States had been teaching Forest Products and Wood Technology here, while Mr. Valderrama was in charge of Forest Engineering. Both graduated from the U.P. College of Forestry in 1951. - 0. B. Cadelina • * * FORESTRY RECIPIENT OF U.P.S.C. DONATION AND SCHOLARSHIPS During the last meeting of the U.P. student council last Sept. 8, 1957 at the College of Agriculture campus, the college of Forestry was granted two berths of the six U.P.S.C.-sponsored scholarships and the amount of P500 for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Forestry Basketball Court as its project in Los Banos. Through the able representation of Leonardo Angeles, senior council representative and Armando Villaflor, Junior council representative, the college was granted the amount of P500 embodied in the resolution presented by our representatives. Out of the six U.P.S.C.--sponsored scholarships for the second semester of the Academic Year 1957-58, two berths went to the College of Forestry. The lucky recipients are Bienvenido Rola and Alfredo Canete. They are entitled to P160.00 each for the second semester. Out of the different colleges of the University, the College of Forestry had the most number of candidates composed of Edilberto Cajucom, Romeo Salvador, Adolfo Decena, and Alfredo Canete. The qualification was a grade of "2" or better and the selection was based o:ri the policy of helping the financially-handicapped but deserving students. -A. G. Mordeno * * * FSBO RESOLUTION Every end of the semester, all students from the College of Forestry are required to go down to the Physical Education Department, DepartPage 65 ment of Military Science and Tactics and the U.P. Los Banos Infirmary for final clearance. The students are obliged to go down regardless of whether they have or do not have any accountibility. This greatly inconvenienced the forestry students beer-use in many cases a student fails to get the signature of the personnel concerned of the above-mentioned departments at one time due to various reasons. He has to return not only twice but sometimes thrice to these departments until the personnel concerned could finally attend to him. In answer to this problem, the Forestry student Body presented a resolution requesting the office of the secretary of the college of Forestry to make an arrangement with the abovementioned departments, so that students of this college who have no accountability, money or otherwise, need not go down for final clearance anymore. Copies of the resolution were furnished to the Dean and Secretary of the College of Forestry, directors of the P.E. Department and U.P. Los Banos Infirmary, and the commandant of the DMST. The resolution was approved and immediately took effect beginning with the last clearance period. - A. G. MOTdeno * * * THE SOPHOMORE DANCE by Nick N. Mulato The Sophies gave the kick-off shindig for the second semester at the Forestry Pavilion on November 9. The colorful affair which began at seven o'clock and ended past twelve was a success. Some Sophies really brushed out their latest steps in the popular crazes-Rock 'n Roll and Calypso. But somehow, a greater portion clamored for sweet pieces. The final phase of the barn dance was the induction of the Sophomore Class officers performed to them by their adviser, Dr. Artemio V. Manza. The following were inducted into office.President, Benito Battung; Vice President, Bienvenido Rola; Treasurer, Bienvenido Barcarse; Secretary, Isidro Esteban; Auditor, Avelino Veracion; Rep. to the SBO, Bernardo Sinues; PRO, Jessie Corotan; Ath. Manager, Apeles Villaluna; Bus. Manager, Antonio Asuncion;, Ruperto Somera and Robert Choy. "' * * THE U.P. BETA SIGMA FRAT~RNITY The U.P. Beta Sigma Fraternity (Los Banos -Forestry Chapter) capped its screening a.nd initiation proceedings with solemn induction ceremonies at the Agricultural Engineering building last semester. Since then, they have underPage 66 taken a few face-lifting activities in the college. Together with their Aggie brods, they sponsored the Kabayao concert in Los Banos. The show was an immediate sensation as shown by the enthusiasm of both the students and faculty members in the audience. The more serious side of the Betan activities was the Annual Pinning ceremony for the new members. A formal affair was held at the Baker Memorial Hall on November 29. There werP 24 new members from the College of Forestry that were "pinned". They are--Agustin, A.; Asuncion, A.; Barcarse, B.; Caday, E.; Choy, R.; Dizon, E.; Dumo, R.; Cruz, J.; Dumpit, S.: Ellazar, C.; Galapia, P.; Jaramillo, T.; Llacuna, V.; Necesito, A.; Queja, B.; Piano, R.; Sales, E.; Salud, B.; Somera, R.; Tandoc, M.; Tuzcano, T.; Udarbe, M.; Ulita, M.; and Veracion, A. Their energetic prexy, Vic Veracion has this to say of the new members-"They are such a fine bunch". I - Nick N. Mulato Unhappiness indicafe.s wrong thinking; just as ill health indicates a bad regimen. - Paul Bourget Compliments of Sta. Cecilia Sawmills, Inc. 87 SOUTH 9TH STREET, TOMAS B. MORATO President snd General Manager NICANOR HIDALGO Executive Vice-President Cable Address: "CE C I L" Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1816, Manila Tel. 7-84-10- 7-92-25 FORESTRY LEAVES