Pastoral norms and guidelines on the ministry of guest priests in the Archdiocese of Manila


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Pastoral norms and guidelines on the ministry of guest priests in the Archdiocese of Manila
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PASTORAL NORMS AND GUIDELINES ON THE MINISTRY OF GUEST PRIESTS IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF MANILA I. COVERAGE: ALL DIOCESAN PRIESTS duly INCARDINATED to ANOTHER LOCAL CHURCH but actually RESIDING AND MINISTERING in the ARCHDIOCESE OF MANILA in the past six months OR intending TO RESIDE AND MINISTER therein for at least six months are covered by these PASTORAL NORMS and GUIDELINES. n. REQUISITES: Pursuant to LAW and PRACTICE, to RESIDE AND MINISTER in the ARCHDIOCESE, they should be in pacified possession of the following basic documents required for the VALID and/or LICIT regular exercise of the MINISTRY: 1. CELEBRET from their PROPER LOCAL ORDINARY or his VICAR. 2 RECOMMENDATION from their PROPER LOCAL ORDINARY or his VICAR. 3 GRANT Of MINISTERIAL FACULTIES from the ARCHBI8HOP OF MANILA or hiS VICAR. HI. REGISTRY: So that the LEGITIMACY of their PRESENCE AND MINISTRY In the ARCHDIOCESE can be duly certified for ecclesiastical and civil purposes, ALL GUEST PRIESTS should be accordingly registered in the BOOK OF GUEST PRIESTS to be updated every SIX MONTHS tn collaboration with the GUEST AND HOST PRIESTS. IV. OBJECTIVES: The main objectives envisioned In the ACCEPTANCE and RECOGNITION of GUEST PRIESTS in the ARCHDIOCESE in accord with these PASTORAL NORMS and GUIDELINES are the following: 1 To better promote their SPIRITUAL LIFE and PRIESTLY COMMITMENT, and ascertain their DUE PLACEMENT and COMPENSATION for ACTUAL SERVICES RENDERED, during their stay in the ARCHDIOCESE. 2 To better Integrate and render their MINISTRY more effective and self-fulfilling, in the PAROCHIAL, VICARIAL. DISTRICT or ARCHDIOCESAN pastoral plan. 466 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS 3 To better serve and minister to the PEOPLE OF GOD In the ARCHDIOCESE through a closer COMMUNION and COMMUNICATION with the pertinent ECCLESIASTICAL SUPERIORS In the ARCHDIOCESE. V ORGANIZATION: The EPISCOPAL VICAR designate for GUEST PRIESTS In the ARCHDIOCESE shall undertake ORGANIZATIONAL ways and means conducive to the attainment of the above OBJECTIVES — without prejudice to COMMON LAWS, ARCHDIOCESAN STATUES and PARTICULAR NORMS, and In CLOSE SUBORDINATED ADMINISTRATIVE COLLABORATION with the pertinent ECCLESIASTICAL SUPERIORS of the ARCHDIOCESE and the guest Prlestss’ PROPER LOCAL ORDINARIES. VI. FUNCTIONS: The ARCHDIOCESE OF MANILA through the LEGITIMATE HIERARCHICAL AUTHORITY fully and ultimately vested In the PASTORAL OFFICE of the ARCHBISHOP, welcomes and confirms the RESIDENCE AND MINISTRY of GUEST PRIESTS therein ONLY when they are, in possession of the relevant BASIC DOCUMENTS and duly registered in the pertinent BOOK, considers and recognizes them as TEMPORARY AUXILIARY PASTORAL COLLABORATORS deserving of its administrative attention and solicitude. The GUEST PRIESTS so residing and ministering in the ARCHDIOCESE while in pursuit of LEGITIMATE PERSONAL MATTERS and/or OFFICIAL FINALITY, are equally expected to respect and support standing or dated pastoral directives render deference and obedience to the ARCHDIOCESAN HIERARCHICAL AUTHORITY in line with their TEMPORARY AUXILIARY PASTORAL COLLABORATION therewith. VII. RESERVATION: As provided by LAW and demanded by ECCLESIAL ORDER, the MINISTRY of a GUEST PRIEST in the ARCHDIOCESE may be TERMINATED for a DUE CAUSE, by the non-renewal or withdrawal of his MINISTRIAL FACULTIES at the Instance of a COMPETENT LOCAL ECCLESIASTICAL SUPERIOR — subject TO APPEAL, If SO desired, to a HIGHER AUTHORITY. MANILA, 31 MAR£H 1977 (SGD.) EPISCOPAL VICAR (SGD. NOTED) CARDINAL ARCHBISHOP OF MANILA