Collection and yield of Philippine tanbarks


Part of Forestry Leaves

Collection and yield of Philippine tanbarks
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Collection and Yield of Philippine Tanbarks SUMMARY Seven upland tanbark species consisting of anabiong, bitaog, kalumpit, kamachile, kupang, narra, and sakat were studied for tanbark yield using four stripping methods for the collection of the bark. Except in one method, where the bark was completely peeled, the other three left continuous strips of bark along the trunks of experimental trees. Bitaog had the thickest bark ( 1.53 cm.) and gave the highest average tanbark yield in green weight (9.7 kg./sq.m.), followed by kamachile ( 8.9 kg./sq.m.). Bitaog also had the highest air-dry yield ( 5.9 kg./ sq.m.), followed by kalumpit ( 4.7 kg./sq.m.). The lowest average green and air-dry yields were obtained from narra ( 5.6 kg./sq.m. and 2.3 kg./sq.m., respectively). Of the species studied, the bark of narra was the thinnest (0.63. cm.). Results indicated that callus formation was influenced by (a) extent of damage inflicted on the cambial layer in the process of stripping, (b) moisture content of the bark (season of stripping), and ( c) species. INTRODUCTION In the Philippines, the barks of kamachile, an upland tanbark species, and some mangrove species are the main sources of tanning materials ( 4). 2 Among the common 1 Senior Forest Products Technologist and Forest Products Technologist, respectively. Forest Products Research Institute, College, Laguna. 2 Numbers in parentheses refer to Literaturd Cited. MOViNG-UP DAY ISSUE-1965 F. R. LOPEZ & I. T. ZAMUC01 swamp tanbark species that were used for tanning leather are busaing ( Bruguiera gymnorrhiza ( L.) Lam.), langarai [B. parviflora ( Roxb.) W. & A. ex. Griff.] pototan [B. sexangula (Lour. ) Poir.], and tan gal [ Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C. B. Rob.]. Because of their high tannin content, these species provided tanbark for a group of tanneries that processed animal hides into finished leather ( 5). Today, kamachile [Pithecellobium du l c e ( Roxb.) Benth.] bark is used almost exclusively because of the light-colored leather it produces. The mangrove species are no longer used extensively as a source of tanbark because they produce hard, dark-red leather. This drawback, however, can be overcome by blending mangrove tanbark with other ta~­ ning materials. Baens, et al. (I ) and Gana ( 4) reported many native trees the barks of which have a fairly high tannin content (Table I) and produce good leather. Among the species mentioned are anabiong [Trema orientalis ( L. ) Blume J, kalumpit ( T erminalia microcarpa Decne. ) , narra ( Pterocarpus indicus Willd.), pili ( Canarium ovatum Engl.), sakat ( T erminalia nitens Presl), Benguet pine ( Pinus insularis End!.), bitaog ( Calophyllum inophyllum L. ), kariskis [Albizia lebb,:;koides (DC.) Benth.] and kupang ( Parkia roxburghii G. Don). The tannin from kalumpit bark has been used in leather tanning but is not popular. The bark of narra is a potential source of commercial tannin, but since 'the trees are widely scattered in the forest the cost of bark collection seems uneconomical. Page 53 According to Brown ( 2), the name "cutch," which has been used for mangrove tanbark and bark extract, was originally applied to heartwood of Acacia catechu Will<l. and was known all over India and Burma. It has gained recognition in foreign countries for processing heavy shoe sole and belting leather. For sometime, the "cutch" industry in the Philippines flourished. Unfortunately, however, the exportation of cutch from the Philippines became unprofitable because most of the good stands of mangrove species were considerably reduced by indiscriminate cutting. Botanically unsound methods of bark collection also resulted