Clarifications on the new "Ordo Missae"


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Clarifications on the new "Ordo Missae"
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DOCUMENTATION CLARIFICATIONS ON THE NEW “ORDO MISSAE” SACRA CONGREGATIO PRO CULTU DIVINO August 5, 1969 Prof. N. 820/69 Your Excellency: Thank you for your letter of July 6th, in which you asked for some clarifications. In the new Ordo Missae the cassock was not mentioned because it is not a liturgical garment. In liturgical celebrations only those vestments are required which are mentioned in the Ordo Missat. The alb is the liturgical garment and this would be worn for liturgical celebrations. If you so desire to use your white garments, which are very much like die alb, as liturgical garments, I see no difficulty. However, they would have to be used only for that and not as dress during die day. Hygienic purposes warrant this policy. If only the alb is used, it would be appropriate if it were widiout lace and the right length. I hope, your Excellency, that I have helped with these observations. If there is anything else, please let me know at once. Sincerely yours in Christ, (Sgd.) A. BUGNINI Secretary Most Rev. Vv. Brasseur, CICM P. O. Box 55 Baguio City Philippics 740 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS APOSTOLIC NUNCIATURE N. 4600 September 19, 1969 Your Excellency: In a letter Prot. N. 1009/69, dated September 6, 1969, the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship has communicated the following observations in reference to the decisions made by the Bishops’ Conference at Baguio last July 2-5, 1969 on liturgical matters: 1. p. 13, n. 5: the substitution of St. Paul Miki with Peter Baptista does not appear opportune because St. Paul Miki is already universally accepted as the first of the martyrs of Japan. Hence, it is proposed that “SS. Petrus Baptista, Paulus Miki et Sociorum, Martyrum” is to be said. 2. p. 13, n. 7: The new rubrics does not admit any more two collects “sub unica conclusione.’.’- The collect of the mass is always one. In the anniversary of the Episcopal Ordination of the Bishop, the corresponding votive mass is to be said, if permitted by the rubrics. 3. p. 14-15, N. 18: The readings are to b<e selected only from the recently published lectionary according to the norms prescribed therein. In sending these observations, the S. Congregation for Divine Worship is thanking those responsible for transmitting the “Acta” of the Bishops’ Conference at Baguio last July. With sentiments of fraternal esteem and kind regards, I remain Yours devotedly in Christ, (Sgd.) 4 * CARMINE ROCCO, D.D. Apostolic Nuncio His Excellency Most Rev. Lino R. Gonzaga, D.D. President, CBCP P.O. Box 1160, Manila