Forestry in the news


Part of Forestry Leaves

Forestry in the news
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Forestry in the News NAWASA, FORESTRY ASSISTANCE ASKED Malolos, Bulacan, Mar. 2 (PNS) - Gov. Jose M. Villararna has sought the help of Nawasa and bureau of forestry officials in his campaign agaimt illegal loggers in the province. Nawasa and forestry officials will accompany the governor and constabulary authorities in an inspection of forests in San Miguel, San Ildefonso, and San Jose de! Monte this week. Earlier, Villararna arranged with Philippine air force authorities for the use of a helicopter to view the place where illegal loggers operate. However, the governor's plan was not pushed through. -The Manila Times, Wednesday. March 3, 1965 0 0 0 43 LOGS SEIZED Iba, Zam bales, March 2 ( PNS) - Col. Proceso J. Arevalo, provincial PC commander, has reportad to Gov. Manuel D. Barretto the rampant illegal cutting of timber within the Olongapo watershed. In his report, Arevalo said that 43 logs had been confiscated by the elements of hte 125th PC company and forestry personnel in this province. Arevalo said that the logs, which were cut from Mt. Susung Dalaga and Sitio Panlibing both in Zarnbales, were taken to Dinalupihan, Bataan. 0 0 0 EXPERT BARES KAINGIN MENACE College, Laguna, Dec. 22 - (CNS) - Macid Gulcur, United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization watershed expert, has disclosed that kaingin, forest and grass fires, unsound logging operation, road construction, overgrazing, illegal cuttings are the major factors that destroy the country's natural resources. According to him, kaingin, which usually follows logging operation and practiced with fire, is one of the most desrtuctive factors, especially if it is practiced in most type of forest areas, where water is to be stored and controlled during and after rainy season. As the result of the above factors, vegetative cover and soil are destroyed and can not be reclaimed back again for a long period, he said. MOVING-UP DAY ISSUE - 1965 "Since the virgin forest is destroyed, it is no longer protective for high intensity of rainful, resulting in soil erosion," Culcnr revealed. "A great part of rainful becomes surface runoff, rushing downhill especially in a very rough topography where average slope is about 50 per cent." The UN FAO watershed expert cited the case of the Ambuklao watershed where 70 per cent ,..,f total rainful becomes surface runoff, according to analysis of rain and streamflow records. "This is why erosion is so severe in the whole Ambuklao watershed," he said. "Small creeks contributing water to main tributary, Agno River, are full of silt, sand, pebble and rocks." - wed - The Manila Chronicle, Wednesday, Dec. 23, 1964 0 " 0 College, Laguna, Dec. 5 - (CNS) - The large scale planting of alrnaciga trees has been underscored by the U.P. college of forestry extensbn specialists here, it was learned from Prof. "Doming..i V. Jacalne, chairman of the department of forestry extension. According to the forestry specialists, alrnaciga resin,· )he hardened sap of an alrnaciga tree known scientifically as an export product to Europe and the United States. Known commercially as Manifa copal, almaciga resin has many uses. It is used for making "katol", sealing wax, floor wax, and soap. It is also used in photogravure. Even the paint of the house, the varnish on table and chairs, and even shoe polish may have some Manila copal in it. Forestry specialists have regretted the fact that in the Philippines almaciga tree is usually found deep in the forests. In gathering almaciga resin, men have ~netrated thick jungles never before reached by other people. Yet, almaciga trees can be grown commercially. -wed - The Manila Chronicle, Dec. 6, 1964 " 0 0 SOLON BLAMES LOGGERS FOR FOREST DESTROY College, Laguna, Dec. 7 - (CNS) - Senator Manuel Manahan blamed some loggers for the rapid destruction of the Philippines forests, it was learned f from Dean Gregorio Zamuco of the U.P. College of Forestry. Page 99 According lo Manahan, these loggers, in their desire to get rich quickly, do not bother to put up adequate equipment, but instead practice indiscriminate cutting to acquire the most profit with the least investment. "These loggers tum out worse than the Kaingineros," he said. "The genuine kaingineros take up to the forests to eke out a living, but the loggers destroy the forests to amass fortunes at the expense of our national wealth." The senator said further that the worse thing is that, many of them ate absentee loggers. According to him after these loggers acquire a license, they let unqualified persons, usually aliens, make use of their concessions for a consideration. As for loggers who observe selective cutting, Manahan said they must make it their responsibility to guard their concessions even after cutting the trees to prevent kaingineros from destroying what they left behind. - wed. - The Manila Chronicle, Tuesday, Dec. 8, 1964 • • 0 PROTECTION OF FORESTS URGED College, Laguna, Dec. 5 - (CNS) - Assistant District Forester Gregorio L. Santos of Cagayan cli> Oro City disclosed today that the province of Mis.i.mis Oriental has still some P316.939 million worth of timber stock, it was learned from Anacleto C. Duldulao, extension officer of the U.P. College of Forestry