Declaration of excommunication "Latae Sententiae" of the Rev. Fr. Homero S. Bontuyan


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Declaration of excommunication "Latae Sententiae" of the Rev. Fr. Homero S. Bontuyan
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
CHANCERY Archdiocese of Cebu P. O. Box 52 Cebu City, Philippines DECLARATION OF EXCOMMUNICATION “LATAE SENTENTIAL’ OF THE REV. FR. HOMERO S. BONTUYAN On July 4, 1976, the Rev. Fr. Homero S. Bontuyan, diocesan priest of Cebu, without the necessary dispensation from celibacy from the Holy See, attempted a canonical marriage with Marissa Medalla, before the Rev. Fr. Fernando Yusingco, of the Redemptorist Fathers of Cebu, who without any proper delegation neither from the Local Ordinary nor from the Parish Priest concerned, officiated in the celebration of their marriage. After the case had been duly investigated, all the "Acta” were sent to the Apostolic Nuncio on October 27, 1976, for transmission to the competent Sacred Congregation in Rome. The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith in its letter Prot. N. 199/76, dated December 22, 1976, addressed to the Apostolic Nuncio and communicated to me by the Apostolic Nuncio in his letter, No. 28803, dated January 7, 1977, has enjoyed me as the Local Ordinary of Cebu," to make a public declaration, in which it is clearly stated that this marriage is null and void and that the contracting priest has incurred in excommunication as provided by the Sacred Canons”. In view of the foregoing and in accordance with canon 2388, paragraph 1, as the Local Ordinary of Cebu, I hereby declare that the marriage of the Rev. Fr. Homero S. Bontuyan with Marissa Medalla is null and void “ab initio.” I further declare that the Rev. Fr. Homero S. Bontuyan has Incurred in the excommunication “late sententiae” which is simpliciter reserved to the Holy See. According to Canons 2259 and 2260 he is to be deprived of the reception of the Sacraments and Sacramentals, active participation in divine offices as well as ecclesiastical burial, until he repents of this offense, and obtain absolution. I hereby order that this Declaration be made public, by publishing it in the Boletin Ecleslastico de Filipinas, in the Lungsuranon and in our papers. Issued this 19th day of January, 1977, in Cebu City. + (Sgd.) JULIO R. CARDINAL ROSALES Archbishop of Cebu By order of the Lord Cardinal: (Sgd.) Msgr. PATRICIO H. ALO Diocesan Chancellor