in the death of many trees. SPECIES Anabiong [Trema orienatlis (L.) Blanco] Bitaog ( Calophyllum inophyllum L.) Kalumpit ( Terminalia microcarpa Decne.) Kamachile ( Pithecellobium dulce Roxb.) Kupang ( Parkia roxburghii G. Don) Narra ( Pterocarpus indicus Willd.) Sakat ( Terminalia nitens Pres!) Preparation, Stripping and Labeling of Trees (6, 7, and 8) Four experimental methods of stripping the bark were employed, designated as methods I, II, III and IV, which are illustrated in Figure I. Generally, the stripping commenced from the base (at breast height or about one meter or less above the ground) up to the first branch of the tree. A sharp bolo, a hatchet and an improvised wooden debarking tool were used for the purpose. A bamboo ladder and a rope (ladder-fashioned) were used to reach the first branch of the tree. Except in method IV, where the bark was totally stripped or peeled, all other methods left unbroken strips of bark along the trunk or bole. Unbroken strips of bark left an uninterrupted pathway Page 54 This study was designed (a) Lo determine the _yield of tanbark by diameter class and species, and (b) to determine the besl method of stripping the bark without impairing the health of the trees. MATERIALS AND METHODS Selection of Trees ( 6, 7, and 8) The species reported by Baens (I ) as having high tannin content, and which were available in the Makiling Forest and vicinity, were selected for this study. A total of 64 trees, represented by seven upland tanbark species of different diameter classe5. were studied as follows: DIAMETER CLASS NO. OF TREF.S (cm.) 30--40 9 40~50 9 40~50 4 50--60 9 20~30 4 30--40 4 50~60 4 7~0 4 50--60 8 60~70 4 50~60 5 between roots and leaves to provide for a continuous supply of elaborated food materials. This enabled the tree to carry on lts physiological functions more or less unimpaired, and afforded a good chance for bark regeneration. Each stripped tree was tagged with galvanized iron sheet ( 8 by IO cm.) painted black, which indicated the method of stripping, species, tree number, diameter class and date of stripping. Determination of Tanbark Yield (6, 7, and 8) Freshly collected barks were bundled and weighed according to species and diameter class. To prevent fungal infection, the barks FORESTRY LEAVES collected from each tree were then sun-dried to almost air-dry condition. After sun-drying, the barks were again securely bundled and further air-dried indoors until the bark had attained constant air-dry condition. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 2 gives data on the yield of tanbark by diameter class of the seven upland tanbark species found in the Makiling Forest and its vicinity. The comparative yield and bark thickness bv diameter class are shown in Table 3. The comparative over-all average yield, moisture content of bark samples, average calculated area of bark stripped and average thickness of the bark are shown in Table 4. Callus formation, mortality and health condition of the experimental trees are presented in Table 5. Over-all Tanbark Yield (Table 4) The average yields of tanbark are expressed in kilogram per square meter (kg. I sq.m.) of bark, based on green and air-dry weights. Based on over-all average tanbark yield, bitaog gave the highest, both in green and air-dry weights, 9.7 kg./sq.m. and 5.9 kg./sq.m., rsepectively. The lowest yield was obtained from narra, 5.6 kg./sq.m. (green weight) and 2.3 kg./sq.m. (air-dry weight). Comparative Tanbark Yield and Bark Thickness by Dia,,;_eter Class (Table 3) In the present study, it was not possible to compare the tanbark yield and bark thickness of all the species by diameter class because of the limited number of experimental trees available in the sampling area·. In the 30-40 cm. diameter class, only anabiong and kamachile were studied. The latter species