A corner in the sports market


Part of The Sports Review

A corner in the sports market
The Sports Review Volume I (Issue No. 2) April 18, 1931
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
April 18, 1931 The SPORTS REVIEW Page 9' A CORNER IN THE SPORTS MARKET Fortunato Ca talon, onre come over, an Open air ·smo- Stadium, they . are given upon a time, the greatest ker will he necessary as the fights consistently. sprinter in the Orient is se- Olympic Stadium will not be -+riously contemplating a come- big enough to accomodate the The Bohemians and the back in the amateur fold. fans who are willing to pay Aurora Booters continued "Cats" the great "Catron" has any reasonable amount to see their long standing feud when confidentially staled that if good fighters cross mills. both outfits met a fortnight he could only get a job out-+- ago and tied the score 1-1 side of coaching where at after a listless ahd colorless It 1s a pily that Kid present he is considered a Johnson the ertswhile lloilo game. The two teams lined professional, he would ask Typhoon is already washed up their players wearing the for a year's reinsla~ement. out. He oughl to draw a colors of their respective clubs ln the meantime he would but the sp1.r1·t of· the players big house against his former · train and when the HJ:)2 and of the rooters that cha conqueror Young Fernandez. Olympic Games role along, The Couple of bouts staged racterized the games of a Catalan would be one of the decade ago was not there. by these t\'.:o boys at the boys trying for a berth on peak of their career are local In the Bohemian line-up the Filipino squad. .Just as ring classics. It is gratify- only one old timer, lVIanolo things stand, it looks like ing lo know nevertheless that Nieto is playing on the team there is no chance wlrntso- Johnson will meet Johnny although he did not partiever for the great speed mar- Hill, former triple tille holder cipate in the first games alvel of a decade ago. Charley of the Orient and now a ready played. In the AuroPaddock, the "fastest human" shadow of his own self. This ra outfit, .Jesus Cui and Carnotwithstanding the fa<"t that fight should he a "natural". melo Manzano are the only he is older than Calalon, is Bolh still have the punch, members of the orlginal team. training for the World Olym- but the legs are not the same ---+piad. so why not Catalan? as of old. The firsl man to Lobregat, Chacho Lopez, -+- laud will no doubl win by lhe Manolo Nieto, Loizaga, the Alfredo Diy the Sampaloc short route. It "':ill be a Yillareals of the crack BoNet Star has joined the fold brief fight but rip Learing as hemian team have already of Benedicls when he took long as it lasts. faded out of the picture and unto himself" a bride for -+- so have the Quintanas, Fuenbetler or for \Vorse". We Crisleto Regis ''grand pop" tes, Altonagas, Tejadas and wonder when his partner, of Philippine Base-ball has Fernandez of the A. A. C. Mauring Zamora will follow been the target of a lol of -+suit. He seems to be one of panning of late. Whether he The lasl minute dropping those in the brink of falling deserves it or nol is out of of the proposed tour by the into the matrimonial se~i. the question, bul the fact Santo Tomas foot-ball team Set the date lVIaurice and do is lhat Regis was once upon was certainly a blessing for not for gel the "in vi Les". a time a great player. His several soccer squads in the -+- sensational catches have been Manila foot-ball League. The featherweight division a treat to the eye. .,.-+will be very lively pretty soon -+- Rumors have been going with the reported return ot There are quite a few box- about swimming circles that Young Nacionalista and Fer- ers ·who gel away with mur- San Beda will be a real menace nandez', arrival. With Rough der at the Stadium, yet no_ for act~atic honors in the coDumaguilas and l\Jax Tarley thing is said about Lhem. Re- ming intercollegiate chamto put up the opposition. the gis is no doubt doing his best, pionships next season. Ulka local fans ought to have seve- but twenty years in base-ball is Mangona, Olympic "shark" ral weeks of first class fights. enough for any one and though and mainstay of the champion Rumors have it too that Bud the sµirit is willing, the llesh Santo Tomas squad will Taylor lhe Terre Haute, In- !s weak. Those who claim enroll at San Beda diana fighter who is in Aus- to be prize fighters on the next year. With him will tralia at present has the in- other hand stage clownish go other young joloano swimtention of visiting these fair exhibitions but instead of mers to strengthen the alisles. If he should decide to being routed out of the ready well known Junior team of the Red White Boys.Wilh. San Beda as a potential contender, Sto Tomas and the U .P. the only strong swimming schools in Manila will have to look for their laurels. -+A teneo's crack base-ball squad will be considerably , crippled next season with the graduation of Ramon Echem, star moundsman of Olympic fame. ___:_+~ Manny Roa ,olympic outfieider and a blue and white ''big gun" is another hall player lost via the graduation route. -+The slay of the Thomasite hooters means that the Columbians will have the services of Emilio Heredia and Emilio Pacheco two men who were slated to go with the Sevilla delegation to Japan and China. -+The San Beda Athletic Club can ·use Gregorio Tudangca and J. Medina olympic half backs, while the Aurora has Arturo Fanlo and Jesus Cui to bolster up its defense and offense. Both were also on the Varsity line up. _-+The Bohemian crowd gets the real break as Paquito Gutierrez, Emilio ·Ugarte, Long Ortigas, Mendez, Alegre, and a few others will stay to defend the prestige of the red sashed players. \Vatch fur our Next issue, out on May, 2