here. According to Santos, Misamis Oriental has 21,952,957 cubic meters of standing timber scattered over 182,941 hectares of unclassified public forest. He said this standing timber if exported will bring to the country $316,939,233 dollars. "This will also accrue to the Philippine government coffer P47,313,413 in the form of fore3t charges, reforestation fund, forestry information fund, inspection fees and wharfage fees," he said. Santos further revealed that the forest in an economic security which serves the people immensely during war and peace. Its daily growth in the interest for the coming generation to enjoy. In this connection, Santos urged the people of Misamis Oriental to keep close watch and vigorously protect the forest in the province. - wed - The Sunday Chronicle, Sunday, Dec. 6, 1964 0 0 0 Page 100 FORESTRY BRASS SAYS BATAAN LOG OPERA TION:S UN AUTHORIZED Assistant Director of Forestry Juan L. Utleg oi the bureau of forestry said yesterday the bureau of forestry has not authorized any logging operation in Bataan since July last year due to non-issuance and non-renewal of temporary and regular timber licenses. Utleg said any logging operation now in the province is without permission from the bureau d forestry. Forest officers in the province have been instructed to stop any such operation and apprehend and prosecute the violators inside public forests, he said. Earlier, Rep. Jose R. Nuguid (N-Bataan) was reportedly planning to initiate congressional investigation of the alleged illegal logging in the province. Utleg explained the bureau stopped logging operations through the licensing system in Bataan seven months ago. In fact, he added, the bureau of forestry is mulling the possibility of not renewing any timber license in Bataan until such time the denuded mountains would have grown forests again. The assistant director said Bataan is one of the provinces now in "critical list" of the bureau rr.quiring accelerated action of forest protection and conservation. He said under the bureau's forest management program, logged-over areas may become self-regenerating. If properly managed and protected from further destruction, logged-over forests can be restocked with second growth forests, Utleg explained. He also said director Apolonio F. Rivera had appealed to the Philippine Constabulary and other law enforcement agencies to help stop illegal logging in Bataan. He added that forestry employes in the province had been instructed to intensify the drive against illegal logging and enforce strictly forest laws and regulations. Utleg said drastic measures would be instituted against forestry officials found in connivance with illegal loggers. - The Saturday Chronicle, Saturday, January 9, 1965 0 0 .. UNAUTHORIZED LOGGING INSIDE SUBIC BASE HIT Olongapo, Zambales, Jan. 7 - (CNS) - US naval authorities in Subic Bay disclosed today that logging operations were carried out within the naval base here by a Filipino businessman allegedly without authority from the bureau of forestry. FORESTRY LEAVES In a press statement, the naval base commander also said that logging roads were "illegally built'' by the businessman who gained "uncontrolled entry" into the base. It identified the logger as one Edgardo Gener. The USN commander's statement follows: "In early December 1964, It was discovered by United States naval officials that logging was being carried out within the naval base at Subic Bay. Investigation revealed that the logging was being conducted by Edgardo Gener who had no official authority to log within the naval base." "U.S. naval authorities in the Philippines have recently been informed by the forestry bureau, in writing, that Gener had no authorization to cut timber anywhere in the Province of Bataan. A timber license he once possessed expired on June 30, 1964 and has not been renewed, according to the Forestry Bureau. - The Manila Chronicle, Fri<kJy, January 8, 1965 REFORESTATION WORK PRESSED BY VINZONS Daet, Camarines Norte, Jan. 13 - (CNS) - Gov. Wenceslao G. Vinzons, Jr. this week pressed for the reforestatioR of mountain areas in this province even as he deplored the rampant denudation of forest reserves here. Gov. Vinzons' proposal was contained in a letter to the Reforestation Administration. Considering the depleted area of timberlands in this province, the provincial chief executive said, it would be to the great advancement of the reforestation office's project if a reforestation program could be extended here. The governor cited many mountain areas in this province which acutely need supplanting of trees. He cited the mountains in Basud, Labo, Paracale, Capalonga, and Vinzons. According to him these mountains are being denuded of wild trees by illegal loggers and kaingineros. Gov. Vinzons proposed that the reforestation administration set aside funds for the purpose. He said that he could solicit seedlings from private persons here who are willing to help in the program of the government to undertake reforestation project. Earlier, Gov. Vinzons urged bureau of forestry officials to do "within the powers of their office" measures that would stop once and for all the activities of illegal loggers and kaingineros in forest reserves inside the Camarines Norte boundary. MOVING-UP DAY ISSUE-1965 Gov. Vinzons, who made an on-the-spot survey of forested