gave a higher yield than the former. Kamachile yielded 11.2 kg./sq.m. (green weight) and 5.2 kg./sq.m. (air-dry weight), while anabiong gave a yield of 7.6 kg./sq.m. and 2.5 kg./sq.m. in green and air-dry weight, respectively. In bark thickness, kamachile ( 1.05 cm. ) had a thicker bark than anabiong f (0.84 cm.). MOVING-UP DAY ISSUE - 1965 In the 40-50 cm. diameter class, anabiong and bitaog were investigated. Bitaog gave a higher yield in green and air-dry weights (9.7 kg./sq.m. and 5.9 kg./sq.m., respectively) as compared with 7.8 kg./sq.m. and 2.S kg./sq.m., respectively for anabiong. The bark of bitaog ( 1.53 cm.) was thicker th:in that of anabiong ( 0.87 cm.). Four species were studied in the 50 ~o 60 cm. diameter class. Their yields, green and air-dry, in descending order were '.ls follows: kalumpit ( 8.8 and 4.7 kg./sq.m.), sakat (8.1 and 4.5 kg./sq.m.), kupang (6.9 and 2.5 kg./sq.m.), and narra ( 5.6 and 2.0 kg./sq.m.). In bark thickness, kalumpit ( 0.96 cm.) and sakat ( 0.95 cm.) produced the thickest bark, followed by kupang ( 0.73 cm.). Narra had the thinnest bark ( 0.56 cm.). Observation Notes by Species (Table 5) Anabiong. - In the 30 to 40 cm. diameter class, two trees each stripped by Methods I and IV, and one tree treated under method II, co~pletely regenerated their barks. The period of complete callus formation ranged from eight months and 23 days (Method IV) to on~ year and ten months (Method II ) . Of these trees only two are still living (Methods I and IV); the other three died (Methods I, II and IV). One of the surviving trees (Method IV) was healthy and the other tree (Method I) was very sickly probably because one of the main branches was broken by strong winds. Of the three dead trees, one was broken by strong winds ( Method II ) , one was felled by kaiiigineros (Method IV), and one died because of an unknown malady (Method I). Very little to fair callus was formed on the other four trees (one tree in Method II and three trees in Method III), but they were either broken or uprooted by strong winds. Of the nine trees in the 40 to 50 cm. diameter class, four trees stripped by Methods III (Plates 1 and 2) and IV had complete callus formation, the period of callusing ranged from four months (Method III) to 1-1/2 years (Method IV.) Three of these Page 55 trees were still healthy, but one had been uprooted by strong winds. The complete callus formed on the trees was flush with the old unstripped bark (Plate 3). One tree (Method I) had almost complete callus formation after a lapse of 2-1/2 years from date of stripping and was still vigorous. The remaining four trees (two each, under Methods I and II) were either broken by wind or died from an undetermined cause. These trees had callus which ranged from none to fair. Bitaog. - All the four trees debarked by the four stripping methods completely regenerated their bark. The period of callusing ranged from 9-1/2 months (Method IV) to 10 months for Methods I, II and III. All the trees were healthy but two of them were purposely felled. In all instances, callus was unevenly formed (Plate 4) but flush with the old bark. Kalumpit.-None of the trees stripped by the four methods completely regenerated its bark four years from the date of stripping. Callus formation ranged from very little (Method III) to almost complete (Methods I and II). All surviving trees were healthy. The two trees, stripped by Method IV died from damage inflicted on the cambial layer in spite of the care taken during the process of stripping. Kamachile. - Except for one tree ( 30 to 40 cm. diameter class), stripped by Method IV which died six months after stripping because of severe termite infestation, all other trees ( 7) were healthy. Of these seven surviving trees, six have fair callus formation (Plate 5) and one has almost complete callus formation three years after stripping. Kupang.