In this issue


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

In this issue
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
we call catechesis. The Bishops’ Synod of 1977 will, hopefully, help us do our job well. In This Issue We all enjoy the TV commercial that makes us laugh, but in fact ADVERTISING is no joke. It involves serious ethical and religious problems. These are discussed in Pope Paul Vi’s message for the World Day of Social Communications in the document from the Pontifical Commission for the Media of Social Communications, “Cummunio et Progressio”, and in the article of Fr. Paul McLachlan. The problems connected with Advirtlsing illustrate the need for vigorous leadership in our laity. We are therefore happy to note that Catholic Action of the Philippines has been reorganized into the National Council ot the Laity which held its first national convention on May. 13-15 in Manila. In his address to the convention Bishop Jose T. Sanchez of Lucena identified the building of Basic Christian Communitties as one of the thrusts of the Council of the Laity. We are confident that our laity will find solid guidelines for this endeavor in Fr. LeFrois’ biblical study on Community Building. On Social questions they will find much food for thought in the article of Fr. Henri de Riedmatten, O.P., on Populorum Progressio, and in the report on Third World Theology. Priests are not forgotten in this issue. We publish the fatherly exhortation of Cardinal Jaime L. Sin on the Authority of Christ in a Priest, and also the Manila Archdiocesan Norms and Guidelines on the Ministry of Guest Priests. Furthermore. Fr. Florencio Testera, O.P., writes on The Church’s Financial Support through Tithing. What do contemporary protestants think about Mary? The article of Cardinal John Wright on Some Recent Mariological Publications shows us that there are dark as well as bright spots in Protestant Mariology today.