From the Mailbag


Part of Forestry Leaves

From the Mailbag
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Editor Forestry Leaves U.P. College of Agriculture Los Baiios, Laguna Dear Sir: November 5, 1957 Your publication is one of the most important magazines selected for inclusion in OUl" Index to PhiliP'fJine Perindicals. This Index is being distributed to libraries in the Philippines and abroad and also to researchers and scientists needing it. Issues of the Index are being sent to you as soon as they are out. However, our record shows we are not receiving your publication. May we request you to include us in your free mailin.1? list if possible? To insure prompt and correct delivery of your publication, please address it as follows: Inter-Departmental Reference Service Institute of Public Administration, U.P. P.O. Box 474, Manila Very truly yours, MAXIMA M. FERRER Jn-charge, JDRS • • 1 October 1957 His Excellency Carlos P. Garcia President of the Philippines Malacanang Palace Manila Dear Mr. President: This is to express to you the individual and collective feelings of gratitude of the members of the Mindanao Federation of Labor for your quick action regarding the release of portions of the national forest reserve in Basilan City to the companies operating lumber concessions in this region. With your intervention 10,000 workers and their families have been directly served and their means of livelihood assured. Have you dillydallied, these workers and their families would have been thrown out of work and experienced extreme privations. We interpret your action as evidence of your sensitivity to the needs of the poor man and your willingness to alleviate his sad plight. Moreover, we wish to call to your kind attention the good work done by Secretary Juan RodriNOVEMBER, 1957 guez and his legal assistant Atty. Salvador Cunanan in expediting the pa.pers of release following your directive. We wish you greater success in your avowed purpose to serve the masses and we .pray for your good health. cc: Very respectfully yours, MINDANAO FEDERATION OF LABOR (MFL) By: CIPRIANO C. MALONZO President Secretary Juan Rodriguez Department of Agriculture & Natural Resources Manila Atty. Salvador Cuna.nan Department ctf Agriculture & Natural Resources Manila * * * MAKILING REFORESTATION PROJECT College, Laguna Forest Planting (Gen. Recapitulation of Inventory) September 16, 1957 The Director of Forestry Manila Sir: With reference to our letter of "August 27, 1957" designated "Forest, Plantation (Inventory of Plantation)": I have the honor to submit herewith the general recapitulation of the inventory of the forest plantations (alphabetically arranged) in the (4) blocks (Pili, Puting-Lupa, Maitim and SuIokin Blocks) of the Makiling Reforestation Project for your information and record. Very truly yours, CARLOS CUNANAN Forester-in-Charge Makiling Reforestation Project (See Table on page 74) A real home is a shelter from the storms of life, a place to enjoy, a pl,ace in which to relax, a place of peace and rest. A true home is the center of all hruman hopes and ideals. it "does not 0 ha'l•e to be a mansion. - Dr. Clifford R. Anderson Page 73 GENERAL RECAPITULATION OF INVENTORY OF TREES (ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED) IN THE FOUR (4) BLOCKS OF THE MAKILING REFORESTATION PROJECT, COLLEGE, LAGUNA AS OF AUGUST 27, 1957 * SPECIES \A~~I BLO~_!C_ __ ol IPutint TOTAL Lupa IMaitiml Sulokini GRAND Block I Block TOTAL Acuaia 9 68 7 84 84 Almon 36 36 36 Akleng parang 5 5 5 Amugia 24 213 84 124 445 1,746 248 2,439 Anuling 3 69 12 84 84 A pi tong 91 592 683 683 African tulip 25 25 Ago ho 81 81 Akle 2 2 Bagtikan 19 568 3217 3,834 102 3,936 Ba&Wlumbang 369 3 12 384 2 386 Bakauan-gubat 2 2 2 Balakat-gubat 16 16 16 Banaba 245 1 256 347 70 673 Banuyo 36 86 130 166 Be tis 2 12 14 170 184 Bitaog 66 19 10 95 95 Brazilian Fire Tree 2 3 7 10 Caballero 1 1 Ca1ia spectabilie 121 121 179 300 Cedrela 147 8 6 ~61 2,519 1,139 6,055 9,874 Cutch tree 2 2 2 Dalingdiiigan 34 14 48 48 Dita 3 20 11 34 31 65 Duiigon 3 3 252 255 Garcinia 1p. 22 22 22 Gu bas 285 350 635 236 17 888 Guijo 15 40 1.152 1,207 1,207 Ha&akbak 157 157 157 Ipil 1,571 5,764 203 105 7,643 1,142 12 8,797 Jatoba 12 12 Kalumpit 11 10 2 23 23 Lamog 14 9 23 4 27 Lamio 96 96 Lanutap 135 54 189 1,307 1,496 Lum bang 131 54 210 6 401 1,665 2,066 Laiigil 117 83 200 200 Mahogany· 3,751 4,340 2,038 126 10,255 10,359 11,020 2,299 33,933 Mala papaya 13 111 75 72 271 8 279 Malaruhat 1,360 1,360 Maya pis 11 11 216 227 Molave 62 45 1,075 25 1,207 1,207 Madre Cacao 94 94 94 Narra 8,367 2,048 151 22 10,588 18,795 11,159 2,025 42,567 Olayan 95 95 Pahutan 104 104 104 Palosapi1 152 152 152 Palomaria 93 93 Palosanto 57 57 37 94 Pan10 173 7 180 180 Paiagi s 11 16 253 269 PBDKlomboien 117 86 296 499 1,092 Paper Mulberry 365 727 1,092 1,092 Para rubber 165 165 165 Su pa 1 1 2 2 Teak 157 169 326 58 5 389 TiDdalo 5 5 213 218 Tua 4 4 White Lauan 238 1860 839 2,937 57 46 3,040 Yakel 224 224 224 TOTAL 15,544 14,135 8,940 6,412 45,031 41,604 23,670 10,4:15 120,730 ( * Table accompanying Forester Cunanan's letter on page 73.) 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