-ln the 50 to 60 cm. diameter class, only the tree stripped by Method I completely regenerated its bark after more than two years. Callus tissue was smoother than the old bark. The tree stripped by Method II had only fair callus and was healthy, and the exposed sapwood had been attacked by wood-decaying fungi (Plate 7). Page 56 The tree treated under Method III was broken . at Jhe bole by a typhoon (Plate 8). No calli'is was formed on the tree under Method IV at the time it died from a broken bole after one year aml ten months from stripping. In the 70 to 80 cm. diameter class, callus formation was complete on the tree stripped by Method IV. Callus formed was irregular and swollen (Plate 9). Two trees had callus which ranged from very little (Method II) to almost complete (Method I). The three trees were healthy. The bole of the tree stripped by Method III was broken by strong winds. Narra. -The trees stripped by the four methods in the 50 to 60 cm. and 60 to 70 cm. diameter classes were healthy, except one in Method II of the 60 to 70 cm. diameter class. Callus formation ranged from very little (Plate 10) to almost complete approximately 2-1/2 years after stripping. It was noted that the trees which developed very little callus in patches were those in which the cambial layer was damaged in the process of stripping. Sakat. - Only two, one each under Methods I and III, out of the five trees stripped by the four methods were still vigorous. The tree stripped by Method I had almost complete callus at the end of 4-1/2 years from stripping (Plate 11), whereas under Method Ill only very little callus was formed almost three years from stripping. General Observations The form and soundness of the trunk or bole of the tree exerts some influence on the facility of stripping or peeling of the bark. Trees with bark relatively free from knots and other imperfections were easier to debark. Easy stripping was also noted when the trunk had more moisture content on account of recent rain ( 6, 7, and 8). Of the four experimental stripping methods employed, Methods I and II required longer time in debarking because more strips FORESTRY LEAVES of bark have to be stripped than in Methods III and IV. The latter two methods, however, were decidedly easier and faster than the first two methods for the bark stripper. Apparently, Method IV which completely removed the bark of the experimental trees did not seriously impair the health ,,f anabiong and bitaog. All the trees of these two species stripped by Method IV were able to regenerate their bark completely and remain healthy. As shown in Table 5, it appears that the different stripping methods had no significant effect on callus formation. It will be noted that the number of trees that were able to regenerate their bark partially or fully was nearly the same regardless of the method of stripping. From this study, it was not possible to determine the factors that really affected the callus formation and health of the trees. Some factors, which obviously influenced the regenerative capacity of the bark, such as season of stripping and damage to cambial layer, were beyond experimental control. However, the over-all results tended to show that the most important factor that affected the health of the stripped trees was the extent of callus formation. Bark regeneration may be influenced by the following factors ( 6, 7, and 8): 1. Extent of damage to the cambial layer in the process of stripping. - It was generally observed that callus formation was, to some degree, dependent upon the extent 0f damage inflicted on the cambial layer. Thi$ damage was characterized by the scraping of the thin layer of meristimatic cells, thereby exposing the woody tissue. Generally, trees that were easy to debark were less prone to cambial