With Pope Paul through the year


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

With Pope Paul through the year
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
WITH POPE PAUL THROUGH THE YEAR "We are all responsible for Peace; we are all called to collaborate for Peace making our personal contribution to the building-up of a society based on love, in our environment, our profession, and in our dally relations.” New Year Address 1 January 1976 "Consecrated chastity Is not selfishness, but Immolation of oneself for that kingdom of God which is entirely an extolling of ecclealal charity, positive and universal.” To Men and Women Religious 2 February 1976 "It is not possible to be a real Christian without being strong. It is not possible to be strong, even spiritually without being athletes, that is, without difficult and prolonged exercises.” Ash Wednesday Address 3 March 1976 "Today the Resurrection of Christ is reflected in hope; tomorrow it will be reflected in a changed realltyl” Easier “Urbi et Orbi” Message 18 April 1976 "Blessed are we if we have learned to seek the deep usefulness of sorrow, to trust in Christ’s love for us... ” Pope’s General Audience 12 May 1976 ■ "We thank the Lord who never abandons his Church, but strengthens her ever more in the perennial youth he has given her. His assistance guides us ‘with a strong and an extended arm’; it 190 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS is to him we commit ousrelves as we renew together our public and solemn act of faith.” Pope’s address to new Cardinals at the public Consistory 24 May 1976 “The measure of your love will be the measure of your effectiveness and the measures of your joyl” To newly-ordained priest from the North American College 9 June 1976 “How humble and how great we are made by the prayer of the 'Our Father1, which was taught to us by the supreme and sole Master, who Is Christ.1 General Audience 23 June 1976 "... to confirm in the hearts of artists the conviction that the Catholic Church still and always esteems them, supports them and protects them... that she awaits the flourishing of a new spring of post-conclllar religious Art!11 To Seminar on “The influence of religious inspiration in American Art” 21 July 1976 "Admittedly not everyone can personally become a missionary. But all of us must experience the strength of the example of the missionaries. All of us must feet ourselves linked In solidarity with these heroic heralds of the faith and civilization through our faith, our offering, our prayer.” General Audience 25 August 1976 “Parents, arouse the conscience of your children, In search of what Is First In our life, and give your children at once the secret to Interpret our life and to make It a happy one..." General Audience 23 September 1976 WITH POPE PAUL THROUGH THE YEAR 191 "Your blessed evangelists of Christ’s Word, you teachers of Christian wisdom, you models of the virtues of prayer and sacrifice, defend the silence of your conventual retreats; and then come out again to greet and convert the world." Radio Message to Franciscans on 750th anniversary of the death of St. Francis 29 September 1976 “At a canonization joy so prevails In the hearts of the faithful that every other sentiment grows dim and every other consideration seems unnecessary for our spiritual joy." At the Canonization of John Ogilvie 17 October 1976 'It Is necessary to go on prudently, but without hesitating, moved by a love strong enough to bear witness to the whole truth, holding firmly the anchor of our hope —and docile to the Holy Spirit who guides us unceassingly towards the whole truth.. To Secretariat for the Union of Christians 12 November 1976 "Let not Christmas pass without carrying out some good work, dictated by the sense of humanity.’’ Angelus Message 19 December 1976