areas here, observed that illegal loggers were fast denuding the areas of wild trees. He said if nothing is done to avert this activity, time would when mountains here would completely denuded. Late last year, the Philippine Constabulary here nabbed a group of illegal loggers in Basud. - hpz - The Manila Chronicle, Thurs<kJy, January 14, 1965 0 0 CLASSIFICATION OF LANDS URGED College, Laguna, Dec. 15, 1964- (CNS) -Director Ricardo Marfori of the bureau of soils said that the country is losing hundreds of millions of pesos in trees and other forests products destroyed by kaingineros. According to him, it is the money loss alone. "If to this is added, loss due to soil erosion, decline of soil fertility, destruction of wildlife, flood and drought, and the cancellation of the many blessings that man derives from the forest, the total would be appalling," he said. The director further disclosed that in the Philippines the practice of kaingin has been going on for centuries that approximately 5.46 million hectares of land had been left barren by the practice. "No matter how justified the reason may be of the kaingineros; it still remains a fact that kaingin cultivation is very destructive," he said. Marfori estimated that the area destroyed through kaingin annually is 40,000 hectares of forest lands. He also made an estimate of approximately 240 million pesos on the destruction of forest annually. On soil resources, the director said an approximate loss of one foot on top soil is a conservative estimate considering the fact that the area is rendered useless after two or three years. To solve this destructive practice, the director recommended the classification of all public "All land suited for agriculture may be released for the production of food and other crops," he said. Likewise, he said lands for forest or for wildlife should be devoted for those particular purposes. "There should be rigid control of all areas set aside for permanent forest," he continued. "And areas that had been worked by kaingineros should be reforested." The director concluded that as squatters in cities are now being relocated in suitable areas, "it is believed that kaingineros, if the. government is Page 101 really determined, could also be relocated in suitable agriculture areas." -- wed. --The Manila Chronicle, Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1964 .. .. TIMBER SMUGGLE DRIVE LAUNCHED Naga City, Jan. 12- (PNS) -An all out campaign against timber smuggling in Camarines sur·s parks has been started by Capt. Jesus Lameda, commanding officer of the 134th PC company. Lameda urged a conference of representatives of the PC, parks and wildlife office and the Bureau of forestry to institute measures against violators of forestry laws and regulations. The drive launched following reports of destruction inside the Bicol National Park in Lupi. Subsequently, nine persons were apprehended for alleged violation of the parks and wildlife regulations and released after investigation. The reports of the destruction and apprehensions were made by a patrol headed by S/Sgt. Abedencia and Sgt. Del Rosario of the 134th PC company. and parks and wildlife officer-in-charge Felicisimo Estivez. -The Manila Chronicle, Wednesday, fan. 13, 196.5 .. .. 0 MORE FORESTRY ALUMNI TAKEN JN BY BISLIG ENTERPRISES In line with their program of intensive development of their forest concessions, the Bislig Bay Lwnber Co. ( BBLC) and Paper Industries Corporation of the Philippines (PICOP) have strengthened their forestry technical staffs to meet the expandBENGUET PINE PRODUCES PAPER College, L_ag1ma, Jan. 18- (CNS) - Researchers at the Forest Products Research Institute in Los Banos, this province, disclosed Jan. 12 that the Philippines can now produce the best quality wrapping papers and commercial bag papers comparable with the world's best. Researchers P. V. Bawagan, J. 0. Escolano and L. A. Ynalvez said that wrapping papers and bag papers from Benguet pine are very much superior in all strength properties than any commercial wrapping and bag papers. ''It meets the U.S. Federal specifications for Class A and B kraft wrapping and Class A heavy duty shipping sack kraft paper," reported the FPRI experts. According to them, Benguet pine is usually long fibered and this characteristics makes it suitable for high quality paper products. The lignin content which needs to be removed in pulping is very low so that it makes it much easier to work on. - wed - The Manila Chronicle, Tuesday, January 19, 1965 0 .. 0 ing activities. As of now there are 14' alumni of the College of Forestry in both outfits, seven of whom have just been taken in. The forestry alumni with the two companies are a blending of old-timers and new graduates. Their present assignments are as follows : BISLIG FIELD STAFF Company A. SoRIANO y CIA: Felix 0. Chinte BISLIG BAY LUMBER Co.: Page 102 Martin Lopez Artemio B. Cosico Eulogio T. Tagudar Bernardo Garduque Domingo Pastores Rogelio Ragasa Benigno Abugan, Jr. Antonio Federizo Natalia Micu Roberto Dormiendo Benjamin Malto Amanda Capitan Class '30 & '46 '34 & '51 '34 '51 '32 '58 '63 '64 '64 '46 '62 '63 '64 Designation Chief Forester Lwnber Dept. Supintendent Logging Superintendent Chief Forester Forester Forester Forester Forester Forester Head Forester Forester Forester Forester FORESTRY LEAVES