injury, hence enhancing the regenerative ability of the bark. 2. Moisture content of the bark. - Trees with bark of high moisture content were generally easy to debark. Variation in mois- r ture content is an inherent characteristic of MOVING-UP DAY ISSUE-1965 the species. Anabiong was found to have a relatively high moisture content ( 240.41 per cent on the oven-dry basis) while narra and kalumpit had relatively low moisture contents of 74.00 and 75.31 per cent, respectively. Anabiong was comparatively much easier to debark than the latter two species. The moisture content of the bark may be dependent also on the season when stripping was made. It was observed that stripping or peeling of the bark was easier during the rainy season than during the dry season. 3. Species. - It appears that the ability of a tree to regenerate its bark is characteristically inherent to the species. Bitaog, irrespective of the stripping method used, was able to regenerate its bark completely. Other species, like kalumpit, narra and sakat, even with the apparently much less harmful methods of stripping (Methods I and II), failed to regenerate their bark fully. LITERATURE CITED 1. Baens, L., et al. 1934. Tannin content of Philippine barks and woods. Phil. }our. Sci. 55:177-180. .· 2. Brown, W. H. 1920. Minor products of Philippine forests. Bull. No. 22, Vol. 1, Bur. of For., DANR. 3. Eames, A.J. and L.H. MacDaniels. 1947. An introduction to plant anatomy. Ed. 2, Illustr. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. New York and London. 4. Gana, V. Q. 1916. Some Philippine tan barks. Phil. }our. Sci. Vol. 11, Section A, pp. 264-265. 5. Gooch, W. 0. 1953. Forest industries of the Philippines. A cooperative project of the Bureau of Forestry, DANR, PHICUSA and USMA. 6. Eusebio, M. A., et al. 1960. Collection and yield of Philippine tanbarks. Second Progress Report (Unpublished). FPRI Library, College, Laguna. 7. Tofigacan, A. L., and I. T. Zamuco. 1961. Collectoin and yield of Philippine tanbarks. Third Progress Report (Unpublished ) . FPRI Library, College, Laguna. 8. Tamolang, F. N. and J. A. Meniado. 1958. Collection and yield of Philippine tm1barks. First Progress Report ( Unpublished). F'PRI Library, College, Laguna. Page 57 Table 1. Philippine tanbarks' as compared tcith Australian tanbark. Species Black wattle' Kalurnpit Narra Karnachile Sakat Kariskis Ku pang Bitaog Kulatingan Dalinsi Yakal Anabiong Tannin content in per cent2 based on oven-dry weight 42.50 42.00 ( 20.0) 30.70 30.10 ( 31.8) 27.38 21.90 20.60 (9.2) 19.20 19.00 17.80 17.17 17.10 (8.1) 1 Baens, L. et al. Tannin content of Philippine barks and woods. Phil. Jour. Sci. 55: 177-180. 2 The species with low or no tannin content were deleted from the list. Figures in parentheses represent tannin content determinations by FPRI. 3 This Australian species is included for comparison with indigenous species. Table 2. Yield of tanbark by diameter class of seven upland tanbark tree species found in the Makiling National Park, College, Laguna and Bayog, Los Banos, Laguna. ! Method No.of Av. height I Av. calculated Av. bark Averageyield (kg./sq.m.) Species I of trees of stripped I area of bark thickness \ Air-dry wt. stripping sbipped bole I stripped Green wt. (meters) (sq.m.) (cm.) (30-40 cm. diameter class) I 2 3.61 1.88 0.80 7.4 2.0 II :2 7.25 3.43 0.83 7.3 3.0 Anabiong III 3 7.30 3.74 0.86 7.4 2.4 IV 2 4.06 4.01 0.85 8.2 2.6 !< vera~~----··- 5.56 3.27 0.84 7.6 2.5 ( 40-50 cm. diameter class) I 3 8.36 4.84 0.93 8.5 3.2 II 2 7.15 4.26 0.90 7.6 2.7 Anabiong III 2 5.00 3.04 0.80 6.3 2.0 IV 2 5.52 6.70 0.83 8.8 3.4 - - - - - - -- -----~ --Average 6.51 4.71 0.87 7.8 2.8 (40-50 cm. diameter class) I 1 1.47 1.04 1.50 9.5 7.5 II 1 1.63 1.07 1.60 12.6 5.9 Bitaog III 1 4.50 3.13 1.50 7.2 4.5 IV 1 1.50 2.14 1.50 9.6 5.8 Average 2.55 1.85 1.53 9.7 5.9 Page 58 FORESTRY LEAVES Method I No. of Av. height Av. calculated Av. bark Average yield (kg./sq.m.) Species of trees of stripped area of bark thickness l -- -stripping I stripped bole stripped Green wt. Air-dry wt. I (meters) (sq.m.) (cm.) (50-60 cm. diameter class) I 2 9.20 6.55 0.85 8.4 4.6 II 4 8.35 6.05 1.04 8.9 5.2 Kai um pit III 1 10.38 8.10 1.00 8.6 4.3 IV 2 6.81 10.37 0.95 9.3 4.5 ---------Average 8.69 7.77 0.96 8.8 4.7 (20-30 cm. diameter class) I 1 0.86 0.38 0.80 5.8 2.4 II 1 0.96 0.33 0.70 5.5 1.8 Kamachile III 1 1.00 0.44 1.50 9.1 3.6 IV 1 0.70 0.72 0.60 6.0 2.5 Average 0.88 0.47 0.90 6.6 2.6 (30-40 cm. diameter class) I 1 I.14 0.64 1.30 10.6 4.7 II 1 1.72 1.02 1.30 10.8 5.6 Kamachile III 1 1.10 0.70 1.00 8.6 3.7 IV 1 0.70 0.77 0.60 14.8 6.9 Average 1.17 0.78 1.05 11.2 5.2 (50-60 cm. diameter class) I 1 3.81 3.18 0.60 6.8 2.4 II 1 8.10 5.72 0.70 7.1 2.3 Kupang III 1 4.18 3.23 0.90 7.1 2.5 IV 1 4.29 8.46 0.70 6.8 2.7 Average 5.35 5.15 0.73 6.9 2.5 (70-80 cm. diameter class) I 1 12.80 13.72 1.20 9.9 4.2 II 1 11.27 11.44 0.90 7.6 3.2 Ku pang III l 10.32 9.50 0.80 6.8 2.3 IV l 4.80 11.50 1.00 9.6 3.8 Average 9.80 11.54 0.98 8.5 3.4 (50-60 cm. diameter class) I 2 3.49 2.57 0.55 4.2 1.8 II 2 4.39 3.34 0.65 6.8 2.2 Narra III 2 2.76 2.19 0.60 5.3 1.8 IV 2 3.11 4.64 0.50 5.6 2.3 Average 3.44 3.18 0.56 5.5 2.0 MOVING-UP DAY ISSUE-1965 Page 59 Method of stripping No. of trees stripped I Av. height I Av. calculated l Av. bark I ofi stripped area of bark . thickness i Average yield (kg./sq.m.) Species bole stripped I ! I I Green wt. i Air-dry wt. (meters) (sq.m.) (cm.) ( 60-70 cm. diameter class) I 1 2.65 2.40 0.60 6.1 2.7 II 1 3.68 3.10 0.80 6.3 1.9 Narra III l 3.50 3.10 0.70 5.8 2.4 IV 1 2.69 4.80 0.70 4.7 2.8 Average 3.13 3.35 --tf7o 5.7 2.5 - --- ---- ---(50-60 cm. diameter class) I 2 7.15 5.78 1.00 9.7 5.1 II 1 14.82 11.90 1.00 6.5 4.2 Sakat III 1 8.43 6.97 1.00 9.6 5.3 IV 1 8.93 12.64 0.80 6.5 3.3 · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- ------ - - - - Average· 9.86 9.42 0.95 8.1 4.5 Table 3. Comparative yield and bark thir:kness by diameter class of certain upland tanbark species found in the M akiling National Park and vicinity.1 Species Anabiong Kamachile Anabiong Bitaog Kai um pit Ku pang Narra Sakat i , I Av. yield (kg./sq.m.) Green wt. Air-dry wt. (30-40 cm. diameter 7.6 2.5 11.2 5.2 ( 40-50 cm. diameter 7.8 2.8 9.7 5.9 (50-60 cm. diameter 8.8 4.7 6.9 2.5 5.6 2.0 8.1 4.5 Av. calculated Average bark area of bark stripped thickness (sq. m.) (cm.) class) 3.27 0.84 0.78 1.05 class) 4.71 0.87 1.85 1.53 class)· 7.77 0.96 5.15 0.73 3.18 0.56 9.42 0.95 ---------1 Insufficiency of experimental trees did not permit representation of all species in the different diameter class. • Table 4. Comparative over-all average tanbark yield, moisture content of bark sample.\, average. qalculated area of bark stripped and average bark thickness. - - - - - - - - - - ! A · • Id (k / )1 I I 1 Av. moisture content2 · v. yie g. sq.m. Av. calculated [ 'I S · 1 1 - , area of bark 1 Av. thickness pecies I of bark Green Air-dry ------·- I Green wt. Air-dry wt. I .. stripped concliiton condiiton Anabiong Bitaog Kai um pit Karhachile Ku pang Narra. Sakaf 7.7 9.7 8.8 8.9 ' 7.7 5.6 8.1 2.6 5.9 4.7 3.9 3.0 2.3 4.5 sq.m. 3.99 1.85 7.77 0.6..'3 8.35 3.25 9.42 cm. 0.86 1.5.3 0.96 0.98 0.86 0.63 0.95 Per cent 240.41 86.00 75.31 152.90 195.29 74.00 107.61 Per cent 12.27 12.40 14.63 13.00 12.74 30.40 12.60 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · · - - - - - - - - 1 Yields are over~all averages for all trees of each species by all methods of stripping. 2 Moisture percentages based on oven-dry weight. Page 60 FORESTRY LEAVES Si:: ~ ..... z ~ 6 'ti i::i > ~ ..... en en c:: t-:1 I - '° 8: 'ti II> "" ~ a- Table 5. Callus formation, mortality and health condition of experimental upland tanbark trees in the Makiling National Park and vicinity . Species Anabiong Method of stripping I JI III IV Tree No. 1 2 1 2 - 1 2 3 1 2 Callus fonnationl complete complete complete very little complete complete Period from date of stripping to complete callus fonnation or last observation Health condition of tree2 ( 30-40 cm. diameter class) 1 yr. 8 mo. & 21 days very unthrifty 1 yr. 8 mo. & 26 days 1 yr. 9 mo. & 26 days 4 yr. 7 nm. & 23 days 8 mo. & 29 days 8 mo. & 23 days unthrifty thrifty 1 Callus fonnation was rated as follows: very little - callus over approximately 5 to 15 cent of stripped surface; fair - callus 20 to 40 per cent nf srtipped surface; almost complete - callus 90 to 95 per cent of stripped surface; and complete - callus 98 to 100 per cent of stripped surface. 2 Observation of health condition was made at date of last observation. Remarks one main branch broken due to strong winds. tree was thrifty after 1 year and 10 months from stripping but died at the end of 31h years. tree was thrifty up to 3 years from stripping, but broken by wind. fair callus formation, 2 yr. 1 mo. & 18 days after stripping. but tree was broken by wind. bole broken and severely attacked by termites. fair callus formation, 2 mo. & 27 days after stripping, but tree was uprooted hy wind at the end of 2 years. no callus formation and broken by wind, 2 mo. & 27 days afttr stripping. felled by kaingineros, 1 yr. & 2 monhts after stripping. ~ ao f'D ~ d := t-:1 ~ := -< ~ > < t-:1 r.n Species Anabiong Bitaog Method Tree of No. stripping I 1 2 3 II 1 2 III 1 2 IV 1 2 I 1 II 1 III 1 IV 1 Period from date of Health condition Callus stripping to complete Remarks fonnation callus fonnation or of tree last observation ( 40-50 cm. diameter class) -- - -- fair callus formation, 22 months and 15 days after stripping but broken by wind. - - - fair callus formation, 2 month:> and 21 days after stripping but broken by wind. almost complete 2 yr. 6 mo. & 25 days thrifty - - - no callus formation, 2 months and 12 days after stripping, but tree died at end of 22 months. - - - very little callus, 21 months & 25 days after stripping, but tree was uprooted by wind. complete 8 mo. & 26 days thrifty callus was flush with. an<l smoother than old bark. complete 4 mo. & 2 days thrifty - ditto - complete I yr. 7 mo. & 24 days - uprooted by wind at end of 1 year and 9 months after shipping. complete 8 mo. & 27 days thrifty callus was f 1 us h with and smoother than old bark. ( 40-50 cm. diameter class) complete 10 mo. & 1 day thrifty callus was flush with older bark but was unevenly f9rmed. complete 10 mo. & I day thrifty callus was almost flush wilh old bark but unevenly formed. complete 10 mo. & 1 day - tree was thrifty but it was felled to give way to building concomplete 9 mo. & 19 days - struction. - ditto - ~ .... 2 r 0 'tl t:i ~ .... UI ~ t':I I ..... '° 8j 'tl .. "" (II 00... Species Kalumpit Kamachile Method Tree of No. stripping I 1 2 II 1 2 3 4 III 1 IV 1 2 I 1 II 1 III 1 IV 1 Period from date of Callus stripping to complete formation callus formation or last observation ( 50-60 cm. diameter class) fair., 4 yr. 5 mo. & 28 days almost complete 4 yr. 5 mo. & 28 days fair 4 yr. 6 mo. & 19 days fair 4 yr. 6 mo. & 18 days almost complete 4 yr. 6 mo. & 17 days almost complete 4 yr. 6 mo. & 10 days very little 3 yr. and 20 days ( 20-30 cm. diameter class) fair 3 yr. 3 mo. & 3 days fair - ditto - fair - ditto - fair - ditto - Health condition of tree thrifty thrifty thrifty thrifty thrifty thrifty thrifty thrifty thrifty thrifty thrifty Remarks callus smoother than old bark. exposed sapwood severely attacked by termites and wooddecaying fungi. - ditto - callus along margin of wound swollen. no callus was formed until tree died 1 yr. 9 mo. and 23 days after stripping. very little callus was formed until tree died 3 years after stripping. callus along margin of wood swollen. - ditto - - ditto - thick callus was formed along margin of wood. Sprouts developed at base. ~ a. ID ~ ~ § ~ ~ rn Species I Kamachile Ku pang Ku pang Method of stripping I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV Tree No. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Callus formation almost complete fair fair complete fair almost complete very little complete Period from date of stripping to complete callus formation or last observation ( 30-40 cm. diameter class) 3 yr. 3 mo. & 3 days - ditto - - ditto - ( 50-60 cm. diameter class) 2 yr. 2 mo. & 20 days - ditto - ( 70-80 cm. diameter class) 3 yr. 11 mo. & 2 days 2 yr. 10 mo. & 2 days 2 yr. and 14 days Health condition of tree thrifty thriftv thrift}· thrifty thrifty thrifty thrifty thrifty Remarks · - ----------- - callus was swollen and surface smooth but irregular. callus was swollen and surface smooth but irregular. tree died 6 months after stripping due to ~evere termite infestation. callus smoother than old bark. callus along edge of wound swollen; exposed wood attacked by wood-decaying fungi and termites. callus formation was very JitL]P, after a lapse of 2 years and 2 mo.; bole broken by typryoon. no callus was formed until tree died due to broken bole 1 yr 10 mo. and 23 days after stripping. callus smooth but swollen. exposed wood drying-up very little callus formation after 1 mo. and 18 days; tree was broken by wind. callus formation was irregular and swollen. r:: 0 <: .. z g .,, 0 > >< .. r.n r.n c:: t'.!j I ...... '° B: ;;p ~ B: Species Narra Natra Method of stripping I II III IV I II III IV Tree No. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 .1 1 1 1 I Callus fonnation almost complete fair to complete fair fair to complete very little very little very little to complete very little fair .. very little very little fair Period from date of stripping to complete callus fonnation or last observation ( 50-60 cm. diameter class) 2 yr. 7 mo. & 1 day 2 yr. 5 mo. & 27 days 2 yr. 2 mo. & 3 days 2 yr. and 6 mo. 2 yr. 7 mo. & 7 days 2 yr. 8 mo. & 14 days 2 yr. 7 mo. &· 2 days 2 yr. 8 mo. & 27 days ( 60-70 cm. diameter class) 2 yr. 6 mo. & 22 days 2 yr. 6 mo. & 21 days 2 yr. 6 mo. & 15 days 2 yr. 6 mo. & 10 days Health condition of tree thrifty thrifty thrifty th~ifty thrifty thrifty thrifty thrifty thrifty unthrift) thrifty - - - Remarks callus flush with old bark. callus formation was complete at the lower 1/3 portion of stripped bole and only fair O'.l the upper 2/3 portion. callus formation was complete in one of the two stripped areas; the second has fair callus. callus along edge of wound swollen; small patches of callus scattered over the exposed wood. callus formation was complete in one of the two stripped areas; the second has very little callm. exposed wood whitish; roots developed on callus around the upper girdle. callus formed along edge of wound swollen. tree beginning to shed its leaves (normal summer shedding of leaves). ;;? "" "' ~ ~ rn >-3 ~ ~ > < i:%j en Species Sakat Method of stripping I II III IV ., I Tree No. I 2 I I I METHOD NO. I Period from date of Callus stripping to complete Health condition formation callus formation or of tree last observation ( 50-60 cm. diameter class) almost complete 4 yr. 6 mo. & 8 days thrifty very little 2 yr. 11 mo. & 5 days thrifty Figure I Experimental methods of stripping. (X) showing bark st>ctions to be stripped. (J<) Remarks very little callus was formed until the tree died I \T. and 8 months after stripping. fair callus formation after 1-1/:2 years from stripping but tret~ died at end of I yr and 11 m;1 very little callus formation 26 days after stripping, but tre.• died at end of 10 mo. I~~ ' r (Xl I j1 ',I , . 1,11 i I ) I ·~ n 1 . 1 \I I 1 I !I METHOD NO. II !\lETHOD NO. II \IETJJOD NO. IV